#!/usr/bin/awk -f # $NetBSD: cdgen.awk,v 1.3 2002/05/19 07:59:46 dmcmahill Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001 Dan McMahill, All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software # must display the following acknowledgement: # This product includes software developed by Dan McMahill # 4. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY DAN MCMAHILL # ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED # TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # BEGIN { # ARGV[0] = program name # ARGV[1] = packages directory (/usr/pkgsrc/packages/All) # ARGV[2] = output directory # ARGV[3] = Depends tree file. Has packages in tsort(1) input format. # ARGV[4] = Exclude file. Packages listed here are excluded. # ARGV[5] = Depends order file. Has packages in tsort(1) output format. # ARGV[6] = CD list. This script leaves a list of the CD directories in this file # ARGV[7] = dup flag. "dup=yes" for package duplication, "dup=no" for no duplication. # ARGV[8] = verbose flag. "verbose=yes" for verbose output # ARGV[9] = xtra_size. How many kB are needed per CD for common files if (ARGC != 11){ printf("%s: wrong number of arguments\n",ARGV[0]); usage(); exit(1); } prog = "cdgen.awk"; packages = ARGV[1]; cddir = ARGV[2]; deptree = ARGV[3]; exclude = ARGV[4]; order = ARGV[5]; cdlist = ARGV[6]; xtra_size= ARGV[9]; other_size= ARGV[10]; if (ARGV[7] ~ "dup=yes"){ dup=1; } else{ dup=0; } if (ARGV[8] ~ "verbose=yes"){ verbose=1; } else{ verbose=0; } # # Make sure all required directories and files exist # cmd="test -d " packages ; if(system(cmd) != 0){ printf("%s: packages directory \"%s\" does not exist\n",prog,packages); usage(); exit(1); } cmd="test -d " cddir ; if(system(cmd) != 0){ printf("%s: cd image directory \"%s\" does not exist\n",prog,cddir); usage(); exit(1); } cmd="test -f " deptree ; if(system(cmd) != 0){ printf("%s: dependstree file \"%s\" does not exist\n",prog,deptree); usage(); exit(1); } cmd="test -f " exclude ; if(system(cmd) != 0){ printf("%s: exclude file \"%s\" does not exist\n",prog,exclude); usage(); exit(1); } cmd="test -f " order ; if(system(cmd) != 0){ printf("%s: build order file \"%s\" does not exist\n",prog,order); usage(); exit(1); } now = strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"); printf("%s starting %28s\n",prog,now); # # Read in the build order. This gives the list of all possible # packages (note that some may actually not be available as binary # packages). The order is such that a package earlier in the list # will never depend on a package lower on the list. # printf("Reading the depends order from \"%s\".\n",order); n=1; while(getline < order > 0){ pkgorder[n] = $1; n++; } close(order); npkgs = n-1; printf("%d packages to go on CD-ROM!\n",npkgs); # # Read in the list of excluded packages # printf("Reading list of packages to be excluded\n"); while(getline < exclude > 0){ excludes[$1] = 1 ; } close(exclude); # # Read in the depends tree and flatten it. # printf("Reading depends tree\n"); while(getline < deptree > 0){ if ($2 in topdepends) topdepends[$2] = topdepends[$2] " " $1 " " ; else topdepends[$2] = " " $1 " " ; } close(deptree); # Now recurse the tree to give a flattened depends list for each pkg printf("Flattening depends tree\n"); for (toppkg in topdepends){ find_all_depends(toppkg); } # # Next get the sizes of each of the binary pacakges if they # exist. For those which don't exist, make a note of that. # getsize() returns size in kB if the file exists, 0 otherwise. # printf("Loading binary package sizes\n"); nonzero=0; totsize=0; for (n in pkgorder){ pkgsize[pkgorder[n]] = getsize(pkgorder[n]); if(pkgsize[pkgorder[n]] > 0){ nonzero++; } else{ printf("WARNING: binary package \"%s\" has zero size\n",pkgorder[n]); } totsize = totsize + pkgsize[pkgorder[n]]; } printf("%d binary packages are available (%g Mb)!