#pmieconf-rules 1 # --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(4) # rule cpu.context_switch summary = "$rule$" predicate = "some_host ( kernel.all.pswitch $hosts$ > hinv.ncpu $hosts$ * $threshold$ count/sec )" enabled = yes version = 1 help = "Average number of context switches per CPU per second exceeded threshold over the past sample interval."; string rule default = "High aggregate context switch rate" modify = no display = no; double threshold default = 4000 help = "The threshold number of process context switches per second."; string action_expand default = %vctxsw/s@%h display = no modify = no; string email_expand default = "host: %h aggregate context switches: %v/sec" display = no modify = no; # Configuration info specific to non-PCP tools follows... # # for SGI Embedded Support Partner integration: string esp_type default = "0x20005C" display = no modify = no; # for EnlightenDSM integration: string enln_test default = cpu.context_switch display = no modify = no; string enln_units default = ctxsw/s display = no modify = no; # # --- DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE --- see pmieconf(4)