Netscape compatible plugin for Adobe Flash player. This package contains a plugin that enables web browsers to render the Flash format. The nspluginwrapper option (enabled by default on non Linux platforms) permits the use of the the Linux x86 flash player in Firefox browsers on other x86 systems and x86_64 systems. For NetBSD this package requires emul.linux.kern.osrelease = 2.6.18 or later, which means it will not work on NetBSD 5.x or older systems. Note Adobe Flash Player 11 has already been EOLed in November 2016. is the last version of Flash Player version 11, and Adobe will no longer provide security fixes for this version. Please consider security risks to use this old package. If you are running NetBSD 7.1 and later, you should rather use the newer adobe-flash-player24, which Adobe still provides security updates.