=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.1 2013/11/22 14:35:56 ryoon Exp $ To use baserCMS, you will need to perform the following steps. 1. If you want to use with MySQL server, install databases/mysql55-* and enable it, then create database. 2. Create database for baserCMS. # mysql -u root -p mysql> grant all on *.* to baser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'baser-password'; mysql> create database basercms character set utf8 ; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON basercms.* TO baser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'baser-password'; 2. Install apache httpd server, for example www/apache24 and www/ap-php. 3. Be sure to have the following lines in ${PREFIX}/etc/httpd/httpd.conf Alias / ${PREFIX}/share/basercms DirectoryIndex index.php Options All Allow from All AllowOverride All Require all granted 4. Be sure to have the following lines in ${PREFIX}/etc/php.ini. extension=gd.so extension=mbstring.so extension=mysql.so ;if you select MySQL backend. extension=pdo.so ;if you select sqlite backend. extension=pdo_sqlite.so ;if you select sqlite backend. extension=pgsql.so ;if you select PostgreSQL backend. 5. Start apache httpd. 6. Access http://localhost/ and setup with userID/password = baser/paser-password for MySQL database. ===========================================================================