# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.48 2016/12/23 19:25:45 pettai Exp $ DISTNAME= unbound-1.6.0 CATEGORIES= net MASTER_SITES= http://www.unbound.net/downloads/ MAINTAINER= pettai@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= http://www.unbound.net/ COMMENT= DNS resolver and recursive server LICENSE= modified-bsd BUILD_DEFS+= VARBASE UNBOUND_USER UNBOUND_GROUP FILES_SUBST+= UNBOUND_USER=${UNBOUND_USER} UNBOUND_GROUP=${UNBOUND_GROUP} GNU_CONFIGURE= yes USE_LIBTOOL= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-libexpat=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.expat} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-pidfile=${VARBASE}/run/unbound/unbound.pid CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --sysconfdir=${PKG_SYSCONFBASE} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-allsymbols # unbound uses some OpenBSD libc functions such as reallocarray(3). # The existing tests just look for the symbol in libc regardless # of anything in stdlib.h CPPFLAGS.NetBSD+= -D_OPENBSD_SOURCE # Add the same logic as for ldns, so sha2/gost is configured automatically CHECK_BUILTIN.openssl= yes .include "../../security/openssl/builtin.mk" CHECK_BUILTIN.openssl= no .include "../../security/openssl/buildlink3.mk" PLIST_VARS+= sha2 gost .if defined(USE_BUILTIN.openssl) && !empty(USE_BUILTIN.openssl:M[yY][eE][sS]) PLIST_VARS.gost!= \ if ${PKG_ADMIN} pmatch 'openssl>=1.0.0' ${BUILTIN_PKG.openssl:Q}; then \ ${ECHO} "yes"; \ else \ ${ECHO} "no"; \ fi PLIST_VARS.sha2!= \ if ${PKG_ADMIN} pmatch 'openssl>=0.9.8' ${BUILTIN_PKG.openssl:Q}; then \ ${ECHO} "yes"; \ else \ ${ECHO} "no"; \ fi .else PLIST_VARS.gost!= \ if ${PKG_INFO} -qe 'openssl>=1.0.0'; then \ ${ECHO} yes; \ else \ ${ECHO} no; \ fi PLIST_VARS.sha2!= \ if ${PKG_INFO} -qe 'openssl>=0.9.8'; then \ ${ECHO} yes; \ else \ ${ECHO} no; \ fi .endif .if ${PLIST_VARS.gost} == "yes" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-gost .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-gost .endif .if ${PLIST_VARS.sha2} == "yes" CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --enable-sha2 .else CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-sha2 .endif SUBST_CLASSES+= paths SUBST_STAGE.paths= post-configure SUBST_MESSAGE.paths= Fixing path names SUBST_FILES.paths= doc/example.conf doc/*.5 doc/*.8 SUBST_SED.paths= -e "s|/usr/local|${PREFIX}|" INSTALL_MAKE_FLAGS+= \ configfile=${PREFIX}/share/examples/unbound/unbound.conf PKG_SYSCONFSUBDIR= unbound CONF_FILES+= share/examples/unbound/unbound.conf \ ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/unbound.conf RCD_SCRIPTS= unbound SMF_METHODS= unbound SMF_NAME= unbound UNBOUND_USER?= unbound UNBOUND_GROUP?= unbound PKG_GROUPS= ${UNBOUND_GROUP} PKG_USERS= ${UNBOUND_USER}:${UNBOUND_GROUP} .include "options.mk" .include "../../textproc/expat/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"