package main import ( "" "" "" "os" "path" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" ) const rePkgname = `^([\w\-.+]+)-(\d[.0-9A-Z_a-z]*)$` // Package contains data for the pkgsrc package that is currently checked. type Package struct { Pkgpath string // e.g. "category/pkgdir" Pkgdir string // PKGDIR from the package Makefile Filesdir string // FILESDIR from the package Makefile Patchdir string // PATCHDIR from the package Makefile DistinfoFile string // DISTINFO_FILE from the package Makefile EffectivePkgname string // PKGNAME or DISTNAME from the package Makefile, including nb13 EffectivePkgbase string // The effective PKGNAME without the version EffectivePkgversion string // The version part of the effective PKGNAME, excluding nb13 EffectivePkgnameLine MkLine // The origin of the three effective_* values SeenBsdPrefsMk bool // Has already been included? PlistDirs map[string]bool // Directories mentioned in the PLIST files PlistFiles map[string]bool // Regular files mentioned in the PLIST files vars Scope bl3 map[string]Line // name => line; contains only files that are directly included. plistSubstCond map[string]bool // varname => true; list of all variables that are used as conditionals (@comment or nothing) in PLISTs. included map[string]Line // fname => line seenMakefileCommon bool // Does the package have any .includes? loadTimeTools map[string]bool // true=ok, false=not ok, absent=not mentioned in USE_TOOLS. conditionalIncludes map[string]MkLine unconditionalIncludes map[string]MkLine once Once } func NewPackage(pkgpath string) *Package { pkg := &Package{ Pkgpath: pkgpath, PlistDirs: make(map[string]bool), PlistFiles: make(map[string]bool), vars: NewScope(), bl3: make(map[string]Line), plistSubstCond: make(map[string]bool), included: make(map[string]Line), loadTimeTools: make(map[string]bool), conditionalIncludes: make(map[string]MkLine), unconditionalIncludes: make(map[string]MkLine), } for varname, line := range G.Pkgsrc.UserDefinedVars { pkg.vars.Define(varname, line) } return pkg } func (pkg *Package) varValue(varname string) (string, bool) { switch varname { case "KRB5_TYPE": return "heimdal", true case "PGSQL_VERSION": return "95", true } if mkline := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition(varname); mkline != nil { return mkline.Value(), true } return "", false } func (pkg *Package) setSeenBsdPrefsMk() { if !pkg.SeenBsdPrefsMk { pkg.SeenBsdPrefsMk = true if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("Pkg.setSeenBsdPrefsMk") } } } func (pkg *Package) checkPossibleDowngrade() { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call0()() } m, _, pkgversion := match2(pkg.EffectivePkgname, rePkgname) if !m { return } mkline := pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine change := G.Pkgsrc.LastChange[pkg.Pkgpath] if change == nil { if trace.Tracing { trace.Step1("No change log for package %q", pkg.Pkgpath) } return } if change.Action == "Updated" { changeVersion := regex.Compile(`nb\d+$`).ReplaceAllString(change.Version, "") if pkgver.Compare(pkgversion, changeVersion) < 0 { mkline.Warnf("The package is being downgraded from %s (see %s) to %s.", change.Version, change.Line.ReferenceFrom(mkline.Line), pkgversion) Explain( "The files in doc/CHANGES-*, in which all version changes are", "recorded, have a higher version number than what the package says.", "This is unusual, since packages are typically upgraded instead of", "downgraded.") } } } func (pkg *Package) checklinesBuildlink3Inclusion(mklines *MkLines) { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call0()() } // Collect all the included files from the file. includedFiles := make(map[string]MkLine) for _, mkline := range mklines.mklines { if mkline.IsInclude() { file := mkline.IncludeFile() if m, bl3 := match1(file, `^\.\./\.\./(.