#! @PERL@ # $NetBSD: url2pkg.pl,v 1.1 2006/10/02 16:49:30 rillig Exp $ # use strict; use warnings; # # Build-time Configuration. # my $make = '@MAKE@'; my $perllibdir = '@PERLLIBDIR@'; use constant true => 1; use constant false => 0; # # Some helper subroutines. # sub run_editor($$) { my ($fname, $lineno) = @_; my $editor = $ENV{"PKGEDITOR"} || $ENV{"EDITOR"} || "vi"; system { $editor } ($editor, "+${lineno}", $fname); } sub get_maintainer() { return $ENV{"PKGMAINTAINER"} || $ENV{"REPLYTO"} || "INSERT_YOUR_MAIL_ADDRESS_HERE"; } sub print_section($$) { my ($f, $vars) = @_; if (scalar(@{$vars}) == 0) { return; } my $width = 0; foreach my $var (@{$vars}) { my $len = length($var->[0]); $width = ($len > $width) ? $len : $width; } foreach my $var (@{$vars}) { my $len = length($var->[0]) + 1; my $adjlen = (($width + 1 + 1) + 7) &-8; my $ntabs = (7 + $adjlen - $len) / 8; printf $f ("%s=%s%s\n", $var->[0], "\t" x $ntabs, $var->[1]); } printf $f ("\n"); } # # Introduction to the magic_* subroutines. # # The following routines are called after the distfiles have been # downloaded and extracted. They may inspect the extracted files # to automatically define some variables in the package Makefile. # # The following variables may be used in the magic_* subroutines: # $distname contains the package name, including the version number. # $abs_wrkdir is an absolute pathname to the working directory, which # contains the extracted distfiles. $abs_wrksrc is the absolute pathname # to a subdirectory of $abs_wrkdir, in which you can usually find the # package-provided Makefiles or configure scripts. # # The following lists may be extended by the magic_* routines and # will later appear in the package Makefile: @depends and @build_depends # contain the dependencies of the package, in the form # "package>=version". @includes is a list of pathnames relative to the # package path. All these files will be included at the bottom of the # Makefile. @build_vars is a list of [varname, value] items that contain # variables that will be defined in the fourth paragraph of the package # Makefile, where the build configuration takes place. The @extra_vars # are similar to the @build_vars, but separated by an empty line in the # Makefile. The @todo items are inserted below the second paragraph in # the Makefile. # my ($distname, $abs_wrkdir, $abs_wrksrc); my (@depends, @build_depends, @includes, @build_vars, @extra_vars, @todo); my ($pkgname); # # And now to the real magic_* subroutines. # sub magic_configure() { my $gnu_configure = false; open(CONF, "<", "${abs_wrksrc}/configure") or return; while (defined(my $line = )) { if ($line =~ qr"autoconf|Free Software Foundation"i) { $gnu_configure = true; last; } } close(CONF); my $varname = ($gnu_configure ? "GNU_CONFIGURE" : "HAS_CONFIGURE"); push(@build_vars, [$varname, "yes"]); } sub magic_gconf2_schemas() { my $gconf2_files = `cd $abs_wrksrc && find * -type f -name "*.schemas" -o -name "*.schemas.in*" -print 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/.in.in\$//' -e 's/.in\$//'`; if ($gconf2_files =~ qr"\S") { push(@build_vars, ["CONFIGURE_ENV+", "GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR=\${PREFIX:Q}/share/gconf/schemas/"]); push(@build_vars, ["MAKE_ENV+", "GCONF_SCHEMA_FILE_DIR=\${PREFIX:Q}/share/gconf/schemas/"]); foreach my $f (split(qr"\s+", $gconf2_files)) { push(@extra_vars, ["GCONF2_SCHEMAS+", $f]); } push(@includes, "../../devel/GConf2/schemas.mk"); } } sub magic_libtool() { if (-f "${abs_wrksrc}/ltconfig" || -f "${abs_wrksrc}/ltmain.sh") { push(@build_vars, ["USE_LIBTOOL", "yes"]); } if (-d "${abs_wrksrc}/libltdl") { push(@includes, "../../devel/libltdl/convenience.mk"); } } sub magic_perlmod() { if (-f "${abs_wrksrc}/Build.PL") { # It's a Module::Build module. Dependencies cannot yet be # extracted automatically. push(@todo, "Look for the dependencies in Build.PL."); push(@build_vars, ["PERL5_MODULE_TYPE", "Module::Build"]); } elsif (-f "${abs_wrksrc}/Makefile.PL") { open(DEPS, "cd ${abs_wrksrc} && perl -I${perllibdir} Makefile.PL |") or die; while (defined(my $dep = )) { chomp($dep); push(@depends, $dep); } close(DEPS) or die; } else { return; } my $packlist = $distname; $packlist =~ s/-[0-9].