// projection.cpp /* Copyright 2009 10gen Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "pch.h" #include "projection.h" #include "../util/mongoutils/str.h" namespace mongo { void Projection::init( const BSONObj& o ) { massert( 10371 , "can only add to Projection once", _source.isEmpty()); _source = o; BSONObjIterator i( o ); int true_false = -1; while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( ! e.isNumber() ) _hasNonSimple = true; if (e.type() == Object) { BSONObj obj = e.embeddedObject(); BSONElement e2 = obj.firstElement(); if ( strcmp(e2.fieldName(), "$slice") == 0 ) { if (e2.isNumber()) { int i = e2.numberInt(); if (i < 0) add(e.fieldName(), i, -i); // limit is now positive else add(e.fieldName(), 0, i); } else if (e2.type() == Array) { BSONObj arr = e2.embeddedObject(); uassert(13099, "$slice array wrong size", arr.nFields() == 2 ); BSONObjIterator it(arr); int skip = it.next().numberInt(); int limit = it.next().numberInt(); uassert(13100, "$slice limit must be positive", limit > 0 ); add(e.fieldName(), skip, limit); } else { uassert(13098, "$slice only supports numbers and [skip, limit] arrays", false); } } else { uassert(13097, string("Unsupported projection option: ") + obj.firstElementFieldName(), false); } } else if (!strcmp(e.fieldName(), "_id") && !e.trueValue()) { _includeID = false; } else { add (e.fieldName(), e.trueValue()); // validate input if (true_false == -1) { true_false = e.trueValue(); _include = !e.trueValue(); } else { uassert( 10053 , "You cannot currently mix including and excluding fields. Contact us if this is an issue." , (bool)true_false == e.trueValue() ); } } } } void Projection::add(const string& field, bool include) { if (field.empty()) { // this is the field the user referred to _include = include; } else { _include = !include; const size_t dot = field.find('.'); const string subfield = field.substr(0,dot); const string rest = (dot == string::npos ? "" : field.substr(dot+1,string::npos)); boost::shared_ptr& fm = _fields[subfield]; if (!fm) fm.reset(new Projection()); fm->add(rest, include); } } void Projection::add(const string& field, int skip, int limit) { _special = true; // can't include or exclude whole object if (field.empty()) { // this is the field the user referred to _skip = skip; _limit = limit; } else { const size_t dot = field.find('.'); const string subfield = field.substr(0,dot); const string rest = (dot == string::npos ? "" : field.substr(dot+1,string::npos)); boost::shared_ptr& fm = _fields[subfield]; if (!fm) fm.reset(new Projection()); fm->add(rest, skip, limit); } } void Projection::transform( const BSONObj& in , BSONObjBuilder& b ) const { BSONObjIterator i(in); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "_id" , e.fieldName() ) ) { if ( _includeID ) b.append( e ); } else { append( b , e ); } } } BSONObj Projection::transform( const BSONObj& in ) const { BSONObjBuilder b; transform( in , b ); return b.obj(); } //b will be the value part of an array-typed BSONElement void Projection::appendArray( BSONObjBuilder& b , const BSONObj& a , bool nested) const { int skip = nested ? 0 : _skip; int limit = nested ? -1 : _limit; if (skip < 0) { skip = max(0, skip + a.nFields()); } int i=0; BSONObjIterator it(a); while (it.more()) { BSONElement e = it.next(); if (skip) { skip--; continue; } if (limit != -1 && (limit-- == 0)) { break; } switch(e.type()) { case Array: { BSONObjBuilder subb; appendArray(subb , e.embeddedObject(), true); b.appendArray(b.numStr(i++), subb.obj()); break; } case Object: { BSONObjBuilder subb; BSONObjIterator jt(e.embeddedObject()); while (jt.more()) { append(subb , jt.next()); } b.append(b.numStr(i++), subb.obj()); break; } default: if (_include) b.appendAs(e, b.numStr(i++)); } } } void Projection::append( BSONObjBuilder& b , const BSONElement& e ) const { FieldMap::const_iterator field = _fields.find( e.fieldName() ); if (field == _fields.end()) { if (_include) b.append(e); } else { Projection& subfm = *field->second; if ((subfm._fields.empty() && !subfm._special) || !(e.type()==Object || e.type()==Array) ) { if (subfm._include) b.append(e); } else if (e.type() == Object) { BSONObjBuilder subb; BSONObjIterator it(e.embeddedObject()); while (it.more()) { subfm.append(subb, it.next()); } b.append(e.fieldName(), subb.obj()); } else { //Array BSONObjBuilder subb; subfm.appendArray(subb, e.embeddedObject()); b.appendArray(e.fieldName(), subb.obj()); } } } Projection::KeyOnly* Projection::checkKey( const BSONObj& keyPattern ) const { if ( _include ) { // if we default to including then we can't // use an index because we don't know what we're missing return 0; } if ( _hasNonSimple ) return 0; if ( _includeID && keyPattern["_id"].eoo() ) return 0; // at this point we know its all { x : 1 } style auto_ptr p( new KeyOnly() ); int got = 0; BSONObjIterator i( keyPattern ); while ( i.more() ) { BSONElement k = i.next(); if ( _source[k.fieldName()].type() ) { if ( strchr( k.fieldName() , '.' ) ) { // TODO we currently don't support dotted fields // SERVER-2104 return 0; } if ( ! _includeID && mongoutils::str::equals( k.fieldName() , "_id" ) ) { p->addNo(); } else { p->addYes( k.fieldName() ); got++; } } else if ( mongoutils::str::equals( "_id" , k.fieldName() ) && _includeID ) { p->addYes( "_id" ); } else { p->addNo(); } } int need = _source.nFields(); if ( ! _includeID ) need--; if ( got == need ) return p.release(); return 0; } BSONObj Projection::KeyOnly::hydrate( const BSONObj& key ) const { assert( _include.size() == _names.size() ); BSONObjBuilder b( key.objsize() + _stringSize + 16 ); BSONObjIterator i(key); unsigned n=0; while ( i.more() ) { assert( n < _include.size() ); BSONElement e = i.next(); if ( _include[n] ) { b.appendAs( e , _names[n] ); } n++; } return b.obj(); } }