path: root/src/cmd/pprof
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cmd/pprof')
21 files changed, 7805 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/README b/src/cmd/pprof/README
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index 000000000..a728ef235
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+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/README
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+The pprof in this directory is adapted from the pprof used inside Google
+for C++, Java, and Go programs. Because it was developed for that broader
+context, it is overgeneralized when used here for the specific use case
+of profiling standard Go programs. However, we've left the abstractions
+intact in order to share updates between this copy and Google's internal one.
+Please do not take the level of abstraction in this program as an example
+to follow in your own.
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/doc.go b/src/cmd/pprof/doc.go
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index 000000000..c6ff11d10
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+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/doc.go
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+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Pprof interprets and displays profiles of Go programs.
+// Usage:
+// go tool pprof binary profile
+// For more information, see
+package main
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/commands/commands.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/commands/commands.go
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index 000000000..51397a3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/commands/commands.go
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+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package commands defines and manages the basic pprof commands
+package commands
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "os/exec"
+ "runtime"
+ "strings"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/report"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/svg"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile"
+// Commands describes the commands accepted by pprof.
+type Commands map[string]*Command
+// Command describes the actions for a pprof command. Includes a
+// function for command-line completion, the report format to use
+// during report generation, any postprocessing functions, and whether
+// the command expects a regexp parameter (typically a function name).
+type Command struct {
+ Complete Completer // autocomplete for interactive mode
+ Format int // report format to generate
+ PostProcess PostProcessor // postprocessing to run on report
+ HasParam bool // Collect a parameter from the CLI
+ Usage string // Help text
+// Completer is a function for command-line autocompletion
+type Completer func(prefix string) string
+// PostProcessor is a function that applies post-processing to the report output
+type PostProcessor func(input *bytes.Buffer, output io.Writer, ui plugin.UI) error
+// PProf returns the basic pprof report-generation commands
+func PProf(c Completer, interactive **bool, svgpan **string) Commands {
+ return Commands{
+ // Commands that require no post-processing.
+ "tags": {nil, report.Tags, nil, false, "Outputs all tags in the profile"},
+ "raw": {c, report.Raw, nil, false, "Outputs a text representation of the raw profile"},
+ "dot": {c, report.Dot, nil, false, "Outputs a graph in DOT format"},
+ "top": {c, report.Text, nil, false, "Outputs top entries in text form"},
+ "tree": {c, report.Tree, nil, false, "Outputs a text rendering of call graph"},
+ "text": {c, report.Text, nil, false, "Outputs top entries in text form"},
+ "disasm": {c, report.Dis, nil, true, "Output annotated assembly for functions matching regexp or address"},
+ "list": {c, report.List, nil, true, "Output annotated source for functions matching regexp"},
+ "peek": {c, report.Tree, nil, true, "Output callers/callees of functions matching regexp"},
+ // Save binary formats to a file
+ "callgrind": {c, report.Callgrind, awayFromTTY("callgraph.out"), false, "Outputs a graph in callgrind format"},
+ "proto": {c, report.Proto, awayFromTTY("pb.gz"), false, "Outputs the profile in compressed protobuf format"},
+ // Generate report in DOT format and postprocess with dot
+ "gif": {c, report.Dot, invokeDot("gif"), false, "Outputs a graph image in GIF format"},
+ "pdf": {c, report.Dot, invokeDot("pdf"), false, "Outputs a graph in PDF format"},
+ "png": {c, report.Dot, invokeDot("png"), false, "Outputs a graph image in PNG format"},
+ "ps": {c, report.Dot, invokeDot("ps"), false, "Outputs a graph in PS format"},
+ // Save SVG output into a file after including svgpan library
+ "svg": {c, report.Dot, saveSVGToFile(svgpan), false, "Outputs a graph in SVG format"},
+ // Visualize postprocessed dot output
+ "eog": {c, report.Dot, invokeVisualizer(interactive, invokeDot("svg"), "svg", []string{"eog"}), false, "Visualize graph through eog"},
+ "evince": {c, report.Dot, invokeVisualizer(interactive, invokeDot("pdf"), "pdf", []string{"evince"}), false, "Visualize graph through evince"},
+ "gv": {c, report.Dot, invokeVisualizer(interactive, invokeDot("ps"), "ps", []string{"gv --noantialias"}), false, "Visualize graph through gv"},
+ "web": {c, report.Dot, invokeVisualizer(interactive, saveSVGToFile(svgpan), "svg", browsers()), false, "Visualize graph through web browser"},
+ // Visualize HTML directly generated by report.
+ "weblist": {c, report.WebList, invokeVisualizer(interactive, awayFromTTY("html"), "html", browsers()), true, "Output annotated source in HTML for functions matching regexp or address"},
+ }
+// browsers returns a list of commands to attempt for web visualization
+// on the current platform
+func browsers() []string {
+ cmds := []string{"chrome", "google-chrome", "firefox"}
+ switch runtime.GOOS {
+ case "darwin":
+ cmds = append(cmds, "/usr/bin/open")
+ case "windows":
+ cmds = append(cmds, "cmd /c start")
+ default:
+ cmds = append(cmds, "xdg-open")
+ }
+ return cmds
+// NewCompleter creates an autocompletion function for a set of commands.
+func NewCompleter(cs Commands) Completer {
+ return func(line string) string {
+ switch tokens := strings.Fields(line); len(tokens) {
+ case 0:
+ // Nothing to complete
+ case 1:
+ // Single token -- complete command name
+ found := ""
+ for c := range cs {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(c, tokens[0]) {
+ if found != "" {
+ return line
+ }
+ found = c
+ }
+ }
+ if found != "" {
+ return found
+ }
+ default:
+ // Multiple tokens -- complete using command completer
+ if c, ok := cs[tokens[0]]; ok {
+ if c.Complete != nil {
+ lastTokenIdx := len(tokens) - 1
+ lastToken := tokens[lastTokenIdx]
+ if strings.HasPrefix(lastToken, "-") {
+ lastToken = "-" + c.Complete(lastToken[1:])
+ } else {
+ lastToken = c.Complete(lastToken)
+ }
+ return strings.Join(append(tokens[:lastTokenIdx], lastToken), " ")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return line
+ }
+// awayFromTTY saves the output in a file if it would otherwise go to
+// the terminal screen. This is used to avoid dumping binary data on
+// the screen.
+func awayFromTTY(format string) PostProcessor {
+ return func(input *bytes.Buffer, output io.Writer, ui plugin.UI) error {
+ if output == os.Stdout && ui.IsTerminal() {
+ tempFile, err := tempfile.New("", "profile", "."+format)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ ui.PrintErr("Generating report in ", tempFile.Name())
+ _, err = fmt.Fprint(tempFile, input)
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err := fmt.Fprint(output, input)
+ return err
+ }
+func invokeDot(format string) PostProcessor {
+ divert := awayFromTTY(format)
+ return func(input *bytes.Buffer, output io.Writer, ui plugin.UI) error {
+ if _, err := exec.LookPath("dot"); err != nil {
+ ui.PrintErr("Cannot find dot, have you installed Graphviz?")
+ return err
+ }
+ cmd := exec.Command("dot", "-T"+format)
+ var buf bytes.Buffer
+ cmd.Stdin, cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stderr = input, &buf, os.Stderr
+ if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return divert(&buf, output, ui)
+ }
+func saveSVGToFile(svgpan **string) PostProcessor {
+ generateSVG := invokeDot("svg")
+ divert := awayFromTTY("svg")
+ return func(input *bytes.Buffer, output io.Writer, ui plugin.UI) error {
+ baseSVG := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ generateSVG(input, baseSVG, ui)
+ massaged := &bytes.Buffer{}
+ fmt.Fprint(massaged, svg.Massage(*baseSVG, **svgpan))
+ return divert(massaged, output, ui)
+ }
+func invokeVisualizer(interactive **bool, format PostProcessor, suffix string, visualizers []string) PostProcessor {
+ return func(input *bytes.Buffer, output io.Writer, ui plugin.UI) error {
+ tempFile, err := tempfile.New(os.Getenv("PPROF_TMPDIR"), "pprof", "."+suffix)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ tempfile.DeferDelete(tempFile.Name())
+ if err = format(input, tempFile, ui); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ tempFile.Close() // on windows, if the file is Open, start cannot access it.
+ // Try visualizers until one is successful
+ for _, v := range visualizers {
+ // Separate command and arguments for exec.Command.
+ args := strings.Split(v, " ")
+ if len(args) == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ viewer := exec.Command(args[0], append(args[1:], tempFile.Name())...)
+ viewer.Stderr = os.Stderr
+ if err = viewer.Start(); err == nil {
+ if !**interactive {
+ // In command-line mode, wait for the viewer to be closed
+ // before proceeding
+ return viewer.Wait()
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ return err
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/driver.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/driver.go
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index 000000000..68b5d1b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/driver.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package driver implements the core pprof functionality. It can be
+// parameterized with a flag implementation, fetch and symbolize
+// mechanisms.
+package driver
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/url"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/commands"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/report"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile"
+// PProf acquires a profile, and symbolizes it using a profile
+// manager. Then it generates a report formatted according to the
+// options selected through the flags package.
+func PProf(flagset plugin.FlagSet, fetch plugin.Fetcher, sym plugin.Symbolizer, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, overrides commands.Commands) error {
+ // Remove any temporary files created during pprof processing.
+ defer tempfile.Cleanup()
+ f, err := getFlags(flagset, overrides, ui)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ obj.SetConfig(*f.flagTools)
+ sources := f.profileSource
+ if len(sources) > 1 {
+ source := sources[0]
+ // If the first argument is a supported object file, treat as executable.
+ if file, err := obj.Open(source, 0); err == nil {
+ file.Close()
+ f.profileExecName = source
+ sources = sources[1:]
+ } else if *f.flagBuildID == "" && isBuildID(source) {
+ f.flagBuildID = &source
+ sources = sources[1:]
+ }
+ }
+ // errMu protects concurrent accesses to errset and err. errset is set if an
+ // error is encountered by one of the goroutines grabbing a profile.
+ errMu, errset := sync.Mutex{}, false
+ // Fetch profiles.
+ wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
+ profs := make([]*profile.Profile, len(sources))
+ for i, source := range sources {
+ wg.Add(1)
+ go func(i int, src string) {
+ defer wg.Done()
+ p, grabErr := grabProfile(src, f.profileExecName, *f.flagBuildID, fetch, sym, obj, ui, f)
+ if grabErr != nil {
+ errMu.Lock()
+ defer errMu.Unlock()
+ errset, err = true, grabErr
+ return
+ }
+ profs[i] = p
+ }(i, source)
+ }
+ wg.Wait()
+ if errset {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Merge profiles.
+ prof := profs[0]
+ for _, p := range profs[1:] {
+ if err = prof.Merge(p, 1); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ if *f.flagBase != "" {
+ // Fetch base profile and subtract from current profile.
+ base, err := grabProfile(*f.flagBase, f.profileExecName, *f.flagBuildID, fetch, sym, obj, ui, f)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err = prof.Merge(base, -1); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ if err := processFlags(prof, ui, f); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ prof.RemoveUninteresting()
+ if *f.flagInteractive {
+ return interactive(prof, obj, ui, f)
+ }
+ return generate(false, prof, obj, ui, f)
+// isBuildID determines if the profile may contain a build ID, by
+// checking that it is a string of hex digits.
+func isBuildID(id string) bool {
+ return strings.Trim(id, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF") == ""
+// adjustURL updates the profile source URL based on heuristics. It
+// will append ?seconds=sec for CPU profiles if not already
+// specified. Returns the hostname if the profile is remote.
+func adjustURL(source string, sec int, ui plugin.UI) (adjusted, host string, duration time.Duration) {
+ // If there is a local file with this name, just use it.
+ if _, err := os.Stat(source); err == nil {
+ return source, "", 0
+ }
+ url, err := url.Parse(source)
+ // Automatically add http:// to URLs of the form hostname:port/path.
+ // url.Parse treats "hostname" as the Scheme.
+ if err != nil || (url.Host == "" && url.Scheme != "" && url.Scheme != "file") {
+ url, err = url.Parse("http://" + source)
+ if err != nil {
+ return source, url.Host, time.Duration(30) * time.Second
+ }
+ }
+ if scheme := strings.ToLower(url.Scheme); scheme == "" || scheme == "file" {
+ url.Scheme = ""
+ return url.String(), "", 0
+ }
+ values := url.Query()
+ if urlSeconds := values.Get("seconds"); urlSeconds != "" {
+ if us, err := strconv.ParseInt(urlSeconds, 10, 32); err == nil {
+ if sec >= 0 {
+ ui.PrintErr("Overriding -seconds for URL ", source)
+ }
+ sec = int(us)
+ }
+ }
+ switch strings.ToLower(url.Path) {
+ case "", "/":
+ // Apply default /profilez.
+ url.Path = "/profilez"
+ case "/protoz":
+ // Rewrite to /profilez?type=proto
+ url.Path = "/profilez"
+ values.Set("type", "proto")
+ }
+ if hasDuration(url.Path) {
+ if sec > 0 {
+ duration = time.Duration(sec) * time.Second
+ values.Set("seconds", fmt.Sprintf("%d", sec))
+ } else {
+ // Assume default duration: 30 seconds
+ duration = 30 * time.Second
+ }
+ }
+ url.RawQuery = values.Encode()
+ return url.String(), url.Host, duration
+func hasDuration(path string) bool {
+ for _, trigger := range []string{"profilez", "wallz", "/profile"} {
+ if strings.Contains(path, trigger) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// preprocess does filtering and aggregation of a profile based on the
+// requested options.
+func preprocess(prof *profile.Profile, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
+ if *f.flagFocus != "" || *f.flagIgnore != "" || *f.flagHide != "" {
+ focus, ignore, hide, err := compileFocusIgnore(*f.flagFocus, *f.flagIgnore, *f.flagHide)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fm, im, hm := prof.FilterSamplesByName(focus, ignore, hide)
+ warnNoMatches(fm, *f.flagFocus, "Focus", ui)
+ warnNoMatches(im, *f.flagIgnore, "Ignore", ui)
+ warnNoMatches(hm, *f.flagHide, "Hide", ui)
+ }
+ if *f.flagTagFocus != "" || *f.flagTagIgnore != "" {
+ focus, err := compileTagFilter(*f.flagTagFocus, ui)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ ignore, err := compileTagFilter(*f.flagTagIgnore, ui)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ fm, im := prof.FilterSamplesByTag(focus, ignore)
+ warnNoMatches(fm, *f.flagTagFocus, "TagFocus", ui)
+ warnNoMatches(im, *f.flagTagIgnore, "TagIgnore", ui)
+ }
+ return aggregate(prof, f)
+func compileFocusIgnore(focus, ignore, hide string) (f, i, h *regexp.Regexp, err error) {
+ if focus != "" {
+ if f, err = regexp.Compile(focus); err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing focus regexp: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if ignore != "" {
+ if i, err = regexp.Compile(ignore); err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing ignore regexp: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if hide != "" {
+ if h, err = regexp.Compile(hide); err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing hide regexp: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func compileTagFilter(filter string, ui plugin.UI) (f func(string, string, int64) bool, err error) {
+ if filter == "" {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ if numFilter := parseTagFilterRange(filter); numFilter != nil {
+ ui.PrintErr("Interpreted '", filter, "' as range, not regexp")
+ return func(key, val string, num int64) bool {
+ if val != "" {
+ return false
+ }
+ return numFilter(num, key)
+ }, nil
+ }
+ fx, err := regexp.Compile(filter)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return func(key, val string, num int64) bool {
+ if val == "" {
+ return false
+ }
+ return fx.MatchString(key + ":" + val)
+ }, nil
+var tagFilterRangeRx = regexp.MustCompile("([[:digit:]]+)([[:alpha:]]+)")
+// parseTagFilterRange returns a function to checks if a value is
+// contained on the range described by a string. It can recognize
+// strings of the form:
+// "32kb" -- matches values == 32kb
+// ":64kb" -- matches values <= 64kb
+// "4mb:" -- matches values >= 4mb
+// "12kb:64mb" -- matches values between 12kb and 64mb (both included).
+func parseTagFilterRange(filter string) func(int64, string) bool {
+ ranges := tagFilterRangeRx.FindAllStringSubmatch(filter, 2)
+ if len(ranges) == 0 {
+ return nil // No ranges were identified
+ }
+ v, err := strconv.ParseInt(ranges[0][1], 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse int %s: %v", ranges[0][1], err))
+ }
+ value, unit := report.ScaleValue(v, ranges[0][2], ranges[0][2])
+ if len(ranges) == 1 {
+ switch match := ranges[0][0]; filter {
+ case match:
+ return func(v int64, u string) bool {
+ sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
+ return su == unit && sv == value
+ }
+ case match + ":":
+ return func(v int64, u string) bool {
+ sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
+ return su == unit && sv >= value
+ }
+ case ":" + match:
+ return func(v int64, u string) bool {
+ sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
+ return su == unit && sv <= value
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ if filter != ranges[0][0]+":"+ranges[1][0] {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if v, err = strconv.ParseInt(ranges[1][1], 10, 64); err != nil {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse int %s: %v", ranges[1][1], err))
+ }
+ value2, unit2 := report.ScaleValue(v, ranges[1][2], unit)
+ if unit != unit2 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return func(v int64, u string) bool {
+ sv, su := report.ScaleValue(v, u, unit)
+ return su == unit && sv >= value && sv <= value2
+ }
+func warnNoMatches(match bool, rx, option string, ui plugin.UI) {
+ if !match && rx != "" && rx != "." {
+ ui.PrintErr(option + " expression matched no samples: " + rx)
+ }
+// grabProfile fetches and symbolizes a profile.
+func grabProfile(source, exec, buildid string, fetch plugin.Fetcher, sym plugin.Symbolizer, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) (*profile.Profile, error) {
+ source, host, duration := adjustURL(source, *f.flagSeconds, ui)
+ remote := host != ""
+ if remote {
+ ui.Print("Fetching profile from ", source)
+ if duration != 0 {
+ ui.Print("Please wait... (" + duration.String() + ")")
+ }
+ }
+ now := time.Now()
+ // Fetch profile from source.
+ // Give 50% slack on the timeout.
+ p, err := fetch(source, duration+duration/2, ui)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Update the time/duration if the profile source doesn't include it.
+ // TODO(rsilvera): Remove this when we remove support for legacy profiles.
+ if remote {
+ if p.TimeNanos == 0 {
+ p.TimeNanos = now.UnixNano()
+ }
+ if duration != 0 && p.DurationNanos == 0 {
+ p.DurationNanos = int64(duration)
+ }
+ }
+ // Replace executable/buildID with the options provided in the
+ // command line. Assume the executable is the first Mapping entry.
+ if exec != "" || buildid != "" {
+ if len(p.Mapping) == 0 {
+ // Create a fake mapping to hold the user option, and associate
+ // all samples to it.
+ m := &profile.Mapping{
+ ID: 1,
+ }
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ l.Mapping = m
+ }
+ p.Mapping = []*profile.Mapping{m}
+ }
+ if exec != "" {
+ p.Mapping[0].File = exec
+ }
+ if buildid != "" {
+ p.Mapping[0].BuildID = buildid
+ }
+ }
+ if err := sym(*f.flagSymbolize, source, p, obj, ui); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // Save a copy of any remote profiles, unless the user is explicitly
+ // saving it.
