# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2019/12/11 15:56:05 ng0 Exp $ DISTNAME= nsm-1.24 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= ${MASTER_SITE_GITHUB:=nifty-site-manager/} GITHUB_TAG= v${PKGVERSION_NOREV} MAINTAINER= ng0@NetBSD.org HOMEPAGE= https://www.nift.cc/ COMMENT= Cross-platform git- and LaTeX-like command-line website manager LICENSE= mit USE_LANGUAGES= c++ INSTALLATION_DIRS= bin # Avoid building 2 binaries with the exact same content # where we can symlink instead. This safes 50 percent # of the binary size and some double computation. # closed upstream ticket: # https://github.com/nifty-site-manager/nsm/issues/2 SUBST_CLASSES+= nift SUBST_STAGE.nift= pre-configure SUBST_FILES.nift= Makefile SUBST_SED.nift= -e '/nift/ s,^,\#,g' post-install: cd ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin && ${LN} -s nsm nift .include "../../mk/pthread.buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"