#!/usr/bin/env perl # # $NetBSD: port2pkg.pl,v 1.19 2007/07/10 15:27:57 joerg Exp $ # require 'getopts.pl'; $^W=1; use strict; use vars qw($opt_m); my($maintainer) = "pkgsrc-users\@NetBSD.org"; my($makefile, $master_site_subdir, $extract_cmd); my($portsdir, $pkgdir); my($namespace, $portname, $portversion, $distname, $pkgname, $pkgnameprefix, $pkgnamesuffix); my(@man, @cat); &usage_and_exit() if (! &Getopts('m:')); $|=1; $portsdir = shift; $pkgdir = shift; &usage_and_exit() if (! $portsdir || ! $pkgdir); $maintainer = $opt_m if ($opt_m); die "$portsdir: $!\n" if (! -d "$portsdir"); if (! -d "$pkgdir") { if (mkdir($pkgdir, 0755) == 0) { die "$pkgdir: $!\n"; } } system("${GTAR} cCf $portsdir - .|${GTAR} xCf $pkgdir -"); &fix_new_ports(); &read_Makefile(); &conv_Makefile(); &conv_PLIST(); &add_NetBSD_ID(); system("(cd $pkgdir; pkglint)"); 0; sub usage_and_exit { print "port2pkg [-m maintainer] portsdir pkgdir\n"; exit; } sub fix_new_ports { my (@allfiles); my ($fn, $dn); if (-f "$pkgdir/pkg-comment") { rename("$pkgdir/pkg-comment", "$pkgdir/COMMENT") || warn("can't copy $pkgdir/pkg-comment to $pkgdir/COMMENT"); } rename("$pkgdir/pkg-descr", "$pkgdir/DESCR") || warn("can't copy $pkgdir/pkg-descr to $pkgdir/DESCR"); if (-f "$pkgdir/pkg-message") { rename("$pkgdir/pkg-message", "$pkgdir/MESSAGE") || warn("can't copy $pkgdir/pkg-message to $pkgdir/MESSAGE"); } foreach $fn (<$pkgdir/pkg-plist*>) { $dn = $fn; $dn =~ s|.*pkg-plist|PLIST|; rename("$fn", "$pkgdir/$dn") || warn("can't copy $fn to $pkgdir/$dn"); } unlink <$pkgdir/files/patch*>; unlink("$pkgdir/distinfo"); mkdir("$pkgdir/patches",0777); } sub read_Makefile { open(PORTS, "$portsdir/Makefile") || die "$portsdir/Makefile: $!\n"; while (<PORTS>) { if (/\\$/) { chop; chop; } $makefile .= $_; } close(PORTS); my ($extract_before_args, $extract_after_args); foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $makefile)) { $_ = $line; if (/^PORTNAME\?*=(\s*)(.*)/) { $namespace = $1; $portname = $2; } elsif (/^PORTVERSION\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $portversion = $1; } elsif (/^PKGNAMEPREFIX\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $pkgnameprefix = $1; } elsif (/^PKGNAMESUFFIX\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $pkgnamesuffix = $1; } elsif (/^DISTNAME\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $distname = $1; } elsif (/^MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $master_site_subdir = $1; if (!($master_site_subdir =~ /\/$/)) { $master_site_subdir .= "/"; } } elsif (/^MAN(.)\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $man[$1] .= $2; } elsif (/^CAT(.)\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $cat[$1] .= $2; } elsif (/^EXTRACT_CMD\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $extract_cmd = $1; } elsif (/^EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $extract_before_args = $1; } elsif (/^EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS\?*=\s*(.*)/) { $extract_after_args = $1; } } if (defined($extract_cmd) && $extract_cmd ne "") { if ($extract_before_args ne "") { $extract_before_args = " $extract_before_args"; } if ($extract_after_args ne "") { $extract_after_args = " $extract_after_args"; } $extract_cmd = "$extract_cmd$extract_before_args" . " \${DOWNLOADED_DISTFILE}$extract_after_args"; } if (defined($distname)) { $distname =~ s/\${PORTNAME}/$portname/; $distname =~ s/\${PORTVERSION}/$portversion/; if ($distname ne "$portname-$portversion") { $pkgname = "$portname-$portversion"; } } else { $distname = "$portname-$portversion"; } if (defined($pkgnameprefix)) { $pkgname = $distname unless (defined($pkgname)); $pkgname = $pkgnameprefix . $pkgname; } if (defined($pkgnamesuffix)) { $pkgname = $distname unless (defined($pkgname)); $pkgname .= $pkgnamesuffix; } } sub conv_Makefile { open(PORTS, "$portsdir/Makefile") || die "$portsdir/Makefile: $!\n"; open(PKG, ">$pkgdir/Makefile") || die "$pkgdir/Makefile: $!\n"; print PKG "# \$Net" . "BSD\$\n"; # header while (<PORTS>) { last if (! /^\#/); if (/\$FreeBSD(: .*) \$/ || /\$Id(: .