# $NetBSD: texmf.mk,v 1.2 2009/01/11 09:11:07 minskim Exp $ # # This Makefile fragment is intended to be included by packages that # install TeX packages. It rebuilds the ls-R databases at # (de)installation time. # # The following variable can be defined: # # TEX_TEXMF_DIRS - A list of texmf directories that need to update ls-R. # Default: ${PREFIX}/share/texmf-dist # # TEX_CONFIG_NAMES - A list of config fragments to add to texmf.cnf. # .if !defined(TEX_TEXMF_MK) TEX_TEXMF_MK= # defined DEPENDS+= kpathsea>=3.5.7:../../print/kpathsea TEX_TEXMF_DIRS?= ${PREFIX}/share/texmf-dist EVAL_PREFIX+= KPATHSEA_PREFIX=kpathsea FILES_SUBST+= MKTEXLSR=${KPATHSEA_PREFIX:Q}/bin/mktexlsr FILES_SUBST+= TEXMF_DIRS=${TEX_TEXMF_DIRS:Q} INSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../print/kpathsea/files/texmf-install.tmpl DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../print/kpathsea/files/texmf-deinstall.tmpl . if !empty(TEX_CONFIG_NAMES) FILES_SUBST+= CONFIG_NAMES=${TEX_CONFIG_NAMES:Q} INSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../print/kpathsea/files/config-install.tmpl DEINSTALL_TEMPLATES+= ../../print/kpathsea/files/config-deinstall.tmpl . endif .endif # TEX_TEXMF_MK