QA output created by 066 Waiting for pmcd to terminate ... Starting pmcd ... Starting pmlogger ... first config: # need the pmcd PMDA so that "init" restart can start pmlogger # the OS PMDA has to be there so that the default logging config works # created by QA 066 # [platform PMDA] pmcd 2 dso pmcd_init pmda_pmcd.$DSO_SUFFIX [access] allow localhost: all; disallow 131.25.*: store; disallow *: all; second config: # need the pmcd PMDA so that "init" restart can start pmlogger # the OS PMDA has to be there so that the default logging config works # created by QA 066 # [platform PMDA] pmcd 2 dso pmcd_init pmda_pmcd.$DSO_SUFFIX [access] allow localhost: all; disallow 131.25.*: store; disallow *: all; disallow OTHER1: store; allow OTHER2: all; ddiissallow misspelt: all; Log for pmcd on HOST started DATE active agent dom pid in out ver protocol parameters ============ === ===== === === === ======== ========== [OS] ?? X dso i:? lib=[OS]pmda.$DSO_SUFFIX entry=[OS]_init pmcd 2 X dso i:5 lib=...pmda_pmcd.$DSO_SUFFIX entry=pmcd_init Host access list: 00 01 Cur/MaxCons host-spec host-mask lvl host-name == == =========== ======================================= ======================================= === ============== y y 0 0 MYIPADDR MYHOSTMASK 0 localhost n 0 0 2 131.25.* n n 0 0 4 .* n n 0 0 :: :: 8 :* pmcd: PID = PID pmcd request port(s): sts fd port family address === ==== ===== ====== ======= ok FD 44321 inet INADDR_ANY ok FD 44321 ipv6 INADDR_ANY [DATE] pmcd(PID) Info: pmcd RESTARTED at DATE Current PMCD clients ... pmcd config[line 17]: Error: allow or disallow statement expected Configuration file '$PCP_PMCDCONF_PATH' has errors Configuration left unchanged active agent dom pid in out ver protocol parameters ============ === ===== === === === ======== ========== [OS] ?? X dso i:? lib=[OS]pmda.$DSO_SUFFIX entry=[OS]_init pmcd 2 X dso i:5 lib=...pmda_pmcd.$DSO_SUFFIX entry=pmcd_init Host access list: 00 01 Cur/MaxCons host-spec host-mask lvl host-name == == =========== ======================================= ======================================= === ============== y y 0 0 MYIPADDR MYHOSTMASK 0 localhost n 0 0 2 131.25.* n n 0 0 4 .* n n 0 0 :: :: 8 :* [DATE] pmcd(PID) Info: PMNS file "DEFAULT" is unchanged Waiting for pmcd to terminate ... Restarting pmcd Starting pmcd ... Starting pmlogger ...