=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.5 2006/05/27 14:10:28 jmmv Exp $ Because FAM uses RPC, you have to add the following line to the system's portmapper file (/etc/rpc): sgi_fam 391002 fam # File Alteration Monitor Also make sure that the RPC port mapper is enabled by checking whether rpcbind=YES is in /etc/rc.conf. After that, restart the rpcbind(8) server. Furthermore, you have to enable the FAM daemon. There are two ways to do this: through inetd(8) or as a standalone server. If you prefer the former way, add the following line to /etc/inetd.conf: sgi_fam/1-2 stream rpc/tcp wait root ${PREFIX}/sbin/famd famd and reload inetd(8)'s daemon. However, if you prefer the later way, use the provided famd rc.d(8) script. ===========================================================================