*//; $packlist =~ s/-/\//g; push(@build_vars, ["PERL5_PACKLIST", "auto/${packlist}/.packlist"]); push(@includes, "../../lang/perl5/module.mk"); $pkgname = "p5-\${DISTNAME}"; } sub magic_pkg_config() { my $pkg_config_files = `cd $abs_wrksrc && find * -type f -name "*.pc.in" -a ! -name "*-uninstalled.pc.in" -print 2>/dev/null`; if ($pkg_config_files =~ qr"\S") { push(@build_vars, ["USE_TOOLS+", "pkg-config"]); } foreach my $f (split(qr"\s+", $pkg_config_files)) { push(@extra_vars, ["PKGCONFIG_OVERRIDE+", $f]); } } sub magic_po() { if (`cd $abs_wrksrc && find * -type f -name "*.mo" -o -name "*.gmo" -print 2>/dev/null` =~ qr"\S") { push(@build_vars, ["USE_PKGLOCALEDIR", "yes"]); } } sub magic_use_languages() { my $c_files = `cd $abs_wrksrc && find * -type f -name "*.c" -print 2>/dev/null`; my $cxx_files = `cd $abs_wrksrc && find * -type f "(" -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.cc" -o -name "*.C" ")" -print 2>/dev/null`; my $f_files = `cd $abs_wrksrc && find * -type f -name "*.f" -print 2>/dev/null`; my $languages = {}; $c_files =~ qr"\S" and $languages->{"c"} = true; $cxx_files =~ qr"\S" and $languages->{"c++"} = true; $f_files =~ qr"\S" and $languages->{"f"} = true; my $use_languages = join(" ", sort(keys(%{$languages}))); if ($use_languages eq "") { $use_languages = "# none"; } if ($use_languages ne "c") { push(@build_vars, ["USE_LANGUAGES", $use_languages]); } } # # Subroutines for generating the initial package and adjusting it after # the distfiles have been extracted. # sub generate_initial_package($) { my ($url) = @_; my ($found, $master_site); my ($master_sites, $distfile, $homepage, $dist_sufx, $category); $found = false; open(SITES, "<", "../../mk/fetch/sites.mk") or die; while (defined(my $line = )) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ qr"^(MASTER_SITE_.*)\+=") { $master_site = $1; } elsif ($line =~ qr"^\t(.*?)(?:\s+\\)$") { my ($site) = ($1); if (index($url, $site) == 0) { $found = true; if ($url =~ qr"^\Q${site}\E(.+)/([^/]+)$") { my $subdir = $1; $distfile = $2; $master_sites = "\${${master_site}:=${subdir}/}"; if ($master_site eq "MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE") { $homepage = "http://${subdir}.sourceforge.net/"; } elsif ($master_site eq "MASTER_SITE_GNU") { $homepage = "http://www.gnu.org/software/${subdir}/"; } else { $homepage = substr($url, 0, -length($distfile)); } } else { $master_sites = "\${${master_site}}"; } } } } if (!$found) { if ($url =~ qr"^http://prdownloads\.sourceforge\.net/([^/]*)/[^/]*\?download$") { my $pkgbase = $1; $distfile = $2; $master_sites = "\${MASTER_SITE_SOURCEFORGE:=${pkgbase}/}"; $homepage = "http://${pkgbase}.sourceforge.net/"; $found = true; } } if (!$found) { if ($url =~ qr"^(.*/)(.*)$") { ($master_sites, $distfile) = ($1, $2); $homepage = $master_sites; } else { die("$0: ERROR: Invalid URL: ${url}\n"); } } if ($distfile =~ qr"^(.*)(\.tgz|\.tar\.Z|\.tar\.gz|\.tar\.bz2)$") { ($distname, $dist_sufx) = ($1, $2); } elsif ($distfile =~ qr"^(.*)(\.[^.]+)$") { ($distname, $dist_sufx) = ($1, $2); } else { ($distname, $dist_sufx) = ($distfile, "# none"); } # ignore errors. rename("Makefile", "Makefile-url2pkg.bak"); `pwd` =~ qr".