QA output created by 007 optFetch Cost Parameters: pmid=4 indom=1 fetch=15 indomsize=10, xtrainst=2 scope=0 Passed 11 of 11 addition tests Passed 11 of 11 deletion tests Before re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range] After re-arrangement no. fetches 1 or 2, total cost [in range]