# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.19 2002/10/07 22:34:27 seb Exp $ # DISTNAME= CGI.pm-2.79 PKGNAME= p5-CGI-2.79 SVR4_PKGNAME= p5cgi CATEGORIES= www perl5 MASTER_SITES= http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/ # The distfile at Lincoln Stein's page appears to be larger than the # ones on the various CPAN sites. Since he's the software author, we # assume his is the definitive file. # #MASTER_SITES+= ${MASTER_SITE_PERL_CPAN:=CGI/} MAINTAINER= jlam@netbsd.org HOMEPAGE= http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/ COMMENT= perl5 module for writing forms-based CGI programs # Some perl packages install their own versions of this module. # Can't simply define USE_PERL5. BUILDLINK_DEPENDS.perl= {perl-5.0*,perl-5.6.0nb2,perl-base>=5.6.0,perl>=5.6.1nb2} USE_BUILDLINK2= YES PERL5_PACKLIST= ${PERL5_SITEARCH}/auto/CGI/.packlist HTMLDIR= ${PREFIX}/share/doc/html/p5-CGI post-build: cd ${WRKSRC}/examples; \ for file in *.cgi *.pl; do \ ${SED} -e "s|^#!/.*|#!${PERL5}|g" \ $${file} > $${file}.tmp; \ ${MV} -f $${file}.tmp $${file}; \ done; \ ${CHMOD} +x *.cgi; \ ${PERL5} make_links.pl post-install: ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${HTMLDIR} ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${HTMLDIR}/examples cd ${WRKSRC}; ${INSTALL_DATA} *.html ${HTMLDIR} cd ${WRKSRC}/examples; \ ${INSTALL_DATA} *.gif *.html *.txt *.xbm ${HTMLDIR}/examples; \ ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} *.cgi ${HTMLDIR}/examples .include "../../lang/perl5/module.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"