+ if remote && !f.isFormat("proto") {
+ prefix := "pprof."
+ if len(p.Mapping) > 0 && p.Mapping[0].File != "" {
+ prefix = prefix + filepath.Base(p.Mapping[0].File) + "."
+ }
+ if !strings.ContainsRune(host, os.PathSeparator) {
+ prefix = prefix + host + "."
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.SampleType {
+ prefix = prefix + s.Type + "."
+ }
+ dir := os.Getenv("PPROF_TMPDIR")
+ tempFile, err := tempfile.New(dir, prefix, ".pb.gz")
+ if err == nil {
+ if err = p.Write(tempFile); err == nil {
+ ui.PrintErr("Saved profile in ", tempFile.Name())
+ }
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ ui.PrintErr("Could not save profile: ", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if err := p.Demangle(obj.Demangle); err != nil {
+ ui.PrintErr("Failed to demangle profile: ", err)
+ }
+ if err := p.CheckValid(); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Grab %s: %v", source, err)
+ }
+ return p, nil
+type flags struct {
+ flagInteractive *bool // Accept commands interactively
+ flagCommands map[string]*bool // pprof commands without parameters
+ flagParamCommands map[string]*string // pprof commands with parameters
+ flagSVGPan *string // URL to fetch the SVG Pan library
+ flagOutput *string // Output file name
+ flagCum *bool // Sort by cumulative data
+ flagCallTree *bool // generate a context-sensitive call tree
+ flagAddresses *bool // Report at address level
+ flagLines *bool // Report at source line level
+ flagFiles *bool // Report at file level
+ flagFunctions *bool // Report at function level [default]
+ flagSymbolize *string // Symbolization options (=none to disable)
+ flagBuildID *string // Override build if for first mapping
+ flagNodeCount *int // Max number of nodes to show
+ flagNodeFraction *float64 // Hide nodes below <f>*total
+ flagEdgeFraction *float64 // Hide edges below <f>*total
+ flagTrim *bool // Set to false to ignore NodeCount/*Fraction
+ flagFocus *string // Restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp
+ flagIgnore *string // Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp
+ flagHide *string // Skips sample locations matching regexp
+ flagTagFocus *string // Restrict to samples tagged with key:value matching regexp
+ flagTagIgnore *string // Discard samples tagged with key:value matching regexp
+ flagDropNegative *bool // Skip negative values
+ flagBase *string // Source for base profile to user for comparison
+ flagSeconds *int // Length of time for dynamic profiles
+ flagTotalDelay *bool // Display total delay at each region
+ flagContentions *bool // Display number of delays at each region
+ flagMeanDelay *bool // Display mean delay at each region
+ flagInUseSpace *bool // Display in-use memory size
+ flagInUseObjects *bool // Display in-use object counts
+ flagAllocSpace *bool // Display allocated memory size
+ flagAllocObjects *bool // Display allocated object counts
+ flagDisplayUnit *string // Measurement unit to use on reports
+ flagDivideBy *float64 // Ratio to divide sample values
+ flagSampleIndex *int // Sample value to use in reports.
+ flagMean *bool // Use mean of sample_index over count
+ flagTools *string
+ profileSource []string
+ profileExecName string
+ extraUsage string
+ commands commands.Commands
+func (f *flags) isFormat(format string) bool {
+ if fl := f.flagCommands[format]; fl != nil {
+ return *fl
+ }
+ if fl := f.flagParamCommands[format]; fl != nil {
+ return *fl != ""
+ }
+ return false
+// String provides a printable representation for the current set of flags.
+func (f *flags) String(p *profile.Profile) string {
+ var ret string
+ if ix := *f.flagSampleIndex; ix != -1 {
+ ret += fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %d (%s)\n", "sample_index", ix, p.SampleType[ix].Type)
+ }
+ if ix := *f.flagMean; ix {
+ ret += boolFlagString("mean")
+ }
+ if *f.flagDisplayUnit != "minimum" {
+ ret += stringFlagString("unit", *f.flagDisplayUnit)
+ }
+ switch {
+ case *f.flagInteractive:
+ ret += boolFlagString("interactive")
+ }
+ for name, fl := range f.flagCommands {
+ if *fl {
+ ret += boolFlagString(name)
+ }
+ }
+ if *f.flagCum {
+ ret += boolFlagString("cum")
+ }
+ if *f.flagCallTree {
+ ret += boolFlagString("call_tree")
+ }
+ switch {
+ case *f.flagAddresses:
+ ret += boolFlagString("addresses")
+ case *f.flagLines:
+ ret += boolFlagString("lines")
+ case *f.flagFiles:
+ ret += boolFlagString("files")
+ case *f.flagFunctions:
+ ret += boolFlagString("functions")
+ }
+ if *f.flagNodeCount != -1 {
+ ret += intFlagString("nodecount", *f.flagNodeCount)
+ }
+ ret += floatFlagString("nodefraction", *f.flagNodeFraction)
+ ret += floatFlagString("edgefraction", *f.flagEdgeFraction)
+ if *f.flagFocus != "" {
+ ret += stringFlagString("focus", *f.flagFocus)
+ }
+ if *f.flagIgnore != "" {
+ ret += stringFlagString("ignore", *f.flagIgnore)
+ }
+ if *f.flagHide != "" {
+ ret += stringFlagString("hide", *f.flagHide)
+ }
+ if *f.flagTagFocus != "" {
+ ret += stringFlagString("tagfocus", *f.flagTagFocus)
+ }
+ if *f.flagTagIgnore != "" {
+ ret += stringFlagString("tagignore", *f.flagTagIgnore)
+ }
+ return ret
+func boolFlagString(label string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : true\n", label)
+func stringFlagString(label, value string) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %s\n", label, value)
+func intFlagString(label string, value int) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %d\n", label, value)
+func floatFlagString(label string, value float64) string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %-25s : %f\n", label, value)
+// Utility routines to set flag values.
+func newBool(b bool) *bool {
+ return &b
+func newString(s string) *string {
+ return &s
+func newFloat64(fl float64) *float64 {
+ return &fl
+func newInt(i int) *int {
+ return &i
+func (f *flags) usage(ui plugin.UI) {
+ var commandMsg []string
+ for name, cmd := range f.commands {
+ if cmd.HasParam {
+ name = name + "=p"
+ }
+ commandMsg = append(commandMsg,
+ fmt.Sprintf(" -%-16s %s", name, cmd.Usage))
+ }
+ sort.Strings(commandMsg)
+ text := usageMsgHdr + strings.Join(commandMsg, "\n") + "\n" + usageMsg + "\n"
+ if f.extraUsage != "" {
+ text += f.extraUsage + "\n"
+ }
+ text += usageMsgVars
+ ui.Print(text)
+func getFlags(flag plugin.FlagSet, overrides commands.Commands, ui plugin.UI) (*flags, error) {
+ f := &flags{
+ flagInteractive: flag.Bool("interactive", false, "Accepts commands interactively"),
+ flagCommands: make(map[string]*bool),
+ flagParamCommands: make(map[string]*string),
+ // Filename for file-based output formats, stdout by default.
+ flagOutput: flag.String("output", "", "Output filename for file-based outputs "),
+ // Comparisons.
+ flagBase: flag.String("base", "", "Source for base profile for comparison"),
+ flagDropNegative: flag.Bool("drop_negative", false, "Ignore negative differences"),
+ flagSVGPan: flag.String("svgpan", "", "URL for SVGPan Library"),
+ // Data sorting criteria.
+ flagCum: flag.Bool("cum", false, "Sort by cumulative data"),
+ // Graph handling options.
+ flagCallTree: flag.Bool("call_tree", false, "Create a context-sensitive call tree"),
+ // Granularity of output resolution.
+ flagAddresses: flag.Bool("addresses", false, "Report at address level"),
+ flagLines: flag.Bool("lines", false, "Report at source line level"),
+ flagFiles: flag.Bool("files", false, "Report at source file level"),
+ flagFunctions: flag.Bool("functions", false, "Report at function level [default]"),
+ // Internal options.
+ flagSymbolize: flag.String("symbolize", "", "Options for profile symbolization"),
+ flagBuildID: flag.String("buildid", "", "Override build id for first mapping"),
+ // Filtering options
+ flagNodeCount: flag.Int("nodecount", -1, "Max number of nodes to show"),
+ flagNodeFraction: flag.Float64("nodefraction", 0.005, "Hide nodes below <f>*total"),
+ flagEdgeFraction: flag.Float64("edgefraction", 0.001, "Hide edges below <f>*total"),
+ flagTrim: flag.Bool("trim", true, "Honor nodefraction/edgefraction/nodecount defaults"),
+ flagFocus: flag.String("focus", "", "Restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp"),
+ flagIgnore: flag.String("ignore", "", "Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp"),
+ flagHide: flag.String("hide", "", "Skips nodes matching regexp"),
+ flagTagFocus: flag.String("tagfocus", "", "Restrict to samples with tags in range or matched by regexp"),
+ flagTagIgnore: flag.String("tagignore", "", "Discard samples with tags in range or matched by regexp"),
+ // CPU profile options
+ flagSeconds: flag.Int("seconds", -1, "Length of time for dynamic profiles"),
+ // Heap profile options
+ flagInUseSpace: flag.Bool("inuse_space", false, "Display in-use memory size"),
+ flagInUseObjects: flag.Bool("inuse_objects", false, "Display in-use object counts"),
+ flagAllocSpace: flag.Bool("alloc_space", false, "Display allocated memory size"),
+ flagAllocObjects: flag.Bool("alloc_objects", false, "Display allocated object counts"),
+ flagDisplayUnit: flag.String("unit", "minimum", "Measurement units to display"),
+ flagDivideBy: flag.Float64("divide_by", 1.0, "Ratio to divide all samples before visualization"),
+ flagSampleIndex: flag.Int("sample_index", -1, "Index of sample value to report"),
+ flagMean: flag.Bool("mean", false, "Average sample value over first value (count)"),
+ // Contention profile options
+ flagTotalDelay: flag.Bool("total_delay", false, "Display total delay at each region"),
+ flagContentions: flag.Bool("contentions", false, "Display number of delays at each region"),
+ flagMeanDelay: flag.Bool("mean_delay", false, "Display mean delay at each region"),
+ flagTools: flag.String("tools", os.Getenv("PPROF_TOOLS"), "Path for object tool pathnames"),
+ extraUsage: flag.ExtraUsage(),
+ }
+ // Flags used during command processing
+ interactive := &f.flagInteractive
+ svgpan := &f.flagSVGPan
+ f.commands = commands.PProf(functionCompleter, interactive, svgpan)
+ // Override commands
+ for name, cmd := range overrides {
+ f.commands[name] = cmd
+ }
+ for name, cmd := range f.commands {
+ if cmd.HasParam {
+ f.flagParamCommands[name] = flag.String(name, "", "Generate a report in "+name+" format, matching regexp")
+ } else {
+ f.flagCommands[name] = flag.Bool(name, false, "Generate a report in "+name+" format")
+ }
+ }
+ args := flag.Parse(func() { f.usage(ui) })
+ if len(args) == 0 {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("no profile source specified")
+ }
+ f.profileSource = args
+ // Instruct legacy heapz parsers to grab historical allocation data,
+ // instead of the default in-use data. Not available with tcmalloc.
+ if *f.flagAllocSpace || *f.flagAllocObjects {
+ profile.LegacyHeapAllocated = true
+ }
+ if profileDir := os.Getenv("PPROF_TMPDIR"); profileDir == "" {
+ profileDir = os.Getenv("HOME") + "/pprof"
+ os.Setenv("PPROF_TMPDIR", profileDir)
+ if err := os.MkdirAll(profileDir, 0755); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to access temp dir %s: %v", profileDir, err)
+ }
+ }
+ return f, nil
+func processFlags(p *profile.Profile, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
+ flagDis := f.isFormat("disasm")
+ flagPeek := f.isFormat("peek")
+ flagWebList := f.isFormat("weblist")
+ flagList := f.isFormat("list")
+ if flagDis || flagWebList {
+ // Collect all samples at address granularity for assembly
+ // listing.
+ f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
+ f.flagAddresses = newBool(true)
+ f.flagLines = newBool(false)
+ f.flagFiles = newBool(false)
+ f.flagFunctions = newBool(false)
+ }
+ if flagPeek {
+ // Collect all samples at function granularity for peek command
+ f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
+ f.flagAddresses = newBool(false)
+ f.flagLines = newBool(false)
+ f.flagFiles = newBool(false)
+ f.flagFunctions = newBool(true)
+ }
+ if flagList {
+ // Collect all samples at fileline granularity for source
+ // listing.
+ f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
+ f.flagAddresses = newBool(false)
+ f.flagLines = newBool(true)
+ f.flagFiles = newBool(false)
+ f.flagFunctions = newBool(false)
+ }
+ if !*f.flagTrim {
+ f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
+ f.flagNodeFraction = newFloat64(0)
+ f.flagEdgeFraction = newFloat64(0)
+ }
+ if oc := countFlagMap(f.flagCommands, f.flagParamCommands); oc == 0 {
+ f.flagInteractive = newBool(true)
+ } else if oc > 1 {
+ f.usage(ui)
+ return fmt.Errorf("must set at most one output format")
+ }
+ // Apply nodecount defaults for non-interactive mode. The
+ // interactive shell will apply defaults for the interactive mode.
+ if *f.flagNodeCount < 0 && !*f.flagInteractive {
+ switch {
+ default:
+ f.flagNodeCount = newInt(80)
+ case f.isFormat("text"):
+ f.flagNodeCount = newInt(0)
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply legacy options and diagnose conflicts.
+ if rc := countFlags([]*bool{f.flagAddresses, f.flagLines, f.flagFiles, f.flagFunctions}); rc == 0 {
+ f.flagFunctions = newBool(true)
+ } else if rc > 1 {
+ f.usage(ui)
+ return fmt.Errorf("must set at most one granularity option")
+ }
+ var err error
+ si, sm := *f.flagSampleIndex, *f.flagMean || *f.flagMeanDelay
+ si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagTotalDelay, si, 1, "delay", "-total_delay", err)
+ si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagMeanDelay, si, 1, "delay", "-mean_delay", err)
+ si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagContentions, si, 0, "contentions", "-contentions", err)
+ si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagInUseSpace, si, 1, "inuse_space", "-inuse_space", err)
+ si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagInUseObjects, si, 0, "inuse_objects", "-inuse_objects", err)
+ si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagAllocSpace, si, 1, "alloc_space", "-alloc_space", err)
+ si, err = sampleIndex(p, &f.flagAllocObjects, si, 0, "alloc_objects", "-alloc_objects", err)
+ if si == -1 {
+ // Use last value if none is requested.
+ si = len(p.SampleType) - 1
+ } else if si < 0 || si >= len(p.SampleType) {
+ err = fmt.Errorf("sample_index value %d out of range [0..%d]", si, len(p.SampleType)-1)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ f.usage(ui)
+ return err
+ }
+ f.flagSampleIndex, f.flagMean = newInt(si), newBool(sm)
+ return nil
+func sampleIndex(p *profile.Profile, flag **bool,
+ sampleIndex int,
+ newSampleIndex int,
+ sampleType, option string,
+ err error) (int, error) {
+ if err != nil || !**flag {
+ return sampleIndex, err
+ }
+ *flag = newBool(false)
+ if sampleIndex != -1 {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("set at most one sample value selection option")
+ }
+ if newSampleIndex >= len(p.SampleType) ||
+ p.SampleType[newSampleIndex].Type != sampleType {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("option %s not valid for this profile", option)
+ }
+ return newSampleIndex, nil
+func countFlags(bs []*bool) int {
+ var c int
+ for _, b := range bs {
+ if *b {
+ c++
+ }
+ }
+ return c
+func countFlagMap(bms map[string]*bool, bmrxs map[string]*string) int {
+ var c int
+ for _, b := range bms {
+ if *b {
+ c++
+ }
+ }
+ for _, s := range bmrxs {
+ if *s != "" {
+ c++
+ }
+ }
+ return c
+var usageMsgHdr = "usage: pprof [options] [binary] <profile source> ...\n" +
+ "Output format (only set one):\n"
+var usageMsg = "Output file parameters (for file-based output formats):\n" +
+ " -output=f Generate output on file f (stdout by default)\n" +
+ "Output granularity (only set one):\n" +
+ " -functions Report at function level [default]\n" +
+ " -files Report at source file level\n" +
+ " -lines Report at source line level\n" +
+ " -addresses Report at address level\n" +
+ "Comparison options:\n" +
+ " -base <profile> Show delta from this profile\n" +
+ " -drop_negative Ignore negative differences\n" +
+ "Sorting options:\n" +
+ " -cum Sort by cumulative data\n\n" +
+ "Dynamic profile options:\n" +
+ " -seconds=N Length of time for dynamic profiles\n" +
+ "Profile trimming options:\n" +
+ " -nodecount=N Max number of nodes to show\n" +
+ " -nodefraction=f Hide nodes below <f>*total\n" +
+ " -edgefraction=f Hide edges below <f>*total\n" +
+ "Sample value selection option (by index):\n" +
+ " -sample_index Index of sample value to display\n" +
+ " -mean Average sample value over first value\n" +
+ "Sample value selection option (for heap profiles):\n" +
+ " -inuse_space Display in-use memory size\n" +
+ " -inuse_objects Display in-use object counts\n" +
+ " -alloc_space Display allocated memory size\n" +
+ " -alloc_objects Display allocated object counts\n" +
+ "Sample value selection option (for contention profiles):\n" +
+ " -total_delay Display total delay at each region\n" +
+ " -contentions Display number of delays at each region\n" +
+ " -mean_delay Display mean delay at each region\n" +
+ "Filtering options:\n" +
+ " -focus=r Restricts to paths going through a node matching regexp\n" +
+ " -ignore=r Skips paths going through any nodes matching regexp\n" +
+ " -tagfocus=r Restrict to samples tagged with key:value matching regexp\n" +
+ " Restrict to samples with numeric tags in range (eg \"32kb:1mb\")\n" +
+ " -tagignore=r Discard samples tagged with key:value matching regexp\n" +
+ " Avoid samples with numeric tags in range (eg \"1mb:\")\n" +
+ "Miscellaneous:\n" +
+ " -call_tree Generate a context-sensitive call tree\n" +
+ " -unit=u Convert all samples to unit u for display\n" +
+ " -show_bytes Display all space in bytes\n" +
+ " -divide_by=f Scale all samples by dividing them by f\n" +
+ " -buildid=id Override build id for main binary in profile\n" +
+ " -tools=path Search path for object-level tools\n" +
+ " -help This message"
+var usageMsgVars = "Environment Variables:\n" +
+ " PPROF_TMPDIR Location for temporary files (default $HOME/pprof)\n" +
+ " PPROF_TOOLS Search path for object-level tools\n" +
+ " PPROF_BINARY_PATH Search path for local binary files\n" +
+ " default: $HOME/pprof/binaries\n" +
+ " finds binaries by $name and $buildid/$name"
+func aggregate(prof *profile.Profile, f *flags) error {
+ switch {
+ case f.isFormat("proto"), f.isFormat("raw"):
+ // No aggregation for raw profiles.
+ case f.isFormat("callgrind"):
+ // Aggregate to file/line for callgrind.
