=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.5 2016/06/02 14:18:23 hauke Exp $ cacti is now installed. To get cacti up and running asap, you have to complete these steps: - Install & Configure MySQL database server. - Add a cacti database and cactiuser user to MySQL and create the cacti database layout (${CACTIDIR}/cacti.sql) to MySQL: mysql> CREATE DATABASE cacti; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cacti.* TO 'cactiuser'@'localhost' -> IDENTIFIED BY 'cactiuser'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; mysql> USE cacti; mysql> SOURCE ${CACTIDIR}/cacti.sql; - Install & Configure an Apache webserver. - If you have not already done so, add these lines to enable php extensions required by cacti in ${PKG_SYSCONFBASE}/etc/php.ini extension=mysql.so extension=snmp.so extension=sockets.so - Append this to Apache webserver's "httpd.conf" and restart the server. Include etc/httpd/httpd-cacti.conf - Add the following lines to ${CACTI_USER}'s crontab # Invoke poller.php to collect SNMP statistics. */5 * * * * ${PREFIX}/bin/cacti-poller and make sure ${PREFIX}/bin is in PATH. Please read the included README (${CACTIDIR}/docs/README) file, for more information about configuring and starting cacti. If you have updated from a version older than 0.8.8h, note that the rrd and log directories are now under ${VARBASE}. Old logs and database files need to be moved manually, and you have to update the log path in "Console:Settings:Paths:Logging". ===========================================================================