# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.86 2019/05/23 19:23:22 rillig Exp $ DISTNAME= wwwoffle-2.9j PKGREVISION= 3 CATEGORIES= www MASTER_SITES= http://www.gedanken.org.uk/software/wwwoffle/download/ EXTRACT_SUFX= .tgz MAINTAINER= ginger@email.su HOMEPAGE= http://www.gedanken.org.uk/software/wwwoffle LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2 COMMENT= WWW proxy with support for offline browsing USE_TOOLS+= gmake gzip perl tar lex GNU_CONFIGURE= yes BUILD_DEFS+= VARBASE CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-confdir=${PKG_SYSCONFDIR:Q} CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-spooldir=${VARBASE}/wwwoffle PKG_SYSCONFSUBDIR= wwwoffle CONF_FILES+= ${PREFIX}/share/examples/wwwoffle/wwwoffle.conf ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/wwwoffle.conf CONF_FILES_MODE= 0640 PLIST_SUBST+= GZIP_CMD=${GZIP_CMD:Q} INSTALLATION_DIRS= sbin libdata RCD_SCRIPTS= wwwoffled SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-paths SUBST_STAGE.fix-paths= pre-configure SUBST_MESSAGE.fix-paths= Fixing absolute paths. SUBST_FILES.fix-paths= cache/search/namazu/scripts/wwwoffle-namazu SUBST_FILES.fix-paths+= cache/search/hyperestraier/scripts/wwwoffle-estseek SUBST_VARS.fix-paths= PREFIX .include "options.mk" post-extract: chmod -R go-w ${WRKSRC} post-build: cd ${WRKSRC}/cache/search/htdig/scripts; \ for f in wwwoffle-ht*; do \ ${MV} $$f $$f.old; \ ${SED} -e '/htsearch/s#^#${PREFIX}/libexec/cgi-bin/#' \ -e 's#/usr/local#${PREFIX}#' $$f.old > $$f; \ ${RM} $$f.old; \ done # For bulk-build machines: a one-time install/deinstall, if wwwoffle # is never run, leaves an incomplete cache directory, which the install # target incorrectly calculates to be a pre-2.2 cache. This tricks it # into setting up the cache directory properly. pre-install: ${MKDIR} ${DESTDIR}${VARBASE}/wwwoffle/prevtime1 post-install: ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/conf/upgrade-config.pl \ ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/sbin/wwwoffle-upgrade-config.pl ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/conf/upgrade-config-2.0-2.5.pl \ ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/sbin/wwwoffle-upgrade-config-2.0-2.5.pl # Directories other than html and search are automatically created at run time ${TAR} cCf ${DESTDIR}/ - var/wwwoffle/html var/wwwoffle/search | \ ${GZIP_CMD} -9 \ > ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/libdata/wwwoffle-spool.tar.gz ${RMDIR} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/wwwoffle/ru ${RMDIR} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/wwwoffle/nl ${RMDIR} ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/share/doc/wwwoffle/it @${ECHO} @${ECHO} ==+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+= @${ECHO} @${ECHO} Attention pkgsrc source users: @${ECHO} @${ECHO} 'Please run' "\`make finish'" 'from this directory *after*' @${ECHO} '(optionally) running' "\`make package'", 'in order to fix' @${ECHO} 'up the installed "wwwoffle.pac" files to your hostname' @${ECHO} 'and convert your config file and cache to the new format.' @${ECHO} @${ECHO} ==+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+===+= @${ECHO} # We don't do the following automatically, as that would inconvenience # package build machines, not to mention putting the wrong information # into the "wwwoffle.pac" files. .PHONY: finish finish: ${SETENV} CONFDIR="${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}" PKG_PREFIX="${PREFIX}" \ ${SH} INSTALL _ POST-INSTALL .include "../../devel/zlib/buildlink3.mk" .include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"