+ fallthrough
+ case *f.flagLines:
+ return prof.Aggregate(true, true, true, true, false)
+ case *f.flagFiles:
+ return prof.Aggregate(true, false, true, false, false)
+ case *f.flagFunctions:
+ return prof.Aggregate(true, true, false, false, false)
+ case f.isFormat("weblist"), f.isFormat("disasm"):
+ return prof.Aggregate(false, true, true, true, true)
+ }
+ return nil
+// parseOptions parses the options into report.Options
+// Returns a function to postprocess the report after generation.
+func parseOptions(f *flags) (o *report.Options, p commands.PostProcessor, err error) {
+ if *f.flagDivideBy == 0 {
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("zero divisor specified")
+ }
+ o = &report.Options{
+ CumSort: *f.flagCum,
+ CallTree: *f.flagCallTree,
+ PrintAddresses: *f.flagAddresses,
+ DropNegative: *f.flagDropNegative,
+ Ratio: 1 / *f.flagDivideBy,
+ NodeCount: *f.flagNodeCount,
+ NodeFraction: *f.flagNodeFraction,
+ EdgeFraction: *f.flagEdgeFraction,
+ OutputUnit: *f.flagDisplayUnit,
+ }
+ for cmd, b := range f.flagCommands {
+ if *b {
+ pcmd := f.commands[cmd]
+ o.OutputFormat = pcmd.Format
+ return o, pcmd.PostProcess, nil
+ }
+ }
+ for cmd, rx := range f.flagParamCommands {
+ if *rx != "" {
+ pcmd := f.commands[cmd]
+ if o.Symbol, err = regexp.Compile(*rx); err != nil {
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing -%s regexp: %v", cmd, err)
+ }
+ o.OutputFormat = pcmd.Format
+ return o, pcmd.PostProcess, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no output format selected")
+type sampleValueFunc func(*profile.Sample) int64
+// sampleFormat returns a function to extract values out of a profile.Sample,
+// and the type/units of those values.
+func sampleFormat(p *profile.Profile, f *flags) (sampleValueFunc, string, string) {
+ valueIndex := *f.flagSampleIndex
+ if *f.flagMean {
+ return meanExtractor(valueIndex), "mean_" + p.SampleType[valueIndex].Type, p.SampleType[valueIndex].Unit
+ }
+ return valueExtractor(valueIndex), p.SampleType[valueIndex].Type, p.SampleType[valueIndex].Unit
+func valueExtractor(ix int) sampleValueFunc {
+ return func(s *profile.Sample) int64 {
+ return s.Value[ix]
+ }
+func meanExtractor(ix int) sampleValueFunc {
+ return func(s *profile.Sample) int64 {
+ if s.Value[0] == 0 {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return s.Value[ix] / s.Value[0]
+ }
+func generate(interactive bool, prof *profile.Profile, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
+ o, postProcess, err := parseOptions(f)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ var w io.Writer
+ if *f.flagOutput == "" {
+ w = os.Stdout
+ } else {
+ ui.PrintErr("Generating report in ", *f.flagOutput)
+ outputFile, err := os.Create(*f.flagOutput)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer outputFile.Close()
+ w = outputFile
+ }
+ value, stype, unit := sampleFormat(prof, f)
+ o.SampleType = stype
+ rpt := report.New(prof, *o, value, unit)
+ // Do not apply filters if we're just generating a proto, so we
+ // still have all the data.
+ if o.OutputFormat != report.Proto {
+ // Delay applying focus/ignore until after creating the report so
+ // the report reflects the total number of samples.
+ if err := preprocess(prof, ui, f); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ if postProcess == nil {
+ return report.Generate(w, rpt, obj)
+ }
+ var dot bytes.Buffer
+ if err = report.Generate(&dot, rpt, obj); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return postProcess(&dot, w, ui)
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/interactive.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/interactive.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13009bf7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/driver/interactive.go
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package driver
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/commands"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+var profileFunctionNames = []string{}
+// functionCompleter replaces provided substring with a function
+// name retrieved from a profile if a single match exists. Otherwise,
+// it returns unchanged substring. It defaults to no-op if the profile
+// is not specified.
+func functionCompleter(substring string) string {
+ found := ""
+ for _, fName := range profileFunctionNames {
+ if strings.Contains(fName, substring) {
+ if found != "" {
+ return substring
+ }
+ found = fName
+ }
+ }
+ if found != "" {
+ return found
+ }
+ return substring
+// updateAutoComplete enhances autocompletion with information that can be
+// retrieved from the profile
+func updateAutoComplete(p *profile.Profile) {
+ profileFunctionNames = nil // remove function names retrieved previously
+ for _, fn := range p.Function {
+ profileFunctionNames = append(profileFunctionNames, fn.Name)
+ }
+// splitCommand splits the command line input into tokens separated by
+// spaces. Takes care to separate commands of the form 'top10' into
+// two tokens: 'top' and '10'
+func splitCommand(input string) []string {
+ fields := strings.Fields(input)
+ if num := strings.IndexAny(fields[0], "0123456789"); num != -1 {
+ inputNumber := fields[0][num:]
+ fields[0] = fields[0][:num]
+ fields = append([]string{fields[0], inputNumber}, fields[1:]...)
+ }
+ return fields
+// interactive displays a prompt and reads commands for profile
+// manipulation/visualization.
+func interactive(p *profile.Profile, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
+ updateAutoComplete(p)
+ // Enter command processing loop.
+ ui.Print("Entering interactive mode (type \"help\" for commands)")
+ ui.SetAutoComplete(commands.NewCompleter(f.commands))
+ for {
+ input, err := readCommand(p, ui, f)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return err
+ }
+ if input == "" {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ // Process simple commands.
+ switch input {
+ case "":
+ continue
+ case ":":
+ f.flagFocus = newString("")
+ f.flagIgnore = newString("")
+ f.flagTagFocus = newString("")
+ f.flagTagIgnore = newString("")
+ f.flagHide = newString("")
+ continue
+ }
+ fields := splitCommand(input)
+ // Process report generation commands.
+ if _, ok := f.commands[fields[0]]; ok {
+ if err := generateReport(p, fields, obj, ui, f); err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ return nil
+ }
+ ui.PrintErr(err)
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ switch cmd := fields[0]; cmd {
+ case "help":
+ commandHelp(fields, ui, f)
+ continue
+ case "exit", "quit":
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Process option settings.
+ if of, err := optFlags(p, input, f); err == nil {
+ f = of
+ } else {
+ ui.PrintErr("Error: ", err.Error())
+ }
+ }
+func generateReport(p *profile.Profile, cmd []string, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
+ prof := p.Copy()
+ cf, err := cmdFlags(prof, cmd, ui, f)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return generate(true, prof, obj, ui, cf)
+// validateRegex checks if a string is a valid regular expression.
+func validateRegex(v string) error {
+ _, err := regexp.Compile(v)
+ return err
+// readCommand prompts for and reads the next command.
+func readCommand(p *profile.Profile, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) (string, error) {
+ //ui.Print("Options:\n", f.String(p))
+ s, err := ui.ReadLine()
+ return strings.TrimSpace(s), err
+func commandHelp(_ []string, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) error {
+ help := `
+ Commands:
+ cmd [n] [--cum] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]*
+ Produce a text report with the top n entries.
+ Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
+ Add --cum to sort using cumulative data.
+ Available commands:
+ var commands []string
+ for name, cmd := range f.commands {
+ commands = append(commands, fmt.Sprintf(" %-12s %s", name, cmd.Usage))
+ }
+ sort.Strings(commands)
+ help = help + strings.Join(commands, "\n") + `
+ peek func_regex
+ Display callers and callees of functions matching func_regex.
+ dot [n] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]* [>file]
+ Produce an annotated callgraph with the top n entries.
+ Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
+ For other outputs, replace dot with:
+ - Graphic formats: dot, svg, pdf, ps, gif, png (use > to name output file)
+ - Graph viewer: gv, web, evince, eog
+ callgrind [n] [focus_regex]* [-ignore_regex]* [>file]
+ Produce a file in callgrind-compatible format.
+ Include samples matching focus_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
+ weblist func_regex [-ignore_regex]*
+ Show annotated source with interspersed assembly in a web browser.
+ list func_regex [-ignore_regex]*
+ Print source for routines matching func_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
+ disasm func_regex [-ignore_regex]*
+ Disassemble routines matching func_regex, and exclude ignore_regex.
+ tags tag_regex [-ignore_regex]*
+ List tags with key:value matching tag_regex and exclude ignore_regex.
+ quit/exit/^D
+ Exit pprof.
+ option=value
+ The following options can be set individually:
+ cum/flat: Sort entries based on cumulative or flat data
+ call_tree: Build context-sensitive call trees
+ nodecount: Max number of entries to display
+ nodefraction: Min frequency ratio of nodes to display
+ edgefraction: Min frequency ratio of edges to display
+ focus/ignore: Regexp to include/exclude samples by name/file
+ tagfocus/tagignore: Regexp or value range to filter samples by tag
+ eg "1mb", "1mb:2mb", ":64kb"
+ functions: Level of aggregation for sample data
+ files:
+ lines:
+ addresses:
+ unit: Measurement unit to use on reports
+ Sample value selection by index:
+ sample_index: Index of sample value to display
+ mean: Average sample value over first value
+ Sample value selection by name:
+ alloc_space for heap profiles
+ alloc_objects
+ inuse_space
+ inuse_objects
+ total_delay for contention profiles
+ mean_delay
+ contentions
+ : Clear focus/ignore/hide/tagfocus/tagignore`
+ ui.Print(help)
+ return nil
+// cmdFlags parses the options of an interactive command and returns
+// an updated flags object.
+func cmdFlags(prof *profile.Profile, input []string, ui plugin.UI, f *flags) (*flags, error) {
+ cf := *f
+ var focus, ignore string
+ output := *cf.flagOutput
+ nodeCount := *cf.flagNodeCount
+ cmd := input[0]
+ // Update output flags based on parameters.
+ tokens := input[1:]
+ for p := 0; p < len(tokens); p++ {
+ t := tokens[p]
+ if t == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if c, err := strconv.ParseInt(t, 10, 32); err == nil {
+ nodeCount = int(c)
+ continue
+ }
+ switch t[0] {
+ case '>':
+ if len(t) > 1 {
+ output = t[1:]
+ continue
+ }
+ // find next token
+ for p++; p < len(tokens); p++ {
+ if tokens[p] != "" {
+ output = tokens[p]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ case '-':
+ if t == "--cum" || t == "-cum" {
+ cf.flagCum = newBool(true)
+ continue
+ }
+ ignore = catRegex(ignore, t[1:])
+ default:
+ focus = catRegex(focus, t)
+ }
+ }
+ pcmd, ok := f.commands[cmd]
+ if !ok {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected parse failure: %v", input)
+ }
+ // Reset flags
+ cf.flagCommands = make(map[string]*bool)
+ cf.flagParamCommands = make(map[string]*string)
+ if !pcmd.HasParam {
+ cf.flagCommands[cmd] = newBool(true)
+ switch cmd {
+ case "tags":
+ cf.flagTagFocus = newString(focus)
+ cf.flagTagIgnore = newString(ignore)
+ default:
+ cf.flagFocus = newString(catRegex(*cf.flagFocus, focus))
+ cf.flagIgnore = newString(catRegex(*cf.flagIgnore, ignore))
+ }
+ } else {
+ if focus == "" {
+ focus = "."
+ }
+ cf.flagParamCommands[cmd] = newString(focus)
+ cf.flagIgnore = newString(catRegex(*cf.flagIgnore, ignore))
+ }
+ if nodeCount < 0 {
+ switch cmd {
+ case "text", "top":
+ // Default text/top to 10 nodes on interactive mode
+ nodeCount = 10
+ default:
+ nodeCount = 80
+ }
+ }
+ cf.flagNodeCount = newInt(nodeCount)
+ cf.flagOutput = newString(output)
+ // Do regular flags processing
+ if err := processFlags(prof, ui, &cf); err != nil {
+ cf.usage(ui)
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return &cf, nil
+func catRegex(a, b string) string {
+ if a == "" {
+ return b
+ }
+ if b == "" {
+ return a
+ }
+ return a + "|" + b
+// optFlags parses an interactive option setting and returns
+// an updated flags object.
+func optFlags(p *profile.Profile, input string, f *flags) (*flags, error) {
+ inputs := strings.SplitN(input, "=", 2)
+ option := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(inputs[0]))
+ var value string
+ if len(inputs) == 2 {
+ value = strings.TrimSpace(inputs[1])
+ }
+ of := *f
+ var err error
+ var bv bool
+ var uv uint64
+ var fv float64
+ switch option {
+ case "cum":
+ if bv, err = parseBool(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagCum = newBool(bv)
+ case "flat":
+ if bv, err = parseBool(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagCum = newBool(!bv)
+ case "call_tree":
+ if bv, err = parseBool(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagCallTree = newBool(bv)
+ case "unit":
+ of.flagDisplayUnit = newString(value)
+ case "sample_index":
+ if uv, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if ix := int(uv); ix < 0 || ix >= len(p.SampleType) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("sample_index out of range [0..%d]", len(p.SampleType)-1)
+ }
+ of.flagSampleIndex = newInt(int(uv))
+ case "mean":
+ if bv, err = parseBool(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagMean = newBool(bv)
+ case "nodecount":
+ if uv, err = strconv.ParseUint(value, 10, 32); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagNodeCount = newInt(int(uv))
+ case "nodefraction":
+ if fv, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagNodeFraction = newFloat64(fv)
+ case "edgefraction":
+ if fv, err = strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagEdgeFraction = newFloat64(fv)
+ case "focus":
+ if err = validateRegex(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagFocus = newString(value)
+ case "ignore":
+ if err = validateRegex(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagIgnore = newString(value)
+ case "tagfocus":
+ if err = validateRegex(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagTagFocus = newString(value)
+ case "tagignore":
+ if err = validateRegex(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagTagIgnore = newString(value)
+ case "hide":
+ if err = validateRegex(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ of.flagHide = newString(value)
+ case "addresses", "files", "lines", "functions":
+ if bv, err = parseBool(value); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !bv {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("select one of addresses/files/lines/functions")
+ }
+ setGranularityToggle(option, &of)
+ default:
+ if ix := findSampleIndex(p, "", option); ix >= 0 {
+ of.flagSampleIndex = newInt(ix)
+ } else if ix := findSampleIndex(p, "total_", option); ix >= 0 {
+ of.flagSampleIndex = newInt(ix)
+ of.flagMean = newBool(false)
+ } else if ix := findSampleIndex(p, "mean_", option); ix >= 1 {
+ of.flagSampleIndex = newInt(ix)
+ of.flagMean = newBool(true)
+ } else {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized command: %s", input)
+ }
+ }
+ return &of, nil
+// parseBool parses a string as a boolean value.
+func parseBool(v string) (bool, error) {
+ switch strings.ToLower(v) {
+ case "true", "t", "yes", "y", "1", "":
+ return true, nil
+ case "false", "f", "no", "n", "0":
+ return false, nil
+ }
+ return false, fmt.Errorf(`illegal input "%s" for bool value`, v)
+func findSampleIndex(p *profile.Profile, prefix, sampleType string) int {
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(sampleType, prefix) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ sampleType = strings.TrimPrefix(sampleType, prefix)
+ for i, r := range p.SampleType {
+ if r.Type == sampleType {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+// setGranularityToggle manages the set of granularity options. These
+// operate as a toggle; turning one on turns the others off.
+func setGranularityToggle(o string, fl *flags) {
+ t, f := newBool(true), newBool(false)
+ fl.flagFunctions = f
+ fl.flagFiles = f
+ fl.flagLines = f
+ fl.flagAddresses = f
+ switch o {
+ case "functions":
+ fl.flagFunctions = t
+ case "files":
+ fl.flagFiles = t
+ case "lines":
+ fl.flagLines = t
+ case "addresses":
+ fl.flagAddresses = t
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected option %s", o))
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/fetch/fetch.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/fetch/fetch.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec4a6383c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/fetch/fetch.go
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package fetch provides an extensible mechanism to fetch a profile
+// from a data source.
+package fetch
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "net/http"
+ "net/url"
+ "os"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+// FetchProfile reads from a data source (network, file) and generates a
+// profile.
+func FetchProfile(source string, timeout time.Duration) (*profile.Profile, error) {
+ return Fetcher(source, timeout, plugin.StandardUI())
+// Fetcher is the plugin.Fetcher version of FetchProfile.
+func Fetcher(source string, timeout time.Duration, ui plugin.UI) (*profile.Profile, error) {
+ var f io.ReadCloser
+ var err error
+ url, err := url.Parse(source)
+ if err == nil && url.Host != "" {
+ f, err = FetchURL(source, timeout)
+ } else {
+ f, err = os.Open(source)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ defer f.Close()
+ return profile.Parse(f)
+// FetchURL fetches a profile from a URL using HTTP.
+func FetchURL(source string, timeout time.Duration) (io.ReadCloser, error) {
+ resp, err := httpGet(source, timeout)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("http fetch %s: %v", source, err)
+ }
+ if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("server response: %s", resp.Status)
+ }
+ return resp.Body, nil
+// PostURL issues a POST to a URL over HTTP.
+func PostURL(source, post string) ([]byte, error) {
+ resp, err := http.Post(source, "application/octet-stream", strings.NewReader(post))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("http post %s: %v", source, err)
+ }
+ if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("server response: %s", resp.Status)
+ }
+ defer resp.Body.Close()
+ return ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
+// httpGet is a wrapper around http.Get; it is defined as a variable
+// so it can be redefined during for testing.
+var httpGet = func(url string, timeout time.Duration) (*http.Response, error) {
+ client := &http.Client{
+ Transport: &http.Transport{
+ ResponseHeaderTimeout: timeout + 5*time.Second,
+ },
+ }
+ return client.Get(url)
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/plugin/plugin.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/plugin/plugin.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a22ec5f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/plugin/plugin.go
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package plugin defines the plugin implementations that the main pprof driver requires.
+package plugin
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+// A FlagSet creates and parses command-line flags.
+// It is similar to the standard flag.FlagSet.
+type FlagSet interface {
+ // Bool, Int, Float64, and String define new flags,
+ // like the functions of the same name in package flag.
+ Bool(name string, def bool, usage string) *bool
+ Int(name string, def int, usage string) *int
+ Float64(name string, def float64, usage string) *float64
+ String(name string, def string, usage string) *string
+ // ExtraUsage returns any additional text that should be
+ // printed after the standard usage message.
+ // The typical use of ExtraUsage is to show any custom flags
+ // defined by the specific pprof plugins being used.
+ ExtraUsage() string
+ // Parse initializes the flags with their values for this run
+ // and returns the non-flag command line arguments.
+ // If an unknown flag is encountered or there are no arguments,
+ // Parse should call usage and return nil.
+ Parse(usage func()) []string
+// An ObjTool inspects shared libraries and executable files.
+type ObjTool interface {
+ // Open opens the named object file.
+ // If the object is a shared library, start is the address where
+ // it is mapped into memory in the address space being inspected.
+ Open(file string, start uint64) (ObjFile, error)
+ // Demangle translates a batch of symbol names from mangled
+ // form to human-readable form.
