#!@LOCALBASE@/bin/perl # # Setup 6to4 IPv6, for NetBSD (and maybe others) # # (c) Copyright 2000 Hubert Feyrer # $etcdir="@PREFIX@/etc"; #$etcdir="/usr/pkg/etc"; # debug require "$etcdir/6to4.conf"; use Getopt::Std; ########################################################################### sub run { local($str) = @_; if ($not) { print "$str\n"; } else { if ($verbose) { print "$str\n"; } system($str); } } ########################################################################### # # Process options # getopts('nvh'); $not = 1 if $opt_n; $verbose = 1 if $opt_v; if ($opt_h) { print "Usage: $0 [-n] [-v] {start | stop | rtadvd-start | rtadvd-stop}\n"; exit 0; } # # Some sanity checks # if (`ifconfig -a | grep fe80: | wc -l` <= 0 or `ifconfig -a | grep stf | wc -l` <= 0) { die "$0: It seems your kernel does not support IPv6 or 6to4 (stf).\n". "Add 'options INET6' and 'pseudo-device stf 1' to your kernel and retry!\n"; } # # Figure out IP#s etc. # $localadr4 = `ifconfig $out_if inet | grep inet`; $localadr4 =~ s/^.*inet\s*//; $localadr4 =~ s/\s.*$//; chomp($localadr4); @l4c = split('\.', $localadr4); $prefix = sprintf("2002:%02x%02x:%02x%02x", @l4c[0..3]); $localadr6 = sprintf("$prefix:%04x", $v6_net); if ($peer eq "6to4-anycast") { # magic values from rfc 3068 $remoteadr4 = ""; $remoteadr6 = "2002:c058:6301::"; } else { chomp($remoteadr4 = `host $peer`); $remoteadr4 =~ s/^.*address //; chomp($remoteadr6 = `host -t AAAA $peer`); $remoteadr6 =~ s/^.*address //; } if ($verbose) { print "remote v4 address: $remoteadr4\n"; print "local v4 address: $localadr4\n"; print "remote v6 address: $remoteadr6\n"; print "local v6 address: $localadr6:$hostbits6\n"; print "\n"; } # # Handle commands # # stop: if ( $ARGV[0] eq "stop" ) { run("ifconfig stf0 down"); $cmd="ifconfig stf0 inet6 " . "| grep inet6 " . "| sed -e 's/inet6//' " . "-e 's/prefix.*//g' " . "-e 's/^[ ]*//' " . "-e 's/[ ]*\$//'"; foreach $ip ( split('\s+', `$cmd`)) { run("ifconfig stf0 inet6 -alias $ip"); } run("route delete -inet6 default"); } # start: if ( $ARGV[0] eq "start" ) { run("ifconfig stf0 inet6 $localadr6:$hostbits6 prefixlen $v6_prefixlen alias"); run("route add -inet6 default $remoteadr6"); if ($in_if ne "") { run("ifconfig $in_if inet6 $prefix:$v6_innernet:$hostbits6"); } } # rtadvd-stop: if ($ARGV[0] eq "rtadvd-stop" or $ARGV[0] eq "stop-rtadvd") { if ( -f "/var/run/rtadvd.pid" ) { $pid = `cat /var/run/rtadvd.pid`; run ("kill -TERM $pid"); run ("rm -f /var/run/rtadvd.pid"); run ("rm -f /var/run/6to4-rtadvd.conf.$pid"); } else { print "no rtadvd running!\n"; } } # rtadvd-start: if ($ARGV[0] eq "rtadvd-start" or $ARGV[0] eq "start-rtadvd" ) { if ( -f "/var/run/rtadvd.pid" ) { print "rtadvd already running!\n"; } else { run("sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1"); run("sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.accept_rtadv=0"); run("rtadvd $in_if"); } }