// @file db.cpp : Defines main() for the mongod program. /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pch.h" #include "db.h" #include "introspect.h" #include "repl.h" #include "../util/unittest.h" #include "../util/file_allocator.h" #include "../util/background.h" #include "../util/text.h" #include "dbmessage.h" #include "instance.h" #include "clientcursor.h" #include "pdfile.h" #include "stats/counters.h" #include "repl/rs.h" #include "../scripting/engine.h" #include "module.h" #include "cmdline.h" #include "stats/snapshots.h" #include "../util/concurrency/task.h" #include "../util/version.h" #include "../util/ramlog.h" #include "../util/net/message_server.h" #include "client.h" #include "restapi.h" #include "dbwebserver.h" #include "dur.h" #include "concurrency.h" #include "../s/d_writeback.h" #if defined(_WIN32) # include "../util/ntservice.h" #else # include #endif namespace mongo { namespace dur { extern unsigned long long DataLimitPerJournalFile; } /* only off if --nocursors which is for debugging. */ extern bool useCursors; /* only off if --nohints */ extern bool useHints; extern int diagLogging; extern unsigned lenForNewNsFiles; extern int lockFile; extern bool checkNsFilesOnLoad; extern string repairpath; void setupSignals( bool inFork ); void startReplication(); void exitCleanly( ExitCode code ); CmdLine cmdLine; static bool scriptingEnabled = true; bool noHttpInterface = false; bool shouldRepairDatabases = 0; static bool forceRepair = 0; Timer startupSrandTimer; const char *ourgetns() { Client *c = currentClient.get(); if ( ! c ) return ""; Client::Context* cc = c->getContext(); return cc ? cc->ns() : ""; } struct MyStartupTests { MyStartupTests() { assert( sizeof(OID) == 12 ); } } mystartupdbcpp; QueryResult* emptyMoreResult(long long); /* todo: make this a real test. the stuff in dbtests/ seem to do all dbdirectclient which exhaust doesn't support yet. */ // QueryOption_Exhaust #define TESTEXHAUST 0 #if( TESTEXHAUST ) void testExhaust() { sleepsecs(1); unsigned n = 0; auto f = [&n](const BSONObj& o) { assert( o.valid() ); //cout << o << endl; n++; bool testClosingSocketOnError = false; if( testClosingSocketOnError ) assert(false); }; DBClientConnection db(false); db.connect("localhost"); const char *ns = "local.foo"; if( db.count(ns) < 10000 ) for( int i = 0; i < 20000; i++ ) db.insert(ns, BSON("aaa" << 3 << "b" << "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")); try { db.query(f, ns, Query() ); } catch(...) { cout << "hmmm" << endl; } try { db.query(f, ns, Query() ); } catch(...) { cout << "caught" << endl; } cout << n << endl; }; #endif void sysRuntimeInfo() { out() << "sysinfo:" << endl; #if defined(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) out() << " page size: " << (int) sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) << endl; #endif #if defined(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) out() << " _SC_PHYS_PAGES: " << sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) << endl; #endif #if defined(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) out() << " _SC_AVPHYS_PAGES: " << sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) << endl; #endif } /* if server is really busy, wait a bit */ void beNice() { sleepmicros( Client::recommendedYieldMicros() ); } class MyMessageHandler : public MessageHandler { public: virtual void connected( AbstractMessagingPort* p ) { Client& c = Client::initThread("conn", p); c.getAuthenticationInfo()->isLocalHost = p->remote().isLocalHost(); } virtual void process( Message& m , AbstractMessagingPort* port , LastError * le) { while ( true ) { if ( inShutdown() ) { log() << "got request after shutdown()" << endl; break; } lastError.startRequest( m , le ); DbResponse dbresponse; assembleResponse( m, dbresponse, port->remote() ); if ( dbresponse.response ) { port->reply(m, *dbresponse.response, dbresponse.responseTo); if( dbresponse.exhaust ) { MsgData *header = dbresponse.response->header(); QueryResult *qr = (QueryResult *) header; long long cursorid = qr->cursorId; if( cursorid ) { assert( dbresponse.exhaust && *dbresponse.exhaust != 0 ); string ns = dbresponse.exhaust; // before reset() free's it... m.reset(); BufBuilder