// @file queryoptimizer.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#include "pch.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "btree.h"
#include "pdfile.h"
#include "queryoptimizer.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
#include "clientcursor.h"
//#define DEBUGQO(x) cout << x << endl;
#define DEBUGQO(x)
namespace mongo {
void checkTableScanAllowed( const char * ns ) {
if ( ! cmdLine.noTableScan )
if ( strstr( ns , ".system." ) ||
strstr( ns , "local." ) )
if ( ! nsdetails( ns ) )
uassert( 10111 , (string)"table scans not allowed:" + ns , ! cmdLine.noTableScan );
double elementDirection( const BSONElement &e ) {
if ( e.isNumber() )
return e.number();
return 1;
NamespaceDetails *d, int idxNo,
const FieldRangeSetPair &frsp, const FieldRangeSetPair *originalFrsp, const BSONObj &originalQuery, const BSONObj &order, bool mustAssertOnYieldFailure, const BSONObj &startKey, const BSONObj &endKey , string special ) :
_d(d), _idxNo(idxNo),
_frs( frsp.frsForIndex( _d, _idxNo ) ),
_frsMulti( frsp.frsForIndex( _d, -1 ) ),
_originalQuery( originalQuery ),
_order( order ),
_index( 0 ),
_optimal( false ),
_scanAndOrderRequired( true ),
_exactKeyMatch( false ),
_direction( 0 ),
_endKeyInclusive( endKey.isEmpty() ),
_unhelpful( false ),
_impossible( false ),
_special( special ),
_startOrEndSpec( !startKey.isEmpty() || !endKey.isEmpty() ),
_mustAssertOnYieldFailure( mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) {
BSONObj idxKey = _idxNo < 0 ? BSONObj() : d->idx( _idxNo ).keyPattern();
if ( !_frs.matchPossibleForIndex( idxKey ) ) {
_impossible = true;
_scanAndOrderRequired = false;
if ( willScanTable() ) {
if ( _order.isEmpty() || !strcmp( _order.firstElementFieldName(), "$natural" ) )
_scanAndOrderRequired = false;
_index = &d->idx(_idxNo);
// If the parsing or index indicates this is a special query, don't continue the processing
if ( _special.size() ||
( _index->getSpec().getType() && _index->getSpec().getType()->suitability( originalQuery, order ) != USELESS ) ) {
if( _special.size() ) _optimal = true;
_type = _index->getSpec().getType();
if( !_special.size() ) _special = _index->getSpec().getType()->getPlugin()->getName();
massert( 13040 , (string)"no type for special: " + _special , _type );
// hopefully safe to use original query in these contexts - don't think we can mix special with $or clause separation yet
_scanAndOrderRequired = _type->scanAndOrderRequired( _originalQuery , order );
const IndexSpec &idxSpec = _index->getSpec();
BSONObjIterator o( order );
BSONObjIterator k( idxKey );
if ( !o.moreWithEOO() )
_scanAndOrderRequired = false;
while( o.moreWithEOO() ) {
BSONElement oe = o.next();
if ( oe.eoo() ) {
_scanAndOrderRequired = false;
if ( !k.moreWithEOO() )
BSONElement ke;
while( 1 ) {
ke = k.next();
if ( ke.eoo() )
goto doneCheckOrder;
if ( strcmp( oe.fieldName(), ke.fieldName() ) == 0 )
if ( !_frs.range( ke.fieldName() ).equality() )
goto doneCheckOrder;
int d = elementDirection( oe ) == elementDirection( ke ) ? 1 : -1;
if ( _direction == 0 )
_direction = d;
else if ( _direction != d )
if ( _scanAndOrderRequired )
_direction = 0;
BSONObjIterator i( idxKey );
int exactIndexedQueryCount = 0;
int optimalIndexedQueryCount = 0;
bool stillOptimalIndexedQueryCount = true;
set orderFieldsUnindexed;
order.getFieldNames( orderFieldsUnindexed );
while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
if ( e.eoo() )
const FieldRange &fr = _frs.range( e.fieldName() );
if ( stillOptimalIndexedQueryCount ) {
if ( fr.nontrivial() )
if ( !fr.equality() )
stillOptimalIndexedQueryCount = false;
else {
if ( fr.nontrivial() )
optimalIndexedQueryCount = -1;
if ( fr.equality() ) {
BSONElement e = fr.max();
if ( !e.isNumber() && !e.mayEncapsulate() && e.type() != RegEx )
orderFieldsUnindexed.erase( e.fieldName() );
if ( !_scanAndOrderRequired &&
( optimalIndexedQueryCount == _frs.nNontrivialRanges() ) )
_optimal = true;
if ( exactIndexedQueryCount == _frs.nNontrivialRanges() &&
orderFieldsUnindexed.size() == 0 &&
exactIndexedQueryCount == idxKey.nFields() &&
exactIndexedQueryCount == _originalQuery.nFields() ) {
_exactKeyMatch = true;
_frv.reset( new FieldRangeVector( _frs, idxSpec, _direction ) );
if ( originalFrsp ) {
_originalFrv.reset( new FieldRangeVector( originalFrsp->frsForIndex( _d, _idxNo ), idxSpec, _direction ) );
else {
_originalFrv = _frv;
if ( _startOrEndSpec ) {
BSONObj newStart, newEnd;
if ( !startKey.isEmpty() )
_startKey = startKey;
_startKey = _frv->startKey();
if ( !endKey.isEmpty() )
_endKey = endKey;
_endKey = _frv->endKey();
if ( ( _scanAndOrderRequired || _order.isEmpty() ) &&
!_frs.range( idxKey.firstElementFieldName() ).nontrivial() ) {
_unhelpful = true;
shared_ptr QueryPlan::newCursor( const DiskLoc &startLoc , int numWanted ) const {
if ( _type ) {
// hopefully safe to use original query in these contexts - don't think we can mix type with $or clause separation yet
return _type->newCursor( _originalQuery , _order , numWanted );
if ( _impossible ) {
// TODO We might want to allow this dummy table scan even in no table
// scan mode, since it won't scan anything.