*)/buildlink3\.mk`); m { includedFiles[bl3] = mkline if pkg.bl3[bl3] == nil { mkline.Warnf("%s/ is included by this file but not by the package.", bl3) } } } } if trace.Tracing { for packageBl3 := range pkg.bl3 { if includedFiles[packageBl3] == nil { trace.Step1("%s/ is included by the package but not by the file.", packageBl3) } } } } // Given the package path relative to the pkgsrc top directory, // checks a complete pkgsrc package. // // Example: // checkdirPackage("category/pkgbase") func (pkglint *Pkglint) checkdirPackage(pkgpath string) { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call1(pkgpath)() } G.Pkg = NewPackage(pkgpath) defer func() { G.Pkg = nil }() pkg := G.Pkg // we need to handle the Makefile first to get some variables lines := pkg.loadPackageMakefile(G.CurrentDir + "/Makefile") if lines == nil { return } files := dirglob(G.CurrentDir) if pkg.Pkgdir != "." { files = append(files, dirglob(G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.Pkgdir)...) } if G.opts.CheckExtra { files = append(files, dirglob(G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.Filesdir)...) } files = append(files, dirglob(G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.Patchdir)...) if pkg.DistinfoFile != "distinfo" && pkg.DistinfoFile != "./distinfo" { files = append(files, G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.DistinfoFile) } haveDistinfo := false havePatches := false // Determine the used variables and PLIST directories before checking any of the Makefile fragments. for _, fname := range files { if (hasPrefix(path.Base(fname), "Makefile.") || hasSuffix(fname, ".mk")) && !matches(fname, `patch-`) && !contains(fname, pkg.Pkgdir+"/") && !contains(fname, pkg.Filesdir+"/") { if lines, err := readLines(fname, true); err == nil && lines != nil { NewMkLines(lines).DetermineUsedVariables() } } if hasPrefix(path.Base(fname), "PLIST") { pkg.loadPlistDirs(fname) } } for _, fname := range files { if containsVarRef(fname) { continue } if fname == G.CurrentDir+"/Makefile" { if st, err := os.Lstat(fname); err == nil { pkglint.checkExecutable(st, fname) } if G.opts.CheckMakefile { pkg.checkfilePackageMakefile(fname, lines) } } else { pkglint.Checkfile(fname) } if contains(fname, "/patches/patch-") { havePatches = true } else if hasSuffix(fname, "/distinfo") { haveDistinfo = true } pkg.checkLocallyModified(fname) } if G.opts.CheckDistinfo && G.opts.CheckPatches { if havePatches && !haveDistinfo { NewLineWhole(G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.DistinfoFile).Warnf("File not found. Please run \"%s makepatchsum\".", confMake) } } if G.opts.CheckAlternatives { for _, fname := range files { if path.Base(fname) == "ALTERNATIVES" { CheckfileAlternatives(fname, pkg.PlistFiles) } } } if !isEmptyDir(G.CurrentDir + "/scripts") { NewLineWhole(G.CurrentDir + "/scripts").Warnf("This directory and its contents are deprecated! Please call the script(s) explicitly from the corresponding target(s) in the pkg's Makefile.") } } func (pkg *Package) loadPackageMakefile(fname string) *MkLines { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call1(fname)() } mainLines, allLines := NewMkLines(nil), NewMkLines(nil) if !pkg.readMakefile(fname, mainLines, allLines, "") { return nil } if G.opts.DumpMakefile { G.logOut.WriteLine("Whole Makefile (with all included files) follows:") for _, line := range allLines.lines { G.logOut.WriteLine(line.String()) } } allLines.DetermineUsedVariables() pkg.Pkgdir = pkg.expandVariableWithDefault("PKGDIR", ".") pkg.DistinfoFile = pkg.expandVariableWithDefault("DISTINFO_FILE", "distinfo") pkg.Filesdir = pkg.expandVariableWithDefault("FILESDIR", "files") pkg.Patchdir = pkg.expandVariableWithDefault("PATCHDIR", "patches") if varIsDefined("PHPEXT_MK") { if !varIsDefined("USE_PHP_EXT_PATCHES") { pkg.Patchdir = "patches" } if varIsDefined("PECL_VERSION") { pkg.DistinfoFile = "distinfo" } } if trace.Tracing { trace.Step1("DISTINFO_FILE=%s", pkg.DistinfoFile) trace.Step1("FILESDIR=%s", pkg.Filesdir) trace.Step1("PATCHDIR=%s", pkg.Patchdir) trace.Step1("PKGDIR=%s", pkg.Pkgdir) } return