+ Demangle(names []string) (map[string]string, error)
+ // Disasm disassembles the named object file, starting at
+ // the start address and stopping at (before) the end address.
+ Disasm(file string, start, end uint64) ([]Inst, error)
+ // SetConfig configures the tool.
+ // The implementation defines the meaning of the string
+ // and can ignore it entirely.
+ SetConfig(config string)
+// NoObjTool returns a trivial implementation of the ObjTool interface.
+// Open returns an error indicating that the requested file does not exist.
+// Demangle returns an empty map and a nil error.
+// Disasm returns an error.
+// SetConfig is a no-op.
+func NoObjTool() ObjTool {
+ return noObjTool{}
+type noObjTool struct{}
+func (noObjTool) Open(file string, start uint64) (ObjFile, error) {
+ return nil, &os.PathError{Op: "open", Path: file, Err: os.ErrNotExist}
+func (noObjTool) Demangle(name []string) (map[string]string, error) {
+ return make(map[string]string), nil
+func (noObjTool) Disasm(file string, start, end uint64) ([]Inst, error) {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("disassembly not supported")
+func (noObjTool) SetConfig(config string) {
+// An ObjFile is a single object file: a shared library or executable.
+type ObjFile interface {
+ // Name returns the underlyinf file name, if available
+ Name() string
+ // Base returns the base address to use when looking up symbols in the file.
+ Base() uint64
+ // BuildID returns the GNU build ID of the file, or an empty string.
+ BuildID() string
+ // SourceLine reports the source line information for a given
+ // address in the file. Due to inlining, the source line information
+ // is in general a list of positions representing a call stack,
+ // with the leaf function first.
+ SourceLine(addr uint64) ([]Frame, error)
+ // Symbols returns a list of symbols in the object file.
+ // If r is not nil, Symbols restricts the list to symbols
+ // with names matching the regular expression.
+ // If addr is not zero, Symbols restricts the list to symbols
+ // containing that address.
+ Symbols(r *regexp.Regexp, addr uint64) ([]*Sym, error)
+ // Close closes the file, releasing associated resources.
+ Close() error
+// A Frame describes a single line in a source file.
+type Frame struct {
+ Func string // name of function
+ File string // source file name
+ Line int // line in file
+// A Sym describes a single symbol in an object file.
+type Sym struct {
+ Name []string // names of symbol (many if symbol was dedup'ed)
+ File string // object file containing symbol
+ Start uint64 // start virtual address
+ End uint64 // virtual address of last byte in sym (Start+size-1)
+// An Inst is a single instruction in an assembly listing.
+type Inst struct {
+ Addr uint64 // virtual address of instruction
+ Text string // instruction text
+ File string // source file
+ Line int // source line
+// A UI manages user interactions.
+type UI interface {
+ // Read returns a line of text (a command) read from the user.
+ ReadLine() (string, error)
+ // Print shows a message to the user.
+ // It formats the text as fmt.Print would and adds a final \n if not already present.
+ // For line-based UI, Print writes to standard error.
+ // (Standard output is reserved for report data.)
+ Print(...interface{})
+ // PrintErr shows an error message to the user.
+ // It formats the text as fmt.Print would and adds a final \n if not already present.
+ // For line-based UI, PrintErr writes to standard error.
+ PrintErr(...interface{})
+ // IsTerminal returns whether the UI is known to be tied to an
+ // interactive terminal (as opposed to being redirected to a file).
+ IsTerminal() bool
+ // SetAutoComplete instructs the UI to call complete(cmd) to obtain
+ // the auto-completion of cmd, if the UI supports auto-completion at all.
+ SetAutoComplete(complete func(string) string)
+// StandardUI returns a UI that reads from standard input,
+// prints messages to standard output,
+// prints errors to standard error, and doesn't use auto-completion.
+func StandardUI() UI {
+ return &stdUI{r: bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)}
+type stdUI struct {
+ r *bufio.Reader
+func (ui *stdUI) ReadLine() (string, error) {
+ os.Stdout.WriteString("(pprof) ")
+ return ui.r.ReadString('\n')
+func (ui *stdUI) Print(args ...interface{}) {
+ ui.fprint(os.Stderr, args)
+func (ui *stdUI) PrintErr(args ...interface{}) {
+ ui.fprint(os.Stderr, args)
+func (ui *stdUI) IsTerminal() bool {
+ return false
+func (ui *stdUI) SetAutoComplete(func(string) string) {
+func (ui *stdUI) fprint(f *os.File, args []interface{}) {
+ text := fmt.Sprint(args...)
+ if !strings.HasSuffix(text, "\n") {
+ text += "\n"
+ }
+ f.WriteString(text)
+// A Fetcher reads and returns the profile named by src.
+// It gives up after the given timeout, unless src contains a timeout override
+// (as defined by the implementation).
+// It can print messages to ui.
+type Fetcher func(src string, timeout time.Duration, ui UI) (*profile.Profile, error)
+// A Symbolizer annotates a profile with symbol information.
+// The profile was fetch from src.
+// The meaning of mode is defined by the implementation.
+type Symbolizer func(mode, src string, prof *profile.Profile, obj ObjTool, ui UI) error
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/encode.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/encode.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..455aca29f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/encode.go
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package profile
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "sort"
+func (p *Profile) decoder() []decoder {
+ return profileDecoder
+// preEncode populates the unexported fields to be used by encode
+// (with suffix X) from the corresponding exported fields. The
+// exported fields are cleared up to facilitate testing.
+func (p *Profile) preEncode() {
+ strings := make(map[string]int)
+ addString(strings, "")
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.typeX = addString(strings, st.Type)
+ st.unitX = addString(strings, st.Unit)
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ s.labelX = nil
+ var keys []string
+ for k := range s.Label {
+ keys = append(keys, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(keys)
+ for _, k := range keys {
+ vs := s.Label[k]
+ for _, v := range vs {
+ s.labelX = append(s.labelX,
+ Label{
+ keyX: addString(strings, k),
+ strX: addString(strings, v),
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ var numKeys []string
+ for k := range s.NumLabel {
+ numKeys = append(numKeys, k)
+ }
+ sort.Strings(numKeys)
+ for _, k := range numKeys {
+ vs := s.NumLabel[k]
+ for _, v := range vs {
+ s.labelX = append(s.labelX,
+ Label{
+ keyX: addString(strings, k),
+ numX: v,
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ s.locationIDX = nil
+ for _, l := range s.Location {
+ s.locationIDX = append(s.locationIDX, l.ID)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.fileX = addString(strings, m.File)
+ m.buildIDX = addString(strings, m.BuildID)
+ }
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ for i, ln := range l.Line {
+ if ln.Function != nil {
+ l.Line[i].functionIDX = ln.Function.ID
+ } else {
+ l.Line[i].functionIDX = 0
+ }
+ }
+ if l.Mapping != nil {
+ l.mappingIDX = l.Mapping.ID
+ } else {
+ l.mappingIDX = 0
+ }
+ }
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ f.nameX = addString(strings, f.Name)
+ f.systemNameX = addString(strings, f.SystemName)
+ f.filenameX = addString(strings, f.Filename)
+ }
+ p.dropFramesX = addString(strings, p.DropFrames)
+ p.keepFramesX = addString(strings, p.KeepFrames)
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil {
+ pt.typeX = addString(strings, pt.Type)
+ pt.unitX = addString(strings, pt.Unit)
+ }
+ p.stringTable = make([]string, len(strings))
+ for s, i := range strings {
+ p.stringTable[i] = s
+ }
+func (p *Profile) encode(b *buffer) {
+ for _, x := range p.SampleType {
+ encodeMessage(b, 1, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Sample {
+ encodeMessage(b, 2, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Mapping {
+ encodeMessage(b, 3, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Location {
+ encodeMessage(b, 4, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.Function {
+ encodeMessage(b, 5, x)
+ }
+ encodeStrings(b, 6, p.stringTable)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 7, p.dropFramesX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 8, p.keepFramesX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 9, p.TimeNanos)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 10, p.DurationNanos)
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil && (pt.typeX != 0 || pt.unitX != 0) {
+ encodeMessage(b, 11, p.PeriodType)
+ }
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 12, p.Period)
+var profileDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // repeated ValueType sample_type = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(ValueType)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.SampleType = append(pp.SampleType, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated Sample sample = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Sample)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Sample = append(pp.Sample, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated Mapping mapping = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Mapping)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Mapping = append(pp.Mapping, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated Location location = 4
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Location)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Location = append(pp.Location, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeasted Function function = 5
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(Function)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.Function = append(pp.Function, x)
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated string string_table = 6
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ err := decodeStrings(b, &m.(*Profile).stringTable)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if *&m.(*Profile).stringTable[0] != "" {
+ return errors.New("string_table[0] must be ''")
+ }
+ return nil
+ },
+ // repeated int64 drop_frames = 7
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).dropFramesX) },
+ // repeated int64 keep_frames = 8
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).keepFramesX) },
+ // repeated int64 time_nanos = 9
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).TimeNanos) },
+ // repeated int64 duration_nanos = 10
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).DurationNanos) },
+ // optional string period_type = 11
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ x := new(ValueType)
+ pp := m.(*Profile)
+ pp.PeriodType = x
+ return decodeMessage(b, x)
+ },
+ // repeated int64 period = 12
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Profile).Period) },
+// postDecode takes the unexported fields populated by decode (with
+// suffix X) and populates the corresponding exported fields.
+// The unexported fields are cleared up to facilitate testing.
+func (p *Profile) postDecode() error {
+ var err error
+ mappings := make(map[uint64]*Mapping)
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.File, err = getString(p.stringTable, &m.fileX, err)
+ m.BuildID, err = getString(p.stringTable, &m.buildIDX, err)
+ mappings[m.ID] = m
+ }
+ functions := make(map[uint64]*Function)
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ f.Name, err = getString(p.stringTable, &f.nameX, err)
+ f.SystemName, err = getString(p.stringTable, &f.systemNameX, err)
+ f.Filename, err = getString(p.stringTable, &f.filenameX, err)
+ functions[f.ID] = f
+ }
+ locations := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ l.Mapping = mappings[l.mappingIDX]
+ l.mappingIDX = 0
+ for i, ln := range l.Line {
+ if id := ln.functionIDX; id != 0 {
+ l.Line[i].Function = functions[id]
+ if l.Line[i].Function == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Function ID %d not found", id)
+ }
+ l.Line[i].functionIDX = 0
+ }
+ }
+ locations[l.ID] = l
+ }
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.Type, err = getString(p.stringTable, &st.typeX, err)
+ st.Unit, err = getString(p.stringTable, &st.unitX, err)
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ labels := make(map[string][]string)
+ numLabels := make(map[string][]int64)
+ for _, l := range s.labelX {
+ var key, value string
+ key, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.keyX, err)
+ if l.strX != 0 {
+ value, err = getString(p.stringTable, &l.strX, err)
+ labels[key] = append(labels[key], value)
+ } else {
+ numLabels[key] = append(numLabels[key], l.numX)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(labels) > 0 {
+ s.Label = labels
+ }
+ if len(numLabels) > 0 {
+ s.NumLabel = numLabels
+ }
+ s.Location = nil
+ for _, lid := range s.locationIDX {
+ s.Location = append(s.Location, locations[lid])
+ }
+ s.locationIDX = nil
+ }
+ p.DropFrames, err = getString(p.stringTable, &p.dropFramesX, err)
+ p.KeepFrames, err = getString(p.stringTable, &p.keepFramesX, err)
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt == nil {
+ p.PeriodType = &ValueType{}
+ }
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil {
+ pt.Type, err = getString(p.stringTable, &pt.typeX, err)
+ pt.Unit, err = getString(p.stringTable, &pt.unitX, err)
+ }
+ p.stringTable = nil
+ return nil
+func (p *ValueType) decoder() []decoder {
+ return valueTypeDecoder
+func (p *ValueType) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 1, p.typeX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.unitX)
+var valueTypeDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional int64 type = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*ValueType).typeX) },
+ // optional int64 unit = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*ValueType).unitX) },
+func (p *Sample) decoder() []decoder {
+ return sampleDecoder
+func (p *Sample) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64s(b, 1, p.locationIDX)
+ for _, x := range p.Value {
+ encodeInt64(b, 2, x)
+ }
+ for _, x := range p.labelX {
+ encodeMessage(b, 3, x)
+ }
+var sampleDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // repeated uint64 location = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64s(b, &m.(*Sample).locationIDX) },
+ // repeated int64 value = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64s(b, &m.(*Sample).Value) },
+ // repeated Label label = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ s := m.(*Sample)
+ n := len(s.labelX)
+ s.labelX = append(s.labelX, Label{})
+ return decodeMessage(b, &s.labelX[n])
+ },
+func (p Label) decoder() []decoder {
+ return labelDecoder
+func (p Label) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 1, p.keyX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.strX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 3, p.numX)
+var labelDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional int64 key = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Label).keyX) },
+ // optional int64 str = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Label).strX) },
+ // optional int64 num = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Label).numX) },
+func (p *Mapping) decoder() []decoder {
+ return mappingDecoder
+func (p *Mapping) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.ID)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 2, p.Start)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 3, p.Limit)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 4, p.Offset)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 5, p.fileX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 6, p.buildIDX)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 7, p.HasFunctions)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 8, p.HasFilenames)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 9, p.HasLineNumbers)
+ encodeBoolOpt(b, 10, p.HasInlineFrames)
+var mappingDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).ID) }, // optional uint64 id = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).Start) }, // optional uint64 memory_offset = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).Limit) }, // optional uint64 memory_limit = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Mapping).Offset) }, // optional uint64 file_offset = 4
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Mapping).fileX) }, // optional int64 filename = 5
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Mapping).buildIDX) }, // optional int64 build_id = 6
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasFunctions) }, // optional bool has_functions = 7
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasFilenames) }, // optional bool has_filenames = 8
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasLineNumbers) }, // optional bool has_line_numbers = 9
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeBool(b, &m.(*Mapping).HasInlineFrames) }, // optional bool has_inline_frames = 10
+func (p *Location) decoder() []decoder {
+ return locationDecoder
+func (p *Location) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.ID)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 2, p.mappingIDX)
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 3, p.Address)
+ for i := range p.Line {
+ encodeMessage(b, 4, &p.Line[i])
+ }
+var locationDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Location).ID) }, // optional uint64 id = 1;
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Location).mappingIDX) }, // optional uint64 mapping_id = 2;
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Location).Address) }, // optional uint64 address = 3;
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { // repeated Line line = 4
+ pp := m.(*Location)
+ n := len(pp.Line)
+ pp.Line = append(pp.Line, Line{})
+ return decodeMessage(b, &pp.Line[n])
+ },
+func (p *Line) decoder() []decoder {
+ return lineDecoder
+func (p *Line) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.functionIDX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.Line)
+var lineDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional uint64 function_id = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Line).functionIDX) },
+ // optional int64 line = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Line).Line) },
+func (p *Function) decoder() []decoder {
+ return functionDecoder
+func (p *Function) encode(b *buffer) {
+ encodeUint64Opt(b, 1, p.ID)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 2, p.nameX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 3, p.systemNameX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 4, p.filenameX)
+ encodeInt64Opt(b, 5, p.StartLine)
+var functionDecoder = []decoder{
+ nil, // 0
+ // optional uint64 id = 1
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeUint64(b, &m.(*Function).ID) },
+ // optional int64 function_name = 2
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).nameX) },
+ // optional int64 function_system_name = 3
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).systemNameX) },
+ // repeated int64 filename = 4
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).filenameX) },
+ // optional int64 start_line = 5
+ func(b *buffer, m message) error { return decodeInt64(b, &m.(*Function).StartLine) },
+func addString(strings map[string]int, s string) int64 {
+ i, ok := strings[s]
+ if !ok {
+ i = len(strings)
+ strings[s] = i
+ }
+ return int64(i)
+func getString(strings []string, strng *int64, err error) (string, error) {
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ s := int(*strng)
+ if s < 0 || s >= len(strings) {
+ return "", errMalformed
+ }
+ *strng = 0
+ return strings[s], nil
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/filter.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/filter.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..903616aac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/filter.go
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Implements methods to filter samples from profiles.
+package profile
+import "regexp"
+// FilterSamplesByName filters the samples in a profile and only keeps
+// samples where at least one frame matches focus but none match ignore.
+// Returns true is the corresponding regexp matched at least one sample.
+func (p *Profile) FilterSamplesByName(focus, ignore, hide *regexp.Regexp) (fm, im, hm bool) {
+ focusOrIgnore := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ hidden := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if ignore != nil && l.matchesName(ignore) {
+ im = true
+ focusOrIgnore[l.ID] = false
+ } else if focus == nil || l.matchesName(focus) {
+ fm = true
+ focusOrIgnore[l.ID] = true
+ }
+ if hide != nil && l.matchesName(hide) {
+ hm = true
+ l.Line = l.unmatchedLines(hide)
+ if len(l.Line) == 0 {
+ hidden[l.ID] = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ s := make([]*Sample, 0, len(p.Sample))
+ for _, sample := range p.Sample {
+ if focusedAndNotIgnored(sample.Location, focusOrIgnore) {
+ if len(hidden) > 0 {
+ var locs []*Location
+ for _, loc := range sample.Location {
+ if !hidden[loc.ID] {
+ locs = append(locs, loc)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(locs) == 0 {
+ // Remove sample with no locations (by not adding it to s).
+ continue
+ }
+ sample.Location = locs
+ }
+ s = append(s, sample)
+ }
+ }
+ p.Sample = s
+ return
+// matchesName returns whether the function name or file in the
+// location matches the regular expression.
+func (loc *Location) matchesName(re *regexp.Regexp) bool {
+ for _, ln := range loc.Line {
+ if fn := ln.Function; fn != nil {
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Name) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Filename) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// unmatchedLines returns the lines in the location that do not match
+// the regular expression.
+func (loc *Location) unmatchedLines(re *regexp.Regexp) []Line {
+ var lines []Line
+ for _, ln := range loc.Line {
+ if fn := ln.Function; fn != nil {
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Name) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if re.MatchString(fn.Filename) {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ lines = append(lines, ln)
+ }
+ return lines
+// focusedAndNotIgnored looks up a slice of ids against a map of
+// focused/ignored locations. The map only contains locations that are
+// explicitly focused or ignored. Returns whether there is at least
+// one focused location but no ignored locations.
+func focusedAndNotIgnored(locs []*Location, m map[uint64]bool) bool {
+ var f bool
+ for _, loc := range locs {
+ if focus, focusOrIgnore := m[loc.ID]; focusOrIgnore {
+ if focus {
+ // Found focused location. Must keep searching in case there
+ // is an ignored one as well.
+ f = true
+ } else {
+ // Found ignored location. Can return false right away.
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return f
+// TagMatch selects tags for filtering
+type TagMatch func(key, val string, nval int64) bool
+// FilterSamplesByTag removes all samples from the profile, except
+// those that match focus and do not match the ignore regular
+// expression.
+func (p *Profile) FilterSamplesByTag(focus, ignore TagMatch) (fm, im bool) {
+ samples := make([]*Sample, 0, len(p.Sample))
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ focused, ignored := focusedSample(s, focus, ignore)
+ fm = fm || focused
+ im = im || ignored
+ if focused && !ignored {
+ samples = append(samples, s)
+ }
+ }
+ p.Sample = samples
+ return
+// focusedTag checks a sample against focus and ignore regexps.