if ( _frs.nNontrivialRanges() )
checkTableScanAllowed( _frs.ns() );
return shared_ptr( new BasicCursor( DiskLoc() ) );
if ( willScanTable() ) {
if ( _frs.nNontrivialRanges() ) {
checkTableScanAllowed( _frs.ns() );
// if we are doing a table scan on _id
// and its a capped collection
// we disallow as its a common user error
// .system. and local collections are exempt
if ( _d && _d->capped && _frs.range( "_id" ).nontrivial() ) {
if ( cc().isSyncThread() ||
str::contains( _frs.ns() , ".system." ) ||
str::startsWith( _frs.ns() , "local." ) ) {
// ok
else {
warning() << "_id query on capped collection without an _id index, performance will be poor collection: " << _frs.ns() << endl;
//uassert( 14820, str::stream() << "doing _id query on a capped collection without an index is not allowed: " << _frs.ns() ,
return findTableScan( _frs.ns(), _order, startLoc );
massert( 10363 , "newCursor() with start location not implemented for indexed plans", startLoc.isNull() );
if ( _startOrEndSpec ) {
// we are sure to spec _endKeyInclusive
return shared_ptr( BtreeCursor::make( _d, _idxNo, *_index, _startKey, _endKey, _endKeyInclusive, _direction >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );
else if ( _index->getSpec().getType() ) {
return shared_ptr( BtreeCursor::make( _d, _idxNo, *_index, _frv->startKey(), _frv->endKey(), true, _direction >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );
else {
return shared_ptr( BtreeCursor::make( _d, _idxNo, *_index, _frv, _direction >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) );
shared_ptr QueryPlan::newReverseCursor() const {
if ( willScanTable() ) {
int orderSpec = _order.getIntField( "$natural" );
if ( orderSpec == INT_MIN )
orderSpec = 1;
return findTableScan( _frs.ns(), BSON( "$natural" << -orderSpec ) );
massert( 10364 , "newReverseCursor() not implemented for indexed plans", false );
return shared_ptr();
BSONObj QueryPlan::indexKey() const {
if ( !_index )
return BSON( "$natural" << 1 );
return _index->keyPattern();
void QueryPlan::registerSelf( long long nScanned ) const {
// FIXME SERVER-2864 Otherwise no query pattern can be generated.
if ( _frs.matchPossible() ) {
SimpleMutex::scoped_lock lk(NamespaceDetailsTransient::_qcMutex);
NamespaceDetailsTransient::get_inlock( ns() ).registerIndexForPattern( _frs.pattern( _order ), indexKey(), nScanned );
* @return a copy of the inheriting class, which will be run with its own
* query plan. If multiple plan sets are required for an $or query, the
* QueryOp of the winning plan from a given set will be cloned to generate
* QueryOps for the subsequent plan set. This function should only be called
* after the query op has completed executing.
QueryOp *QueryOp::createChild() {
if( _orConstraint.get() ) {
_matcher->advanceOrClause( _orConstraint );
QueryOp *ret = _createChild();
ret->_oldMatcher = _matcher;
return ret;
bool QueryPlan::isMultiKey() const {
if ( _idxNo < 0 )
return false;
return _d->isMultikey( _idxNo );
void QueryOp::init() {
if ( _oldMatcher.get() ) {
_matcher.reset( _oldMatcher->nextClauseMatcher( qp().indexKey() ) );
else {
_matcher.reset( new CoveredIndexMatcher( qp().originalQuery(), qp().indexKey(), alwaysUseRecord() ) );
QueryPlanSet::QueryPlanSet( const char *ns, auto_ptr frsp, auto_ptr originalFrsp, const BSONObj &originalQuery, const BSONObj &order, bool mustAssertOnYieldFailure, const BSONElement *hint, bool honorRecordedPlan, const BSONObj &min, const BSONObj &max, bool bestGuessOnly, bool mayYield ) :
_originalQuery( originalQuery ),
_frsp( frsp ),
_originalFrsp( originalFrsp ),
_mayRecordPlan( true ),
_usingPrerecordedPlan( false ),
_hint( BSONObj() ),
_order( order.getOwned() ),
_oldNScanned( 0 ),
_honorRecordedPlan( honorRecordedPlan ),
_min( min.getOwned() ),
_max( max.getOwned() ),
_bestGuessOnly( bestGuessOnly ),
_mayYield( mayYield ),
_yieldSometimesTracker( 256, 20 ),
_mustAssertOnYieldFailure( mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) {
if ( hint && !hint->eoo() ) {
_hint = hint->wrap();
bool QueryPlanSet::modifiedKeys() const {
for( PlanSet::const_iterator i = _plans.begin(); i != _plans.end(); ++i )
if ( (*i)->isMultiKey() )
return true;
return false;
bool QueryPlanSet::hasMultiKey() const {
for( PlanSet::const_iterator i = _plans.begin(); i != _plans.end(); ++i )
if ( (*i)->isMultiKey() )
return true;
return false;
void QueryPlanSet::addHint( IndexDetails &id ) {
if ( !_min.isEmpty() || !_max.isEmpty() ) {
string errmsg;
BSONObj keyPattern = id.keyPattern();
// This reformats _min and _max to be used for index lookup.
