Ebuilder features: ------------------ - Allows creation of either a QWidget or a QDialog (modal or modeless). - Provides a hierarchal view that shows the parent-child relations of the Qt widgets in your design - Uses unmodified Qt widgets to create your design. This means that your design looks exactly like the final implementation. - Load and save capability using a text file format. - Exports C++ header (.h) and implementation (.cc) files that compile without modification. The header file contains a single class declaration for your design. - Allows the definition of member functions, SLOTs, SIGNALs and member variables from within the program. It is possible to add code to the constructor and destructor of the class. - Allows you to add extra includes to your design. You may need this for member variables or simply to use the iostream classes. - Allows you to modify most, if not all, properties of the widgets in your design through a tabdialog.