xkbset is a program rather like xset in that it allows you to set
various features of the X window interface.  It allows one to configure
most of the options connected with the XKB extensions.  They are described
in Section 10 of XKBlib.ps.

This includes customizing the following:
  MouseKeys:  using the numeric pad keys to move the mouse;
  StickyKeys: where modifiers like control and shift will lock until the
              next key press (good for one finger typing);
  SlowKeys:   The keys will not work unless they are pressed for a certain
              amount of time;
  BounceKeys: If a key is pressed more than once rapidly, only one key
              press will be registered.

I also include a gui program mskacc-gui which is a GUI program to play
with the mousekeys acceleration parameters.  It is written in Perl/Tk,
so Perl/Tk will need to be installed on your machine.