QA output created by 237 Compiled PMNS contains 7 hash table entries 16 leaf nodes 5 non-leaf nodes 105 bytes of symbol table root { foo r111 1:1:1 r112 1:1:2 r113 1:1:3 r114 1:1:4 r115 1:1:5 r116 1:1:6 urk r118 1:1:8 } foo { f121 1:2:1 bar f122 1:2:2 f123 1:2:3 eek } { fb131 1:3:1 fb132 1:3:2 fb133 1:3:3 } foo.eek { fe141 1:4:1 } urk { u151 1:5:1 u152 1:5:2 } foo.f121 foo.f122 foo.f123 foo.eek.fe141 r111 r112 r113 r114 r115 r116 urk.u151 urk.u152 r118 root { mine 1:1:1 foo yours 1:1:2 } foo { fumble 1:2:1 stumble 1:2:2 } root { surprise 1:1:3 mine 1:1:1 foo yawn } foo { mumble 1:2:3 stumble 1:2:2 } yawn { sleepy 1:3:1 } Compiled PMNS contains 7 hash table entries 7 leaf nodes 3 non-leaf nodes 63 bytes of symbol table root { mine 1:1:1 foo yours 1:1:2 surprise 1:1:3 yawn } foo { fumble 1:2:1 stumble 1:2:2 mumble 1:2:3 } yawn { sleepy 1:3:1 } mine foo.fumble foo.stumble foo.mumble yours surprise yawn.sleepy