// s/commands_admin.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2008 10gen Inc.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
_ concurrency control.
_ limit() works right?
_ KillCursors
_ secondary indexes
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "../util/message.h"
#include "../db/dbmessage.h"
#include "../client/connpool.h"
#include "../db/commands.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "chunk.h"
#include "strategy.h"
namespace mongo {
extern string ourHostname;
namespace dbgrid_cmds {
set dbgridCommands;
class GridAdminCmd : public Command {
GridAdminCmd( const char * n ) : Command( n ){
dbgridCommands.insert( n );
virtual bool slaveOk(){
return true;
virtual bool adminOnly() {
return true;
// all grid commands are designed not to lock
virtual LockType locktype(){ return NONE; }
// --------------- misc commands ----------------------
class NetStatCmd : public GridAdminCmd {
NetStatCmd() : GridAdminCmd("netstat") { }
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << " shows status/reachability of servers in the cluster";
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
result.append("configserver", configServer.getPrimary() );
result.append("isdbgrid", 1);
return true;
} netstat;
class ListGridCommands : public GridAdminCmd {
ListGridCommands() : GridAdminCmd("gridcommands") { }
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
BSONObjBuilder arr;
int num=0;
for ( set::iterator i = dbgridCommands.begin(); i != dbgridCommands.end(); i++ ){
string s = BSONObjBuilder::numStr( num++ );
arr.append( s.c_str() , *i );
result.appendArray( "commands" , arr.done() );
return true;
} listGridCommands;
// ------------ database level commands -------------
class ListDatabaseCommand : public GridAdminCmd {
ListDatabaseCommand() : GridAdminCmd("listdatabases") { }
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() );
auto_ptr cursor = conn->query( "config.databases" , BSONObj() );
BSONObjBuilder list;
int num = 0;
while ( cursor->more() ){
string s = BSONObjBuilder::numStr( num++ );
BSONObj o = cursor->next();
list.append( s.c_str() , o["name"].valuestrsafe() );
result.appendArray("databases" , list.obj() );
return true;
} gridListDatabase;
class MoveDatabasePrimaryCommand : public GridAdminCmd {
MoveDatabasePrimaryCommand() : GridAdminCmd("moveprimary") { }
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << " example: { moveprimary : 'foo' , to : 'localhost:9999' } TODO: locking? ";
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
string dbname = cmdObj["moveprimary"].valuestrsafe();
if ( dbname.size() == 0 ){
errmsg = "no db";
return false;
if ( dbname == "config" ){
errmsg = "can't move config db";
return false;
DBConfig * config = grid.getDBConfig( dbname , false );
if ( ! config ){
errmsg = "can't find db!";
return false;
string to = cmdObj["to"].valuestrsafe();
if ( ! to.size() ){
errmsg = "you have to specify where you want to move it";
return false;
if ( to == config->getPrimary() ){
errmsg = "thats already the primary";
return false;
if ( ! grid.knowAboutShard( to ) ){
errmsg = "that server isn't known to me";
return false;
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() );
log() << "moving " << dbname << " primary from: " << config->getPrimary() << " to: " << to << endl;
// TODO LOCKING: this is not safe with multiple mongos
ScopedDbConnection toconn( to );
// TODO AARON - we need a clone command which replays operations from clone start to now
// using a seperate smaller oplog
BSONObj cloneRes;
bool worked = toconn->runCommand( dbname.c_str() , BSON( "clone" << config->getPrimary() ) , cloneRes );
if ( ! worked ){
log() << "clone failed" << cloneRes << endl;
errmsg = "clone failed";
return false;
ScopedDbConnection fromconn( config->getPrimary() );
config->setPrimary( to );
config->save( true );
log() << " dropping " << dbname << " from old" << endl;
fromconn->dropDatabase( dbname.c_str() );
result << "primary" << to;
return true;
