Heel is a small static web server for use when you need a quick web server for a directory. Once the server is running, heel will use launchy (http://copiousfreetime.rubyforge.org/launchy/) to open your browser at the URL of your document root. Heel is built using Rack(http://rack.rubyforge.org) and Thin (http://code.macournoyer.com/thin/) % heel >> Thin web server (v1.0.0 codename That's What She Said) >> Threaded mode OFF >> Maximum connections set to 1024 >> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop Launching your browser... Or run it in the background: % heel --daemonize Created /Users/jeremy/.heel heel's PID (/Users/jeremy/.heel/heel.pid) and log file (/Users/jeremy/.heel/heel.log) are stored here Launching your browser at % heel --kill Sending TERM to process 3304 Done.