b(512); b.appendNum((int) 0 /*size set later in appendData()*/); b.appendNum(header->id); b.appendNum(header->responseTo); b.appendNum((int) dbGetMore); b.appendNum((int) 0); b.appendStr(ns); b.appendNum((int) 0); // ntoreturn b.appendNum(cursorid); m.appendData(b.buf(), b.len()); b.decouple(); DEV log() << "exhaust=true sending more" << endl; beNice(); continue; // this goes back to top loop } } } break; } } virtual void disconnected( AbstractMessagingPort* p ) { Client * c = currentClient.get(); if( c ) c->shutdown(); globalScriptEngine->threadDone(); } }; void listen(int port) { //testTheDb(); MessageServer::Options options; options.port = port; options.ipList = cmdLine.bind_ip; MessageServer * server = createServer( options , new MyMessageHandler() ); server->setAsTimeTracker(); startReplication(); if ( !noHttpInterface ) boost::thread web( boost::bind(&webServerThread, new RestAdminAccess() /* takes ownership */)); #if(TESTEXHAUST) boost::thread thr(testExhaust); #endif server->run(); } bool doDBUpgrade( const string& dbName , string errmsg , DataFileHeader * h ) { static DBDirectClient db; if ( h->version == 4 && h->versionMinor == 4 ) { assert( VERSION == 4 ); assert( VERSION_MINOR == 5 ); list colls = db.getCollectionNames( dbName ); for ( list::iterator i=colls.begin(); i!=colls.end(); i++) { string c = *i; log() << "\t upgrading collection:" << c << endl; BSONObj out; bool ok = db.runCommand( dbName , BSON( "reIndex" << c.substr( dbName.size() + 1 ) ) , out ); if ( ! ok ) { errmsg = "reindex failed"; log() << "\t\t reindex failed: " << out << endl; return false; } } h->versionMinor = 5; return true; } // do this in the general case return repairDatabase( dbName.c_str(), errmsg ); } // ran at startup. static void repairDatabasesAndCheckVersion() { // LastError * le = lastError.get( true ); Client::GodScope gs; log(1) << "enter repairDatabases (to check pdfile version #)" << endl; //assert(checkNsFilesOnLoad); checkNsFilesOnLoad = false; // we are mainly just checking the header - don't scan the whole .ns file for every db here. dblock lk; vector< string > dbNames; getDatabaseNames( dbNames ); for ( vector< string >::iterator i = dbNames.begin(); i != dbNames.end(); ++i ) { string dbName = *i; log(1) << "\t" << dbName << endl; Client::Context ctx( dbName ); MongoDataFile *p = cc().database()->getFile( 0 ); DataFileHeader *h = p->getHeader(); if ( !h->isCurrentVersion() || forceRepair ) { if( h->version <= 0 ) { uasserted(14026, str::stream() << "db " << dbName << " appears corrupt pdfile version: " << h->version << " info: " << h->versionMinor << ' ' << h->fileLength); } log() << "****" << endl; log() << "****" << endl; log() << "need to upgrade database " << dbName << " with pdfile version " << h->version << "." << h->versionMinor << ", " << "new version: " << VERSION << "." << VERSION_MINOR << endl; if ( shouldRepairDatabases ) { // QUESTION: Repair even if file format is higher version than code? log() << "\t starting upgrade" << endl; string errmsg; assert( doDBUpgrade( dbName , errmsg , h ) ); } else { log() << "\t Not upgrading, exiting" << endl; log() << "\t run --upgrade to upgrade dbs, then start again" << endl; log() << "****" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_NEED_UPGRADE ); shouldRepairDatabases = 1; return; } } else { Database::closeDatabase( dbName.c_str(), dbpath ); } } log(1) << "done repairDatabases" << endl; if ( shouldRepairDatabases ) { log() << "finished checking dbs" << endl; cc().shutdown(); dbexit( EXIT_CLEAN ); } checkNsFilesOnLoad = true; } void clearTmpFiles() { boost::filesystem::path path( dbpath ); for ( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator i( path ); i != boost::filesystem::directory_iterator(); ++i ) { string fileName = boost::filesystem::path(*i).leaf(); if ( boost::filesystem::is_directory( *i ) && fileName.length() && fileName[ 0 ] == '$' ) boost::filesystem::remove_all( *i ); } } void clearTmpCollections() { Client::GodScope gs; vector< string > toDelete; DBDirectClient cli; auto_ptr< DBClientCursor > c = cli.query( "local.system.namespaces", Query( fromjson( "{name:/^local.temp./}" ) ) ); while( c->more() ) { BSONObj o = c->next(); toDelete.push_back( o.getStringField( "name" ) ); } for( vector< string >::iterator i = toDelete.begin(); i != toDelete.end(); ++i ) { log() << "Dropping old temporary collection: " << *i << endl; cli.dropCollection( *i ); } } void flushDiagLog(); /** * does background async flushes of mmapped files */ class DataFileSync : public BackgroundJob { public: string name() const { return "DataFileSync"; } void run() { if( cmdLine.syncdelay == 0 ) log() << "warning: --syncdelay 0 is not recommended and can have strange performance" << endl; else if( cmdLine.syncdelay == 1 ) log() << "--syncdelay 1" << endl; else if( cmdLine.syncdelay != 60 ) log(1) << "--syncdelay " << cmdLine.syncdelay << endl; int time_flushing = 0; while ( ! inShutdown() ) { flushDiagLog(); if ( cmdLine.syncdelay == 0 ) { // in case at some point we add an option to change at runtime sleepsecs(5); continue; } sleepmillis( (long long) std::max(0.0, (cmdLine.syncdelay * 1000) - time_flushing) ); if ( inShutdown() ) { // occasional issue trying to flush during shutdown when sleep interrupted break; } Date_t start = jsTime(); int numFiles = MemoryMappedFile::flushAll( true ); time_flushing = (int) (jsTime() - start); globalFlushCounters.flushed(time_flushing); log(1) << "flushing mmap took " << time_flushing << "ms " << " for " << numFiles << " files" << endl; } } } dataFileSync; const char * jsInterruptCallback() { // should be safe to interrupt in js code, even if we have a write lock return killCurrentOp.checkForInterruptNoAssert( false ); } unsigned jsGetInterruptSpecCallback() { return cc().curop()->opNum(); } void _initAndListen(int listenPort ) { Client::initThread("initandlisten"); Logstream::get().addGlobalTee( new RamLog("global") ); bool is32bit = sizeof(int*) == 4; { #if !defined(_WIN32) pid_t pid = getpid(); #else DWORD pid=GetCurrentProcessId(); #endif Nullstream& l = log(); l << "MongoDB starting : pid=" << pid << " port=" << cmdLine.port << " dbpath=" << dbpath; if( replSettings.master ) l << " master=" << replSettings.master; if( replSettings.slave ) l << " slave=" << (int) replSettings.slave; l << ( is32bit ? " 32" : " 64" ) << "-bit host=" << getHostNameCached() << endl; } DEV log() << "_DEBUG build (which is slower)" << endl; show_warnings(); log() << mongodVersion() << endl; printGitVersion(); printSysInfo(); printCommandLineOpts(); { stringstream ss; ss << "dbpath (" << dbpath << ") does not exist"; uassert( 10296 , ss.str().c_str(), boost::filesystem::exists( dbpath ) ); } { stringstream ss; ss << "repairpath (" << repairpath << ") does not exist"; uassert( 12590 , ss.str().c_str(), boost::filesystem::exists( repairpath ) ); } acquirePathLock(forceRepair); remove_all( dbpath + "/_tmp/" ); FileAllocator::get()->start(); MONGO_BOOST_CHECK_EXCEPTION_WITH_MSG( clearTmpFiles(), "clear tmp files" ); _diaglog.init(); dur::startup(); if( cmdLine.durOptions & CmdLine::DurRecoverOnly ) return; // comes after getDur().startup() because this reads from the database clearTmpCollections(); Module::initAll(); if ( scriptingEnabled ) { ScriptEngine::setup(); globalScriptEngine->setCheckInterruptCallback( jsInterruptCallback ); globalScriptEngine->setGetInterruptSpecCallback( jsGetInterruptSpecCallback ); } repairDatabasesAndCheckVersion(); /* we didn't want to pre-open all files for the repair check above. for regular operation we do for read/write lock concurrency reasons. */ Database::_openAllFiles = true; if ( shouldRepairDatabases ) return; /* this is for security on certain platforms (nonce generation) */ srand((unsigned) (curTimeMicros() ^ startupSrandTimer.micros())); snapshotThread.go(); clientCursorMonitor.go(); PeriodicTask::theRunner->go(); listen(listenPort); // listen() will return when exit code closes its socket. exitCleanly(EXIT_NET_ERROR); } void testPretouch(); void initAndListen(int listenPort) { try { _initAndListen(listenPort); } catch ( DBException &e ) { log() << "exception in initAndListen: " << e.toString() << ", terminating" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_UNCAUGHT ); } catch ( std::exception &e ) { log() << "exception in initAndListen std::exception: " << e.what() << ", terminating" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_UNCAUGHT ); } catch ( int& n ) { log() << "exception in initAndListen int: " << n << ", terminating" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_UNCAUGHT ); } catch(...) { log() << "exception in initAndListen, terminating" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_UNCAUGHT ); } } #if defined(_WIN32) bool initService() { ServiceController::reportStatus( SERVICE_RUNNING ); initAndListen( cmdLine.port ); return true; } #endif } // namespace mongo using namespace mongo; #include #undef assert #define assert MONGO_assert namespace po = boost::program_options; void show_help_text(po::options_description options) { show_warnings(); cout << options << endl; }; /* Return error string or "" if no errors. */ string arg_error_check(int argc, char* argv[]) { return ""; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { static StaticObserver staticObserver; doPreServerStatupInits(); getcurns = ourgetns; po::options_description general_options("General options"); #if defined(_WIN32) po::options_description windows_scm_options("Windows Service Control Manager options"); #endif po::options_description replication_options("Replication options"); po::options_description ms_options("Master/slave options"); po::options_description rs_options("Replica set options"); po::options_description sharding_options("Sharding options"); po::options_description visible_options("Allowed options"); po::options_description hidden_options("Hidden options"); po::positional_options_description positional_options; CmdLine::addGlobalOptions( general_options , hidden_options ); general_options.add_options() ("auth", "run with security") ("cpu", "periodically show cpu and iowait utilization") ("dbpath", po::value() , "directory for datafiles") ("diaglog", po::value(), "0=off 1=W 2=R 3=both 7=W+some reads") ("directoryperdb", "each database will be stored in a separate directory") ("journal", "enable journaling") ("journalOptions", po::value(), "journal diagnostic options") ("journalCommitInterval", po::value(), "how often to group/batch commit (ms)") ("ipv6", "enable IPv6 support (disabled by default)") ("jsonp","allow JSONP access via http (has security implications)") ("noauth", "run without security") ("nohttpinterface", "disable http interface") ("nojournal", "disable journaling (journaling is on by default for 64 bit)") ("noprealloc", "disable data file preallocation - will often hurt performance") ("noscripting", "disable scripting engine") ("notablescan", "do not allow table scans") ("nssize", po::value()->default_value(16), ".ns file size (in MB) for new databases") ("profile",po::value(), "0=off 1=slow, 2=all") ("quota", "limits each database to a certain number of files (8 default)") ("quotaFiles", po::value(), "number of files allower per db, requires --quota") ("rest","turn on simple rest api") ("repair", "run repair on all dbs") ("repairpath", po::value() , "root directory for repair files - defaults to dbpath" ) ("slowms",po::value(&cmdLine.slowMS)->default_value(100), "value of slow for profile and console log" ) ("smallfiles", "use a smaller default file size") #if defined(__linux__) ("shutdown", "kill a running server (for init scripts)") #endif ("syncdelay",po::value(&cmdLine.syncdelay)->default_value(60), "seconds between disk syncs (0=never, but not recommended)") ("sysinfo", "print some diagnostic system information") ("upgrade", "upgrade db if needed") ; #if defined(_WIN32) CmdLine::addWindowsOptions( windows_scm_options, hidden_options ); #endif replication_options.add_options() ("fastsync", "indicate that this instance is starting from a dbpath snapshot of the repl peer") ("oplogSize", po::value(), "size limit (in MB) for op log") ; ms_options.add_options() ("master", "master mode") ("slave", "slave mode") ("source", po::value(), "when slave: specify master as ") ("only", po::value(), "when slave: specify a single database to replicate") ("slavedelay", po::value(), "specify delay (in seconds) to be used when applying master ops to slave") ("autoresync", "automatically resync if slave data is stale") ; rs_options.add_options() ("replSet", po::value(), "arg is [/]") ; sharding_options.add_options() ("configsvr", "declare