+// Returns whether the focus/ignore regexps match any tags
+func focusedSample(s *Sample, focus, ignore TagMatch) (fm, im bool) {
+ fm = focus == nil
+ for key, vals := range s.Label {
+ for _, val := range vals {
+ if ignore != nil && ignore(key, val, 0) {
+ im = true
+ }
+ if !fm && focus(key, val, 0) {
+ fm = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for key, vals := range s.NumLabel {
+ for _, val := range vals {
+ if ignore != nil && ignore(key, "", val) {
+ im = true
+ }
+ if !fm && focus(key, "", val) {
+ fm = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return fm, im
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/legacy_profile.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/legacy_profile.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfc8110e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/legacy_profile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1250 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file implements parsers to convert legacy profiles into the
+// profile.proto format.
+package profile
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+var (
+ countStartRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\A(\w+) profile: total \d+\n\z`)
+ countRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\A(\d+) @(( 0x[0-9a-f]+)+)\n\z`)
+ heapHeaderRE = regexp.MustCompile(`heap profile: *(\d+): *(\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *\] *@ *(heap[_a-z0-9]*)/?(\d*)`)
+ heapSampleRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(-?\d+): *(-?\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *] @([ x0-9a-f]*)`)
+ contentionSampleRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(\d+) *(\d+) @([ x0-9a-f]*)`)
+ hexNumberRE = regexp.MustCompile(`0x[0-9a-f]+`)
+ growthHeaderRE = regexp.MustCompile(`heap profile: *(\d+): *(\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *\] @ growthz`)
+ fragmentationHeaderRE = regexp.MustCompile(`heap profile: *(\d+): *(\d+) *\[ *(\d+): *(\d+) *\] @ fragmentationz`)
+ threadzStartRE = regexp.MustCompile(`--- threadz \d+ ---`)
+ threadStartRE = regexp.MustCompile(`--- Thread ([[:xdigit:]]+) \(name: (.*)/(\d+)\) stack: ---`)
+ procMapsRE = regexp.MustCompile(`([[:xdigit:]]+)-([[:xdigit:]]+)\s+([-rwxp]+)\s+([[:xdigit:]]+)\s+([[:xdigit:]]+):([[:xdigit:]]+)\s+([[:digit:]]+)\s*(\S+)?`)
+ briefMapsRE = regexp.MustCompile(`\s*([[:xdigit:]]+)-([[:xdigit:]]+):\s*(\S+)(\s.*@)?([[:xdigit:]]+)?`)
+ // LegacyHeapAllocated instructs the heapz parsers to use the
+ // allocated memory stats instead of the default in-use memory. Note
+ // that tcmalloc doesn't provide all allocated memory, only in-use
+ // stats.
+ LegacyHeapAllocated bool
+func isSpaceOrComment(line string) bool {
+ trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(line)
+ return len(trimmed) == 0 || trimmed[0] == '#'
+// parseGoCount parses a Go count profile (e.g., threadcreate or
+// goroutine) and returns a new Profile.
+func parseGoCount(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ var line string
+ var err error
+ for {
+ // Skip past comments and empty lines seeking a real header.
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !isSpaceOrComment(line) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ m := countStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if m == nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ profileType := string(m[1])
+ p := &Profile{
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: profileType, Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{{Type: profileType, Unit: "count"}},
+ }
+ locations := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if isSpaceOrComment(line) {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(line, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ m := countRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if m == nil {
+ return nil, errMalformed
+ }
+ n, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(m[1]), 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errMalformed
+ }
+ fields := strings.Fields(string(m[2]))
+ locs := make([]*Location, 0, len(fields))
+ for _, stk := range fields {
+ addr, err := strconv.ParseUint(stk, 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errMalformed
+ }
+ // Adjust all frames by -1 (except the leaf) to land on top of
+ // the call instruction.
+ if len(locs) > 0 {
+ addr--
+ }
+ loc := locations[addr]
+ if loc == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ locations[addr] = loc
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ }
+ locs = append(locs, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Location: locs,
+ Value: []int64{n},
+ })
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(strings.TrimSpace(line), r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// remapLocationIDs ensures there is a location for each address
+// referenced by a sample, and remaps the samples to point to the new
+// location ids.
+func (p *Profile) remapLocationIDs() {
+ seen := make(map[*Location]bool, len(p.Location))
+ var locs []*Location
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ for _, l := range s.Location {
+ if seen[l] {
+ continue
+ }
+ l.ID = uint64(len(locs) + 1)
+ locs = append(locs, l)
+ seen[l] = true
+ }
+ }
+ p.Location = locs
+func (p *Profile) remapFunctionIDs() {
+ seen := make(map[*Function]bool, len(p.Function))
+ var fns []*Function
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ for _, ln := range l.Line {
+ fn := ln.Function
+ if fn == nil || seen[fn] {
+ continue
+ }
+ fn.ID = uint64(len(fns) + 1)
+ fns = append(fns, fn)
+ seen[fn] = true
+ }
+ }
+ p.Function = fns
+// remapMappingIDs matches location addresses with existing mappings
+// and updates them appropriately. This is O(N*M), if this ever shows
+// up as a bottleneck, evaluate sorting the mappings and doing a
+// binary search, which would make it O(N*log(M)).
+func (p *Profile) remapMappingIDs() {
+ if len(p.Mapping) == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ // Some profile handlers will incorrectly set regions for the main
+ // executable if its section is remapped. Fix them through heuristics.
+ // Remove the initial mapping if named '/anon_hugepage' and has a
+ // consecutive adjacent mapping.
+ if m := p.Mapping[0]; strings.HasPrefix(m.File, "/anon_hugepage") {
+ if len(p.Mapping) > 1 && m.Limit == p.Mapping[1].Start {
+ p.Mapping = p.Mapping[1:]
+ }
+ }
+ // Subtract the offset from the start of the main mapping if it
+ // ends up at a recognizable start address.
+ const expectedStart = 0x400000
+ if m := p.Mapping[0]; m.Start-m.Offset == expectedStart {
+ m.Start = expectedStart
+ m.Offset = 0
+ }
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if a := l.Address; a != 0 {
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ if m.Start <= a && a < m.Limit {
+ l.Mapping = m
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Reset all mapping IDs.
+ for i, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+var cpuInts = []func([]byte) (uint64, []byte){
+ get32l,
+ get32b,
+ get64l,
+ get64b,
+func get32l(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 4 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24, b[4:]
+func get32b(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 4 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[3]) | uint64(b[2])<<8 | uint64(b[1])<<16 | uint64(b[0])<<24, b[4:]
+func get64l(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 8 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56, b[8:]
+func get64b(b []byte) (uint64, []byte) {
+ if len(b) < 8 {
+ return 0, nil
+ }
+ return uint64(b[7]) | uint64(b[6])<<8 | uint64(b[5])<<16 | uint64(b[4])<<24 | uint64(b[3])<<32 | uint64(b[2])<<40 | uint64(b[1])<<48 | uint64(b[0])<<56, b[8:]
+// ParseTracebacks parses a set of tracebacks and returns a newly
+// populated profile. It will accept any text file and generate a
+// Profile out of it with any hex addresses it can identify, including
+// a process map if it can recognize one. Each sample will include a
+// tag "source" with the addresses recognized in string format.
+func ParseTracebacks(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ p := &Profile{
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "trace", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "trace", Unit: "count"},
+ },
+ }
+ var sources []string
+ var sloc []*Location
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ l, err := r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if sectionTrigger(l) == memoryMapSection {
+ break
+ }
+ if s, addrs := extractHexAddresses(l); len(s) > 0 {
+ for _, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call
+ // (except for the leaf, which is not a call).
+ if len(sloc) > 0 {
+ addr--
+ }
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ sources = append(sources, s...)
+ } else {
+ if len(sources) > 0 || len(sloc) > 0 {
+ addTracebackSample(sloc, sources, p)
+ sloc, sources = nil, nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Add final sample to save any leftover data.
+ if len(sources) > 0 || len(sloc) > 0 {
+ addTracebackSample(sloc, sources, p)
+ }
+ if err := p.ParseMemoryMap(r); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+func addTracebackSample(l []*Location, s []string, p *Profile) {
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample,
+ &Sample{
+ Value: []int64{1},
+ Location: l,
+ Label: map[string][]string{"source": s},
+ })
+// parseCPU parses a profilez legacy profile and returns a newly
+// populated Profile.
+// The general format for profilez samples is a sequence of words in
+// binary format. The first words are a header with the following data:
+// 1st word -- 0
+// 2nd word -- 3
+// 3rd word -- 0 if a c++ application, 1 if a java application.
+// 4th word -- Sampling period (in microseconds).
+// 5th word -- Padding.
+func parseCPU(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ var parse func([]byte) (uint64, []byte)
+ var n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 uint64
+ for _, parse = range cpuInts {
+ var tmp []byte
+ n1, tmp = parse(b)
+ n2, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ n3, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ n4, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ n5, tmp = parse(tmp)
+ if tmp != nil && n1 == 0 && n2 == 3 && n3 == 0 && n4 > 0 && n5 == 0 {
+ b = tmp
+ return cpuProfile(b, int64(n4), parse)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+// cpuProfile returns a new Profile from C++ profilez data.
+// b is the profile bytes after the header, period is the profiling
+// period, and parse is a function to parse 8-byte chunks from the
+// profile in its native endianness.
+func cpuProfile(b []byte, period int64, parse func(b []byte) (uint64, []byte)) (*Profile, error) {
+ p := &Profile{
+ Period: period * 1000,
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "cpu", Unit: "nanoseconds"},
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "samples", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "cpu", Unit: "nanoseconds"},
+ },
+ }
+ var err error
+ if b, _, err = parseCPUSamples(b, parse, true, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // If all samples have the same second-to-the-bottom frame, it
+ // strongly suggests that it is an uninteresting artifact of
+ // measurement -- a stack frame pushed by the signal handler. The
+ // bottom frame is always correct as it is picked up from the signal
+ // structure, not the stack. Check if this is the case and if so,
+ // remove.
+ if len(p.Sample) > 1 && len(p.Sample[0].Location) > 1 {
+ allSame := true
+ id1 := p.Sample[0].Location[1].Address
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ if len(s.Location) < 2 || id1 != s.Location[1].Address {
+ allSame = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if allSame {
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ s.Location = append(s.Location[:1], s.Location[2:]...)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if err := p.ParseMemoryMap(bytes.NewBuffer(b)); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseCPUSamples parses a collection of profilez samples from a
+// profile.
+// profilez samples are a repeated sequence of stack frames of the
+// form:
+// 1st word -- The number of times this stack was encountered.
+// 2nd word -- The size of the stack (StackSize).
+// 3rd word -- The first address on the stack.
+// ...
+// StackSize + 2 -- The last address on the stack
+// The last stack trace is of the form:
+// 1st word -- 0
+// 2nd word -- 1
+// 3rd word -- 0
+// Addresses from stack traces may point to the next instruction after
+// each call. Optionally adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual
+// call (except for the leaf, which is not a call).
+func parseCPUSamples(b []byte, parse func(b []byte) (uint64, []byte), adjust bool, p *Profile) ([]byte, map[uint64]*Location, error) {
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for len(b) > 0 {
+ var count, nstk uint64
+ count, b = parse(b)
+ nstk, b = parse(b)
+ if b == nil || nstk > uint64(len(b)/4) {
+ return nil, nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ addrs := make([]uint64, nstk)
+ for i := 0; i < int(nstk); i++ {
+ addrs[i], b = parse(b)
+ }
+ if count == 0 && nstk == 1 && addrs[0] == 0 {
+ // End of data marker
+ break
+ }
+ for i, addr := range addrs {
+ if adjust && i > 0 {
+ addr--
+ }
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if loc == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample,
+ &Sample{
+ Value: []int64{int64(count), int64(count) * int64(p.Period)},
+ Location: sloc,
+ })
+ }
+ // Reached the end without finding the EOD marker.
+ return b, locs, nil
+// parseHeap parses a heapz legacy or a growthz profile and
+// returns a newly populated Profile.
+func parseHeap(b []byte) (p *Profile, err error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ l, err := r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ sampling := ""
+ if header := heapHeaderRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); header != nil {
+ p = &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "objects", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "space", Unit: "bytes"},
+ },
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "objects", Unit: "bytes"},
+ }
+ var period int64
+ if len(header[6]) > 0 {
+ if period, err = strconv.ParseInt(string(header[6]), 10, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ switch header[5] {
+ case "heapz_v2", "heap_v2":
+ sampling, p.Period = "v2", period
+ case "heapprofile":
+ sampling, p.Period = "", 1
+ case "heap":
+ sampling, p.Period = "v2", period/2
+ default:
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ } else if header = growthHeaderRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); header != nil {
+ p = &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "objects", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "space", Unit: "bytes"},
+ },
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "heapgrowth", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ }
+ } else if header = fragmentationHeaderRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); header != nil {
+ p = &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "objects", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "space", Unit: "bytes"},
+ },
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "allocations", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ }
+ } else {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if LegacyHeapAllocated {
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.Type = "alloc_" + st.Type
+ }
+ } else {
+ for _, st := range p.SampleType {
+ st.Type = "inuse_" + st.Type
+ }
+ }
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ l, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); l == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if sectionTrigger(l) != unrecognizedSection {
+ break
+ }
+ value, blocksize, addrs, err := parseHeapSample(l, p.Period, sampling)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ for i, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call
+ // (except for the leaf, which is not a call).
+ if i > 0 {
+ addr--
+ }
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Value: value,
+ Location: sloc,
+ NumLabel: map[string][]int64{"bytes": []int64{blocksize}},
+ })
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(l, r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseHeapSample parses a single row from a heap profile into a new Sample.
+func parseHeapSample(line string, rate int64, sampling string) (value []int64, blocksize int64, addrs []uint64, err error) {
+ sampleData := heapSampleRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if len(sampleData) != 6 {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of sample values: got %d, want 6", len(sampleData))
+ }
+ // Use first two values by default; tcmalloc sampling generates the
+ // same value for both, only the older heap-profile collect separate
+ // stats for in-use and allocated objects.
+ valueIndex := 1
+ if LegacyHeapAllocated {
+ valueIndex = 3
+ }
+ var v1, v2 int64
+ if v1, err = strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[valueIndex], 10, 64); err != nil {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ if v2, err = strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[valueIndex+1], 10, 64); err != nil {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ if v1 == 0 {
+ if v2 != 0 {
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, fmt.Errorf("allocation count was 0 but allocation bytes was %d", v2)
+ }
+ } else {
+ blocksize = v2 / v1
+ if sampling == "v2" {
+ v1, v2 = scaleHeapSample(v1, v2, rate)
+ }
+ }
+ value = []int64{v1, v2}
+ addrs = parseHexAddresses(sampleData[5])
+ return value, blocksize, addrs, nil
+// extractHexAddresses extracts hex numbers from a string and returns
+// them, together with their numeric value, in a slice.
+func extractHexAddresses(s string) ([]string, []uint64) {
+ hexStrings := hexNumberRE.FindAllString(s, -1)
+ var ids []uint64
+ for _, s := range hexStrings {
+ if id, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 0, 64); err == nil {
+ ids = append(ids, id)
+ } else {
+ // Do not expect any parsing failures due to the regexp matching.
+ panic("failed to parse hex value:" + s)
+ }
+ }
+ return hexStrings, ids
+// parseHexAddresses parses hex numbers from a string and returns them
+// in a slice.
+func parseHexAddresses(s string) []uint64 {
+ _, ids := extractHexAddresses(s)
+ return ids
+// scaleHeapSample adjusts the data from a heapz Sample to
+// account for its probability of appearing in the collected
+// data. heapz profiles are a sampling of the memory allocations
+// requests in a program. We estimate the unsampled value by dividing
+// each collected sample by its probability of appearing in the
+// profile. heapz v2 profiles rely on a poisson process to determine
+// which samples to collect, based on the desired average collection
+// rate R. The probability of a sample of size S to appear in that
+// profile is 1-exp(-S/R).
+func scaleHeapSample(count, size, rate int64) (int64, int64) {
+ if count == 0 || size == 0 {
+ return 0, 0
+ }
+ if rate <= 1 {
+ // if rate==1 all samples were collected so no adjustment is needed.
+ // if rate<1 treat as unknown and skip scaling.
+ return count, size
+ }
+ avgSize := float64(size) / float64(count)
+ scale := 1 / (1 - math.Exp(-avgSize/float64(rate)))
+ return int64(float64(count) * scale), int64(float64(size) * scale)
+// parseContention parses a contentionz profile and returns a newly
+// populated Profile.
+func parseContention(b []byte) (p *Profile, err error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ l, err := r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(l, "--- contention") {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ p = &Profile{
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "contentions", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{
+ {Type: "contentions", Unit: "count"},
+ {Type: "delay", Unit: "nanoseconds"},
+ },
+ }
+ var cpuHz int64
+ // Parse text of the form "attribute = value" before the samples.
+ const delimiter = "="
+ for {
+ l, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); l == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(l, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ attr := strings.SplitN(l, delimiter, 2)
+ if len(attr) != 2 {
+ break
+ }
+ key, val := strings.TrimSpace(attr[0]), strings.TrimSpace(attr[1])
+ var err error
+ switch key {
+ case "cycles/second":
+ if cpuHz, err = strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ case "sampling period":
+ if p.Period, err = strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ case "ms since reset":
+ ms, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ p.DurationNanos = ms * 1000 * 1000
+ case "format":
+ // CPP contentionz profiles don't have format.
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ case "resolution":
+ // CPP contentionz profiles don't have resolution.
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ case "discarded samples":
+ default:
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ for {
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); strings.HasPrefix(l, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ value, addrs, err := parseContentionSample(l, p.Period, cpuHz)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ for i, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call
+ // (except for the leaf, which is not a call).
+ if i > 0 {
+ addr--
+ }
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Value: value,
+ Location: sloc,
+ })
+ if l, err = r.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(l, r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseContentionSample parses a single row from a contention profile
+// into a new Sample.
+func parseContentionSample(line string, period, cpuHz int64) (value []int64, addrs []uint64, err error) {
+ sampleData := contentionSampleRE.FindStringSubmatch(line)
+ if sampleData == nil {
+ return value, addrs, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ v1, err := strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[1], 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return value, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ v2, err := strconv.ParseInt(sampleData[2], 10, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return value, addrs, fmt.Errorf("malformed sample: %s: %v", line, err)
+ }
+ // Unsample values if period and cpuHz are available.
+ // - Delays are scaled to cycles and then to nanoseconds.
+ // - Contentions are scaled to cycles.
+ if period > 0 {
+ if cpuHz > 0 {
+ cpuGHz := float64(cpuHz) / 1e9
+ v1 = int64(float64(v1) * float64(period) / cpuGHz)
+ }
+ v2 = v2 * period
+ }
+ value = []int64{v2, v1}
+ addrs = parseHexAddresses(sampleData[3])
+ return value, addrs, nil
+// parseThread parses a Threadz profile and returns a new Profile.
+func parseThread(b []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ r := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ var line string
+ var err error
+ for {
+ // Skip past comments and empty lines seeking a real header.
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if !isSpaceOrComment(line) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if m := threadzStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
+ // Advance over initial comments until first stack trace.