} movePrimary;
class EnableShardingCmd : public GridAdminCmd {
EnableShardingCmd() : GridAdminCmd( "enablesharding" ){}
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
<< "Enable sharding for a db. (Use 'shardcollection' command afterwards.)\n"
<< " { enablesharding : \"\" }\n";
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
string dbname = cmdObj["enablesharding"].valuestrsafe();
if ( dbname.size() == 0 ){
errmsg = "no db";
return false;
DBConfig * config = grid.getDBConfig( dbname );
if ( config->isShardingEnabled() ){
errmsg = "already enabled";
return false;
log() << "enabling sharding on: " << dbname << endl;
config->save( true );
return true;
} enableShardingCmd;
// ------------ collection level commands -------------
class ShardCollectionCmd : public GridAdminCmd {
ShardCollectionCmd() : GridAdminCmd( "shardcollection" ){}
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
<< "Shard a collection. Requires key. Optional unique. Sharding must already be enabled for the database.\n"
<< " { enablesharding : \"\" }\n";
bool run(const char *cmdns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
string ns = cmdObj["shardcollection"].valuestrsafe();
if ( ns.size() == 0 ){
errmsg = "no ns";
return false;
DBConfig * config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
if ( ! config->isShardingEnabled() ){
errmsg = "sharding not enabled for db";
return false;
if ( config->isSharded( ns ) ){
errmsg = "already sharded";
return false;
BSONObj key = cmdObj.getObjectField( "key" );
if ( key.isEmpty() ){
errmsg = "no shard key";
return false;
} else if (key.nFields() > 1){
errmsg = "compound shard keys not supported yet";
return false;
if ( ns.find( ".system." ) != string::npos ){
errmsg = "can't shard system namespaces";
return false;
ScopedDbConnection conn( config->getPrimary() );
BSONObjBuilder b;
b.append( "ns" , ns );
b.appendBool( "unique" , true );
if ( conn->count( config->getName() + ".system.indexes" , b.obj() ) ){
errmsg = "can't shard collection with unique indexes";
return false;
BSONObj res = conn->findOne( config->getName() + ".system.namespaces" , BSON( "name" << ns ) );
if ( res["options"].type() == Object && res["options"].embeddedObject()["capped"].trueValue() ){
errmsg = "can't shard capped collection";
return false;
log() << "CMD: shardcollection: " << cmdObj << endl;
config->shardCollection( ns , key , cmdObj["unique"].trueValue() );
config->save( true );
result << "collectionsharded" << ns;
return true;
} shardCollectionCmd;
class GetShardVersion : public GridAdminCmd {
GetShardVersion() : GridAdminCmd( "getShardVersion" ){}
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << " example: { getShardVersion : 'alleyinsider.foo' } ";
bool run(const char *cmdns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
string ns = cmdObj["getShardVersion"].valuestrsafe();
if ( ns.size() == 0 ){
errmsg = "need to speciy fully namespace";
return false;
DBConfig * config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ){
errmsg = "ns not sharded.";
return false;
ChunkManager * cm = config->getChunkManager( ns );
if ( ! cm ){
errmsg = "no chunk manager?";
return false;
result.appendTimestamp( "version" , cm->getVersion() );
return 1;
} getShardVersionCmd;
class SplitCollectionHelper : public GridAdminCmd {
SplitCollectionHelper( const char * name ) : GridAdminCmd( name ) , _name( name ){}
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
<< " example: { shard : 'alleyinsider.blog.posts' , find : { ts : 1 } } - split the shard that contains give key \n"
<< " example: { shard : 'alleyinsider.blog.posts' , middle : { ts : 1 } } - split the shard that contains the key with this as the middle \n"
<< " NOTE: this does not move move the chunks, it merely creates a logical seperation \n"
virtual bool _split( BSONObjBuilder& result , string&errmsg , const string& ns , ChunkManager * manager , Chunk& old , BSONObj middle ) = 0;
bool run(const char *cmdns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