massert( 10365 , errmsg, indexDetailsForRange( _frsp->ns(), errmsg, _min, _max, keyPattern ) );
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(_ns);
_plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, d->idxNo(id), *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure, _min, _max ) ) );
// returns an IndexDetails * for a hint, 0 if hint is $natural.
// hint must not be eoo()
IndexDetails *parseHint( const BSONElement &hint, NamespaceDetails *d ) {
massert( 13292, "hint eoo", !hint.eoo() );
if( hint.type() == String ) {
string hintstr = hint.valuestr();
NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
while( i.more() ) {
IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
if ( ii.indexName() == hintstr ) {
return ⅈ
else if( hint.type() == Object ) {
BSONObj hintobj = hint.embeddedObject();
uassert( 10112 , "bad hint", !hintobj.isEmpty() );
if ( !strcmp( hintobj.firstElementFieldName(), "$natural" ) ) {
return 0;
NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
while( i.more() ) {
IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
if( ii.keyPattern().woCompare(hintobj) == 0 ) {
return ⅈ
uassert( 10113 , "bad hint", false );
return 0;
void QueryPlanSet::init() {
DEBUGQO( "QueryPlanSet::init " << ns << "\t" << _originalQuery );
_mayRecordPlan = true;
_usingPrerecordedPlan = false;
const char *ns = _frsp->ns();
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
if ( !d || !_frsp->matchPossible() ) {
// Table scan plan, when no matches are possible
_plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) ) );
BSONElement hint = _hint.firstElement();
if ( !hint.eoo() ) {
_mayRecordPlan = false;
IndexDetails *id = parseHint( hint, d );
if ( id ) {
addHint( *id );
else {
massert( 10366 , "natural order cannot be specified with $min/$max", _min.isEmpty() && _max.isEmpty() );
// Table scan plan
_plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) ) );
if ( !_min.isEmpty() || !_max.isEmpty() ) {
string errmsg;
BSONObj keyPattern;
IndexDetails *idx = indexDetailsForRange( ns, errmsg, _min, _max, keyPattern );
massert( 10367 , errmsg, idx );
_plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, d->idxNo(*idx), *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure, _min, _max ) ) );
if ( isSimpleIdQuery( _originalQuery ) ) {
int idx = d->findIdIndex();
if ( idx >= 0 ) {
_usingPrerecordedPlan = true;
_mayRecordPlan = false;
_plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d , idx , *_frsp , _originalFrsp.get() , _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) ) );
if ( _originalQuery.isEmpty() && _order.isEmpty() ) {
_plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) ) );
DEBUGQO( "\t special : " << _frsp->getSpecial() );
if ( _frsp->getSpecial().size() ) {
_special = _frsp->getSpecial();
NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
while( i.more() ) {
int j = i.pos();
IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
const IndexSpec& spec = ii.getSpec();
if ( spec.getTypeName() == _special && spec.suitability( _originalQuery , _order ) ) {
_usingPrerecordedPlan = true;
_mayRecordPlan = false;
_plans.push_back( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d , j , *_frsp , _originalFrsp.get() , _originalQuery, _order ,
_mustAssertOnYieldFailure , BSONObj() , BSONObj() , _special ) ) );
uassert( 13038 , (string)"can't find special index: " + _special + " for: " + _originalQuery.toString() , 0 );
if ( _honorRecordedPlan ) {
pair< BSONObj, long long > best = QueryUtilIndexed::bestIndexForPatterns( *_frsp, _order );
BSONObj bestIndex = best.first;
long long oldNScanned = best.second;
if ( !bestIndex.isEmpty() ) {
QueryPlanPtr p;
_oldNScanned = oldNScanned;
if ( !strcmp( bestIndex.firstElementFieldName(), "$natural" ) ) {
// Table scan plan
p.reset( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) );
NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
while( i.more() ) {
int j = i.pos();
IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
if( ii.keyPattern().woCompare(bestIndex) == 0 ) {
p.reset( new QueryPlan( d, j, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) );
massert( 10368 , "Unable to locate previously recorded index", p.get() );
if ( !p->unhelpful() && !( _bestGuessOnly && p->scanAndOrderRequired() ) ) {
_usingPrerecordedPlan = true;
_mayRecordPlan = false;
_plans.push_back( p );
addOtherPlans( false );
void QueryPlanSet::addOtherPlans( bool checkFirst ) {
const char *ns = _frsp->ns();
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
if ( !d )
// If table scan is optimal or natural order requested or tailable cursor requested
if ( !_frsp->matchPossible() || ( _frsp->noNontrivialRanges() && _order.isEmpty() ) ||
( !_order.isEmpty() && !strcmp( _order.firstElementFieldName(), "$natural" ) ) ) {
// Table scan plan
addPlan( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) ), checkFirst );
bool normalQuery = _hint.isEmpty() && _min.isEmpty() && _max.isEmpty();
PlanSet plans;
QueryPlanPtr optimalPlan;
for( int i = 0; i < d->nIndexes; ++i ) {
if ( normalQuery ) {
BSONObj keyPattern = d->idx( i ).keyPattern();
if ( !_frsp->matchPossibleForIndex( d, i, keyPattern ) ) {
// If no match is possible, only generate a trival plan that won't
// scan any documents.