*) \$/) { print PKG "\# FreeBSD Id$1\n"; } else { print; } } print PKG; # body my ($nextline, $remove, $master_sites, $noportdocs); while (<PORTS>) { if (/\\$/) { $nextline++; next if ($remove); } else { $nextline = 0; if ($remove) { $remove = 0; next; } } s|^\.include <bsd.port.pre.mk>|.include \"../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk\"|; s|^\.include <bsd.port.mk>|.include \"../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk\"|; s|^FETCH_(DEPENDS)|BUILD_$1|; s|^LIB_(DEPENDS)|$1|; s|\$\{PORTNAME\}|\${PKGBASE}|g; s|\$\{PORTSDIR\}|../..|g; s|PLIST_SUB|PLIST_SUBST|; s|^USE_GMAKE\?*=\s*yes|USE_TOOLS+=\tgmake|; if (defined($master_site_subdir) && $master_site_subdir ne "" && ($master_sites || /^MASTER_SITES\?*=/)) { s|([^L][^O][^C][^A][^L])\}|$1:=$master_site_subdir}|g; if ($nextline) { $master_sites = 1; } else { $master_sites = 0; } } if (/(\/usr\/local)/ || /(\/usr\/X11R6)/ || /(ldconfig)/i || /(MASTERDIR)/ || /(.*cat.*MESSAGE.*)/i) { print "WARN: found \"$1\"\n"; } if (/^PORTVERSION/ || /^PKGNAMEPREFIX/ || /^PKGNAMESUFFIX/ || /^DISTNAME/ || /^MAN(.)\?*=/ || /^CAT(.)\?*=/ || /^MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR/ || /^EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS/ || /^EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS/) { $remove = 1 if ($nextline); } elsif (/^PORTNAME/) { print PKG "DISTNAME=$namespace$distname\n"; print PKG "PKGNAME=$namespace$pkgname\n" if defined($pkgname); $remove = 1 if ($nextline); } elsif (/^(EXTRACT_CMD\?*=)/) { print PKG "$1\t$extract_cmd\n"; $remove = 1 if ($nextline); } elsif (/^(MAINTAINER\?*=)/) { print PKG "$1\t$maintainer\n"; $remove = 1 if ($nextline); open(DESCR, "$pkgdir/DESCR") || die "$pkgdir/DESCR: $!\n"; while (<DESCR>) { chop; if (/^WWW:[\s]*(.*)/) { print PKG "HOMEPAGE=\t$1\n"; } } close(DESCR); if ( -f "$pkgdir/COMMENT") { open(COMMENT, "$pkgdir/COMMENT") || die "$pkgdir/COMMENT: $!\n"; while (<COMMENT>) { chomp; print PKG "COMMENT=\t$_\n"; } close(COMMENT); unlink("$pkgdir/COMMENT"); } } elsif ($noportdocs || /^\.if.*NOPORTDOCS/) { if (/^\.if/) { $noportdocs++; print PKG $_ if ($noportdocs > 2); } elsif (/^\.endif/) { $noportdocs--; print PKG $_ if ($noportdocs > 2); } else { print PKG $_; } } else { print PKG $_; } } close(PORTS); close(PKG); } sub add_manual { my ($FILE, $category) = @_; for (my $i = 1; $i <= 8; $i++) { next if (!defined(eval "\$$category\[\$i\]")); foreach my $item (sort(split(/[ \t\n]+/, eval "\$$category\[\$i\]"))) { print $FILE "$category/$category$i/$item\n"; } } } sub conv_PLIST { my ($file, $plist); return 0 if (!opendir(PKGDIR, "$pkgdir")); while ($plist = readdir(PKGDIR)) { next if (!($plist =~ /^PLIST/)); open(OLDPLIST, "$pkgdir/$plist") || die "$pkgdir/$plist: $!\n"; open(NEWPLIST, ">$pkgdir/new.$plist") || die "$pkgdir/new.$plist: $!\n"; print NEWPLIST "\@comment \$NetBSD\$\n"; my ($cat_added, $man_added); while (<OLDPLIST>) { s|\%\%([^\%]+)\%\%|\${$1}|g; next if (/^\@.*ldconfig/); if (defined($cat_added) && $cat_added == 0 && /^[d-z]/){ &add_manual(*NEWPLIST, "cat"); $cat_added++; } if (defined($man_added) && $man_added == 0 && /^[n-z]/){ &add_manual(*NEWPLIST, "man"); $man_added++; } print NEWPLIST $_; } if (defined($cat_added) && $cat_added == 0) {&add_manual(*NEWPLIST, "cat");} if (defined($man_added) && $man_added == 0) {&add_manual(*NEWPLIST, "man");} close(NEWPLIST); close(OLDPLIST); rename("$pkgdir/new.$plist", "$pkgdir/$plist"); } closedir(PKGDIR); } sub add_NetBSD_ID { my ($patch); if (open(MD5, "$portsdir/files/md5") || open(MD5, "$portsdir/distinfo")) { open(NMD5, ">$pkgdir/distinfo") || die "$pkgdir/distinfo: $!\n"; print NMD5 "\$NetBSD\$\n\n"; while (<MD5>) { print NMD5 $_; } close(NMD5); close(MD5); } opendir(PATCHDIR, "$portsdir/patches") || opendir(PATCHDIR, "$portsdir/files") || return 0; while ($patch = readdir(PATCHDIR)) { if ($patch eq "\." || $patch eq "\.." || $patch eq "CVS") {next;} if (open(PATCH, "$portsdir/patches/$patch") || open(PATCH, "$portsdir/files/$patch")) { open(NPATCH, ">$pkgdir/patches/$patch") || die "$pkgdir/patches/$patch: $!\n"; print NPATCH "\$NetBSD\$\n\n"; while (<PATCH>) { if (/(FreeBSD)/i || /(#!.*perl)/) { print "WARN: $pkgdir/patches/" . "$patch includes \"$1\".\n"; } print NPATCH $_; } close(NPATCH); close(PATCH); } } closedir(PATCHDIR); }