*/([^/]+)/[^/]+$" or die; $category = $1; open(MF, ">", "Makefile") or die; print MF ("# \$NetBSD\$\n"); print MF ("#\n"); print MF ("\n"); print_section(*MF, [ ["DISTNAME", $distname], ["CATEGORIES", $category], ["MASTER_SITES", $master_sites], ($dist_sufx ne ".tar.gz" ? ["EXTRACT_SUFX", $dist_sufx] : ()) ]); print_section(*MF, [ ["MAINTAINER", get_maintainer()], ["HOMEPAGE", $homepage], ["COMMENT", "SHORT_DESCRIPTION_OF_THE_PACKAGE"] ]); print MF ("# url2pkg-marker (please do not remove this line.)\n"); print MF (".include \"../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk\"\n"); close(MF) or die; open(PLIST, ">", "PLIST") or die; print PLIST ("\@comment \$NetBSD\$\n"); close(PLIST) or die; open(DI, ">", "distinfo") or die; close(DI) or die; open(DESCR, ">", "DESCR") or die; close(DESCR) or die; run_editor("Makefile", 5); print ("url2pkg> Running \"make makesum\" ...\n"); (system { $make } ($make, "makesum")) == 0 or die; print ("url2pkg> Running \"make extract\" ...\n"); (system { $make } ($make, "extract")) == 0 or die; } sub adjust_package_from_extracted_distfiles() { my ($seen_marker); chomp($abs_wrkdir = `${make} show-var VARNAME=WRKDIR`); # # Determine the value of WRKSRC. # my @files = (); opendir(WRKDIR, $abs_wrkdir) or die; while (defined(my $f = readdir(WRKDIR))) { next if $f =~ qr"^\."; push(@files, $f); } closedir(WRKDIR); if (@files == 1) { if ($files[0] ne $distname) { push(@build_vars, ["WRKSRC", "\${WRKDIR}/$files[0]"]); } $abs_wrksrc = "${abs_wrkdir}/$files[0]"; } else { push(@build_vars, ["WRKSRC", "\${WRKDIR}"]); $abs_wrksrc = $abs_wrkdir; } magic_configure(); magic_gconf2_schemas(); magic_libtool(); magic_perlmod(); magic_pkg_config(); magic_po(); magic_use_languages(); print("url2pkg> Adjusting the Makefile.\n"); open(MF1, "<", "Makefile") or die; open(MF2, ">", "Makefile-url2pkg.new") or die; # Copy the user-edited part of the Makefile. while (defined(my $line = )) { if ($line =~ qr"^# url2pkg-marker\b") { $seen_marker = true; last; } print MF2 ($line); # Note: This is not elegant, but works. if (defined($pkgname) && $line =~ qr"^DISTNAME=(\t+)") { print MF2 ("PKGNAME=$1${pkgname}\n"); } } if (scalar(@todo) != 0) { foreach my $todo (@todo) { print MF2 ("# TODO: ${todo}\n"); } print MF2 ("\n"); } my @depend_vars; foreach my $bd (@build_depends) { push(@depend_vars, ["BUILD_DEPENDS+", $bd]); } foreach my $d (@depends) { push(@depend_vars, ["DEPENDS+", $d]); } print_section(*MF2, \@depend_vars); print_section(*MF2, \@build_vars); print_section(*MF2, \@extra_vars); foreach my $f (@includes) { print MF2 (".include \"${f}\"\n"); } # Copy the rest of the user-edited part of the Makefile. while (defined(my $line = )) { print MF2 ($line); } close(MF1); close(MF2) or die; if ($seen_marker) { rename("Makefile-url2pkg.new", "Makefile") or die; } else { unlink("Makefile-url2pkg.new"); die("$0: ERROR: didn't find the url2pkg marker in the file.\n"); } } sub main() { my $url; if (!-f "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk") { die("$0 must be run from a package directory (.../pkgsrc/category/package)."); } my @extract_cookie = ; if (scalar(@extract_cookie) == 0) { if (scalar(@ARGV) == 0) { print("URL: "); $url = ; } else { $url = shift(@ARGV); } generate_initial_package($url); } else { chomp($distname = `${make} show-var VARNAME=DISTNAME`); } adjust_package_from_extracted_distfiles(); print("\n"); print("Remember to correct CATEGORIES, HOMEPAGE, COMMENT, and DESCR when you're done!\n"); print("\n"); print("Good luck! (See pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.txt for some more help :-)\n"); } main();