path: root/misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el b/misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc35c116..000000000
--- a/misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-;;; go-mode-load.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
-;;; Commentary:
-;; To install go-mode, add the following lines to your .emacs file:
-;; (add-to-list 'load-path "PATH CONTAINING go-mode-load.el" t)
-;; (require 'go-mode-load)
-;; After this, go-mode will be used for files ending in '.go'.
-;; To compile go-mode from the command line, run the following
-;; emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile go-mode.el
-;; See go-mode.el for documentation.
-;; To update this file, evaluate the following form
-;; (let ((generated-autoload-file buffer-file-name)) (update-file-autoloads "go-mode.el"))
-;;; Code:
-;;;### (autoloads (go-download-play godoc gofmt-before-save go-mode)
-;;;;;; "go-mode" "go-mode.el" (20767 50749))
-;;; Generated autoloads from go-mode.el
-(autoload 'go-mode "go-mode" "\
-Major mode for editing Go source text.
-This mode provides (not just) basic editing capabilities for
-working with Go code. It offers almost complete syntax
-highlighting, indentation that is almost identical to gofmt,
-proper parsing of the buffer content to allow features such as
-navigation by function, manipulation of comments or detection of
-Additionally to these core features, it offers various features to
-help with writing Go code. You can directly run buffer content
-through gofmt, read godoc documentation from within Emacs, modify
-and clean up the list of package imports or interact with the
-Playground (uploading and downloading pastes).
-The following extra functions are defined:
-- `gofmt'
-- `godoc'
-- `go-import-add'
-- `go-remove-unused-imports'
-- `go-goto-imports'
-- `go-play-buffer' and `go-play-region'
-- `go-download-play'
-If you want to automatically run `gofmt' before saving a file,
-add the following hook to your emacs configuration:
-\(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save)
-If you're looking for even more integration with Go, namely
-on-the-fly syntax checking, auto-completion and snippets, it is
-recommended to look at goflymake
-\(, gocode
-\( and yasnippet-go
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.go\\'" 'go-mode))
-(autoload 'gofmt-before-save "go-mode" "\
-Add this to .emacs to run gofmt on the current buffer when saving:
- (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save).
-Note that this will cause go-mode to get loaded the first time
-you save any file, kind of defeating the point of autoloading.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'godoc "go-mode" "\
-Show go documentation for a query, much like M-x man.
-\(fn QUERY)" t nil)
-(autoload 'go-download-play "go-mode" "\
-Downloads a paste from the playground and inserts it in a Go
-buffer. Tries to look for a URL at point.
-\(fn URL)" t nil)
-(provide 'go-mode-load)
-;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; coding: utf-8
-;; End:
-;;; go-mode-load.el ends here