mainLines } func (pkg *Package) readMakefile(fname string, mainLines *MkLines, allLines *MkLines, includingFnameForUsedCheck string) bool { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call1(fname)() } fileLines := LoadNonemptyLines(fname, true) if fileLines == nil { return false } fileMklines := NewMkLines(fileLines) isMainMakefile := len(mainLines.mklines) == 0 for _, mkline := range fileMklines.mklines { if isMainMakefile { mainLines.mklines = append(mainLines.mklines, mkline) mainLines.lines = append(mainLines.lines, mkline.Line) } allLines.mklines = append(allLines.mklines, mkline) allLines.lines = append(allLines.lines, mkline.Line) if mkline.IsCond() { ind := &fileMklines.indentation switch mkline.Directive() { case "if", "ifdef", "ifndef", "for": ind.Push(0) // Dummy indentation, only the checkedFiles are interesting case "endfor", "endif": if ind.Len() > 1 { ind.Pop() } } if mkline.Directive() == "if" { args := mkline.Args() if contains(args, "exists") { cond := NewMkParser(mkline.Line, args, false).MkCond() cond.Visit("exists", func(node *Tree) { ind.AddCheckedFile(node.args[0].(string)) }) } } } var includeFile, incDir, incBase string if mkline.IsInclude() { inc := mkline.IncludeFile() includeFile = resolveVariableRefs(mkline.ResolveVarsInRelativePath(inc, true)) if containsVarRef(includeFile) { if !contains(fname, "/mk/") { mkline.Notef("Skipping include file %q. This may result in false warnings.", includeFile) } includeFile = "" } incDir, incBase = path.Split(includeFile) } if includeFile != "" { if path.Base(fname) != "" { if m, bl3File := match1(includeFile, `^\.\./\.\./(.*)/buildlink3\.mk$`); m { G.Pkg.bl3[bl3File] = mkline.Line if trace.Tracing { trace.Step1("Buildlink3 file in package: %q", bl3File) } } } } if includeFile != "" && G.Pkg.included[includeFile] == nil { G.Pkg.included[includeFile] = mkline.Line if matches(includeFile, `^\.\./[^./][^/]*/[^/]+`) { mkline.Warnf("References to other packages should look like \"../../category/package\", not \"../package\".") mkline.ExplainRelativeDirs() } if path.Base(fname) == "Makefile" && !hasPrefix(incDir, "../../mk/") && incBase != "" && incBase != "" && incBase != "" { if trace.Tracing { trace.Step1("Including %q sets seenMakefileCommon.", includeFile) } G.Pkg.seenMakefileCommon = true } skip := contains(fname, "/mk/") || hasSuffix(includeFile, "/") || hasSuffix(includeFile, "/") if !skip { dirname, _ := path.Split(fname) dirname = cleanpath(dirname) // Only look in the directory relative to the // current file and in the current working directory. // Pkglint doesn't have an include dir list, like make(1) does. if !fileExists(dirname + "/" + includeFile) { if fileMklines.indentation.IsCheckedFile(includeFile) { continue // See } else if dirname != G.CurrentDir { // Prevent unnecessary syscalls dirname = G.CurrentDir if !fileExists(dirname + "/" + includeFile) { mkline.Errorf("Cannot read %q.", dirname+"/"+includeFile) return false } } } if trace.Tracing { trace.Step1("Including %q.", dirname+"/"+includeFile) } absIncluding := ifelseStr(incBase == "Makefile.common" && incDir != "", fname, "") absIncluded := dirname + "/" + includeFile if !pkg.readMakefile(absIncluded, mainLines, allLines, absIncluding) { return false } } } if mkline.IsVarassign() { varname, op, value := mkline.Varname(), mkline.Op(), mkline.Value() if op != opAssignDefault || !G.Pkg.vars.Defined(varname) { if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("varassign(%q, %q, %q)", varname, op, value) } G.Pkg.vars.Define(varname, mkline) } } } if includingFnameForUsedCheck != "" { fileMklines.checkForUsedComment(G.Pkgsrc.ToRel(includingFnameForUsedCheck)) } return true } func (pkg *Package) checkfilePackageMakefile(fname string, mklines *MkLines) { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call1(fname)() } vars := pkg.vars if !vars.Defined("PLIST_SRC") && !vars.Defined("GENERATE_PLIST") && !vars.Defined("META_PACKAGE") && !fileExists(G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.Pkgdir+"/PLIST") && !fileExists(G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.Pkgdir+"/PLIST.common") { NewLineWhole(fname).Warnf("Neither PLIST nor PLIST.common exist, and PLIST_SRC is unset.") } if (vars.Defined("NO_CHECKSUM") || vars.Defined("META_PACKAGE")) && isEmptyDir(G.CurrentDir+"/"+pkg.Patchdir) { if distinfoFile := G.CurrentDir + "/" + pkg.DistinfoFile; fileExists(distinfoFile) { NewLineWhole(distinfoFile).Warnf("This file should not exist if NO_CHECKSUM or META_PACKAGE is set.") } } else { if distinfoFile := G.CurrentDir + "/" + pkg.DistinfoFile; !containsVarRef(distinfoFile) && !fileExists(distinfoFile) { NewLineWhole(distinfoFile).Warnf("File not found. Please run \"%s makesum\" or define NO_CHECKSUM=yes in the package Makefile.", confMake) } } if perlLine, noconfLine := vars.FirstDefinition("REPLACE_PERL"), vars.FirstDefinition("NO_CONFIGURE"); perlLine != nil && noconfLine != nil { perlLine.Warnf("REPLACE_PERL is ignored when NO_CONFIGURE is set (in %s)", noconfLine.ReferenceFrom(perlLine.Line)) } if !vars.Defined("LICENSE") && !vars.Defined("META_PACKAGE") && pkg.once.FirstTime("LICENSE") { NewLineWhole(fname).Errorf("Each package must define its LICENSE.") } if gnuLine, useLine := vars.FirstDefinition("GNU_CONFIGURE"), vars.FirstDefinition("USE_LANGUAGES"); gnuLine != nil && useLine != nil { if matches(useLine.VarassignComment(), `(?-i)\b(?:c|empty|none)\b`) { // Don't emit a warning, since the comment // probably contains a statement that C is // really not needed. } else if !G.Infrastructure && useLine.Filename == "../../mk/" { // Ignore this one } else if !matches(useLine.Value(), `(?:^|\s+)(?:c|c99|objc)(?:\s+|$)`) { gnuLine.Warnf("GNU_CONFIGURE almost always needs a C compiler, but \"c\" is not added to USE_LANGUAGES in %s.", useLine.ReferenceFrom(gnuLine.Line)) } } pkg.determineEffectivePkgVars() pkg.checkPossibleDowngrade() if !vars.Defined("COMMENT") { NewLineWhole(fname).Warnf("No COMMENT given.") } if imake, x11 := vars.FirstDefinition("USE_IMAKE"), vars.FirstDefinition("USE_X11"); imake != nil && x11 != nil { if !hasSuffix(x11.Filename, "/mk/") { imake.Notef("USE_IMAKE makes USE_X11 in %s superfluous.", x11.ReferenceFrom(imake.Line)) } } pkg.checkUpdate() mklines.Check() pkg.CheckVarorder(mklines) SaveAutofixChanges(mklines.lines) } func (pkg *Package) getNbpart() string { line := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition("PKGREVISION") if line == nil { return "" } pkgrevision := line.Value() if rev, err := strconv.Atoi(pkgrevision); err == nil { return "nb" + strconv.Itoa(rev) } return "" } func (pkg *Package) determineEffectivePkgVars() { distnameLine := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition("DISTNAME") pkgnameLine := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition("PKGNAME") distname := "" if distnameLine != nil { distname = distnameLine.Value() } pkgname := "" if pkgnameLine != nil { pkgname = pkgnameLine.Value() } if distname != "" && pkgname != "" { pkgname = pkg.pkgnameFromDistname(pkgname, distname) } if pkgname != "" && pkgname == distname && pkgnameLine.VarassignComment() == "" { pkgnameLine.Notef("PKGNAME is ${DISTNAME} by default. You probably don't need to define PKGNAME.") } if pkgname == "" && distname != "" && !containsVarRef(distname) && !matches(distname, rePkgname) { distnameLine.Warnf("As DISTNAME is not a valid package name, please define the PKGNAME explicitly.") } if pkgname != "" && !containsVarRef(pkgname) { if m, m1, m2 := match2(pkgname, rePkgname); m { pkg.EffectivePkgname = pkgname + pkg.getNbpart() pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine = pkgnameLine pkg.EffectivePkgbase = m1 pkg.EffectivePkgversion = m2 } } if pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine == nil && distname != "" && !containsVarRef(distname) { if m, m1, m2 := match2(distname, rePkgname); m { pkg.EffectivePkgname = distname + pkg.getNbpart() pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine = distnameLine pkg.EffectivePkgbase = m1 pkg.EffectivePkgversion = m2 } } if pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine != nil { if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("Effective name=%q base=%q version=%q", pkg.EffectivePkgname, pkg.EffectivePkgbase, pkg.EffectivePkgversion) } } } func (pkg *Package) pkgnameFromDistname(pkgname, distname string) string { tokens := NewMkParser(dummyLine, pkgname, false).MkTokens() subst := func(str, smod string) (result string) { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call(str, smod, trace.Ref(result))() } qsep := regexp.QuoteMeta(smod[1:2]) if m, left, from, right, to, flags := regex.Match5(smod, regex.Pattern(`^S`+qsep+`(\^?)([^:]*?)(\$?)`+qsep+`([^:]*)`+qsep+`([1g]*)$`)); m { result := mkopSubst(str, left != "", from, right != "", to, flags) if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("subst %q %q => %q", str, smod, result) } return result } return str } result := "" for _, token := range tokens { if token.Varuse != nil && token.Varuse.varname == "DISTNAME" { newDistname := distname for _, mod := range token.Varuse.modifiers { if mod == "tl" { newDistname = strings.ToLower(newDistname) } else if hasPrefix(mod, "S") { newDistname = subst(newDistname, mod) } else { newDistname = token.Text break } } result += newDistname } else { result += token.Text } } return result } func (pkg *Package) expandVariableWithDefault(varname, defaultValue string) string { mkline := G.Pkg.vars.FirstDefinition(varname) if mkline == nil { return defaultValue } value := mkline.Value() value = mkline.ResolveVarsInRelativePath(value, true) if containsVarRef(value) { value = resolveVariableRefs(value) } if trace.Tracing { trace.Step2("Expanded %q to %q", varname, value) } return value } func (pkg *Package) checkUpdate() { if pkg.EffectivePkgbase != "" { for _, sugg := range G.Pkgsrc.GetSuggestedPackageUpdates() { if pkg.EffectivePkgbase != sugg.Pkgname { continue } suggver, comment := sugg.Version, sugg.Comment if comment != "" { comment = " (" + comment + ")" } pkgnameLine := pkg.EffectivePkgnameLine cmp := pkgver.Compare(pkg.EffectivePkgversion, suggver) switch { case cmp < 0: pkgnameLine.Warnf("This package should be updated to %s%s.", sugg.Version, comment) Explain( "The wishlist for package updates in doc/TODO mentions that a newer", "version of this package is available.") case cmp > 0: pkgnameLine.Notef("This package is newer than the update request to %s%s.", suggver, comment) default: pkgnameLine.Notef("The update request to %s from doc/TODO%s has been done.", suggver, comment) } } } } // CheckVarorder checks that in simple package Makefiles, // the most common variables appear in a fixed order. // The order itself is a little arbitrary but provides // at least a bit of consistency. func (pkg *Package) CheckVarorder(mklines *MkLines) { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call0()() } if !G.opts.WarnOrder || pkg.seenMakefileCommon { return } type Repetition uint8 const ( optional Repetition = iota once many ) type Variable struct { varname string repetition Repetition } type Section struct { repetition Repetition vars []Variable } variable := func(name string, repetition Repetition) Variable { return Variable{name, repetition} } section := func(repetition Repetition, vars ...Variable) Section { return Section{repetition, vars} } var sections = []Section{ section(once, variable("GITHUB_PROJECT", optional), // either here or below MASTER_SITES variable("GITHUB_TAG", optional), variable("DISTNAME", optional), variable("PKGNAME", optional), variable("PKGREVISION", optional), variable("CATEGORIES", once), variable("MASTER_SITES", many), variable("GITHUB_PROJECT", optional), // either here or at the very top variable("GITHUB_TAG", optional), variable("DIST_SUBDIR", optional), variable("EXTRACT_SUFX", optional), variable("DISTFILES", many), variable("SITES.