string ns = cmdObj[_name.c_str()].valuestrsafe();
if ( ns.size() == 0 ){
errmsg = "no ns";
return false;
DBConfig * config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ){
errmsg = "ns not sharded. have to shard before can split";
return false;
BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" );
if ( find.isEmpty() ){
find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" );
if ( find.isEmpty() ){
errmsg = "need to specify find or middle";
return false;
ChunkManager * info = config->getChunkManager( ns );
Chunk& old = info->findChunk( find );
return _split( result , errmsg , ns , info , old , cmdObj.getObjectField( "middle" ) );
string _name;
class SplitValueCommand : public SplitCollectionHelper {
SplitValueCommand() : SplitCollectionHelper( "splitvalue" ){}
virtual bool _split( BSONObjBuilder& result , string& errmsg , const string& ns , ChunkManager * manager , Chunk& old , BSONObj middle ){
result << "shardinfo" << old.toString();
result.appendBool( "auto" , middle.isEmpty() );
if ( middle.isEmpty() )
middle = old.pickSplitPoint();
result.append( "middle" , middle );
return true;
} splitValueCmd;
class SplitCollection : public SplitCollectionHelper {
SplitCollection() : SplitCollectionHelper( "split" ){}
virtual bool _split( BSONObjBuilder& result , string& errmsg , const string& ns , ChunkManager * manager , Chunk& old , BSONObj middle ){
log() << "splitting: " << ns << " shard: " << old << endl;
if ( middle.isEmpty() )
old.split( middle );
return true;
} splitCollectionCmd;
class MoveChunkCmd : public GridAdminCmd {
MoveChunkCmd() : GridAdminCmd( "movechunk" ){}
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "{ movechunk : 'test.foo' , find : { num : 1 } , to : 'localhost:30001' }";
bool run(const char *cmdns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
string ns = cmdObj["movechunk"].valuestrsafe();
if ( ns.size() == 0 ){
errmsg = "no ns";
return false;
DBConfig * config = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
if ( ! config->isSharded( ns ) ){
errmsg = "ns not sharded. have to shard before can move a chunk";
return false;
BSONObj find = cmdObj.getObjectField( "find" );
if ( find.isEmpty() ){
errmsg = "need to specify find. see help";
return false;
string to = cmdObj["to"].valuestrsafe();
if ( ! to.size() ){
errmsg = "you have to specify where you want to move the chunk";
return false;
log() << "CMD: movechunk: " << cmdObj << endl;
ChunkManager * info = config->getChunkManager( ns );
Chunk& c = info->findChunk( find );
string from = c.getShard();
if ( from == to ){
errmsg = "that chunk is already on that shard";
return false;
if ( ! grid.knowAboutShard( to ) ){
errmsg = "that shard isn't known to me";
return false;
if ( ! c.moveAndCommit( to , errmsg ) )
return false;
return true;
} moveChunkCmd;
// ------------ server level commands -------------
class ListShardsCmd : public GridAdminCmd {
ListShardsCmd() : GridAdminCmd("listshards") { }
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "list all shards of the system";
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() );
vector all;
auto_ptr cursor = conn->query( "config.shards" , BSONObj() );
while ( cursor->more() ){
BSONObj o = cursor->next();
all.push_back( o );
result.append("shards" , all );
return true;
} listShardsCmd;
/* a shard is a single mongod server or a replica pair. add it (them) to the cluster as a storage partition. */
class AddShard : public GridAdminCmd {
AddShard() : GridAdminCmd("addshard") { }
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "add a new shard to the system";
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() );
string host = cmdObj["addshard"].valuestrsafe();
if ( host == "localhost" || host.find( "localhost:" ) == 0 ||
host == "" || host.find( "" ) == 0 ){
if ( ! cmdObj["allowLocal"].trueValue() ){
errmsg =
"can't use localhost as a shard since all shards need to communicate. "
"allowLocal to override for testing";
