PKGDIFF(1) NetBSD General Commands Manual PKGDIFF(1) NNAAMMEE ppkkggddiiffff - diff files in a way appropriate for pkgsrc SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ppkkggddiiffff [_o_p_t_i_o_n_s] _o_l_d_f_i_l_e _n_e_w_f_i_l_e DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The ppkkggddiiffff utility runs diff(1) on the named files, and generates output on stdout that is appropriate to be put as patch file into pkgsrc. An empty NetBSD RCS ID is output first, and some effort is made to ensure that the generated patch does not include any RCS IDs. _o_p_t_i_o_n_s can be any options that are allowed for diff(1). EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT PPKKGGDDIIFFFF__FFMMTT The flags passed to diff(1) when generating patches. If not set, the flags --uu and --pp are used. Though only unified format patches are used in pkgsrc as proper patches, sometimes it can be useful to have context or plain diffs available. SSEEEE AALLSSOO cvs(1), diff(1), mkpatches(1), patch(1), pkgvi(1) NetBSD 1.6 Jun 14, 2003 NetBSD 1.6