*", many)), section(optional, variable("PATCH_SITES", optional), // or once? variable("PATCH_SITE_SUBDIR", optional), variable("PATCHFILES", optional), // or once? variable("PATCH_DIST_ARGS", optional), variable("PATCH_DIST_STRIP", optional), variable("PATCH_DIST_CAT", optional)), section(once, variable("MAINTAINER", optional), variable("OWNER", optional), variable("HOMEPAGE", optional), variable("COMMENT", once), variable("LICENSE", once)), section(optional, variable("LICENSE_FILE", optional), variable("RESTRICTED", optional), variable("NO_BIN_ON_CDROM", optional), variable("NO_BIN_ON_FTP", optional), variable("NO_SRC_ON_CDROM", optional), variable("NO_SRC_ON_FTP", optional)), section(optional, variable("BROKEN_EXCEPT_ON_PLATFORM", many), variable("BROKEN_ON_PLATFORM", many), variable("NOT_FOR_PLATFORM", many), variable("ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM", many), variable("NOT_FOR_COMPILER", many), variable("ONLY_FOR_COMPILER", many), variable("NOT_FOR_UNPRIVILEGED", optional), variable("ONLY_FOR_UNPRIVILEGED", optional)), section(optional, variable("BUILD_DEPENDS", many), variable("TOOL_DEPENDS", many), variable("DEPENDS", many)), } firstRelevant := -1 lastRelevant := -1 skip := func() bool { relevantVars := make(map[string]bool) for _, section := range sections { for _, variable := range section.vars { relevantVars[variable.varname] = true } } firstIrrelevant := -1 for i, mkline := range mklines.mklines { switch { case mkline.IsVarassign(), mkline.IsCommentedVarassign(): varcanon := mkline.Varcanon() if relevantVars[varcanon] { if firstRelevant == -1 { firstRelevant = i } if firstIrrelevant != -1 { if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("Skipping varorder because of line %s.", mklines.mklines[firstIrrelevant].Linenos()) } return true } lastRelevant = i } else { if firstIrrelevant == -1 { firstIrrelevant = i } } case mkline.IsComment(), mkline.IsEmpty(): break default: if firstIrrelevant == -1 { firstIrrelevant = i } } } if firstRelevant == -1 { return true } interesting := mklines.mklines[firstRelevant : lastRelevant+1] varcanon := func() string { for len(interesting) != 0 && interesting[0].IsComment() { interesting = interesting[1:] } if len(interesting) != 0 && (interesting[0].IsVarassign() || interesting[0].IsCommentedVarassign()) { return interesting[0].Varcanon() } return "" } for _, section := range sections { for _, variable := range section.vars { switch variable.repetition { case optional: if varcanon() == variable.varname { interesting = interesting[1:] } case once: if varcanon() == variable.varname { interesting = interesting[1:] } else if section.repetition == once { if variable.varname != "LICENSE" { if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("Wrong varorder because %s is missing.", variable.varname) } return false } } case many: for varcanon() == variable.varname { interesting = interesting[1:] } } } for len(interesting) != 0 && (interesting[0].IsEmpty() || interesting[0].IsComment()) { interesting = interesting[1:] } } return len(interesting) == 0 } if skip() { return } var canonical []string for _, section := range sections { for _, variable := range section.vars { found := false for _, mkline := range mklines.mklines[firstRelevant : lastRelevant+1] { if mkline.IsVarassign() || mkline.IsCommentedVarassign() { if mkline.Varcanon() == variable.varname { canonical = append(canonical, mkline.Varname()) found = true } } } if !found && section.repetition == once && variable.repetition == once { canonical = append(canonical, variable.varname) } } if len(canonical) != 0 && canonical[len(canonical)-1] != "empty line" { canonical = append(canonical, "empty line") } } if len(canonical) != 0 && canonical[len(canonical)-1] == "empty line" { canonical = canonical[:len(canonical)-1] } mkline := mklines.mklines[firstRelevant] mkline.Warnf("The canonical order of the variables is %s.", strings.Join(canonical, ", ")) Explain( "In simple package Makefiles, some common variables should be", "arranged in a specific order.", "", "See doc/Makefile-example or the pkgsrc guide, section", "\"Package components\", subsection \"Makefile\" for more information.") } func (mklines *MkLines) checkForUsedComment(relativeName string) { lines := mklines.lines if len(lines) < 3 { return } expected := "# used by " + relativeName for _, line := range lines { if line.Text == expected { return } } i := 0 for i < 2 && hasPrefix(lines[i].Text, "#") { i++ } fix := lines[i].Autofix() fix.Warnf("Please add a line %q here.", expected) fix.Explain( "Since Makefile.common files usually don't have any comments and", "therefore not a clearly defined interface, they should at least", "contain references to all files that include them, so that it is", "easier to see what effects future changes may have.", "", "If there are more than five packages that use a Makefile.common,", "you should think about giving it a proper name (maybe and", "documenting its interface.") fix.InsertBefore(expected) fix.Apply() SaveAutofixChanges(lines) } func (pkg *Package) checkLocallyModified(fname string) { if trace.Tracing { defer trace.Call(fname)() } ownerLine := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition("OWNER") maintainerLine := pkg.vars.FirstDefinition("MAINTAINER") owner := "" maintainer := "" if ownerLine != nil && !containsVarRef(ownerLine.Value()) { owner = ownerLine.Value() } if maintainerLine != nil && !containsVarRef(maintainerLine.Value()) && maintainerLine.Value() != "" { maintainer = maintainerLine.Value() } if owner == "" && maintainer == "" { return } username := G.CurrentUsername if trace.Tracing { trace.Stepf("user=%q owner=%q maintainer=%q", username, owner, maintainer) } if username == strings.Split(owner, "@")[0] || username == strings.Split(maintainer, "@")[0] { return } if isLocallyModified(fname) { if owner != "" { NewLineWhole(fname).Warnf("Don't commit changes to this file without asking the OWNER, %s.", owner) Explain( "See the pkgsrc guide, section \"Package components\",", "keyword \"owner\", for more information.") } if maintainer != "" { NewLineWhole(fname).Notef("Please only commit changes that %s would approve.", maintainer) Explain( "See the pkgsrc guide, section \"Package components\",", "keyword \"maintainer\", for more information.") } } } func (pkg *Package) CheckInclude(mkline MkLine, indentation *Indentation) { conditionVars := mkline.ConditionVars() if conditionVars == "" { conditionVars = indentation.Varnames() mkline.SetConditionVars(conditionVars) } if path.Dir(abspath(mkline.Filename)) == abspath(G.CurrentDir) { includefile := mkline.IncludeFile() if indentation.IsConditional() { pkg.conditionalIncludes[includefile] = mkline if other := pkg.unconditionalIncludes[includefile]; other != nil { mkline.Warnf("%q is included conditionally here (depending on %s) and unconditionally in %s.", cleanpath(includefile), mkline.ConditionVars(), other.ReferenceFrom(mkline.Line)) } } else { pkg.unconditionalIncludes[includefile] = mkline if other := pkg.conditionalIncludes[includefile]; other != nil { mkline.Warnf("%q is included unconditionally here and conditionally in %s (depending on %s).", cleanpath(includefile), other.ReferenceFrom(mkline.Line), other.ConditionVars()) } } } } func (pkg *Package) loadPlistDirs(plistFilename string) { lines, err := readLines(plistFilename, false) if err != nil { return } for _, line := range lines { text := line.Text pkg.PlistFiles[text] = true // XXX: ignores PLIST conditionals for now // Keep in sync with PlistChecker.collectFilesAndDirs if !contains(text, "$") && !contains(text, "@") { for dir := path.Dir(text); dir != "."; dir = path.Dir(dir) { pkg.PlistDirs[dir] = true } } } }