QueryPlanPtr p( new QueryPlan( d, i, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) );
addPlan( p, checkFirst );
if ( !QueryUtilIndexed::indexUseful( *_frsp, d, i, _order ) ) {
QueryPlanPtr p( new QueryPlan( d, i, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) );
if ( p->optimal() ) {
if ( !optimalPlan.get() ) {
optimalPlan = p;
else if ( !p->unhelpful() ) {
plans.push_back( p );
if ( optimalPlan.get() ) {
addPlan( optimalPlan, checkFirst );
for( PlanSet::iterator i = plans.begin(); i != plans.end(); ++i )
addPlan( *i, checkFirst );
// Table scan plan
addPlan( QueryPlanPtr( new QueryPlan( d, -1, *_frsp, _originalFrsp.get(), _originalQuery, _order, _mustAssertOnYieldFailure ) ), checkFirst );
shared_ptr QueryPlanSet::runOp( QueryOp &op ) {
if ( _usingPrerecordedPlan ) {
Runner r( *this, op );
shared_ptr res = r.runUntilFirstCompletes();
// _plans.size() > 1 if addOtherPlans was called in Runner::runUntilFirstCompletes().
if ( _bestGuessOnly || res->complete() || _plans.size() > 1 )
return res;
// Retry with all candidate plans.
QueryUtilIndexed::clearIndexesForPatterns( *_frsp, _order );
Runner r( *this, op );
return r.runUntilFirstCompletes();
shared_ptr QueryPlanSet::nextOp( QueryOp &originalOp, bool retried ) {
if ( !_runner ) {
_runner.reset( new Runner( *this, originalOp ) );
shared_ptr op = _runner->init();
if ( op->complete() ) {
return op;
shared_ptr op = _runner->nextNonError();
if ( !op->error() ) {
return op;
if ( !_usingPrerecordedPlan || _bestGuessOnly || _plans.size() > 1 ) {
return op;
// Avoid an infinite loop here
uassert( 15878, str::stream() << "query plans not successful even with no constraints, potentially due to additional sort", ! retried );
// Retry with all candidate plans.
QueryUtilIndexed::clearIndexesForPatterns( *_frsp, _order );
return nextOp( originalOp, true );
bool QueryPlanSet::prepareToYield() {
return _runner ? _runner->prepareToYield() : true;
void QueryPlanSet::recoverFromYield() {
if ( _runner ) {
BSONObj QueryPlanSet::explain() const {
vector arr;
for( PlanSet::const_iterator i = _plans.begin(); i != _plans.end(); ++i ) {
shared_ptr c = (*i)->newCursor();
BSONObjBuilder explain;
explain.append( "cursor", c->toString() );
explain.append( "indexBounds", c->prettyIndexBounds() );
arr.push_back( explain.obj() );
BSONObjBuilder b;
b.append( "allPlans", arr );
return b.obj();
QueryPlanSet::QueryPlanPtr QueryPlanSet::getBestGuess() const {
assert( _plans.size() );
if ( _plans[ 0 ]->scanAndOrderRequired() ) {
for ( unsigned i=1; i<_plans.size(); i++ ) {
if ( ! _plans[i]->scanAndOrderRequired() )
return _plans[i];
warning() << "best guess query plan requested, but scan and order are required for all plans "
<< " query: " << _originalQuery
<< " order: " << _order
<< " choices: ";
for ( unsigned i=0; i<_plans.size(); i++ )
warning() << _plans[i]->indexKey() << " ";
warning() << endl;
return QueryPlanPtr();
return _plans[0];
QueryPlanSet::Runner::Runner( QueryPlanSet &plans, QueryOp &op ) :
_op( op ),
_plans( plans ) {
bool QueryPlanSet::Runner::prepareToYield() {
for( vector >::const_iterator i = _ops.begin(); i != _ops.end(); ++i ) {
if ( !prepareToYieldOp( **i ) ) {
return false;
return true;
void QueryPlanSet::Runner::recoverFromYield() {
for( vector >::const_iterator i = _ops.begin(); i != _ops.end(); ++i ) {
recoverFromYieldOp( **i );
void QueryPlanSet::Runner::mayYield() {
if ( ! _plans._mayYield )
if ( ! _plans._yieldSometimesTracker.ping() )
int micros = ClientCursor::yieldSuggest();
if ( micros <= 0 )
if ( !prepareToYield() )
ClientCursor::staticYield( micros , _plans._ns , 0 );
shared_ptr QueryPlanSet::Runner::init() {
massert( 10369 , "no plans", _plans._plans.size() > 0 );
if ( _plans._bestGuessOnly ) {
shared_ptr op( _op.createChild() );
op->setQueryPlan( _plans.getBestGuess().get() );
_ops.push_back( op );
else {
if ( _plans._plans.size() > 1 )
log(1) << " running multiple plans" << endl;
for( PlanSet::iterator i = _plans._plans.begin(); i != _plans._plans.end(); ++i ) {
shared_ptr op( _op.createChild() );
op->setQueryPlan( i->get() );
_ops.push_back( op );
// Initialize ops.