this is a config db of a cluster; default port 27019; default dir /data/configdb") ("shardsvr", "declare this is a shard db of a cluster; default port 27018") ("noMoveParanoia" , "turn off paranoid saving of data for moveChunk. this is on by default for now, but default will switch" ) ; hidden_options.add_options() ("pretouch", po::value(), "n pretouch threads for applying replicationed operations") ("command", po::value< vector >(), "command") ("cacheSize", po::value(), "cache size (in MB) for rec store") ("nodur", "disable journaling (currently the default)") // things we don't want people to use ("nocursors", "diagnostic/debugging option that turns off cursors DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION") ("nohints", "ignore query hints") ("nopreallocj", "don't preallocate journal files") ("dur", "enable journaling") // deprecated version ("durOptions", po::value(), "durability diagnostic options") // deprecated version // deprecated pairing command line options ("pairwith", "DEPRECATED") ("arbiter", "DEPRECATED") ("opIdMem", "DEPRECATED") ; positional_options.add("command", 3); visible_options.add(general_options); #if defined(_WIN32) visible_options.add(windows_scm_options); #endif visible_options.add(replication_options); visible_options.add(ms_options); visible_options.add(rs_options); visible_options.add(sharding_options); Module::addOptions( visible_options ); setupCoreSignals(); setupSignals( false ); dbExecCommand = argv[0]; srand(curTimeMicros()); #if( BOOST_VERSION >= 104500 ) boost::filesystem::path::default_name_check( boost::filesystem2::no_check ); #else boost::filesystem::path::default_name_check( boost::filesystem::no_check ); #endif { unsigned x = 0x12345678; unsigned char& b = (unsigned char&) x; if ( b != 0x78 ) { out() << "big endian cpus not yet supported" << endl; return 33; } } if( argc == 1 ) cout << dbExecCommand << " --help for help and startup options" << endl; { po::variables_map params; string error_message = arg_error_check(argc, argv); if (error_message != "") { cout << error_message << endl << endl; show_help_text(visible_options); return 0; } if ( ! CmdLine::store( argc , argv , visible_options , hidden_options , positional_options , params ) ) return 0; if (params.count("help")) { show_help_text(visible_options); return 0; } if (params.count("version")) { cout << mongodVersion() << endl; printGitVersion(); return 0; } if ( params.count( "dbpath" ) ) { dbpath = params["dbpath"].as(); if ( params.count( "fork" ) && dbpath[0] != '/' ) { // we need to change dbpath if we fork since we change // cwd to "/" // fork only exists on *nix // so '/' is safe dbpath = cmdLine.cwd + "/" + dbpath; } } else { dbpath = "/data/db/"; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (dbpath.size() > 1 && dbpath[dbpath.size()-1] == '/') { // size() check is for the unlikely possibility of --dbpath "/" dbpath = dbpath.erase(dbpath.size()-1); } #endif if ( params.count("directoryperdb")) { directoryperdb = true; } if (params.count("cpu")) { cmdLine.cpu = true; } if (params.count("noauth")) { noauth = true; } if (params.count("auth")) { noauth = false; } if (params.count("quota")) { cmdLine.quota = true; } if (params.count("quotaFiles")) { cmdLine.quota = true; cmdLine.quotaFiles = params["quotaFiles"].as() - 1; } bool journalExplicit = false; if( params.count("nodur") || params.count( "nojournal" ) ) { journalExplicit = true; cmdLine.dur = false; } if( params.count("dur") || params.count( "journal" ) ) { journalExplicit = true; cmdLine.dur = true; } if (params.count("durOptions")) { cmdLine.durOptions = params["durOptions"].as(); } if( params.count("journalCommitInterval") ) { // don't check if dur is false here as many will just use the default, and will default to off on win32. // ie no point making life a little more complex by giving an error on a dev environment. cmdLine.journalCommitInterval = params["journalCommitInterval"].as(); if( cmdLine.journalCommitInterval <= 1 || cmdLine.journalCommitInterval > 300 ) { out() << "--journalCommitInterval out of allowed range (0-300ms)" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } } if (params.count("journalOptions")) { cmdLine.durOptions = params["journalOptions"].as(); } if (params.count("repairpath")) { repairpath = params["repairpath"].as(); if (!repairpath.size()) { out() << "repairpath is empty" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } } if (params.count("nocursors")) { useCursors = false; } if (params.count("nohints")) { useHints = false; } if (params.count("nopreallocj")) { cmdLine.preallocj = false; } if (params.count("nohttpinterface")) { noHttpInterface = true; } if (params.count("rest")) { cmdLine.rest = true; } if (params.count("jsonp")) { cmdLine.jsonp = true; } if (params.count("noscripting")) { scriptingEnabled = false; } if (params.count("noprealloc")) { cmdLine.prealloc = false; cout << "note: noprealloc may hurt performance in many applications" << endl; } if (params.count("smallfiles")) { cmdLine.smallfiles = true; assert( dur::DataLimitPerJournalFile >= 128 * 1024 * 1024 ); dur::DataLimitPerJournalFile = 128 * 1024 * 1024; } if (params.count("diaglog")) { int x = params["diaglog"].as(); if ( x < 0 || x > 7 ) { out() << "can't interpret --diaglog setting" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } _diaglog.level = x; } if (params.count("sysinfo")) { sysRuntimeInfo(); return 0; } if (params.count("repair")) { Record::MemoryTrackingEnabled = false; shouldRepairDatabases = 1; forceRepair = 1; } if (params.count("upgrade")) { Record::MemoryTrackingEnabled = false; shouldRepairDatabases = 1; } if (params.count("notablescan")) { cmdLine.noTableScan = true; } if (params.count("master")) { replSettings.master = true; } if (params.count("slave")) { replSettings.slave = SimpleSlave; } if (params.count("slavedelay")) { replSettings.slavedelay = params["slavedelay"].as(); } if (params.count("fastsync")) { replSettings.fastsync = true; } if (params.count("autoresync")) { replSettings.autoresync = true; if( params.count("replSet") ) { out() << "--autoresync is not used with --replSet" << endl; out() << "see http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Resyncing+a+Very+Stale+Replica+Set+Member" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } } if (params.count("source")) { /* specifies what the source in local.sources should be */ cmdLine.source = params["source"].as().c_str(); } if( params.count("pretouch") ) { cmdLine.pretouch = params["pretouch"].as(); } if (params.count("replSet")) { if (params.count("slavedelay")) { out() << "--slavedelay cannot be used with --replSet" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } else if (params.count("only")) { out() << "--only cannot be used with --replSet" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } /* seed list of hosts for the repl set */ cmdLine._replSet = params["replSet"].as().c_str(); } if (params.count("only")) { cmdLine.only = params["only"].as().c_str(); } if( params.count("nssize") ) { int x = params["nssize"].as(); if (x <= 0 || x > (0x7fffffff/1024/1024)) { out() << "bad --nssize arg" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } lenForNewNsFiles = x * 1024 * 1024; assert(lenForNewNsFiles > 0); } if (params.count("oplogSize")) { long long x = params["oplogSize"].as(); if (x <= 0) { out() << "bad --oplogSize arg" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } // note a small size such as x==1 is ok for an arbiter. if( x > 1000 && sizeof(void*) == 4 ) { out() << "--oplogSize of " << x << "MB is too big for 32 bit version. Use 64 bit build instead." << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } cmdLine.oplogSize = x * 1024 * 1024; assert(cmdLine.oplogSize > 0); } if (params.count("cacheSize")) { long x = params["cacheSize"].as(); if (x <= 0) { out() << "bad --cacheSize arg" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } log() << "--cacheSize option not currently supported" << endl; } if (params.count("port") == 0 ) { if( params.count("configsvr") ) { cmdLine.port = CmdLine::ConfigServerPort; } if( params.count("shardsvr") ) { if( params.count("configsvr") ) { log() << "can't do --shardsvr and --configsvr at the same time" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } cmdLine.port = CmdLine::ShardServerPort; } } else { if ( cmdLine.port <= 0 || cmdLine.port > 65535 ) { out() << "bad --port number" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } } if ( params.count("configsvr" ) ) { cmdLine.configsvr = true; if (cmdLine.usingReplSets() || replSettings.master || replSettings.slave) { log() << "replication should not be enabled on a config server" << endl; ::exit(-1); } if ( params.count( "nodur" ) == 0 && params.count( "nojournal" ) == 0 ) cmdLine.dur = true; if ( params.count( "dbpath" ) == 0 ) dbpath = "/data/configdb"; } if ( params.count( "profile" ) ) { cmdLine.defaultProfile = params["profile"].as(); } if (params.count("ipv6")) { enableIPv6(); } if (params.count("noMoveParanoia")) { cmdLine.moveParanoia = false; } if (params.count("pairwith") || params.count("arbiter") || params.count("opIdMem")) { out() << "****" << endl; out() << "Replica Pairs have been deprecated." << endl; out() << "" << endl; out() << "****" << endl; dbexit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS ); } // needs to be after things like --configsvr parsing, thus here. if( repairpath.empty() ) repairpath = dbpath; Module::configAll( params ); dataFileSync.go(); if (params.count("command")) { vector command = params["command"].as< vector >(); if (command[0].compare("run") == 0) { if (command.size() > 1) { cout << "Too many parameters to 'run' command" << endl; cout << visible_options << endl; return 0; } initAndListen(cmdLine.port); return 0; } if (command[0].compare("dbpath") == 0) { cout << dbpath << endl; return 0; } cout << "Invalid command: " << command[0] << endl; cout << visible_options << endl; return 0; } if( cmdLine.pretouch ) log() << "--pretouch " << cmdLine.pretouch << endl; #ifdef __linux__ if (params.count("shutdown")){ bool failed = false; string name = ( boost::filesystem::path( dbpath ) / "mongod.lock" ).native_file_string(); if ( !boost::filesystem::exists( name ) || boost::filesystem::file_size( name ) == 0 ) failed = true; pid_t pid; string procPath; if (!failed){ try { ifstream f (name.c_str()); f >> pid; procPath = (str::stream() << "/proc/" << pid); if (!boost::filesystem::exists(procPath)) failed = true; } catch (const std::exception& e){ cerr << "Error reading pid from lock file [" << name << "]: " << e.what() << endl; failed = true; } } if (failed) { cerr << "There doesn't seem to be a server running with dbpath: " << dbpath << endl; ::exit(-1); } cout << "killing process with pid: " << pid << endl; int ret = kill(pid, SIGTERM); if (ret) { int e = errno; cerr << "failed to kill process: " << errnoWithDescription(e) << endl; ::exit(-1); } while (boost::filesystem::exists(procPath)) { sleepsecs(1); } ::exit(0); } #endif #if defined(_WIN32) if (serviceParamsCheck( params, dbpath, argc, argv )) { return 0; } #endif if (sizeof(void*) == 4 && !journalExplicit){ // trying to make this stand out more like startup warnings log() << endl; warning() << "32-bit servers don't have journaling enabled by default. Please use --journal if you want durability." << endl; log() << endl; } } UnitTest::runTests(); initAndListen(cmdLine.port); dbexit(EXIT_CLEAN); return 0; } namespace mongo { string getDbContext(); #undef out #if !defined(_WIN32) } // namespace mongo #include #include namespace mongo { void pipeSigHandler( int signal ) { #ifdef psignal psignal( signal, "Signal Received : "); #else cout << "got pipe signal:" << signal << endl; #endif } void abruptQuit(int x) { ostringstream ossSig; ossSig << "Got signal: " << x << " (" << strsignal( x ) << ")." << endl; rawOut( ossSig.str() ); /* ostringstream ossOp; ossOp << "Last op: " << currentOp.infoNoauth() << endl; rawOut( ossOp.str() ); */ ostringstream oss; oss << "Backtrace:" << endl; printStackTrace( oss ); rawOut( oss.str() ); if( cmdLine.dur ) { ::exit(EXIT_ABRUPT); } dbexit( EXIT_ABRUPT ); } void abruptQuitWithAddrSignal( int signal, siginfo_t *siginfo, void * ) { ostringstream oss; oss << "Invalid"; if ( signal == SIGSEGV || signal == SIGBUS ) { oss << " access"; } else { oss << " operation"; } oss << " at address: " << siginfo->si_addr << endl; rawOut( oss.str() ); abruptQuit( signal ); } sigset_t asyncSignals; // The above signals will be processed by this thread only, in order to // ensure the db and log mutexes aren't held. void interruptThread() { int