#!/bin/sh # PCP QA Test No. 712 # # Exercise encrypted communications between pmcd/clients # Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Red Hat. # seq=`basename $0` echo "QA output created by $seq" . ./common.secure nss_notrun_checks _cleanup() { nss_cleanup $sudo $PCP_RC_DIR/pcp restart 2>&1 | _filter_pcp_stop | _filter_pcp_start _wait_for_pmcd _wait_for_pmlogger $sudo rm -f $tmp.* $sudo rm -fr $tmp } status=1 # failure is the default! $sudo rm -rf $tmp.* $seq.full trap "_cleanup; exit \$status" 0 1 2 3 15 $sudo $PCP_RC_DIR/pcp stop | _filter_pcp_stop # real QA test starts here nss_backup nss_setup_randomness # verify that local clients cannot establish a connection # without having a valid certificate database setup. nss_setup_collector false nss_setup_empty_userdb echo "checking client, no certificate at all. should fail..." | tee -a $seq.full export PCP_SECURE_SOCKETS=1 yes | pminfo -h $hostname -f hinv.ncpu 2>&1 | tee -a $seq.full | nss_filter_pminfo unset PCP_SECURE_SOCKETS # verify that local clients are prompted to establish a connection # when a valid collectoer certificate exists but no client config. nss_setup_collector true $qahost $hostname nss_setup_empty_userdb echo "checking client, server certificate only. should prompt and fail..." | tee -a $seq.full export PCP_SECURE_SOCKETS=1 yes | pminfo -h $hostname -f hinv.ncpu 2>&1 | tee -a $seq.full | nss_filter_pminfo unset PCP_SECURE_SOCKETS # make the new certificate visible to just this user echo "checking client, user certificate only. should pass..." nss_setup_empty_userdb nss_import_cert_userdb export PCP_SECURE_SOCKETS=1 yes | pminfo -h $hostname -f hinv.ncpu 2>&1 | tee -a $seq.full | nss_filter_pminfo unset PCP_SECURE_SOCKETS # success, all done status=0 exit