+ for {
+ line, err = r.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if line == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if sectionTrigger(line) != unrecognizedSection || line[0] == '-' {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ } else if t := threadStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(t) != 4 {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ p := &Profile{
+ SampleType: []*ValueType{{Type: "thread", Unit: "count"}},
+ PeriodType: &ValueType{Type: "thread", Unit: "count"},
+ Period: 1,
+ }
+ locs := make(map[uint64]*Location)
+ // Recognize each thread and populate profile samples.
+ for sectionTrigger(line) == unrecognizedSection {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(line, "---- no stack trace for") {
+ line = ""
+ break
+ }
+ if t := threadStartRE.FindStringSubmatch(line); len(t) != 4 {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ var addrs []uint64
+ line, addrs, err = parseThreadSample(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if len(addrs) == 0 {
+ // We got a --same as previous threads--. Bump counters.
+ if len(p.Sample) > 0 {
+ s := p.Sample[len(p.Sample)-1]
+ s.Value[0]++
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ var sloc []*Location
+ for i, addr := range addrs {
+ // Addresses from stack traces point to the next instruction after
+ // each call. Adjust by -1 to land somewhere on the actual call
+ // (except for the leaf, which is not a call).
+ if i > 0 {
+ addr--
+ }
+ loc := locs[addr]
+ if locs[addr] == nil {
+ loc = &Location{
+ Address: addr,
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, loc)
+ locs[addr] = loc
+ }
+ sloc = append(sloc, loc)
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, &Sample{
+ Value: []int64{1},
+ Location: sloc,
+ })
+ }
+ if err = parseAdditionalSections(line, r, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+// parseThreadSample parses a symbolized or unsymbolized stack trace.
+// Returns the first line after the traceback, the sample (or nil if
+// it hits a 'same-as-previous' marker) and an error.
+func parseThreadSample(b *bytes.Buffer) (nextl string, addrs []uint64, err error) {
+ var l string
+ sameAsPrevious := false
+ for {
+ if l, err = b.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return "", nil, err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); l == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(l, "---") {
+ break
+ }
+ if strings.Contains(l, "same as previous thread") {
+ sameAsPrevious = true
+ continue
+ }
+ addrs = append(addrs, parseHexAddresses(l)...)
+ }
+ if sameAsPrevious {
+ return l, nil, nil
+ }
+ return l, addrs, nil
+// parseAdditionalSections parses any additional sections in the
+// profile, ignoring any unrecognized sections.
+func parseAdditionalSections(l string, b *bytes.Buffer, p *Profile) (err error) {
+ for {
+ if sectionTrigger(l) == memoryMapSection {
+ break
+ }
+ // Ignore any unrecognized sections.
+ if l, err := b.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return p.ParseMemoryMap(b)
+// ParseMemoryMap parses a memory map in the format of
+// /proc/self/maps, and overrides the mappings in the current profile.
+// It renumbers the samples and locations in the profile correspondingly.
+func (p *Profile) ParseMemoryMap(rd io.Reader) error {
+ b := bufio.NewReader(rd)
+ var attrs []string
+ var r *strings.Replacer
+ const delimiter = "="
+ for {
+ l, err := b.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err != io.EOF {
+ return err
+ }
+ if l == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if l = strings.TrimSpace(l); l == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if r != nil {
+ l = r.Replace(l)
+ }
+ m, err := parseMappingEntry(l)
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == errUnrecognized {
+ // Recognize assignments of the form: attr=value, and replace
+ // $attr with value on subsequent mappings.
+ if attr := strings.SplitN(l, delimiter, 2); len(attr) == 2 {
+ attrs = append(attrs, "$"+strings.TrimSpace(attr[0]), strings.TrimSpace(attr[1]))
+ r = strings.NewReplacer(attrs...)
+ }
+ // Ignore any unrecognized entries
+ continue
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ if m == nil || (m.File == "" && len(p.Mapping) != 0) {
+ // In some cases the first entry may include the address range
+ // but not the name of the file. It should be followed by
+ // another entry with the name.
+ continue
+ }
+ if len(p.Mapping) == 1 && p.Mapping[0].File == "" {
+ // Update the name if this is the entry following that empty one.
+ p.Mapping[0].File = m.File
+ continue
+ }
+ p.Mapping = append(p.Mapping, m)
+ }
+ p.remapLocationIDs()
+ p.remapFunctionIDs()
+ p.remapMappingIDs()
+ return nil
+func parseMappingEntry(l string) (*Mapping, error) {
+ mapping := &Mapping{}
+ var err error
+ if me := procMapsRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); len(me) == 9 {
+ if !strings.Contains(me[3], "x") {
+ // Skip non-executable entries.
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ if mapping.Start, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[1], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if mapping.Limit, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[2], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if me[4] != "" {
+ if mapping.Offset, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[4], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ mapping.File = me[8]
+ return mapping, nil
+ }
+ if me := briefMapsRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); len(me) == 6 {
+ if mapping.Start, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[1], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ if mapping.Limit, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[2], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ mapping.File = me[3]
+ if me[5] != "" {
+ if mapping.Offset, err = strconv.ParseUint(me[5], 16, 64); err != nil {
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+ }
+ }
+ return mapping, nil
+ }
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+type sectionType int
+const (
+ unrecognizedSection sectionType = iota
+ memoryMapSection
+var memoryMapTriggers = []string{
+ "--- Memory map: ---",
+func sectionTrigger(line string) sectionType {
+ for _, trigger := range memoryMapTriggers {
+ if strings.Contains(line, trigger) {
+ return memoryMapSection
+ }
+ }
+ return unrecognizedSection
+func (p *Profile) addLegacyFrameInfo() {
+ switch {
+ case isProfileType(p, heapzSampleTypes) ||
+ isProfileType(p, heapzInUseSampleTypes) ||
+ isProfileType(p, heapzAllocSampleTypes):
+ p.DropFrames, p.KeepFrames = allocRxStr, allocSkipRxStr
+ case isProfileType(p, contentionzSampleTypes):
+ p.DropFrames, p.KeepFrames = lockRxStr, ""
+ default:
+ p.DropFrames, p.KeepFrames = cpuProfilerRxStr, ""
+ }
+var heapzSampleTypes = []string{"allocations", "size"} // early Go pprof profiles
+var heapzInUseSampleTypes = []string{"inuse_objects", "inuse_space"}
+var heapzAllocSampleTypes = []string{"alloc_objects", "alloc_space"}
+var contentionzSampleTypes = []string{"contentions", "delay"}
+func isProfileType(p *Profile, t []string) bool {
+ st := p.SampleType
+ if len(st) != len(t) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := range st {
+ if st[i].Type != t[i] {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+var allocRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ // POSIX entry points.
+ `calloc`,
+ `cfree`,
+ `malloc`,
+ `free`,
+ `memalign`,
+ `do_memalign`,
+ `(__)?posix_memalign`,
+ `pvalloc`,
+ `valloc`,
+ `realloc`,
+ // TC malloc.
+ `tcmalloc::.*`,
+ `tc_calloc`,
+ `tc_cfree`,
+ `tc_malloc`,
+ `tc_free`,
+ `tc_memalign`,
+ `tc_posix_memalign`,
+ `tc_pvalloc`,
+ `tc_valloc`,
+ `tc_realloc`,
+ `tc_new`,
+ `tc_delete`,
+ `tc_newarray`,
+ `tc_deletearray`,
+ `tc_new_nothrow`,
+ `tc_newarray_nothrow`,
+ // Memory-allocation routines on OS X.
+ `malloc_zone_malloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_calloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_valloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_realloc`,
+ `malloc_zone_memalign`,
+ `malloc_zone_free`,
+ // Go runtime
+ `runtime\..*`,
+ // Other misc. memory allocation routines
+ `BaseArena::.*`,
+ `(::)?do_malloc_no_errno`,
+ `(::)?do_malloc_pages`,
+ `(::)?do_malloc`,
+ `DoSampledAllocation`,
+ `MallocedMemBlock::MallocedMemBlock`,
+ `_M_allocate`,
+ `__builtin_(vec_)?delete`,
+ `__builtin_(vec_)?new`,
+ `__gnu_cxx::new_allocator::allocate`,
+ `__libc_malloc`,
+ `__malloc_alloc_template::allocate`,
+ `allocate`,
+ `cpp_alloc`,
+ `operator new(\[\])?`,
+ `simple_alloc::allocate`,
+}, `|`)
+var allocSkipRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ // Preserve Go runtime frames that appear in the middle/bottom of
+ // the stack.
+ `runtime\.panic`,
+}, `|`)
+var cpuProfilerRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ `ProfileData::Add`,
+ `ProfileData::prof_handler`,
+ `CpuProfiler::prof_handler`,
+ `__pthread_sighandler`,
+ `__restore`,
+}, `|`)
+var lockRxStr = strings.Join([]string{
+ `RecordLockProfileData`,
+ `(base::)?RecordLockProfileData.*`,
+ `(base::)?SubmitMutexProfileData.*`,
+ `(base::)?SubmitSpinLockProfileData.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?AwaitCommon.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?Unlock.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?UnlockSlow.*`,
+ `(Mutex::)?ReaderUnlock.*`,
+ `(MutexLock::)?~MutexLock.*`,
+ `(SpinLock::)?Unlock.*`,
+ `(SpinLock::)?SlowUnlock.*`,
+ `(SpinLockHolder::)?~SpinLockHolder.*`,
+}, `|`)
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/profile.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/profile.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ee58eee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/profile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package profile provides a representation of profile.proto and
+// methods to encode/decode profiles in this format.
+package profile
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "compress/gzip"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+// Profile is an in-memory representation of profile.proto.
+type Profile struct {
+ SampleType []*ValueType
+ Sample []*Sample
+ Mapping []*Mapping
+ Location []*Location
+ Function []*Function
+ DropFrames string
+ KeepFrames string
+ TimeNanos int64
+ DurationNanos int64
+ PeriodType *ValueType
+ Period int64
+ dropFramesX int64
+ keepFramesX int64
+ stringTable []string
+// ValueType corresponds to Profile.ValueType
+type ValueType struct {
+ Type string // cpu, wall, inuse_space, etc
+ Unit string // seconds, nanoseconds, bytes, etc
+ typeX int64
+ unitX int64
+// Sample corresponds to Profile.Sample
+type Sample struct {
+ Location []*Location
+ Value []int64
+ Label map[string][]string
+ NumLabel map[string][]int64
+ locationIDX []uint64
+ labelX []Label
+// Label corresponds to Profile.Label
+type Label struct {
+ keyX int64
+ // Exactly one of the two following values must be set
+ strX int64
+ numX int64 // Integer value for this label
+// Mapping corresponds to Profile.Mapping
+type Mapping struct {
+ ID uint64
+ Start uint64
+ Limit uint64
+ Offset uint64
+ File string
+ BuildID string
+ HasFunctions bool
+ HasFilenames bool
+ HasLineNumbers bool
+ HasInlineFrames bool
+ fileX int64
+ buildIDX int64
+// Location corresponds to Profile.Location
+type Location struct {
+ ID uint64
+ Mapping *Mapping
+ Address uint64
+ Line []Line
+ mappingIDX uint64
+// Line corresponds to Profile.Line
+type Line struct {
+ Function *Function
+ Line int64
+ functionIDX uint64
+// Function corresponds to Profile.Function
+type Function struct {
+ ID uint64
+ Name string
+ SystemName string
+ Filename string
+ StartLine int64
+ nameX int64
+ systemNameX int64
+ filenameX int64
+// Parse parses a profile and checks for its validity. The input
+// may be a gzip-compressed encoded protobuf or one of many legacy
+// profile formats which may be unsupported in the future.
+func Parse(r io.Reader) (*Profile, error) {
+ orig, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var p *Profile
+ if len(orig) >= 2 && orig[0] == 0x1f && orig[1] == 0x8b {
+ var data []byte
+ if gz, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(orig)); err == nil {
+ data, err = ioutil.ReadAll(gz)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("decompressing profile: %v", err)
+ }
+ orig = data
+ }
+ if p, err = parseUncompressed(orig); err != nil {
+ if p, err = parseLegacy(orig); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing profile: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ if err := p.CheckValid(); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed profile: %v", err)
+ }
+ return p, nil
+var errUnrecognized = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized profile format")
+var errMalformed = fmt.Errorf("malformed profile format")
+func parseLegacy(data []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ parsers := []func([]byte) (*Profile, error){
+ parseCPU,
+ parseHeap,
+ parseGoCount, // goroutine, threadcreate
+ parseThread,
+ parseContention,
+ }
+ for _, parser := range parsers {
+ p, err := parser(data)
+ if err == nil {
+ p.setMain()
+ p.addLegacyFrameInfo()
+ return p, nil
+ }
+ if err != errUnrecognized {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, errUnrecognized
+func parseUncompressed(data []byte) (*Profile, error) {
+ p := &Profile{}
+ if err := unmarshal(data, p); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if err := p.postDecode(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return p, nil
+var libRx = regexp.MustCompile(`([.]so$|[.]so[._][0-9]+)`)
+// setMain scans Mapping entries and guesses which entry is main
+// because legacy profiles don't obey the convention of putting main
+// first.
+func (p *Profile) setMain() {
+ for i := 0; i < len(p.Mapping); i++ {
+ file := strings.TrimSpace(strings.Replace(p.Mapping[i].File, "(deleted)", "", -1))
+ if len(file) == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if len(libRx.FindStringSubmatch(file)) > 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if strings.HasPrefix(file, "[") {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Swap what we guess is main to position 0.
+ tmp := p.Mapping[i]
+ p.Mapping[i] = p.Mapping[0]
+ p.Mapping[0] = tmp
+ break
+ }
+// Write writes the profile as a gzip-compressed marshaled protobuf.
+func (p *Profile) Write(w io.Writer) error {
+ p.preEncode()
+ b := marshal(p)
+ zw := gzip.NewWriter(w)
+ defer zw.Close()
+ _, err := zw.Write(b)
+ return err
+// CheckValid tests whether the profile is valid. Checks include, but are
+// not limited to:
+// - len(Profile.Sample[n].value) == len(Profile.value_unit)
+// - has a corresponding Profile.Location
+func (p *Profile) CheckValid() error {
+ // Check that sample values are consistent
+ sampleLen := len(p.SampleType)
+ if sampleLen == 0 && len(p.Sample) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("missing sample type information")
+ }
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ if len(s.Value) != sampleLen {
+ return fmt.Errorf("mismatch: sample has: %d values vs. %d types", len(s.Value), len(p.SampleType))
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that all mappings/locations/functions are in the tables
+ // Check that there are no duplicate ids
+ mappings := make(map[uint64]*Mapping, len(p.Mapping))
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ if m.ID == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("found mapping with reserved ID=0")
+ }
+ if mappings[m.ID] != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("multiple mappings with same id: %d", m.ID)
+ }
+ mappings[m.ID] = m
+ }
+ functions := make(map[uint64]*Function, len(p.Function))
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ if f.ID == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("found function with reserved ID=0")
+ }
+ if functions[f.ID] != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("multiple functions with same id: %d", f.ID)
+ }
+ functions[f.ID] = f
+ }
+ locations := make(map[uint64]*Location, len(p.Location))
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if l.ID == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("found location with reserved id=0")
+ }
+ if locations[l.ID] != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("multiple locations with same id: %d", l.ID)
+ }
+ locations[l.ID] = l
+ if m := l.Mapping; m != nil {
+ if m.ID == 0 || mappings[m.ID] != m {
+ return fmt.Errorf("inconsistent mapping %p: %d", m, m.ID)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, ln := range l.Line {
+ if f := ln.Function; f != nil {
+ if f.ID == 0 || functions[f.ID] != f {
+ return fmt.Errorf("inconsistent function %p: %d", f, f.ID)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Aggregate merges the locations in the profile into equivalence
+// classes preserving the request attributes. It also updates the
+// samples to point to the merged locations.
+func (p *Profile) Aggregate(inlineFrame, function, filename, linenumber, address bool) error {
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.HasInlineFrames = m.HasInlineFrames && inlineFrame
+ m.HasFunctions = m.HasFunctions && function
+ m.HasFilenames = m.HasFilenames && filename
+ m.HasLineNumbers = m.HasLineNumbers && linenumber
+ }
+ // Aggregate functions
+ if !function || !filename {
+ for _, f := range p.Function {
+ if !function {
+ f.Name = ""
+ f.SystemName = ""
+ }
+ if !filename {
+ f.Filename = ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Aggregate locations
+ if !inlineFrame || !address || !linenumber {
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if !inlineFrame && len(l.Line) > 1 {
+ l.Line = l.Line[len(l.Line)-1:]
+ }
+ if !linenumber {
+ for i := range l.Line {
+ l.Line[i].Line = 0
+ }
+ }
+ if !address {
+ l.Address = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return p.CheckValid()
+// Print dumps a text representation of a profile. Intended mainly
+// for debugging purposes.
+func (p *Profile) String() string {
+ ss := make([]string, 0, len(p.Sample)+len(p.Mapping)+len(p.Location))
+ if pt := p.PeriodType; pt != nil {
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("PeriodType: %s %s", pt.Type, pt.Unit))
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("Period: %d", p.Period))
+ if p.TimeNanos != 0 {
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("Time: %v", time.Unix(0, p.TimeNanos)))
+ }
+ if p.DurationNanos != 0 {
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("Duration: %v", time.Duration(p.DurationNanos)))
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, "Samples:")
+ var sh1 string
+ for _, s := range p.SampleType {
+ sh1 = sh1 + fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s ", s.Type, s.Unit)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, strings.TrimSpace(sh1))
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ var sv string
+ for _, v := range s.Value {
+ sv = fmt.Sprintf("%s %10d", sv, v)
+ }
+ sv = sv + ": "
+ for _, l := range s.Location {
+ sv = sv + fmt.Sprintf("%d ", l.ID)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, sv)
+ const labelHeader = " "
+ if len(s.Label) > 0 {
+ ls := labelHeader
+ for k, v := range s.Label {
+ ls = ls + fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v ", k, v)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, ls)
+ }
+ if len(s.NumLabel) > 0 {
+ ls := labelHeader
+ for k, v := range s.NumLabel {
+ ls = ls + fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v ", k, v)
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, ls)
+ }
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, "Locations")
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ locStr := fmt.Sprintf("%6d: %#x ", l.ID, l.Address)
+ if m := l.Mapping; m != nil {
+ locStr = locStr + fmt.Sprintf("M=%d ", m.ID)
+ }
+ if len(l.Line) == 0 {
+ ss = append(ss, locStr)
+ }
+ for li := range l.Line {
+ lnStr := "??"
+ if fn := l.Line[li].Function; fn != nil {
+ lnStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s:%d s=%d",
+ fn.Name,
+ fn.Filename,
+ l.Line[li].Line,
+ fn.StartLine)
+ if fn.Name != fn.SystemName {
+ lnStr = lnStr + "(" + fn.SystemName + ")"
+ }
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, locStr+lnStr)
+ // Do not print location details past the first line
+ locStr = " "
+ }
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, "Mappings")
+ for _, m := range p.Mapping {
+ bits := ""
+ if m.HasFunctions {
+ bits = bits + "[FN]"
+ }
+ if m.HasFilenames {
+ bits = bits + "[FL]"
+ }
+ if m.HasLineNumbers {
+ bits = bits + "[LN]"
+ }
+ if m.HasInlineFrames {
+ bits = bits + "[IN]"
+ }
+ ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d: %#x/%#x/%#x %s %s %s",
+ m.ID,
+ m.Start, m.Limit, m.Offset,
+ m.File,
+ m.BuildID,
+ bits))
+ }
+ return strings.Join(ss, "\n") + "\n"
+// Merge adds profile p adjusted by ratio r into profile p. Profiles
+// must be compatible (same Type and SampleType).