for( vector >::iterator i = _ops.begin(); i != _ops.end(); ++i ) {
initOp( **i );
if ( (*i)->complete() )
return *i;
// Put runnable ops in the priority queue.
for( vector >::iterator i = _ops.begin(); i != _ops.end(); ++i ) {
if ( !(*i)->error() ) {
_queue.push( *i );
return *_ops.begin();
shared_ptr QueryPlanSet::Runner::nextNonError() {
if ( _queue.empty() ) {
return *_ops.begin();
shared_ptr ret;
do {
ret = next();
} while( ret->error() && !_queue.empty() );
return ret;
shared_ptr QueryPlanSet::Runner::next() {
dassert( !_queue.empty() );
OpHolder holder = _queue.pop();
QueryOp &op = *holder._op;
nextOp( op );
if ( op.complete() ) {
if ( _plans._mayRecordPlan && op.mayRecordPlan() ) {
op.qp().registerSelf( op.nscanned() );
return holder._op;
if ( op.error() ) {
return holder._op;
_queue.push( holder );
if ( !_plans._bestGuessOnly && _plans._usingPrerecordedPlan && op.nscanned() > _plans._oldNScanned * 10 && _plans._special.empty() ) {
holder._offset = -op.nscanned();
_plans.addOtherPlans( /* avoid duplicating the initial plan */ true );
PlanSet::iterator i = _plans._plans.begin();
for( ; i != _plans._plans.end(); ++i ) {
shared_ptr op( _op.createChild() );
op->setQueryPlan( i->get() );
_ops.push_back( op );
initOp( *op );
if ( op->complete() )
return op;
_queue.push( op );
_plans._mayRecordPlan = true;
_plans._usingPrerecordedPlan = false;
return holder._op;
shared_ptr QueryPlanSet::Runner::runUntilFirstCompletes() {
shared_ptr potentialFinisher = init();
if ( potentialFinisher->complete() ) {
return potentialFinisher;
while( !_queue.empty() ) {
shared_ptr potentialFinisher = next();
if ( potentialFinisher->complete() ) {
return potentialFinisher;
return _ops[ 0 ];
#define GUARD_OP_EXCEPTION( op, expression ) \
try { \
expression; \
} \
catch ( DBException& e ) { \
op.setException( e.getInfo() ); \
} \
catch ( const std::exception &e ) { \
op.setException( ExceptionInfo( e.what() , 0 ) ); \
} \
catch ( ... ) { \
op.setException( ExceptionInfo( "Caught unknown exception" , 0 ) ); \
void QueryPlanSet::Runner::initOp( QueryOp &op ) {
GUARD_OP_EXCEPTION( op, op.init() );
void QueryPlanSet::Runner::nextOp( QueryOp &op ) {
GUARD_OP_EXCEPTION( op, if ( !op.error() ) { op.next(); } );
bool QueryPlanSet::Runner::prepareToYieldOp( QueryOp &op ) {
if ( op.error() ) {
return true;
else {
return op.prepareToYield();
} );
return true;
void QueryPlanSet::Runner::recoverFromYieldOp( QueryOp &op ) {
GUARD_OP_EXCEPTION( op, if ( !op.error() ) { op.recoverFromYield(); } );
* NOTE on our $or implementation: In our current qo implementation we don't
* keep statistics on our data, but we can conceptualize the problem of
* selecting an index when statistics exist for all index ranges. The
* d-hitting set problem on k sets and n elements can be reduced to the
* problem of index selection on k $or clauses and n index ranges (where
* d is the max number of indexes, and the number of ranges n is unbounded).
* In light of the fact that d-hitting set is np complete, and we don't even
* track statistics (so cost calculations are expensive) our first
* implementation uses the following greedy approach: We take one $or clause
* at a time and treat each as a separate query for index selection purposes.
* But if an index range is scanned for a particular $or clause, we eliminate
* that range from all subsequent clauses. One could imagine an opposite
* implementation where we select indexes based on the union of index ranges
* for all $or clauses, but this can have much poorer worst case behavior.
* (An index range that suits one $or clause may not suit another, and this
* is worse than the typical case of index range choice staleness because
* with $or the clauses may likely be logically distinct.) The greedy
* implementation won't do any worse than all the $or clauses individually,
* and it can often do better. In the first cut we are intentionally using
* QueryPattern tracking to record successful plans on $or clauses for use by
* subsequent $or clauses, even though there may be a significant aggregate
* $nor component that would not be represented in QueryPattern.
