PKGLINT(1) NetBSD General Commands Manual PKGLINT(1) NNAAMMEE ppkkgglliinntt - a verifier for pkgsrc directories SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS ppkkgglliinntt [--ooppttiioonnss] [_d_i_r] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN ppkkgglliinntt attempts to detect features of the named pkgsrc packages that are likely to be bugs, or that are simply deprecated. The pkgsrc system is changing rapidly towards even more portability. The job of ppkkgglliinntt is to define the rules that make up ``good'' packages and to allow automatic conformance tests. Packages following these rules are assumed to make future changes to the pkgsrc infrastructure easier. OOppttiioonnss --BB _n Set the number of contiguous blank lines allowed in _M_a_k_e_f_i_l_e to _n (by default, _n is 1.) --CC{{[[nnoo--]]cchheecckk,,......}} Enable or disable specific checks. For a list of checks, see below. --hh|----hheellpp Show the summary of command line options, then exit. --II Show the Makefile that is constructed by including all the files that are slurped in via .include directives. This flag is mainly for debugging. --qq|----qquuiieett Don't print the errors and warnings summary before terminating. --vv|----vveerrbboossee Be verbose. Show the progress report for items that are being checked. --WW{{[[nnoo--]]wwaarrnn,,......}} Enable or disable specific warnings. For a list of warnings, see below. CChheecckkss aallll Enable all checks. nnoonnee Disable all checks. [[nnoo--]]MMaakkeeffiillee Check the package Makefile, including all included files. [[nnoo--]]MMEESSSSAAGGEE Check MESSAGE files. [[nnoo--]]PPLLIISSTT Check PLIST files. [[nnoo--]]ddiissttiinnffoo Check the distinfo file. [[nnoo--]]eexxttrraa Check remaining files in the package directory. [[nnoo--]]ppaattcchheess Check the pkgsrc specific patch files. WWaarrnniinnggss aallll Enable all warnings. nnoonnee Disable all warnings. [[nnoo--]]aabbssnnaammee Warn if a file contains an absolute pathname. [[nnoo--]]ddiirreeccttccmmdd Warn if a system command name is used instead of a variable (e.g. sed instead of ${SED}). [[nnoo--]]eexxeecc Warn if a file in the package directory is exe- cutable. Most files should not be executable until they are installed. [[nnoo--]]oorrddeerr Warn if Makefile variables are not in the pre- ferred order. [[nnoo--]]ppaarreenn Warn if variables are used like $(VAR) in Make- files. They should always be used like ${VAR}. [[nnoo--]]pplliisstt--ssoorrtt Warn if items of a PLIST file are not sorted alphabetically. This warning is disabled by default. [[nnoo--]]ttyyppeess Warn for some Makefile variables if their assigned values do not match their type. [[nnoo--]]wwoorrkkddiirr Warn about existing _w_o_r_k_* directories. They might be committed to CVS accidentally. OOtthheerr aarrgguummeennttss _d_i_r _._._. The pkgsrc directories to be checked. If omit- ted, the current directory is checked. FFIILLEESS /usr/pkgsrc/mk/ The pkgsrc master Makefile /usr/pkgsrc/* The files of the NetBSD packages collection EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS ppkkgglliinntt --CCnnoonnee,,ppaattcchheess .. Checks the patches of the package in the current directory. ppkkgglliinntt --WWaallll //uussrr//ppkkggssrrcc//ddeevveell Checks the category Makefile and reports any warnings it can find. DDIIAAGGNNOOSSTTIICCSS Diagnostics are written to the standard output. FATAL: ... Fatal errors are those that must be fixed before a package may be committed to pkgsrc. WARN: ... Warnings generally should be fixed, but they are not as critical as fatal errors. OK: ... Informational messages are only written in verbose mode (--vv). Their main use is to aid debugging. AAUUTTHHOORRSS Jun-ichiro Itoh Yoshishige Arai Roland Illig Many people have contributed patches and comments/suggestions. BBUUGGSS Many more checks could be added. If you don't understand the messages, feel free to ask on the mailing list. NetBSD 2.0 July 21, 2005 NetBSD 2.0