=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.2 2005/01/26 07:01:10 schmonz Exp $ Please read ${PREFIX}/share/doc/djbdns-run/README.pkgsrc. To enable a DNS... Cache for the local machine: - Set dnscache=YES in /etc/rc.conf. - Run "echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf". UDP name service: - Set tinydns=YES in /etc/rc.conf and tinydns_ip to a suitable IP address. - Create ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/tinydns/data with suitable contents. - Run "${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/tinydns cdb". TCP name service: - Enable UDP name service. - Set axfrdns=YES in /etc/rc.conf. RBL name service: - Set rbldns=YES in /etc/rc.conf and rbldns_ip to a suitable IP address. - Create ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/rbldns/data with suitable contents. - Run "${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/rbldns cdb". ===========================================================================