\n",nonzero,totsize/1024); # # Now we need to figure out which binary packages go on each # CD. The way we'll do this is start taking packages in the order # specified by 'pkgorder' until the first CD is full, then move # to the second, etc. This way, we never have to reinsert a CD # while installing pkgs. # printf("Figuring out which packages go on each CD\n"); # maximum kB for binary pkgs per CD. maxcd=1024*620; # # no package duplication # if (!dup){ cdn=1; pkgn=0; cdtot[cdn]=xtra_size; cdpkgs[cdn]=0; for (n=1; n<=npkgs ; n=n+1){ if (verbose) printf("Processing: %s\n",pkgorder[n]); if (pkgorder[n] in excludes) { if (verbose) printf("Skipping excluded package: %s\n",pkgorder[n]); } else { # only process the package if it exists. if (pkgsize[pkgorder[n]] > 0){ if (cdtot[cdn] < (maxcd-pkgsize[pkgorder[n]]) ){ cdtot[cdn] = cdtot[cdn] +pkgsize[pkgorder[n]]; cdcontents[cdn":"pkgorder[n]] = 1; pkgn = pkgn + 1; } else{ # the CD is full printf("cd number %d is full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); cdpkgs[cdn] = pkgn; # increment the CD counter cdn = cdn + 1; pkgn = 1; cdtot[cdn] = xtra_size + pkgsize[pkgorder[n]]; cdcontents[cdn":"pkgorder[n]] = 1; } } } } cdpkgs[cdn] = pkgn; # see if the extra files will fit on the last CD if ( (cdtot[cdn] + other_size) < maxcd ){ printf("cd number %d is partially full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); } else{ printf("cd number %d is full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); cdn = cdn + 1; cdtot[cdn] = other_size; cdpkgs[cdn] = 0; printf("cd number %d is partially full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); } } # # We will duplicate some packages to eliminate inter-CD dependencies. # else{ cdn=1; pkgn=0; # initialize the size count for the current CD with the extras that we # are putting on all CD's cdtot[cdn]=xtra_size; cdpkgs[cdn]=0; n=npkgs; while (n > 0){ if (verbose) printf("Begin processing %s\n",pkgorder[n]); if ( !pkg_done[pkgorder[n]]){ size_needed = pkgsize[pkgorder[n]]; deps_needed = 0; split(alldepends[pkgorder[n]],pkgdeps); for (dep in pkgdeps){ if (verbose) printf(" Examining dependency: %s\n",pkgdeps[dep]); if (pkgdeps[dep] in excludes) { if (verbose) printf(" Skipping excluded dependency in count: %s\n",pkgdeps[dep]); } else { if(!cdcontents[cdn":"pkgdeps[dep]]){ size_needed = size_needed + pkgsize[pkgdeps[dep]]; deps_needed++; } } } if (cdtot[cdn] + size_needed < maxcd){ if (verbose) printf(" Processing %s\n",pkgorder[n]); if (pkgorder[n] in excludes) { if (verbose) printf(" Skipping excluded package in packing: %s\n",pkgorder[n]); } else { cdcontents[cdn":"pkgorder[n]] = 1; } pkg_done[pkgorder[n]] = 1; if (verbose) printf(" Marked %s as processed\n",pkgorder[n]); for (dep in pkgdeps){ if (pkgdeps[dep] in excludes) { if (verbose) printf(" Skipping excluded dependency in packing: %s\n",pkgdeps[dep]); } else { cdcontents[cdn":"pkgdeps[dep]] = 1; pkg_done[pkgdeps[dep]] = 1; if (verbose) printf(" Marked dependency pkg %s as processed\n",pkgdeps[dep]); } } cdtot[cdn] = cdtot[cdn] + size_needed; if (pkgorder[n] in excludes) { # don't include this one in the count if its excluded if (verbose) printf(" Added %d dependencies to the image\n",deps_needed); pkgn = pkgn + deps_needed; } else { if (verbose) printf(" Added %s plus %d dependencies to the image\n",pkgorder[n],deps_needed); pkgn = pkgn + 1 + deps_needed; } n--; } else{ # the CD is full printf("cd number %d is full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); cdpkgs[cdn] = pkgn; cdn++; cdtot[cdn] = xtra_size; pkgn = 0; } } else{ # we've already done this pkg if (verbose) printf(" %s has already been processed\n",pkgorder[n]); n--; } } cdpkgs[cdn] = pkgn; # see if the extra files will fit on the last CD if ( (cdtot[cdn] + other_size) < maxcd ){ printf("cd number %d is partially full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); } else{ printf("cd number %d is full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); cdn = cdn + 