Contao is an Open Source Content Management Framework developed by Leo Feyer and distributed under the LGPL license (see GPL.txt and LGPL.txt for more information). It was formerly known as TYPOlight Open Source CMS. Its open architecture allows everybody to extend the system to fit his needs. Contao specializes in accessible websites and is accessbile itself (front end and back end), rendering valid HTML5 or XHTML pages. Contao 4.4 is fourth minor release of Contao 4 and it is LTS (Long Term Support) release until June 2021. Additionally, these new features from 4.3. * Improved backend theme * Improved element preview * Detect version conflicts * Improved handling of image meta data * Details view contains path addition to their UUIDs * Honeypot anti-spam * Allowed member groups * Import options for some form fields * DCA picker * Filter pages and articles * Search files * Contao Manager support