=========================================================================== $NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.4 2017/07/25 08:37:20 manu Exp $ To use Piwigo with Apache 2.4, you will need to perform the following steps. 1. Install www/apache24 and www/ap-php 2. Setup PHP. At least, ${PREFIX}/etc/php.ini should have date.timezone line. If your machine are located in Tokyo, Japan, you should get the following. # cat ${PREFIX}/etc/php.ini | grep date.timezone date.timezone ="Asia/Tokyo" 2. Install MySQL or MariaDB database server # cd databases/mariadb55-server # make install 3. Start MySQL server, and setup MySQL server # ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/mysqld start And see messages. 4. Add MySQL user, piwigo $ mysql -u root -p Enter password: YOUR_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD > create user piwigo identified by 'piwigo_password'; > quit 6. Create database for Piwigo $ mysql -u root -p Enter password: YOUR_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD > create database piwigo_db; > grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, ALTER on piwigo_db.* to piwigo@localhost identified by 'piwigo_password'; > quit 7. Be sure to have the following lines in ${PREFIX}/etc/php.ini. extension=gd.so extension=exif.so extension=mysqli.so 8. Be sure to have the following lines in ${PREFIX}/etc/httpd/httpd.conf (replace php5 by php7 if appropriate) DocumentRoot "${PREFIX}/share/piwigo" LoadModule php5_module lib/httpd/mod_php5.so AddType application/x-httpd-php .php DirectoryIndex index.php Options All Allow from All AllowOverride All Require all granted 9. Start Apache httpd 2.4 # ${RCD_SCRIPTS_DIR}/apache start 10. Access http://localhost/index.php And setup with the following information. database name: piwigo_db user name: piwigo password: piwigo_password XXX Your authentication information is stored with permission allows to XXX read, write by others. Do not share it with another service, XXX for example, login of terminal and so on. ===========================================================================