// snapshots.cpp /** * Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "pch.h" #include "snapshots.h" #include "../client.h" #include "../clientcursor.h" #include "../dbwebserver.h" #include "../../util/mongoutils/html.h" /** handles snapshotting performance metrics and other such things */ namespace mongo { void SnapshotData::takeSnapshot(){ _created = curTimeMicros64(); _globalUsage = Top::global.getGlobalData(); _totalWriteLockedTime = dbMutex.info().getTimeLocked(); Top::global.cloneMap(_usage); } SnapshotDelta::SnapshotDelta( const SnapshotData& older , const SnapshotData& newer ) : _older( older ) , _newer( newer ) { assert( _newer._created > _older._created ); _elapsed = _newer._created - _older._created; } Top::CollectionData SnapshotDelta::globalUsageDiff(){ return Top::CollectionData( _older._globalUsage , _newer._globalUsage ); } Top::UsageMap SnapshotDelta::collectionUsageDiff(){ Top::UsageMap u; for ( Top::UsageMap::const_iterator i=_newer._usage.begin(); i != _newer._usage.end(); i++ ){ Top::UsageMap::const_iterator j = _older._usage.find(i->first); if (j != _older._usage.end()) u[i->first] = Top::CollectionData( j->second , i->second ); } return u; } Snapshots::Snapshots(int n) : _lock("Snapshots"), _n(n) , _snapshots(new SnapshotData[n]) , _loc(0) , _stored(0) {} const SnapshotData* Snapshots::takeSnapshot(){ scoped_lock lk(_lock); _loc = ( _loc + 1 ) % _n; _snapshots[_loc].takeSnapshot(); if ( _stored < _n ) _stored++; return &_snapshots[_loc]; } auto_ptr Snapshots::computeDelta( int numBack ){ scoped_lock lk(_lock); auto_ptr p; if ( numBack < numDeltas() ) p.reset( new SnapshotDelta( getPrev(numBack+1) , getPrev(numBack) ) ); return p; } const SnapshotData& Snapshots::getPrev( int numBack ){ int x = _loc - numBack; if ( x < 0 ) x += _n; return _snapshots[x]; } void Snapshots::outputLockInfoHTML( stringstream& ss ){ scoped_lock lk(_lock); ss << "\n
"; for ( int i=0; i 4100 ) ss << '(' << e / 1000.0 << "s)"; ss << ' '; } ss << "
\n"; } void SnapshotThread::run(){ Client::initThread("snapshotthread"); Client& client = cc(); long long numLoops = 0; const SnapshotData* prev = 0; while ( ! inShutdown() ){ try { const SnapshotData* s = statsSnapshots.takeSnapshot(); if ( prev ){ unsigned long long elapsed = s->_created - prev->_created; if ( cmdLine.cpu ){ SnapshotDelta d( *prev , *s ); log() << "cpu: elapsed:" << (elapsed/1000) <<" writelock: " << (int)(100*d.percentWriteLocked()) << "%" << endl; } } prev = s; } catch ( std::exception& e ){ log() << "ERROR in SnapshotThread: " << e.what() << endl; } numLoops++; sleepsecs(4); } client.shutdown(); } using namespace mongoutils::html; class WriteLockStatus : public WebStatusPlugin { public: WriteLockStatus() : WebStatusPlugin( "write lock" , 51 , "% time in write lock, by 4 sec periods" ){} virtual void init(){} virtual void run( stringstream& ss ){ statsSnapshots.outputLockInfoHTML( ss ); ss << ""; ss << "write locked now: " << (dbMutex.info().isLocked() ? "true" : "false") << "\n"; } } writeLockStatus; class DBTopStatus : public WebStatusPlugin { public: DBTopStatus() : WebStatusPlugin( "dbtop" , 50 , "(occurences|percent of elapsed)" ){} void display( stringstream& ss , double elapsed , const Top::UsageData& usage ){ ss << ""; ss << usage.count; ss << ""; double per = 100 * ((double)usage.time)/elapsed; ss << setprecision(4) << fixed << per << "%"; ss << ""; } void display( stringstream& ss , double elapsed , const string& ns , const Top::CollectionData& data ){ if ( ns != "GLOBAL" && data.total.count == 0 ) return; ss << "" << ns << ""; display( ss , elapsed , data.total ); display( ss , elapsed , data.readLock ); display( ss , elapsed , data.writeLock ); display( ss , elapsed , data.queries ); display( ss , elapsed , data.getmore ); display( ss , elapsed , data.insert ); display( ss , elapsed , data.update ); display( ss , elapsed , data.remove ); ss << "\n"; } void run( stringstream& ss ){ auto_ptr delta = statsSnapshots.computeDelta(); if ( ! delta.get() ) return; ss << ""; ss << "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""; ss << "\n"; display( ss , (double) delta->elapsed() , "GLOBAL" , delta->globalUsageDiff() ); Top::UsageMap usage = delta->collectionUsageDiff(); for ( Top::UsageMap::iterator i=usage.begin(); i != usage.end(); i++ ){ display( ss , (double) delta->elapsed() , i->first , i->second ); } ss << "
"; ss << a("http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Developer+FAQ#DeveloperFAQ-What%27sa%22namespace%22%3F", "namespace") << "NStotalReadsWritesQueriesGetMoresInsertsUpdatesRemoves
"; } virtual void init(){} } dbtopStatus; Snapshots statsSnapshots; SnapshotThread snapshotThread; }