PKGLINT(1) NetBSD General Commands Manual PKGLINT(1) NNAAMMEE ppkkgglliinntt - a verifier for pkgsrc directories SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ppkkgglliinntt [--hhvvIINN] [--BB _n] [_d_i_r] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ppkkgglliinntt tries to verify the content of a pkgsrc directory. The purpose of ppkkgglliinntt can be separated into two parts: (1) to let the submitters easily polish her/his own pkgsrc directory, and (2) to decrease the labor of the committers. ppkkgglliinntt uses very simple regular-expression matching for verifying files that make up a pkgsrc directory. Note that it does NOT implement a com- plete parser for those files. Because of this the user may see some extra warnings, especially when checking complex _M_a_k_e_f_i_l_es. OOppttiioonnss --BB _n Set the number of contiguous blank lines allowed in _M_a_k_e_f_i_l_e to _n (by default, _n is 1.) --hh Show the summary of command line options, then exit. --II Show the Makefile that is constructed by including all the files that are slurped in via .include directives. This flag is mainly for debugging. --NN New package flag. Adds several checks specific to newly sub- mitted packages. If you are willing to submit the directory to be checked as a new package, use this option. --vv Be verbose. Show the progress report for items that are being checked. dir The pkgsrc directory to be checked. If omitted, all checks will be performed on the current directory. FFIILLEESS /usr/pkgsrc/mk/ master Makefile for pkgsrc /usr/pkgsrc/* pkgsrc collection DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS Messages will be sent to standard output, not standard error. FATAL: ... This type of error messages suggests that there is some fatal error in the pkgsrc directory. For example, if some files need a rewrite, or if some necessary files are miss- ing, this message will show up. This kind of error should be fixed BEFORE submitting a pkgsrc via send-pr to the comitters. WARN: ... This type of error messages suggests that some files may (or may not) need some fixes. Basically, warnings are pro- duced when ppkkgglliinntt is not completely sure about the result. For example, complex _M_a_k_e_f_i_l_es may need some statements that can match the regular expression ppkkgglliinntt uses for san- ity checks. In those cases, the user should evaluate the result manually, and obey/ignore the result. OK: ... This type of messages is used in verbose mode (--vv). AAUUTTHHOORRSS Jun-ichiro Itoh and Yoshishige Arai . Many people have contributed patches and com- ments/suggestions. BBUUGGSS ppkkgglliinntt is not a magic wand, as described above. NetBSD 1.6 September 5, 2000 NetBSD 1.6