# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 2001/05/15 18:26:11 jlam Exp $ DISTNAME= foomatic-gswrapper PKGNAME= ${DISTNAME}-1.2 CATEGORIES= print EXTRACT_SUFX= # empty # Not sure why ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL:=${PKGNAME}} doesn't work, but the # following does the correct substitution. # .for subdir in ${PKGNAME} MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_LOCAL:=${subdir}/} .endfor # The definitive location of the distfile is at www.linuxprinting.org, # but this file has no revision number. # #MASTER_SITES+= http://www.linuxprinting.org/ MAINTAINER= jlam@netbsd.org HOMEPAGE= http://www.linuxprinting.org/gswrapper.html COMMENT= Foomatic Ghostscript Wrapper DIST_SUBDIR= ${PKGNAME} DEPENDS+= ghostscript{,-nox11}-[6-9]*:../../print/ghostscript USE_PERL5= # defined NO_WRKSUBDIR= # defined NO_CONFIGURE= # defined EXTRACT_CMD= ${CP} ${DOWNLOADED_DISTFILE} ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME} do-build: ${MV} ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME} ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME}.orig ${SED} -e "s,/usr/bin/perl,${PERL5},g" \ ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME}.orig > ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME} ${RM} ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME}.orig do-install: ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/${DISTNAME} ${PREFIX}/bin .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"