x; sigwait( &asyncSignals, &x ); log() << "got kill or ctrl c or hup signal " << x << " (" << strsignal( x ) << "), will terminate after current cmd ends" << endl; Client::initThread( "interruptThread" ); exitCleanly( EXIT_KILL ); } // this will be called in certain c++ error cases, for example if there are two active // exceptions void myterminate() { rawOut( "terminate() called, printing stack:" ); printStackTrace(); ::abort(); } void setupSignals_ignoreHelper( int signal ) {} void setupSignals( bool inFork ) { struct sigaction addrSignals; memset( &addrSignals, 0, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); addrSignals.sa_sigaction = abruptQuitWithAddrSignal; sigemptyset( &addrSignals.sa_mask ); addrSignals.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; assert( sigaction(SIGSEGV, &addrSignals, 0) == 0 ); assert( sigaction(SIGBUS, &addrSignals, 0) == 0 ); assert( sigaction(SIGILL, &addrSignals, 0) == 0 ); assert( sigaction(SIGFPE, &addrSignals, 0) == 0 ); assert( signal(SIGABRT, abruptQuit) != SIG_ERR ); assert( signal(SIGQUIT, abruptQuit) != SIG_ERR ); assert( signal(SIGPIPE, pipeSigHandler) != SIG_ERR ); setupSIGTRAPforGDB(); sigemptyset( &asyncSignals ); if ( inFork ) assert( signal( SIGHUP , setupSignals_ignoreHelper ) != SIG_ERR ); else sigaddset( &asyncSignals, SIGHUP ); sigaddset( &asyncSignals, SIGINT ); sigaddset( &asyncSignals, SIGTERM ); assert( pthread_sigmask( SIG_SETMASK, &asyncSignals, 0 ) == 0 ); boost::thread it( interruptThread ); set_terminate( myterminate ); } #else void ctrlCTerminate() { log() << "got kill or ctrl-c signal, will terminate after current cmd ends" << endl; Client::initThread( "ctrlCTerminate" ); exitCleanly( EXIT_KILL ); } BOOL CtrlHandler( DWORD fdwCtrlType ) { switch( fdwCtrlType ) { case CTRL_C_EVENT: rawOut("Ctrl-C signal"); ctrlCTerminate(); return( TRUE ); case CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT: rawOut("CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT signal"); ctrlCTerminate(); return( TRUE ); case CTRL_BREAK_EVENT: rawOut("CTRL_BREAK_EVENT signal"); ctrlCTerminate(); return TRUE; case CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT: rawOut("CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT signal (ignored)"); return FALSE; case CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT: rawOut("CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT signal (ignored)"); return FALSE; default: return FALSE; } } LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER filtLast = 0; ::HANDLE standardOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); LONG WINAPI exceptionFilter(struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo) { { // given the severity of the event we write to console in addition to the --logFile // (rawOut writes to the logfile, if a special one were specified) DWORD written; WriteFile(standardOut, "unhandled windows exception\n", 20, &written, 0); FlushFileBuffers(standardOut); } DWORD ec = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode; if( ec == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION ) { rawOut("access violation"); } else { rawOut("unhandled windows exception"); char buf[64]; strcpy(buf, "ec=0x"); _ui64toa(ec, buf+5, 16); rawOut(buf); } if( filtLast ) return filtLast(ExceptionInfo); return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; } // called by mongoAbort() extern void (*reportEventToSystem)(const char *msg); void reportEventToSystemImpl(const char *msg) { static ::HANDLE hEventLog = RegisterEventSource( NULL, TEXT("mongod") ); if( hEventLog ) { std::wstring s = toNativeString(msg); LPCTSTR txt = s.c_str(); BOOL ok = ReportEvent( hEventLog, EVENTLOG_ERROR_TYPE, 0, 0, NULL, 1, 0, &txt, 0); wassert(ok); } } void myPurecallHandler() { printStackTrace(); mongoAbort("pure virtual"); } void setupSignals( bool inFork ) { reportEventToSystem = reportEventToSystemImpl; filtLast = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(exceptionFilter); massert(10297 , "Couldn't register Windows Ctrl-C handler", SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE) CtrlHandler, TRUE)); _set_purecall_handler( myPurecallHandler ); } #endif } // namespace mongo