MultiPlanScanner::MultiPlanScanner( const char *ns,
const BSONObj &query,
const BSONObj &order,
const BSONElement *hint,
bool honorRecordedPlan,
const BSONObj &min,
const BSONObj &max,
bool bestGuessOnly,
bool mayYield ) :
_ns( ns ),
_or( !query.getField( "$or" ).eoo() ),
_query( query.getOwned() ),
_honorRecordedPlan( honorRecordedPlan ),
_bestGuessOnly( bestGuessOnly ),
_hint( ( hint && !hint->eoo() ) ? hint->wrap() : BSONObj() ),
_mayYield( mayYield ),
_tableScanned() {
if ( !order.isEmpty() || !min.isEmpty() || !max.isEmpty() ) {
_or = false;
if ( _or ) {
// Only construct an OrRangeGenerator if we may handle $or clauses.
_org.reset( new OrRangeGenerator( ns, _query ) );
if ( !_org->getSpecial().empty() ) {
_or = false;
else if ( uselessOr( _hint.firstElement() ) ) {
_or = false;
// if _or == false, don't use or clauses for index selection
if ( !_or ) {
auto_ptr frsp( new FieldRangeSetPair( ns, _query, true ) );
_currentQps.reset( new QueryPlanSet( ns, frsp, auto_ptr(), _query, order, false, hint, honorRecordedPlan, min, max, _bestGuessOnly, _mayYield ) );
else {
BSONElement e = _query.getField( "$or" );
massert( 13268, "invalid $or spec", e.type() == Array && e.embeddedObject().nFields() > 0 );
shared_ptr MultiPlanScanner::runOpOnce( QueryOp &op ) {
if ( !_or ) {
return _currentQps->runOp( op );
auto_ptr frsp( _org->topFrsp() );
auto_ptr originalFrsp( _org->topFrspOriginal() );
BSONElement hintElt = _hint.firstElement();
_currentQps.reset( new QueryPlanSet( _ns, frsp, originalFrsp, _query, BSONObj(), true, &hintElt, _honorRecordedPlan, BSONObj(), BSONObj(), _bestGuessOnly, _mayYield ) );
shared_ptr ret( _currentQps->runOp( op ) );
if ( ! ret->complete() )
throw MsgAssertionException( ret->exception() );
if ( ret->qp().willScanTable() ) {
_tableScanned = true;
} else {
// If the full table was scanned, don't bother popping the last or clause.
_org->popOrClause( ret->qp().nsd(), ret->qp().idxNo(), ret->qp().indexed() ? ret->qp().indexKey() : BSONObj() );
return ret;
shared_ptr MultiPlanScanner::runOp( QueryOp &op ) {
shared_ptr ret = runOpOnce( op );
while( !ret->stopRequested() && mayRunMore() ) {
ret = runOpOnce( *ret );
return ret;
shared_ptr MultiPlanScanner::nextOpHandleEndOfClause() {
shared_ptr op = _currentQps->nextOp( *_baseOp );
if ( !op->complete() ) {
return op;
if ( op->qp().willScanTable() ) {
_tableScanned = true;
} else {
_org->popOrClause( op->qp().nsd(), op->qp().idxNo(), op->qp().indexed() ? op->qp().indexKey() : BSONObj() );
return op;
shared_ptr MultiPlanScanner::nextOpBeginningClause() {
shared_ptr op;
while( mayRunMore() ) {
auto_ptr frsp( _org->topFrsp() );
auto_ptr originalFrsp( _org->topFrspOriginal() );
BSONElement hintElt = _hint.firstElement();
_currentQps.reset( new QueryPlanSet( _ns, frsp, originalFrsp, _query, BSONObj(), true, &hintElt, _honorRecordedPlan, BSONObj(), BSONObj(), _bestGuessOnly, _mayYield ) );
op = nextOpHandleEndOfClause();
if ( !op->complete() ) {
return op;
_baseOp = op;
return op;
shared_ptr MultiPlanScanner::nextOp() {
if ( !_or ) {
if ( _i == 0 ) {
return _currentQps->nextOp( *_baseOp );
if ( _i == 0 ) {
return nextOpBeginningClause();
shared_ptr op = nextOpHandleEndOfClause();
if ( !op->complete() ) {
return op;
if ( !op->stopRequested() && mayRunMore() ) {
// Finished scanning the clause, but stop hasn't been requested.
// Start scanning the next clause.
