=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.2 2004/12/04 14:12:19 ben Exp $ In order to enable mod_chroot in your Apache installation, you need to add the following to your httpd.conf file: LoadModule chroot_module lib/httpd/mod_chroot.so Please also refer to the documentation in: ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mod_chroot/ It can be useful to null mount /var/run into CHROOTDIR/var/run, so that apachectl and etc/rc.d/apache can still find the PID to stop apache. For the UserDir feature, CHROOTDIR/etc/pwd.db and passwd need to exist. Alternatively, instead of UserDir, one could null mount /home/USER/public_html into DocumentRoot/~USER. Take care configuring DocumentRoot, because apache will not start unless the directory also exists before the chroot is performed. ===========================================================================