FEEDBACK-PATCHES(1) NetBSD General Commands Manual FEEDBACK-PATCHES(1) NNAAMMEE ffeeeeddbbaacckk--ppaattcchheess - help sending pkgsrc patches back SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ffeeeeddbbaacckk--ppaattcchheess _c_a_t_e_g_o_r_y_/_p_k_g [] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ffeeeeddbbaacckk--ppaattcchheess script is intended to help sending back patches in the NetBSD Packages Collection, pkgsrc, back to the maintainers of the original package, for inclusion into future releases. The given _c_a_t_e_g_o_r_y_/_p_k_g is either a path relative to the pkgsrc base directory, or an absolute patch, which will be stripped the base directory. A pathname of _. will be expanded to the current directory, which is useful when the current working directory is in a package's directory in pkgsrc. If an email address is given, the patches will be sent to that address, with some nice words. If no email address is given, the mail will only be displayed instead of sent. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS The command: feedback-patches audio/gqmpeg will display a mail that can be sent to the gqmpeg people with patches to include. feedback-patches somecat/dunno whoever@foobar.baz will invoke mail(1) to send the patches back immediately. feedback-patches /usr/pkgsrc/somecat/dunno whoever@foobar.baz works just as well, you can use either full path or path relative to pkgsrc base when specifying a package. As you're usually already in the pkg's directory for finding out the contact address (probably by looking at the HOMEPAGE variable in the pkg's Makefile), you can also do: cd .../category/pkg feedback-patches `pwd` whoever@foobar.baz or cd .../category/pkg feedback-patches . whoever@foobar.baz SSEEEE AALLSSOO pkgdiff(1), mkpatches(1) AAUUTTHHOORRSS The feedback-patches utility was written by Hubert Feyrer <>. BBUUGGSS Currently the pkgsrc base directory is hardcoded to _/_u_s_r_/_p_k_g_s_r_c. NetBSD 2.0_BETA Sep 29, 2003 NetBSD 2.0_BETA