1; cdtot[cdn] = other_size; cdpkgs[cdn] = 0; printf("cd number %d is partially full (%g Mb)\n",cdn, cdtot[cdn]/1024); } } # remember how many cd's there are ncd=cdn; # print some stats tot_ex=0; for (ex in excludes){ tot_ex++; } if (dup){ tot_cdpkgs=0; for (cdn=1; cdn<=ncd; cdn=cdn+1){ tot_cdpkgs = tot_cdpkgs + cdpkgs[cdn]; } printf("CD images with package duplication resulted in %d packages total\n",tot_cdpkgs); printf("This is an increase of %d over the base %d packages\n",tot_cdpkgs-(npkgs-tot_ex),npkgs-tot_ex); } printf("%d packages out of %d have been excluded due to redistribution restrictions\n",tot_ex,npkgs); # # Next, create a subdirectory for each CD and populate the directory # with links to the actual binary pkgs # printf("Creating subdirectories for each CD and populating it with links\n"); printf("to the binary packages and other required files.\n"); for (cdn=1; cdn<=ncd; cdn=cdn+1){ printf("----------- CD #%d ----------\n",cdn); printf(" %3d binary packages\n",cdpkgs[cdn]); outdir=cddir "/cd" cdn "/packages/All"; cmd="test -d " outdir; if(system(cmd) == 0){ printf("%10s: output dir \"%s\" already exists.\n",prog,outdir); printf("%10s please remove it.\n",""); exit(1); } # create output directory cmd = "mkdir -p " outdir; do_system(cmd); # populate it with the symlinks to the binary packages for (n=1; n<=npkgs; n++){ if (cdcontents[cdn":"pkgorder[n]]){ cmd = "cd " outdir " && ln -s " packages "/" ; cmd = cmd pkgorder[n] ".tgz"; do_system(cmd); } } # add it to the cd list printf("cd%d\n",cdn) > cdlist ; } close(cdlist); now = strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"); printf("%s finished on %28s\n",prog,now); printf("\n"); exit 0 } function getsize(name,cmd,sz){ cmd="test -f " packages "/" name ".tgz"; if(system(cmd) == 0){ cmd="du -k " packages "/" name ".tgz"; cmd | getline ; close(cmd); sz=$1; } else{ sz=0; } return(sz); } function do_system(cmd,rv){ rv = system(cmd); if (rv != 0){ printf("Error: system(\"%s\") returned %d\n",cmd,rv); exit(1); } return(0); } # # show usage # function usage(){ printf("\nUsage:\n\n"); printf("%10s -- Create directories for building binary package ISO images\n", prog,prog); printf("%10s packages images dependstree order cdlist\n",""); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } function find_all_depends(pkg,pkgreg,i,deps){ # if we find the package already has been fully depended # then return the depends list if (pkg in alldepends){ # printf("\t%s is already depended.\n",pkg); return(alldepends[pkg]); } # if we find the package listed in its own depends list, then # return an empty list if we're going down the depends tree. # When a package lists itself in the depends tree file, it simply # is a place holder and means the package has no depends. However # other packages may still depend upon it, so we need to keep looking. if ( topdepends[pkg]~reg2str(pkg) ){ # printf("\t%s depends on its self.\n",pkg); alldepends[pkg] = " "; return(alldepends[pkg]); } # otherwise recursively gather depends that each of the depends # has pkgreg=reg2str(pkg); split(topdepends[pkg],deps); i=1; alldepends[pkg] = " "; while ( i in deps ){ # don't add ourselves to the list (a possibility when going up the tree) if (" "deps[i]" "!~pkgreg){ alldepends[pkg] = alldepends[pkg] " " deps[i] " " find_all_depends(deps[i]); } i=i+1; } alldepends[pkg] = uniq(alldepends[pkg]); return(alldepends[pkg]); } # # take a string which has special characters like '+' in it and # escape them. Also put a space before and after since that's how # we'll distinguish things like gnome from gnome-libs # function reg2str(reg){ gsub(/\+/,"\\\+",reg); gsub(/\./,"\\\.",reg); reg = " "reg" "; return(reg); } # # take the depends lists and uniq them. # function uniq(list,deps,i,ulist){ # split out the depends split(list,deps); i=1; ulist = " "; while (i in deps){ if (ulist !~reg2str(deps[i])){ ulist = ulist deps[i]" "; } i++; } return(ulist); }