+// TODO(rsilvera): consider normalizing the profiles based on the
+// total samples collected.
+func (p *Profile) Merge(pb *Profile, r float64) error {
+ if err := p.Compatible(pb); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ pb = pb.Copy()
+ // Keep the largest of the two periods.
+ if pb.Period > p.Period {
+ p.Period = pb.Period
+ }
+ p.DurationNanos += pb.DurationNanos
+ p.Mapping = append(p.Mapping, pb.Mapping...)
+ for i, m := range p.Mapping {
+ m.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+ p.Location = append(p.Location, pb.Location...)
+ for i, l := range p.Location {
+ l.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+ p.Function = append(p.Function, pb.Function...)
+ for i, f := range p.Function {
+ f.ID = uint64(i + 1)
+ }
+ if r != 1.0 {
+ for _, s := range pb.Sample {
+ for i, v := range s.Value {
+ s.Value[i] = int64((float64(v) * r))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ p.Sample = append(p.Sample, pb.Sample...)
+ return p.CheckValid()
+// Compatible determines if two profiles can be compared/merged.
+// returns nil if the profiles are compatible; otherwise an error with
+// details on the incompatibility.
+func (p *Profile) Compatible(pb *Profile) error {
+ if !compatibleValueTypes(p.PeriodType, pb.PeriodType) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible period types %v and %v", p.PeriodType, pb.PeriodType)
+ }
+ if len(p.SampleType) != len(pb.SampleType) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible sample types %v and %v", p.SampleType, pb.SampleType)
+ }
+ for i := range p.SampleType {
+ if !compatibleValueTypes(p.SampleType[i], pb.SampleType[i]) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("incompatible sample types %v and %v", p.SampleType, pb.SampleType)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// HasFunctions determines if all locations in this profile have
+// symbolized function information.
+func (p *Profile) HasFunctions() bool {
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if l.Mapping == nil || !l.Mapping.HasFunctions {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// HasFileLines determines if all locations in this profile have
+// symbolized file and line number information.
+func (p *Profile) HasFileLines() bool {
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if l.Mapping == nil || (!l.Mapping.HasFilenames || !l.Mapping.HasLineNumbers) {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+func compatibleValueTypes(v1, v2 *ValueType) bool {
+ if v1 == nil || v2 == nil {
+ return true // No grounds to disqualify.
+ }
+ return v1.Type == v2.Type && v1.Unit == v2.Unit
+// Copy makes a fully independent copy of a profile.
+func (p *Profile) Copy() *Profile {
+ p.preEncode()
+ b := marshal(p)
+ pp := &Profile{}
+ if err := unmarshal(b, pp); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ if err := pp.postDecode(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ return pp
+// Demangler maps symbol names to a human-readable form. This may
+// include C++ demangling and additional simplification. Names that
+// are not demangled may be missing from the resulting map.
+type Demangler func(name []string) (map[string]string, error)
+// Demangle attempts to demangle and optionally simplify any function
+// names referenced in the profile. It works on a best-effort basis:
+// it will silently preserve the original names in case of any errors.
+func (p *Profile) Demangle(d Demangler) error {
+ // Collect names to demangle.
+ var names []string
+ for _, fn := range p.Function {
+ names = append(names, fn.SystemName)
+ }
+ // Update profile with demangled names.
+ demangled, err := d(names)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for _, fn := range p.Function {
+ if dd, ok := demangled[fn.SystemName]; ok {
+ fn.Name = dd
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/proto.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/proto.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..475cf564f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/proto.go
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file is a simple protocol buffer encoder and decoder.
+// A protocol message must implement the message interface:
+// decoder() []decoder
+// encode(*buffer)
+// The decode method returns a slice indexed by field number that gives the
+// function to decode that field.
+// The encode method encodes its receiver into the given buffer.
+// The two methods are simple enough to be implemented by hand rather than
+// by using a protocol compiler.
+// See profile.go for examples of messages implementing this interface.
+// There is no support for groups, message sets, or "has" bits.
+package profile
+import "errors"
+type buffer struct {
+ field int
+ typ int
+ u64 uint64
+ data []byte
+ tmp [16]byte
+type decoder func(*buffer, message) error
+type message interface {
+ decoder() []decoder
+ encode(*buffer)
+func marshal(m message) []byte {
+ var b buffer
+ m.encode(&b)
+ return
+func encodeVarint(b *buffer, x uint64) {
+ for x >= 128 {
+ = append(, byte(x)|0x80)
+ x >>= 7
+ }
+ = append(, byte(x))
+func encodeLength(b *buffer, tag int, len int) {
+ encodeVarint(b, uint64(tag)<<3|2)
+ encodeVarint(b, uint64(len))
+func encodeUint64(b *buffer, tag int, x uint64) {
+ // append varint to
+ encodeVarint(b, uint64(tag)<<3|0)
+ encodeVarint(b, x)
+func encodeUint64s(b *buffer, tag int, x []uint64) {
+ for _, u := range x {
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, u)
+ }
+func encodeUint64Opt(b *buffer, tag int, x uint64) {
+ if x == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, x)
+func encodeInt64(b *buffer, tag int, x int64) {
+ u := uint64(x)
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, u)
+func encodeInt64Opt(b *buffer, tag int, x int64) {
+ if x == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeInt64(b, tag, x)
+func encodeString(b *buffer, tag int, x string) {
+ encodeLength(b, tag, len(x))
+ = append(, x...)
+func encodeStrings(b *buffer, tag int, x []string) {
+ for _, s := range x {
+ encodeString(b, tag, s)
+ }
+func encodeStringOpt(b *buffer, tag int, x string) {
+ if x == "" {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeString(b, tag, x)
+func encodeBool(b *buffer, tag int, x bool) {
+ if x {
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, 1)
+ } else {
+ encodeUint64(b, tag, 0)
+ }
+func encodeBoolOpt(b *buffer, tag int, x bool) {
+ if x == false {
+ return
+ }
+ encodeBool(b, tag, x)
+func encodeMessage(b *buffer, tag int, m message) {
+ n1 := len(
+ m.encode(b)
+ n2 := len(
+ encodeLength(b, tag, n2-n1)
+ n3 := len(
+ copy(b.tmp[:],[n2:n3])
+ copy([n1+(n3-n2):],[n1:n2])
+ copy([n1:], b.tmp[:n3-n2])
+func unmarshal(data []byte, m message) (err error) {
+ b := buffer{data: data, typ: 2}
+ return decodeMessage(&b, m)
+func le64(p []byte) uint64 {
+ return uint64(p[0]) | uint64(p[1])<<8 | uint64(p[2])<<16 | uint64(p[3])<<24 | uint64(p[4])<<32 | uint64(p[5])<<40 | uint64(p[6])<<48 | uint64(p[7])<<56
+func le32(p []byte) uint32 {
+ return uint32(p[0]) | uint32(p[1])<<8 | uint32(p[2])<<16 | uint32(p[3])<<24
+func decodeVarint(data []byte) (uint64, []byte, error) {
+ var i int
+ var u uint64
+ for i = 0; ; i++ {
+ if i >= 10 || i >= len(data) {
+ return 0, nil, errors.New("bad varint")
+ }
+ u |= uint64(data[i]&0x7F) << uint(7*i)
+ if data[i]&0x80 == 0 {
+ return u, data[i+1:], nil
+ }
+ }
+func decodeField(b *buffer, data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+ x, data, err := decodeVarint(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ b.field = int(x >> 3)
+ b.typ = int(x & 7)
+ = nil
+ b.u64 = 0
+ switch b.typ {
+ case 0:
+ b.u64, data, err = decodeVarint(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ case 1:
+ if len(data) < 8 {
+ return nil, errors.New("not enough data")
+ }
+ b.u64 = le64(data[:8])
+ data = data[8:]
+ case 2:
+ var n uint64
+ n, data, err = decodeVarint(data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if n > uint64(len(data)) {
+ return nil, errors.New("too much data")
+ }
+ = data[:n]
+ data = data[n:]
+ case 5:
+ if len(data) < 4 {
+ return nil, errors.New("not enough data")
+ }
+ b.u64 = uint64(le32(data[:4]))
+ data = data[4:]
+ default:
+ return nil, errors.New("unknown type: " + string(b.typ))
+ }
+ return data, nil
+func checkType(b *buffer, typ int) error {
+ if b.typ != typ {
+ return errors.New("type mismatch")
+ }
+ return nil
+func decodeMessage(b *buffer, m message) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 2); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ dec := m.decoder()
+ data :=
+ for len(data) > 0 {
+ // pull varint field# + type
+ var err error
+ data, err = decodeField(b, data)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if b.field >= len(dec) || dec[b.field] == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ if err := dec[b.field](b, m); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func decodeInt64(b *buffer, x *int64) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = int64(b.u64)
+ return nil
+func decodeInt64s(b *buffer, x *[]int64) error {
+ var i int64
+ if err := decodeInt64(b, &i); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, i)
+ return nil
+func decodeUint64(b *buffer, x *uint64) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = b.u64
+ return nil
+func decodeUint64s(b *buffer, x *[]uint64) error {
+ var u uint64
+ if err := decodeUint64(b, &u); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, u)
+ return nil
+func decodeString(b *buffer, x *string) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 2); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = string(
+ return nil
+func decodeStrings(b *buffer, x *[]string) error {
+ var s string
+ if err := decodeString(b, &s); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ *x = append(*x, s)
+ return nil
+func decodeBool(b *buffer, x *bool) error {
+ if err := checkType(b, 0); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if int64(b.u64) == 0 {
+ *x = false
+ } else {
+ *x = true
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/prune.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/prune.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..abc898cb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/profile/prune.go
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Implements methods to remove frames from profiles.
+package profile
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "regexp"
+// Prune removes all nodes beneath a node matching dropRx, and not
+// matching keepRx. If the root node of a Sample matches, the sample
+// will have an empty stack.
+func (p *Profile) Prune(dropRx, keepRx *regexp.Regexp) {
+ prune := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ pruneBeneath := make(map[uint64]bool)
+ for _, loc := range p.Location {
+ var i int
+ for i = len(loc.Line) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if fn := loc.Line[i].Function; fn != nil && fn.Name != "" {
+ funcName := fn.Name
+ // Account for leading '.' on the PPC ELF v1 ABI.
+ if funcName[0] == '.' {
+ funcName = funcName[1:]
+ }
+ if dropRx.MatchString(funcName) {
+ if keepRx == nil || !keepRx.MatchString(funcName) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if i >= 0 {
+ // Found matching entry to prune.
+ pruneBeneath[loc.ID] = true
+ // Remove the matching location.
+ if i == len(loc.Line)-1 {
+ // Matched the top entry: prune the whole location.
+ prune[loc.ID] = true
+ } else {
+ loc.Line = loc.Line[i+1:]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prune locs from each Sample
+ for _, sample := range p.Sample {
+ // Scan from the root to the leaves to find the prune location.
+ // Do not prune frames before the first user frame, to avoid
+ // pruning everything.
+ foundUser := false
+ for i := len(sample.Location) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ id := sample.Location[i].ID
+ if !prune[id] && !pruneBeneath[id] {
+ foundUser = true
+ continue
+ }
+ if !foundUser {
+ continue
+ }
+ if prune[id] {
+ sample.Location = sample.Location[i+1:]
+ break
+ }
+ if pruneBeneath[id] {
+ sample.Location = sample.Location[i:]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// RemoveUninteresting prunes and elides profiles using built-in
+// tables of uninteresting function names.
+func (p *Profile) RemoveUninteresting() error {
+ var keep, drop *regexp.Regexp
+ var err error
+ if p.DropFrames != "" {
+ if drop, err = regexp.Compile("^(" + p.DropFrames + ")$"); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to compile regexp %s: %v", p.DropFrames, err)
+ }
+ if p.KeepFrames != "" {
+ if keep, err = regexp.Compile("^(" + p.KeepFrames + ")$"); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to compile regexp %s: %v", p.KeepFrames, err)
+ }
+ }
+ p.Prune(drop, keep)
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/report.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/report.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5977fd03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/report.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1718 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package report summarizes a performance profile into a
+// human-readable report.
+package report
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "math"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "regexp"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+// Generate generates a report as directed by the Report.
+func Generate(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error {
+ o := rpt.options
+ switch o.OutputFormat {
+ case Dot:
+ return printDOT(w, rpt)
+ case Tree:
+ return printTree(w, rpt)
+ case Text:
+ return printText(w, rpt)
+ case Raw:
+ fmt.Fprint(w,
+ return nil
+ case Tags:
+ return printTags(w, rpt)
+ case Proto:
+ return
+ case Dis:
+ return printAssembly(w, rpt, obj)
+ case List:
+ return printSource(w, rpt)
+ case WebList:
+ return printWebSource(w, rpt, obj)
+ case Callgrind:
+ return printCallgrind(w, rpt)
+ }
+ return fmt.Errorf("unexpected output format")
+// printAssembly prints an annotated assembly listing.
+func printAssembly(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error {
+ g, err := newGraph(rpt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ o := rpt.options
+ prof :=
+ // If the regexp source can be parsed as an address, also match
+ // functions that land on that address.
+ var address *uint64
+ if hex, err := strconv.ParseUint(o.Symbol.String(), 0, 64); err == nil {
+ address = &hex
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "Total:", rpt.formatValue(
+ symbols := symbolsFromBinaries(prof, g, o.Symbol, address, obj)
+ symNodes := nodesPerSymbol(g.ns, symbols)
+ // Sort function names for printing.
+ var syms objSymbols
+ for s := range symNodes {
+ syms = append(syms, s)
+ }
+ sort.Sort(syms)
+ // Correlate the symbols from the binary with the profile samples.
+ for _, s := range syms {
+ sns := symNodes[s]
+ // Gather samples for this symbol.
+ flatSum, cumSum := sumNodes(sns)
+ // Get the function assembly.
+ insns, err := obj.Disasm(s.sym.File, s.sym.Start, s.sym.End)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ ns := annotateAssembly(insns, sns, s.base)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "ROUTINE ======================== %s\n", s.sym.Name[0])
+ for _, name := range s.sym.Name[1:] {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, " AKA ======================== %s\n", name)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %10s (flat, cum) %s of Total\n",
+ rpt.formatValue(flatSum), rpt.formatValue(cumSum),
+ percentage(cumSum,
+ for _, n := range ns {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %10s %10x: %s\n", valueOrDot(n.flat, rpt), valueOrDot(n.cum, rpt),,
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// symbolsFromBinaries examines the binaries listed on the profile
+// that have associated samples, and identifies symbols matching rx.
+func symbolsFromBinaries(prof *profile.Profile, g graph, rx *regexp.Regexp, address *uint64, obj plugin.ObjTool) []*objSymbol {
+ hasSamples := make(map[string]bool)
+ // Only examine mappings that have samples that match the
+ // regexp. This is an optimization to speed up pprof.
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ if name :=; rx.MatchString(name) && != "" {
+ hasSamples[] = true
+ }
+ }
+ // Walk all mappings looking for matching functions with samples.
+ var objSyms []*objSymbol
+ for _, m := range prof.Mapping {
+ if !hasSamples[filepath.Base(m.File)] {
+ if address == nil || !(m.Start <= *address && *address <= m.Limit) {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ f, err := obj.Open(m.File, m.Start)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("%v\n", err)
+ continue
+ }
+ // Find symbols in this binary matching the user regexp.
+ var addr uint64
+ if address != nil {
+ addr = *address
+ }
+ msyms, err := f.Symbols(rx, addr)
+ base := f.Base()
+ f.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ for _, ms := range msyms {
+ objSyms = append(objSyms,
+ &objSymbol{
+ sym: ms,
+ base: base,
+ },
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ return objSyms
+// objSym represents a symbol identified from a binary. It includes
+// the SymbolInfo from the disasm package and the base that must be
+// added to correspond to sample addresses
+type objSymbol struct {
+ sym *plugin.Sym
+ base uint64
+// objSymbols is a wrapper type to enable sorting of []*objSymbol.
+type objSymbols []*objSymbol
+func (o objSymbols) Len() int {
+ return len(o)
+func (o objSymbols) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ if namei, namej := o[i].sym.Name[0], o[j].sym.Name[0]; namei != namej {
+ return namei < namej
+ }
+ return o[i].sym.Start < o[j].sym.Start
+func (o objSymbols) Swap(i, j int) {
+ o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i]
+// nodesPerSymbol classifies nodes into a group of symbols.
+func nodesPerSymbol(ns nodes, symbols []*objSymbol) map[*objSymbol]nodes {
+ symNodes := make(map[*objSymbol]nodes)
+ for _, s := range symbols {
+ // Gather samples for this symbol.
+ for _, n := range ns {
+ address := - s.base
+ if address >= s.sym.Start && address < s.sym.End {
+ symNodes[s] = append(symNodes[s], n)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return symNodes
+// annotateAssembly annotates a set of assembly instructions with a
+// set of samples. It returns a set of nodes to display. base is an
+// offset to adjust the sample addresses.
+func annotateAssembly(insns []plugin.Inst, samples nodes, base uint64) nodes {
+ // Add end marker to simplify printing loop.
+ insns = append(insns, plugin.Inst{^uint64(0), "", "", 0})
+ // Ensure samples are sorted by address.
+ samples.sort(addressOrder)
+ var s int
+ var asm nodes
+ for ix, in := range insns[:len(insns)-1] {
+ n := node{
+ info: nodeInfo{
+ address: in.Addr,
+ name: in.Text,
+ file: trimPath(in.File),
+ lineno: in.Line,
+ },
+ }
+ // Sum all the samples until the next instruction (to account
+ // for samples attributed to the middle of an instruction).
+ for next := insns[ix+1].Addr; s < len(samples) && samples[s].info.address-base < next; s++ {
+ n.flat += samples[s].flat
+ n.cum += samples[s].cum
+ if samples[s].info.file != "" {
+ = trimPath(samples[s].info.file)
+ = samples[s].info.lineno
+ }
+ }
+ asm = append(asm, &n)
+ }
+ return asm
+// valueOrDot formats a value according to a report, intercepting zero
+// values.
+func valueOrDot(value int64, rpt *Report) string {
+ if value == 0 {
+ return "."
+ }
+ return rpt.formatValue(value)
+// canAccessFile determines if the filename can be opened for reading.
+func canAccessFile(path string) bool {
+ if fi, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
+ return fi.Mode().Perm()&0400 != 0
+ }
+ return false
+// printTags collects all tags referenced in the profile and prints
+// them in a sorted table.
+func printTags(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {
+ p :=
+ // Hashtable to keep accumulate tags as key,value,count.
