# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.24 2002/06/21 15:26:07 abs Exp $ # # When adding new digest algorithms, please use rmd160 as the template, # and bump the VERSION definition. DISTNAME= digest-${VERSION} CATEGORIES= pkgtools MASTER_SITES= # empty DISTFILES= # empty MAINTAINER= agc@netbsd.org HOMEPAGE= http://www.netbsd.org/Documentation/software/packages.html COMMENT= Message digest wrapper utility VERSION= 20010807 EXTRACT_ONLY= # empty WRKSRC= ${WRKDIR} NO_CHECKSUM= # defined MANCOMPRESSED_IF_MANZ= YES BUILD_DEFS+= MANINSTALL MAKE_ENV+= BINDIR=${LOCALBASE}/bin MANDIR=${LOCALBASE}/man MAKE_ENV+= VERSION="${VERSION}" .include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk" .if ${OPSYS} == "SunOS" MAKEFLAGS+= NETBSD_COMPATIBLE=YES MANINSTALL= .elif ${OPSYS} == "Linux" CPPFLAGS+=-D__COPYRIGHT\(x\)=\; -D__RCSID\(x\)=\; .endif .if ${OPSYS} == "SunOS" || ${OPSYS} == "Linux" PLIST= ${WRKSRC}/.PLIST post-install: ${GREP} -v '^man/cat' ${PKGDIR}/PLIST > ${PLIST} .endif post-extract: @for FILE in Makefile regress.sh digest.c digest.1 \ md5c.c md5.h md5hl.c \ rmd160.c rmd160.h rmd160hl.c \ sha1.c sha1.h sha1hl.c \ sha2.c sha2.h sha2hl.c \ ; do \ ${CP} ${FILESDIR}/$$FILE ${WRKSRC}; \ done test: @${ECHO} "No news is good news" @cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} DIGESTDIR=${WRKSRC} ${SH} ./regress.sh @${ECHO} "All tests completed" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"