_baseOp = op;
return nextOpBeginningClause();
return op;
bool MultiPlanScanner::prepareToYield() {
return _currentQps.get() ? _currentQps->prepareToYield() : true;
void MultiPlanScanner::recoverFromYield() {
if ( _currentQps.get() ) {
shared_ptr MultiPlanScanner::singleCursor() const {
if ( _or || _currentQps->nPlans() != 1 || _currentQps->firstPlan()->scanAndOrderRequired() ) {
return shared_ptr();
// If there is only one plan and it does not require an in memory
// sort, we do not expect its cursor op to throw an exception and
// so do not need a QueryOptimizerCursor to handle this case.
return _currentQps->firstPlan()->newCursor();
bool MultiPlanScanner::uselessOr( const BSONElement &hint ) const {
NamespaceDetails *nsd = nsdetails( _ns );
if ( !nsd ) {
return true;
if ( !hint.eoo() ) {
IndexDetails *id = parseHint( hint, nsd );
if ( !id ) {
return true;
return QueryUtilIndexed::uselessOr( *_org, nsd, nsd->idxNo( *id ) );
return QueryUtilIndexed::uselessOr( *_org, nsd, -1 );
MultiCursor::MultiCursor( const char *ns, const BSONObj &pattern, const BSONObj &order, shared_ptr op, bool mayYield )
: _mps( new MultiPlanScanner( ns, pattern, order, 0, true, BSONObj(), BSONObj(), !op.get(), mayYield ) ), _nscanned() {
if ( op.get() ) {
_op = op;
else {
_op.reset( new NoOp() );
if ( _mps->mayRunMore() ) {
if ( !ok() ) {
else {
_c.reset( new BasicCursor( DiskLoc() ) );
MultiCursor::MultiCursor( auto_ptr mps, const shared_ptr &c, const shared_ptr &matcher, const QueryOp &op, long long nscanned )
: _op( new NoOp( op ) ), _c( c ), _mps( mps ), _matcher( matcher ), _nscanned( nscanned ) {
_mps->mayYield( false ); // with a NoOp, there's no need to yield in QueryPlanSet
if ( !ok() ) {
// would have been advanced by UserQueryOp if possible
void MultiCursor::nextClause() {
if ( _nscanned >= 0 && _c.get() ) {
_nscanned += _c->nscanned();
shared_ptr best = _mps->runOpOnce( *_op );
if ( ! best->complete() )
throw MsgAssertionException( best->exception() );
_c = best->newCursor();
_matcher = best->matcher( _c );
_op = best;
bool indexWorks( const BSONObj &idxPattern, const BSONObj &sampleKey, int direction, int firstSignificantField ) {
BSONObjIterator p( idxPattern );
BSONObjIterator k( sampleKey );
int i = 0;
while( 1 ) {
BSONElement pe = p.next();
BSONElement ke = k.next();
if ( pe.eoo() && ke.eoo() )
return true;
if ( pe.eoo() || ke.eoo() )
return false;
if ( strcmp( pe.fieldName(), ke.fieldName() ) != 0 )
return false;
if ( ( i == firstSignificantField ) && !( ( direction > 0 ) == ( pe.number() > 0 ) ) )
return false;
return false;
BSONObj extremeKeyForIndex( const BSONObj &idxPattern, int baseDirection ) {
BSONObjIterator i( idxPattern );
BSONObjBuilder b;
while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
BSONElement e = i.next();
if ( e.eoo() )
int idxDirection = e.number() >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
int direction = idxDirection * baseDirection;
switch( direction ) {
case 1:
b.appendMaxKey( e.fieldName() );
case -1:
b.appendMinKey( e.fieldName() );
assert( false );
return b.obj();
pair keyAudit( const BSONObj &min, const BSONObj &max ) {
int direction = 0;
int firstSignificantField = 0;
BSONObjIterator i( min );
BSONObjIterator a( max );
while( 1 ) {
BSONElement ie = i.next();
BSONElement ae = a.next();
if ( ie.eoo() && ae.eoo() )
if ( ie.eoo() || ae.eoo() || strcmp( ie.fieldName(), ae.fieldName() ) != 0 ) {
return make_pair( -1, -1 );
int cmp = ie.woCompare( ae );
if ( cmp < 0 )
direction = 1;
if ( cmp > 0 )
direction = -1;
if ( direction != 0 )
return make_pair( direction, firstSignificantField );
pair flexibleKeyAudit( const BSONObj &min, const BSONObj &max ) {
if ( min.isEmpty() || max.isEmpty() ) {
return make_pair( 1, -1 );
else {
return keyAudit( min, max );
// NOTE min, max, and keyPattern will be updated to be consistent with the selected index.
IndexDetails *indexDetailsForRange( const char *ns, string &errmsg, BSONObj &min, BSONObj &max, BSONObj &keyPattern ) {
if ( min.isEmpty() && max.isEmpty() ) {
errmsg = "one of min or max must be specified";
return 0;
Client::Context ctx( ns );
IndexDetails *id = 0;
NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails( ns );
if ( !d ) {
errmsg = "ns not found";
return 0;
pair ret = flexibleKeyAudit( min, max );
if ( ret == make_pair( -1, -1 ) ) {
errmsg = "min and max keys do not share pattern";
return 0;
if ( keyPattern.isEmpty() ) {
NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
while( i.more() ) {
IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
if ( indexWorks( ii.keyPattern(), min.isEmpty() ? max : min, ret.first, ret.second ) ) {
if ( ii.getSpec().getType() == 0 ) {
id = ⅈ
keyPattern = ii.keyPattern();
else {
if ( !indexWorks( keyPattern, min.isEmpty() ? max : min, ret.first, ret.second ) ) {
errmsg = "requested keyPattern does not match specified keys";
return 0;
NamespaceDetails::IndexIterator i = d->ii();
while( i.more() ) {
IndexDetails& ii = i.next();
if( ii.keyPattern().woCompare(keyPattern) == 0 ) {
id = ⅈ
if ( keyPattern.nFields() == 1 && ii.keyPattern().nFields() == 1 &&
IndexDetails::isIdIndexPattern( keyPattern ) &&
ii.isIdIndex() ) {
id = ⅈ
if ( min.isEmpty() ) {
min = extremeKeyForIndex( keyPattern, -1 );
else if ( max.isEmpty() ) {
max = extremeKeyForIndex( keyPattern, 1 );
if ( !id ) {
errmsg = str::stream() << "no index found for specified keyPattern: " << keyPattern.toString()
<< " min: " << min << " max: " << max;
return 0;
min = min.extractFieldsUnDotted( keyPattern );
max = max.extractFieldsUnDotted( keyPattern );
return id;
bool isSimpleIdQuery( const BSONObj& query ) {
BSONObjIterator i(query);
if( !i.more() )
return false;
BSONElement e = i.next();
if( i.more() )
return false;
if( strcmp("_id", e.fieldName()) != 0 )
return false;
if ( e.isSimpleType() ) // e.g. not something like { _id : { $gt : ...
