BagpipeTex is a set of MusixTeX macros to typeset bagpipe music. Bagpipe music is written slightly differently than regular music and sequences of gracenotes are often viewed as tokens rather than sequences of individual notes. These differences make it very difficult to typeset bagpipe music with plain old MusixTeX. Therefore BagpipeTeX has been written by Walt Innes ( This is a macro package for use on top of MusixTex, which is itself a macro package for use with LaTeX. Once BagpipeTeX is installed, you can then process BagpipeTeX files exactly the same as you would a regular MusixTeX file. For example: musixtex foo musixflx foo musixtex foo This will give you foo.dvi which then can be processed like any other .dvi. Use dvips to convert it into a postscript file or print it to a Postscript printer. Then ps2pdf may be used to convert the Postscript file into a PDF file.