QA output created by 311 == pminfo preamble and no values == Note: timezone set to local timezone of host "splat" pmcd.pmlogger.archive inst [14737 or "14737"] value "/tmp/err_v1" inst [14737 or "14737"] value "" pmcd.pmlogger.port inst [14737 or "14737"] value 4332 proc.psusage.utime Error: Explicit instance identifier(s) required sample.bad.nosupport Error: Metric not supported by this version of monitored application sample.needprofile Error: Explicit instance identifier(s) required sample.noinst No value(s) available! == pminfo skip preamble and errors instead of values == Note: timezone set to local timezone of host "splat" pmcd.pmlogger.archive: pmFetch: End of PCP archive log pmFetch: End of PCP archive log pmcd.pmlogger.port: pmFetch: End of PCP archive log proc.psusage.utime Error: Explicit instance identifier(s) required sample.bad.nosupport Error: Metric not supported by this version of monitored application sample.needprofile Error: Explicit instance identifier(s) required sample.noinst No value(s) available! == pmdumplog for 1 metric (expect error) === Note: timezone set to local timezone of host "splat" from archive 04:48:42.584 29.0.55 (sample.bad.nosupport): Metric not supported by this version of monitored application 04:48:43.547 29.0.55 (sample.bad.nosupport): Metric not supported by this version of monitored application 04:48:44.557 29.0.55 (sample.bad.nosupport): Metric not supported by this version of monitored application 04:48:45.557 29.0.55 (sample.bad.nosupport): Metric not supported by this version of monitored application 04:48:46.557 29.0.55 (sample.bad.nosupport): Metric not supported by this version of monitored application == diffs for pmdumplog all metrics compared to PCP 1.x output (expect none) ==