#!@RCD_SCRIPTS_SHELL@ # # $NetBSD: cupsd.sh,v 1.17 2003/06/04 06:15:38 jlam Exp $ # # Common UNIX Printing System daemon # # PROVIDE: cupsd # REQUIRE: DAEMON slpd # # You will need to set some variables in /etc/rc.conf to start cupsd: # # cupsd=YES # cupsd_wait=YES # set to "YES" to wait for cupsd to detect printers; # # this variable is optional and defaults to "NO". # cupsd_timeout=60 # set to the number of seconds we wait for cupsd # # to respond before we declare it not responding; # # this variable is optional and defaults to "60". if [ -f /etc/rc.subr ] then . /etc/rc.subr fi name="cupsd" rcvar=${name} command="@PREFIX@/sbin/${name}" lpstat_command="@PREFIX@/bin/lpstat" command_args="& sleep 2" required_files="@PKG_SYSCONFDIR@/${name}.conf" extra_commands="reload wait" wait_cmd="cupsd_waitcmd" start_postcmd="cupsd_poststart" cupsd_poststart() { if checkyesno cupsd_wait; then run_rc_command wait fi } cupsd_waitcmd() { if [ -x ${lpstat_command} ]; then msg= @ECHO@ -n "Waiting ${cupsd_timeout} seconds for ${name}: " if ${lpstat_command} -r >/dev/null 2>&1; then msg='responding' else master=$$ trap "msg='not responding'" ALRM (sleep ${cupsd_timeout} && kill -ALRM $master) >/dev/null 2>&1 & while [ -z "$msg" ]; do if ${lpstat_command} -r >/dev/null 2>&1; then msg='responding' trap : ALRM else sleep 5 @ECHO@ -n '.' fi done fi @ECHO@ "$msg" fi } if [ -f /etc/rc.subr ] then load_rc_config $name [ -z "${cupsd_wait}" ] && cupsd_wait=NO [ -z "${cupsd_timeout}" ] && cupsd_timeout=60 run_rc_command "$1" else @ECHO@ -n " ${name}" ${command} ${cupsd_flags} ${command_args} fi