return true;
if ( e.type() == Object )
return e.Obj().firstElementFieldName()[0] != '$';
return false;
shared_ptr bestGuessCursor( const char *ns, const BSONObj &query, const BSONObj &sort ) {
if( !query.getField( "$or" ).eoo() ) {
return shared_ptr( new MultiCursor( ns, query, sort ) );
else {
auto_ptr frsp( new FieldRangeSetPair( ns, query, true ) );
auto_ptr origFrsp( new FieldRangeSetPair( *frsp ) );
QueryPlanSet qps( ns, frsp, origFrsp, query, sort, false );
QueryPlanSet::QueryPlanPtr qpp = qps.getBestGuess();
if( ! qpp.get() ) return shared_ptr();
shared_ptr ret = qpp->newCursor();
// If we don't already have a matcher, supply one.
if ( !query.isEmpty() && ! ret->matcher() ) {
shared_ptr matcher( new CoveredIndexMatcher( query, ret->indexKeyPattern() ) );
ret->setMatcher( matcher );
return ret;
bool QueryUtilIndexed::indexUseful( const FieldRangeSetPair &frsp, NamespaceDetails *d, int idxNo, const BSONObj &order ) {
DEV frsp.assertValidIndex( d, idxNo );
BSONObj keyPattern = d->idx( idxNo ).keyPattern();
if ( !frsp.matchPossibleForIndex( d, idxNo, keyPattern ) ) {
// No matches are possible in the index so the index may be useful.
return true;
return d->idx( idxNo ).getSpec().suitability( frsp.simplifiedQueryForIndex( d, idxNo, keyPattern ), order ) != USELESS;
void QueryUtilIndexed::clearIndexesForPatterns( const FieldRangeSetPair &frsp, const BSONObj &order ) {
SimpleMutex::scoped_lock lk(NamespaceDetailsTransient::_qcMutex);
NamespaceDetailsTransient& nsd = NamespaceDetailsTransient::get_inlock( frsp.ns() );
nsd.registerIndexForPattern( frsp._singleKey.pattern( order ), BSONObj(), 0 );
nsd.registerIndexForPattern( frsp._multiKey.pattern( order ), BSONObj(), 0 );
pair< BSONObj, long long > QueryUtilIndexed::bestIndexForPatterns( const FieldRangeSetPair &frsp, const BSONObj &order ) {
SimpleMutex::scoped_lock lk(NamespaceDetailsTransient::_qcMutex);
NamespaceDetailsTransient& nsd = NamespaceDetailsTransient::get_inlock( frsp.ns() );
// TODO Maybe it would make sense to return the index with the lowest
// nscanned if there are two possibilities.
if ( frsp._singleKey.matchPossible() ) {
QueryPattern pattern = frsp._singleKey.pattern( order );
BSONObj oldIdx = nsd.indexForPattern( pattern );
if ( !oldIdx.isEmpty() ) {
long long oldNScanned = nsd.nScannedForPattern( pattern );
return make_pair( oldIdx, oldNScanned );
if ( frsp._multiKey.matchPossible() ) {
QueryPattern pattern = frsp._multiKey.pattern( order );
BSONObj oldIdx = nsd.indexForPattern( pattern );
if ( !oldIdx.isEmpty() ) {
long long oldNScanned = nsd.nScannedForPattern( pattern );
return make_pair( oldIdx, oldNScanned );
return make_pair( BSONObj(), 0 );
bool QueryUtilIndexed::uselessOr( const OrRangeGenerator &org, NamespaceDetails *d, int hintIdx ) {
for( list::const_iterator i = org._originalOrSets.begin(); i != org._originalOrSets.end(); ++i ) {
if ( hintIdx != -1 ) {
if ( !indexUseful( *i, d, hintIdx, BSONObj() ) ) {
return true;
else {
bool useful = false;
for( int j = 0; j < d->nIndexes; ++j ) {
if ( indexUseful( *i, d, j, BSONObj() ) ) {
useful = true;
if ( !useful ) {
return true;
return false;
} // namespace mongo