path: root/src/cmd/fix/testdata/reflect.export.go.out
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-// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- The netchan package implements type-safe networked channels:
- it allows the two ends of a channel to appear on different
- computers connected by a network. It does this by transporting
- data sent to a channel on one machine so it can be recovered
- by a receive of a channel of the same type on the other.
- An exporter publishes a set of channels by name. An importer
- connects to the exporting machine and imports the channels
- by name. After importing the channels, the two machines can
- use the channels in the usual way.
- Networked channels are not synchronized; they always behave
- as if they are buffered channels of at least one element.
-package netchan
-// BUG: can't use range clause to receive when using ImportNValues to limit the count.
-import (
- "io"
- "log"
- "net"
- "os"
- "reflect"
- "strconv"
- "sync"
-// Export
-// expLog is a logging convenience function. The first argument must be a string.
-func expLog(args ...interface{}) {
- args[0] = "netchan export: " + args[0].(string)
- log.Print(args...)
-// An Exporter allows a set of channels to be published on a single
-// network port. A single machine may have multiple Exporters
-// but they must use different ports.
-type Exporter struct {
- *clientSet
-type expClient struct {
- *encDec
- exp *Exporter
- chans map[int]*netChan // channels in use by client
- mu sync.Mutex // protects remaining fields
- errored bool // client has been sent an error
- seqNum int64 // sequences messages sent to client; has value of highest sent
- ackNum int64 // highest sequence number acknowledged
- seqLock sync.Mutex // guarantees messages are in sequence, only locked under mu
-func newClient(exp *Exporter, conn io.ReadWriter) *expClient {
- client := new(expClient)
- client.exp = exp
- client.encDec = newEncDec(conn)
- client.seqNum = 0
- client.ackNum = 0
- client.chans = make(map[int]*netChan)
- return client
-func (client *expClient) sendError(hdr *header, err string) {
- error := &error{err}
- expLog("sending error to client:", error.Error)
- client.encode(hdr, payError, error) // ignore any encode error, hope client gets it
- client.errored = true
-func (client *expClient) newChan(hdr *header, dir Dir, name string, size int, count int64) *netChan {
- exp := client.exp
- ech, ok := exp.names[name]
- if !ok {
- client.sendError(hdr, "no such channel: "+name)
- return nil
- }
- if ech.dir != dir {
- client.sendError(hdr, "wrong direction for channel: "+name)
- return nil
- }
- nch := newNetChan(name, hdr.Id, ech, client.encDec, size, count)
- client.chans[hdr.Id] = nch
- return nch
-func (client *expClient) getChan(hdr *header, dir Dir) *netChan {
- nch := client.chans[hdr.Id]
- if nch == nil {
- return nil
- }
- if nch.dir != dir {
- client.sendError(hdr, "wrong direction for channel: "
- }
- return nch
-// The function run manages sends and receives for a single client. For each
-// (client Recv) request, this will launch a serveRecv goroutine to deliver
-// the data for that channel, while (client Send) requests are handled as
-// data arrives from the client.
-func (client *expClient) run() {
- hdr := new(header)
- hdrValue := reflect.ValueOf(hdr)
- req := new(request)
- reqValue := reflect.ValueOf(req)
- error := new(error)
- for {
- *hdr = header{}
- if err := client.decode(hdrValue); err != nil {
- if err != os.EOF {
- expLog("error decoding client header:", err)
- }
- break
- }
- switch hdr.PayloadType {
- case payRequest:
- *req = request{}
- if err := client.decode(reqValue); err != nil {
- expLog("error decoding client request:", err)
- break
- }
- if req.Size < 1 {
- panic("netchan: remote requested " + strconv.Itoa(req.Size) + " values")
- }
- switch req.Dir {
- case Recv:
- // look up channel before calling serveRecv to
- // avoid a lock around client.chans.
- if nch := client.newChan(hdr, Send, req.Name, req.Size, req.Count); nch != nil {
- go client.serveRecv(nch, *hdr, req.Count)
- }
- case Send:
- client.newChan(hdr, Recv, req.Name, req.Size, req.Count)
- // The actual sends will have payload type payData.
- // TODO: manage the count?
- default:
- error.Error = "request: can't handle channel direction"
- expLog(error.Error, req.Dir)
- client.encode(hdr, payError, error)
- }
- case payData:
- client.serveSend(*hdr)
- case payClosed:
- client.serveClosed(*hdr)
- case payAck:
- if client.ackNum != hdr.SeqNum-1 {
- // Since the sequence number is incremented and the message is sent
- // in a single instance of locking, the messages are guaranteed
- // to be sent in order. Therefore receipt of acknowledgement N means
- // all messages <=N have been seen by the recipient. We check anyway.
- expLog("sequence out of order:", client.ackNum, hdr.SeqNum)
- }
- if client.ackNum < hdr.SeqNum { // If there has been an error, don't back up the count.
- client.ackNum = hdr.SeqNum
- }
- case payAckSend:
- if nch := client.getChan(hdr, Send); nch != nil {
- nch.acked()
- }
- default:
- log.Fatal("netchan export: unknown payload type", hdr.PayloadType)
- }
- }
- client.exp.delClient(client)
-// Send all the data on a single channel to a client asking for a Recv.
-// The header is passed by value to avoid issues of overwriting.
-func (client *expClient) serveRecv(nch *netChan, hdr header, count int64) {
- for {
- val, ok := nch.recv()
- if !ok {
- if err := client.encode(&hdr, payClosed, nil); err != nil {
- expLog("error encoding server closed message:", err)
- }
- break
- }
- // We hold the lock during transmission to guarantee messages are
- // sent in sequence number order. Also, we increment first so the
- // value of client.SeqNum is the value of the highest used sequence
- // number, not one beyond.
