$NetBSD: patch-ah,v 1.5 2005/02/28 23:30:49 abs Exp $

--- src/support/apachectl.orig	2005-02-28 22:42:11.000000000 +0000
+++ src/support/apachectl
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ PIDFILE=/usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.pid
 # the path to your httpd binary, including options if necessary
+# shared object search path
 # a command that outputs a formatted text version of the HTML at the
 # url given on the command line.  Designed for lynx, however other
 # programs may work.  
@@ -138,6 +141,30 @@ do
+    restartssl|sslrestart|restart-SSL)
+	if [ $RUNNING -eq 0 ]; then
+	    echo "$0 $ARG: httpd not running, trying to start"
+	    if $HTTPD -DSSL ; then
+		echo "$0 $ARG: httpd started"
+	    else
+		echo "$0 $ARG: httpd could not be started"
+		ERROR=5
+	    fi
+	else
+	    if $HTTPD -t >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+		if kill -HUP $PID ; then
+		    echo "$0 $ARG: httpd restarted"
+		else
+		    echo "$0 $ARG: httpd could not be restarted"
+		    ERROR=6
+		fi
+	    else
+		echo "$0 $ARG: configuration broken, ignoring restart"
+		echo "$0 $ARG: (run 'apachectl configtest' for details)"
+		ERROR=6
+	    fi
+	fi
+	;;
 	if [ $RUNNING -eq 0 ]; then
 	    echo "$0 $ARG: httpd not running, trying to start"