$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.3 2005/02/18 14:00:16 wiz Exp $

To configure blur6ex, complete the following steps:

$ mysql -e "create database blur6ex"
$ mysql -e "grant all on blur6ex.* to ''@'' identified by 'PASSWORD'"
$ mysql blur6ex < ${PREFIX}/share/doc/blur6ex/blur6ex_tables.sql

Change "PASSWORD" to your desired password.

Modify ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR.blur6exdb}/db.php and

Before accessing the blog, you should create a user for the admin

$ mysql
mysql> use blur6ex;
mysql> insert into 
  -> permissionGroups (username,pGroup) values ('YOUR-NAME', 'admin' );
mysql> quit

Now you can access it at the following URL:

