This package contains the DTML and StructruedText facilities from Zope.
They are also useful independent of Zope for other Python programs.

The Zope Document Template Markup Language (DTML) is a facility for
generating textual information using a template document and application
information.  It is used in Zope primarily to generate Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) files, but it can also be used to create other types of
textual information.  For example, it is used to generate Structured
Query Language (SQL) commands in Zope SQL Methods.

The DTML facility is used to convert from document template source text
to rendered text.  Document template source text consists of ordinary
text interspersed with DTML's SSI-like (server side includes) "markup"

Structured text is text that uses indentation and simple symbology to
indicate the structure of a document.  StructuredText format text files
are generally quite readbale by themselves, or they can be converted to
HTML, MML, or other formats using the StructuredText module included in
this package.