- client.seqNum++
- hdr.SeqNum = client.seqNum
- client.seqLock.Lock() // guarantee ordering of messages
- err := client.encode(&hdr, payData, val.Interface())
- client.seqLock.Unlock()
- if err != nil {
- expLog("error encoding client response:", err)
- client.sendError(&hdr, err.String())
- break
- }
- // Negative count means run forever.
- if count >= 0 {
- if count--; count <= 0 {
- break
- }
- }
- }
-// Receive and deliver locally one item from a client asking for a Send
-// The header is passed by value to avoid issues of overwriting.
-func (client *expClient) serveSend(hdr header) {
- nch := client.getChan(&hdr, Recv)
- if nch == nil {
- return
- }
- // Create a new value for each received item.
- val := reflect.Zero(
- if err := client.decode(val); err != nil {
- expLog("value decode:", err, "; type ",
- return
- }
- nch.send(val)
-// Report that client has closed the channel that is sending to us.
-// The header is passed by value to avoid issues of overwriting.
-func (client *expClient) serveClosed(hdr header) {
- nch := client.getChan(&hdr, Recv)
- if nch == nil {
- return
- }
- nch.close()
-func (client *expClient) unackedCount() int64 {
- n := client.seqNum - client.ackNum
- return n
-func (client *expClient) seq() int64 {
- n := client.seqNum
- return n
-func (client *expClient) ack() int64 {
- n := client.seqNum
- return n
-// Serve waits for incoming connections on the listener
-// and serves the Exporter's channels on each.
-// It blocks until the listener is closed.
-func (exp *Exporter) Serve(listener net.Listener) {
- for {
- conn, err := listener.Accept()
- if err != nil {
- expLog("listen:", err)
- break
- }
- go exp.ServeConn(conn)
- }
-// ServeConn exports the Exporter's channels on conn.
-// It blocks until the connection is terminated.
-func (exp *Exporter) ServeConn(conn io.ReadWriter) {
- exp.addClient(conn).run()
-// NewExporter creates a new Exporter that exports a set of channels.
-func NewExporter() *Exporter {
- e := &Exporter{
- clientSet: &clientSet{
- names: make(map[string]*chanDir),
- clients: make(map[unackedCounter]bool),
- },
- }
- return e
-// ListenAndServe exports the exporter's channels through the
-// given network and local address defined as in net.Listen.
-func (exp *Exporter) ListenAndServe(network, localaddr string) os.Error {
- listener, err := net.Listen(network, localaddr)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- go exp.Serve(listener)
- return nil
-// addClient creates a new expClient and records its existence
-func (exp *Exporter) addClient(conn io.ReadWriter) *expClient {
- client := newClient(exp, conn)
- exp.clients[client] = true
- return client
-// delClient forgets the client existed
-func (exp *Exporter) delClient(client *expClient) {
- exp.clients[client] = false, false
-// Drain waits until all messages sent from this exporter/importer, including
-// those not yet sent to any client and possibly including those sent while
-// Drain was executing, have been received by the importer. In short, it
-// waits until all the exporter's messages have been received by a client.
-// If the timeout (measured in nanoseconds) is positive and Drain takes
-// longer than that to complete, an error is returned.
-func (exp *Exporter) Drain(timeout int64) os.Error {
- // This wrapper function is here so the method's comment will appear in godoc.
- return exp.clientSet.drain(timeout)
-// Sync waits until all clients of the exporter have received the messages
-// that were sent at the time Sync was invoked. Unlike Drain, it does not
-// wait for messages sent while it is running or messages that have not been
-// dispatched to any client. If the timeout (measured in nanoseconds) is
-// positive and Sync takes longer than that to complete, an error is
-// returned.
-func (exp *Exporter) Sync(timeout int64) os.Error {
- // This wrapper function is here so the method's comment will appear in godoc.
- return exp.clientSet.sync(timeout)
-func checkChan(chT interface{}, dir Dir) (reflect.Value, os.Error) {
- chanType := reflect.TypeOf(chT)
- if chanType.Kind() != reflect.Chan {
- return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("not a channel")
- }
- if dir != Send && dir != Recv {
- return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("unknown channel direction")
- }
- switch chanType.ChanDir() {
- case reflect.BothDir:
- case reflect.SendDir:
- if dir != Recv {
- return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("to import/export with Send, must provide <-chan")
- }
- case reflect.RecvDir:
- if dir != Send {
- return reflect.Value{}, os.NewError("to import/export with Recv, must provide chan<-")
- }
- }
- return reflect.ValueOf(chT), nil
-// Export exports a channel of a given type and specified direction. The
-// channel to be exported is provided in the call and may be of arbitrary
-// channel type.
-// Despite the literal signature, the effective signature is
-// Export(name string, chT chan T, dir Dir)
-func (exp *Exporter) Export(name string, chT interface{}, dir Dir) os.Error {
- ch, err := checkChan(chT, dir)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- defer
- _, present := exp.names[name]
- if present {
- return os.NewError("channel name already being exported:" + name)
- }
- exp.names[name] = &chanDir{ch, dir}
- return nil
-// Hangup disassociates the named channel from the Exporter and closes
-// the channel. Messages in flight for the channel may be dropped.
-func (exp *Exporter) Hangup(name string) os.Error {
- chDir, ok := exp.names[name]
- if ok {
- exp.names[name] = nil, false
- }
- // TODO drop all instances of channel from client sets
- if !ok {
- return os.NewError("netchan export: hangup: no such channel: " + name)
- }
- return nil