$NetBSD: MESSAGE,v 1.7 2009/02/13 22:37:02 abs Exp $

1) To enable "wwwwoffled" to start on boot on NetBSD-1.5 or newer,
   please copy "${PREFIX}/${RCD_SCRIPTS_EXAMPLEDIR}/wwwoffled" to
   "/etc/rc.d/" and add "wwwoffled=YES" to /etc/rc.conf. To do the
   same on older systems, add the following to /etc/rc.local:

if [ -x ${PREFIX}/${RCD_SCRIPTS_EXAMPLEDIR}/wwwoffle ]; then

2) The hooks are present to to use the package version of "htdig",
   if installed, to serve a searchable index of your cached pages.
   To make the word database, start "wwwoffle" and execute the script

2a) A complete installation will purge the cache (and optionally
   reindex the database for "htdig") periodically, as by the following
   example "crontab fragment":

# wwwoffle proxy maintenance
01   1    *    *    0-5  /usr/bin/nice ${PREFIX}/bin/wwwoffle -purge -c ${PREFIX}/etc/wwwoffle/wwwoffle.conf && /bin/sh /var/wwwoffle/search/htdig/scripts/wwwoffle-htdig-incr
01   1    *    *    6    /usr/bin/nice ${PREFIX}/bin/wwwoffle -purge -c ${PREFIX}/etc/wwwoffle/wwwoffle.conf && /bin/sh /var/wwwoffle/search/htdig/scripts/wwwoffle-htdig-full

3) Docs and links for the other supported cache searchers, and all
   documentation in fact, is easily accessible once wwwoffle is started,
