# $NetBSD: replace.mk,v 1.10 2007/03/09 03:28:58 rillig Exp $
# Public targets:
# replace:
#	Updates a package in-place on the system.
#	It will acquire elevated privileges just-in-time.
# undo-replace:
#	Undoes the effects of a previous "make replace".
#	It will acquire elevated privileges just-in-time.
# Private targets that must be defined by the package system flavor:
# _flavor-replace:
#	Updates a package in-place on the system.
# _flavor-undo-replace:
#	Undoes a previous "make _flavor-replace".

_REPLACE_TARGETS+=	replace-message
_REPLACE_TARGETS+=	unprivileged-install-hook

# replace

.PHONY: replace
.if defined(_PKGSRC_BARRIER)
replace: ${_REPLACE_TARGETS} su-target
replace: barrier

replace-message: .PHONY
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Replacing for ${PKGNAME}"
	@${WARNING_MSG} "experimental target - DATA LOSS MAY OCCUR."

su-replace: .PHONY _flavor-replace

# undo-replace

undo-replace: .PHONY undo-replace-message su-target

undo-replace-message: .PHONY
	@${PHASE_MSG} "Undoing replacement for ${PKGNAME}"
	@${WARNING_MSG} "experimental target - DATA LOSS MAY OCCUR."

su-undo-replace: .PHONY _flavor-undo-replace
MAKEFLAGS.su-undo-replace=	_UPDATE_RUNNING=yes