PHP is a programming language designed to be embedded into web pages. This PHP extension provides functions to write XML-RPC servers and clients. You can find more information about XML-RPC at, and more documentation on this extension and its functions at home page. The user of this library will typically be implementing either an XMLRPC server, an XMLRPC client, or both. The client will use the library to build an in-memory representation of a request, and then serialize (encode) that request into XML. The client will then send the XML to the server via external mechanism. (XMLRPC-EPI does *not* include a transport layer, not even HTTP.) The server will de-serialize the XML back into an binary representation, call the appropriate registered method -- thereby generating a response. The response will be serialized into XML and sent back to the client. The client will de-serialize it into memory, and can iterate through the results via API.