return false;
if ( host.find( ":" ) == string::npos ){
stringstream ss;
ss << host << ":" << CmdLine::ShardServerPort;
host = ss.str();
BSONObj shard;
BSONObjBuilder b;
b.append( "host" , host );
if ( cmdObj["maxSize"].isNumber() )
b.append( cmdObj["maxSize"] );
shard = b.obj();
BSONObj old = conn->findOne( "config.shards" , shard );
if ( ! old.isEmpty() ){
result.append( "msg" , "already exists" );
return false;
try {
ScopedDbConnection newShardConn( host );
catch ( DBException& e ){
errmsg = "couldn't connect to new shard";
result.append( "host" , host );
result.append( "exception" , e.what() );
return false;
conn->insert( "config.shards" , shard );
result.append( "added" , shard["host"].valuestrsafe() );
return true;
} addServer;
class RemoveShardCmd : public GridAdminCmd {
RemoveShardCmd() : GridAdminCmd("removeshard") { }
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "remove a shard to the system.\nshard must be empty or command will return an error.";
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool){
if ( 1 ){
errmsg = "removeshard not yet implemented";
return 0;
ScopedDbConnection conn( configServer.getPrimary() );
BSONObj server = BSON( "host" << cmdObj["removeshard"].valuestrsafe() );
conn->remove( "config.shards" , server );
return true;
} removeShardCmd;
// --------------- public commands ----------------
class IsDbGridCmd : public Command {
virtual LockType locktype(){ return NONE; }
virtual bool slaveOk() {
return true;
IsDbGridCmd() : Command("isdbgrid") { }
bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
result.append("isdbgrid", 1);
result.append("hostname", ourHostname);
return true;
} isdbgrid;
class CmdIsMaster : public Command {
virtual LockType locktype(){ return NONE; }
virtual bool requiresAuth() { return false; }
virtual bool slaveOk() {
return true;
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "test if this is master half of a replica pair";
CmdIsMaster() : Command("ismaster") { }
virtual bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
result.append("ismaster", 1.0 );
result.append("msg", "isdbgrid");
return true;
} ismaster;
class CmdShardingGetPrevError : public Command {
virtual LockType locktype(){ return NONE; }
virtual bool requiresAuth() { return false; }
virtual bool slaveOk() {
return true;
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "get previous error (since last reseterror command)";
CmdShardingGetPrevError() : Command("getpreverror") { }
virtual bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
errmsg += "getpreverror not supported for sharded environments";
return false;
} cmdGetPrevError;
class CmdShardingGetLastError : public Command {
virtual LockType locktype(){ return NONE; }
virtual bool requiresAuth() { return false; }
virtual bool slaveOk() {
return true;
virtual void help( stringstream& help ) const {
help << "check for an error on the last command executed";
CmdShardingGetLastError() : Command("getlasterror") { }
virtual bool run(const char *nsraw, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) {
string dbName = nsraw;
dbName = dbName.substr( 0 , dbName.size() - 5 );
DBConfig * conf = grid.getDBConfig( dbName , false );
ClientInfo * client = ClientInfo::get();
set * shards = client->getPrev();
if ( shards->size() == 0 ){
result.appendNull( "err" );
return true;
if ( shards->size() == 1 ){
string theShard = *(shards->begin() );
result.append( "theshard" , theShard.c_str() );
ScopedDbConnection conn( theShard );
BSONObj res;
bool ok = conn->runCommand( conf->getName() , cmdObj , res );
result.appendElements( res );
return ok;
vector errors;
for ( set::iterator i = shards->begin(); i != shards->end(); i++ ){
string theShard = *i;
ScopedDbConnection conn( theShard );
string temp = conn->getLastError();
if ( temp.size() )
errors.push_back( temp );
if ( errors.size() == 0 ){
result.appendNull( "err" );
return true;
result.append( "err" , errors[0].c_str() );
BSONObjBuilder all;
for ( unsigned i=0; i