QA output created by 646 MMV file = $PCP_TMP_DIR/mmv/testPID Version = 1 Generated = TIMESTAMP TOC count = 5 Cluster = 0 Process = PID Flags = 0x0 TOC[0]: offset 40, indoms offset 120 (2 entries) [1/120] 2 instances, starting at offset 184 shorttext=We can be heroes helptext=We can be heroes, just for one day [2/152] 3 instances, starting at offset 344 (no shorttext) (no helptext) TOC[1]: offset 56, instances offset 184 (5 entries) [1/184] instance = [0 or "zero"] [1/264] instance = [1 or "hero"] [2/344] instance = [0 or "bird"] [2/424] instance = [1 or "tree"] [2/504] instance = [2 or "eggs"] TOC[2]: toc offset 72, metrics offset 584 (6 entries) [1/584] counter type=32-bit unsigned int (0x1), sem=counter (0x1), pad=0x0 units=count (no indom) shorttext=test counter metric helptext=Yes, this is a test counter metric [2/688] discrete type=32-bit int (0x0), sem=discrete (0x4), pad=0x0 units= (no indom) shorttext=test discrete metric helptext=Yes, this is a test discrete metric [3/792] indom type=32-bit unsigned int (0x1), sem=instant (0x3), pad=0x0 units=count indom=1 (no shorttext) (no helptext) [4/896] interval type=elapsed (0x9), sem=counter (0x1), pad=0x0 units=microsec indom=2 (no shorttext) (no helptext) [5/1000] string type=string (0x6), sem=instant (0x3), pad=0x0 units= (no indom) (no shorttext) (no helptext) [6/1104] strings type=string (0x6), sem=instant (0x3), pad=0x0 units= indom=1 shorttext=test string metrics helptext=Yes, this is a test string metric with instances TOC[3]: offset 88, values offset 1208 (10 entries) [1/1208] counter = 41 [2/1240] discrete = 42 [3/1272] indom[0 or "zero"] = 43 [3/1304] indom[1 or "hero"] = 0 [4/1336] interval[0 or "bird"] = 0 (value=0/extra=0) [4/1368] interval[1 or "tree"] = 0 (value=0/extra=0) [4/1400] interval[2 or "eggs"] = N (value=N/extra=0) [5/1432] string = "g'day world" [6/1464] strings[0 or "zero"] = "00oo00" [6/1496] strings[1 or "hero"] = "" TOC[4]: offset 104, string offset 1528 (11 entries) [1/1528] g'day world [2/1784] 00oo00 [3/2040] [4/2296] test counter metric [5/2552] Yes, this is a test counter metric [6/2808] test discrete metric [7/3064] Yes, this is a test discrete metric [8/3320] test string metrics [9/3576] Yes, this is a test string metric with instances [10/3832] We can be heroes [11/4088] We can be heroes, just for one day MMV file = $PCP_TMP_DIR/mmv/notestPID Version = 1 Generated = TIMESTAMP TOC count = 2 Cluster = 0 Process = PID Flags = 0x0 TOC[0]: toc offset 40, metrics offset 72 (0 entries) TOC[1]: offset 56, values offset 72 (0 entries)