+ tagMap := make(map[string]map[string]int64)
+ for _, s := range p.Sample {
+ for key, vals := range s.Label {
+ for _, val := range vals {
+ if valueMap, ok := tagMap[key]; ok {
+ valueMap[val] = valueMap[val] + s.Value[0]
+ continue
+ }
+ valueMap := make(map[string]int64)
+ valueMap[val] = s.Value[0]
+ tagMap[key] = valueMap
+ }
+ }
+ for key, vals := range s.NumLabel {
+ for _, nval := range vals {
+ val := scaledValueLabel(nval, key, "auto")
+ if valueMap, ok := tagMap[key]; ok {
+ valueMap[val] = valueMap[val] + s.Value[0]
+ continue
+ }
+ valueMap := make(map[string]int64)
+ valueMap[val] = s.Value[0]
+ tagMap[key] = valueMap
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tagKeys := make(tags, 0, len(tagMap))
+ for key := range tagMap {
+ tagKeys = append(tagKeys, &tag{name: key})
+ }
+ sort.Sort(tagKeys)
+ for _, tagKey := range tagKeys {
+ var total int64
+ key :=
+ tags := make(tags, 0, len(tagMap[key]))
+ for t, c := range tagMap[key] {
+ total += c
+ tags = append(tags, &tag{name: t, weight: c})
+ }
+ sort.Sort(tags)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s: Total %d\n", key, total)
+ for _, t := range tags {
+ if total > 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, " %8d (%s): %s\n", t.weight,
+ percentage(t.weight, total),
+ } else {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, " %8d: %s\n", t.weight,
+ }
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w)
+ }
+ return nil
+// printText prints a flat text report for a profile.
+func printText(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {
+ g, err := newGraph(rpt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ origCount, droppedNodes, _ := g.preprocess(rpt)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, strings.Join(legendDetailLabels(rpt, g, origCount, droppedNodes, 0), "\n"))
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %5s%% %5s%% %10s %5s%%\n",
+ "flat", "flat", "sum", "cum", "cum")
+ var flatSum int64
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ name, flat, cum :=, n.flat, n.cum
+ flatSum += flat
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %s %s %10s %s %s\n",
+ rpt.formatValue(flat),
+ percentage(flat,,
+ percentage(flatSum,,
+ rpt.formatValue(cum),
+ percentage(cum,,
+ name)
+ }
+ return nil
+// printCallgrind prints a graph for a profile on callgrind format.
+func printCallgrind(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {
+ g, err := newGraph(rpt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ o := rpt.options
+ rpt.options.NodeFraction = 0
+ rpt.options.EdgeFraction = 0
+ rpt.options.NodeCount = 0
+ g.preprocess(rpt)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "events:", o.SampleType+"("+o.OutputUnit+")")
+ files := make(map[string]int)
+ names := make(map[string]int)
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "fl="+callgrindName(files,
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "fn="+callgrindName(names,
+ sv, _ := ScaleValue(n.flat, o.SampleUnit, o.OutputUnit)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d %d\n",, int(sv))
+ // Print outgoing edges.
+ for _, out := range sortedEdges(n.out) {
+ c, _ := ScaleValue(out.weight, o.SampleUnit, o.OutputUnit)
+ count := fmt.Sprintf("%d", int(c))
+ callee := out.dest
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "cfl="+callgrindName(files,
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "cfn="+callgrindName(names,
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "calls="+count,
+ fmt.Fprintln(w,, count)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w)
+ }
+ return nil
+// callgrindName implements the callgrind naming compression scheme.
+// For names not previously seen returns "(N) name", where N is a
+// unique index. For names previously seen returns "(N)" where N is
+// the index returned the first time.
+func callgrindName(names map[string]int, name string) string {
+ if name == "" {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if id, ok := names[name]; ok {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", id)
+ }
+ id := len(names) + 1
+ names[name] = id
+ return fmt.Sprintf("(%d) %s", id, name)
+// printTree prints a tree-based report in text form.
+func printTree(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {
+ const separator = "----------------------------------------------------------+-------------"
+ const legend = " flat flat% sum% cum cum% calls calls% + context "
+ g, err := newGraph(rpt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ origCount, droppedNodes, _ := g.preprocess(rpt)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, strings.Join(legendDetailLabels(rpt, g, origCount, droppedNodes, 0), "\n"))
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, separator)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, legend)
+ var flatSum int64
+ rx := rpt.options.Symbol
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ name, flat, cum :=, n.flat, n.cum
+ // Skip any entries that do not match the regexp (for the "peek" command).
+ if rx != nil && !rx.MatchString(name) {
+ continue
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, separator)
+ // Print incoming edges.
+ inEdges := sortedEdges(
+ inSum := inEdges.sum()
+ for _, in := range inEdges {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%50s %s | %s\n", rpt.formatValue(in.weight),
+ percentage(in.weight, inSum),
+ }
+ // Print current node.
+ flatSum += flat
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %s %s %10s %s | %s\n",
+ rpt.formatValue(flat),
+ percentage(flat,,
+ percentage(flatSum,,
+ rpt.formatValue(cum),
+ percentage(cum,,
+ name)
+ // Print outgoing edges.
+ outEdges := sortedEdges(n.out)
+ outSum := outEdges.sum()
+ for _, out := range outEdges {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%50s %s | %s\n", rpt.formatValue(out.weight),
+ percentage(out.weight, outSum),
+ }
+ }
+ if len(g.ns) > 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, separator)
+ }
+ return nil
+// printDOT prints an annotated callgraph in DOT format.
+func printDOT(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {
+ g, err := newGraph(rpt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges := g.preprocess(rpt)
+ prof :=
+ graphname := "unnamed"
+ if len(prof.Mapping) > 0 {
+ graphname = filepath.Base(prof.Mapping[0].File)
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, `digraph "`+graphname+`" {`)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, `node [style=filled fillcolor="#f8f8f8"]`)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, dotLegend(rpt, g, origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges))
+ if len(g.ns) == 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "}")
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Make sure nodes have a unique consistent id.
+ nodeIndex := make(map[*node]int)
+ maxFlat := float64(g.ns[0].flat)
+ for i, n := range g.ns {
+ nodeIndex[n] = i + 1
+ if float64(n.flat) > maxFlat {
+ maxFlat = float64(n.flat)
+ }
+ }
+ var edges edgeList
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ node := dotNode(rpt, maxFlat, nodeIndex[n], n)
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, node)
+ if nodelets := dotNodelets(rpt, nodeIndex[n], n); nodelets != "" {
+ fmt.Fprint(w, nodelets)
+ }
+ // Collect outgoing edges.
+ for _, e := range n.out {
+ edges = append(edges, e)
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort edges by frequency as a hint to the graph layout engine.
+ sort.Sort(edges)
+ for _, e := range edges {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, dotEdge(rpt, nodeIndex[e.src], nodeIndex[e.dest], e))
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "}")
+ return nil
+// percentage computes the percentage of total of a value, and encodes
+// it as a string. At least two digits of precision are printed.
+func percentage(value, total int64) string {
+ var ratio float64
+ if total != 0 {
+ ratio = float64(value) / float64(total) * 100
+ }
+ switch {
+ case ratio >= 99.95:
+ return " 100%"
+ case ratio >= 1.0:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%5.2f%%", ratio)
+ default:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%5.2g%%", ratio)
+ }
+// dotLegend generates the overall graph label for a report in DOT format.
+func dotLegend(rpt *Report, g graph, origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges int) string {
+ label := legendLabels(rpt)
+ label = append(label, legendDetailLabels(rpt, g, origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges)...)
+ return fmt.Sprintf(`subgraph cluster_L { L [shape=box fontsize=32 label="%s\l"] }`, strings.Join(label, `\l`))
+// legendLabels generates labels exclusive to graph visualization.
+func legendLabels(rpt *Report) []string {
+ prof :=
+ o := rpt.options
+ var label []string
+ if len(prof.Mapping) > 0 {
+ if prof.Mapping[0].File != "" {
+ label = append(label, "File: "+filepath.Base(prof.Mapping[0].File))
+ }
+ if prof.Mapping[0].BuildID != "" {
+ label = append(label, "Build ID: "+prof.Mapping[0].BuildID)
+ }
+ }
+ if o.SampleType != "" {
+ label = append(label, "Type: "+o.SampleType)
+ }
+ if prof.TimeNanos != 0 {
+ const layout = "Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04pm (MST)"
+ label = append(label, "Time: "+time.Unix(0, prof.TimeNanos).Format(layout))
+ }
+ if prof.DurationNanos != 0 {
+ label = append(label, fmt.Sprintf("Duration: %v", time.Duration(prof.DurationNanos)))
+ }
+ return label
+// legendDetailLabels generates labels common to graph and text visualization.
+func legendDetailLabels(rpt *Report, g graph, origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges int) []string {
+ nodeFraction := rpt.options.NodeFraction
+ edgeFraction := rpt.options.EdgeFraction
+ nodeCount := rpt.options.NodeCount
+ label := []string{}
+ var flatSum int64
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ flatSum = flatSum + n.flat
+ }
+ label = append(label, fmt.Sprintf("%s of %s total (%s)", rpt.formatValue(flatSum), rpt.formatValue(, percentage(flatSum,
+ if > 0 {
+ if droppedNodes > 0 {
+ label = append(label, genLabel(droppedNodes, "node", "cum",
+ rpt.formatValue(int64(float64(*nodeFraction))))
+ }
+ if droppedEdges > 0 {
+ label = append(label, genLabel(droppedEdges, "edge", "freq",
+ rpt.formatValue(int64(float64(*edgeFraction))))
+ }
+ if nodeCount > 0 && nodeCount < origCount {
+ label = append(label, fmt.Sprintf("Showing top %d nodes out of %d (cum >= %s)",
+ nodeCount, origCount,
+ rpt.formatValue(g.ns[len(g.ns)-1].cum)))
+ }
+ }
+ return label
+func genLabel(d int, n, l, f string) string {
+ if d > 1 {
+ n = n + "s"
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Dropped %d %s (%s <= %s)", d, n, l, f)
+// dotNode generates a graph node in DOT format.
+func dotNode(rpt *Report, maxFlat float64, rIndex int, n *node) string {
+ flat, cum := n.flat, n.cum
+ labels := strings.Split(, "::")
+ label := strings.Join(labels, `\n`) + `\n`
+ flatValue := rpt.formatValue(flat)
+ if flat > 0 {
+ label = label + fmt.Sprintf(`%s(%s)`,
+ flatValue,
+ strings.TrimSpace(percentage(flat,
+ } else {
+ label = label + "0"
+ }
+ cumValue := flatValue
+ if cum != flat {
+ if flat > 0 {
+ label = label + `\n`
+ } else {
+ label = label + " "
+ }
+ cumValue = rpt.formatValue(cum)
+ label = label + fmt.Sprintf(`of %s(%s)`,
+ cumValue,
+ strings.TrimSpace(percentage(cum,
+ }
+ // Scale font sizes from 8 to 24 based on percentage of flat frequency.
+ // Use non linear growth to emphasize the size difference.
+ baseFontSize, maxFontGrowth := 8, 16.0
+ fontSize := baseFontSize
+ if maxFlat > 0 && flat > 0 && float64(flat) <= maxFlat {
+ fontSize += int(math.Ceil(maxFontGrowth * math.Sqrt(float64(flat)/maxFlat)))
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf(`N%d [label="%s" fontsize=%d shape=box tooltip="%s (%s)"]`,
+ rIndex,
+ label,
+ fontSize,, cumValue)
+// dotEdge generates a graph edge in DOT format.
+func dotEdge(rpt *Report, from, to int, e *edgeInfo) string {
+ w := rpt.formatValue(e.weight)
+ attr := fmt.Sprintf(`label=" %s"`, w)
+ if > 0 {
+ if weight := 1 + int(e.weight*100/; weight > 1 {
+ attr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s weight=%d`, attr, weight)
+ }
+ if width := 1 + int(e.weight*5/; width > 1 {
+ attr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s penwidth=%d`, attr, width)
+ }
+ }
+ arrow := "->"
+ if e.residual {
+ arrow = "..."
+ }
+ tooltip := fmt.Sprintf(`"%s %s %s (%s)"`,
+, arrow,, w)
+ attr = fmt.Sprintf(`%s tooltip=%s labeltooltip=%s`,
+ attr, tooltip, tooltip)
+ if e.residual {
+ attr = attr + ` style="dotted"`
+ }
+ if len(e.src.tags) > 0 {
+ // Separate children further if source has tags.
+ attr = attr + " minlen=2"
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("N%d -> N%d [%s]", from, to, attr)
+// dotNodelets generates the DOT boxes for the node tags.
+func dotNodelets(rpt *Report, rIndex int, n *node) (dot string) {
+ const maxNodelets = 4 // Number of nodelets for alphanumeric labels
+ const maxNumNodelets = 4 // Number of nodelets for numeric labels
+ var ts, nts tags
+ for _, t := range n.tags {
+ if t.unit == "" {
+ ts = append(ts, t)
+ } else {
+ nts = append(nts, t)
+ }
+ }
+ // Select the top maxNodelets alphanumeric labels by weight
+ sort.Sort(ts)
+ if len(ts) > maxNodelets {
+ ts = ts[:maxNodelets]
+ }
+ for i, t := range ts {
+ weight := rpt.formatValue(t.weight)
+ dot += fmt.Sprintf(`N%d_%d [label = "%s" fontsize=8 shape=box3d tooltip="%s"]`+"\n", rIndex, i,, weight)
+ dot += fmt.Sprintf(`N%d -> N%d_%d [label=" %s" weight=100 tooltip="\L" labeltooltip="\L"]`+"\n", rIndex, rIndex, i, weight)
+ }
+ // Collapse numeric labels into maxNumNodelets buckets, of the form:
+ // 1MB..2MB, 3MB..5MB, ...
+ nts = collapseTags(nts, maxNumNodelets)
+ sort.Sort(nts)
+ for i, t := range nts {
+ weight := rpt.formatValue(t.weight)
+ dot += fmt.Sprintf(`NN%d_%d [label = "%s" fontsize=8 shape=box3d tooltip="%s"]`+"\n", rIndex, i,, weight)
+ dot += fmt.Sprintf(`N%d -> NN%d_%d [label=" %s" weight=100 tooltip="\L" labeltooltip="\L"]`+"\n", rIndex, rIndex, i, weight)
+ }
+ return dot
+// graph summarizes a performance profile into a format that is
+// suitable for visualization.
+type graph struct {
+ ns nodes
+// nodes is an ordered collection of graph nodes.
+type nodes []*node
+// tags represent sample annotations
+type tags []*tag
+type tagMap map[string]*tag
+type tag struct {
+ name string
+ unit string // Describe the value, "" for non-numeric tags
+ value int64
+ weight int64
+func (t tags) Len() int { return len(t) }
+func (t tags) Swap(i, j int) { t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] }
+func (t tags) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ if t[i].weight == t[j].weight {
+ return t[i].name < t[j].name
+ }
+ return t[i].weight > t[j].weight
+// node is an entry on a profiling report. It represents a unique
+// program location. It can include multiple names to represent
+// inlined functions.
+type node struct {
+ info nodeInfo // Information associated to this entry.
+ // values associated to this node.
+ // flat is exclusive to this node, cum includes all descendents.
+ flat, cum int64
+ // in and out contains the nodes immediately reaching or reached by this nodes.
+ in, out edgeMap
+ // tags provide additional information about subsets of a sample.
+ tags tagMap
+func (ts tags) string() string {
+ var ret string
+ for _, s := range ts {
+ ret = ret + fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %d %d\n",, s.unit, s.value, s.weight)
+ }
+ return ret
+type nodeInfo struct {
+ name string
+ origName string
+ address uint64
+ file string
+ startLine, lineno int
+ inline bool
+ lowPriority bool
+ objfile string
+ parent *node // Used only if creating a calltree
+func (n *node) addTags(s *profile.Sample, weight int64) {
+ // Add a tag with all string labels
+ var labels []string
+ for key, vals := range s.Label {
+ for _, v := range vals {
+ labels = append(labels, key+":"+v)
+ }
+ }
+ if len(labels) > 0 {
+ sort.Strings(labels)
+ l := n.tags.findOrAddTag(strings.Join(labels, `\n`), "", 0)
+ l.weight += weight
+ }
+ for key, nvals := range s.NumLabel {
+ for _, v := range nvals {
+ label := scaledValueLabel(v, key, "auto")
+ l := n.tags.findOrAddTag(label, key, v)
+ l.weight += weight
+ }
+ }
+func (m tagMap) findOrAddTag(label, unit string, value int64) *tag {
+ if l := m[label]; l != nil {
+ return l
+ }
+ l := &tag{
+ name: label,
+ unit: unit,
+ value: value,
+ }
+ m[label] = l
+ return l
+// collapseTags reduces the number of entries in a tagMap by merging
+// adjacent nodes into ranges. It uses a greedy approach to merge
+// starting with the entries with the lowest weight.
+func collapseTags(ts tags, count int) tags {
+ if len(ts) <= count {
+ return ts
+ }
+ sort.Sort(ts)
+ tagGroups := make([]tags, count)
+ for i, t := range ts[:count] {
+ tagGroups[i] = tags{t}
+ }
+ for _, t := range ts[count:] {
+ g, d := 0, tagDistance(t, tagGroups[0][0])
+ for i := 1; i < count; i++ {
+ if nd := tagDistance(t, tagGroups[i][0]); nd < d {
+ g, d = i, nd
+ }
+ }
+ tagGroups[g] = append(tagGroups[g], t)
+ }
+ var nts tags
+ for _, g := range tagGroups {
+ l, w := tagGroupLabel(g)
+ nts = append(nts, &tag{
+ name: l,
+ weight: w,
+ })
+ }
+ return nts
+func tagDistance(t, u *tag) float64 {
+ v, _ := ScaleValue(u.value, u.unit, t.unit)
+ if v < float64(t.value) {
+ return float64(t.value) - v
+ }
+ return v - float64(t.value)
+func tagGroupLabel(g tags) (string, int64) {
+ if len(g) == 1 {
+ t := g[0]
+ return scaledValueLabel(t.value, t.unit, "auto"), t.weight
+ }
+ min := g[0]
+ max := g[0]
+ w := min.weight
+ for _, t := range g[1:] {
+ if v, _ := ScaleValue(t.value, t.unit, min.unit); int64(v) < min.value {
+ min = t
+ }
+ if v, _ := ScaleValue(t.value, t.unit, max.unit); int64(v) > max.value {
+ max = t
+ }
+ w += t.weight
+ }
+ return scaledValueLabel(min.value, min.unit, "auto") + ".." +
+ scaledValueLabel(max.value, max.unit, "auto"), w
+// sumNodes adds the flat and sum values on a report.
+func sumNodes(ns nodes) (flat int64, cum int64) {
+ for _, n := range ns {
+ flat += n.flat
+ cum += n.cum
+ }
+ return
+type edgeMap map[*node]*edgeInfo
+// edgeInfo contains any attributes to be represented about edges in a graph/
+type edgeInfo struct {
+ src, dest *node
+ // The summary weight of the edge
+ weight int64
+ // residual edges connect nodes that were connected through a
+ // separate node, which has been removed from the report.
+ residual bool
+// bumpWeight increases the weight of an edge. If there isn't such an
+// edge in the map one is created.
+func bumpWeight(from, to *node, w int64, residual bool) {
+ if from.out[to] !=[from] {
+ panic(fmt.Errorf("asymmetric edges %v %v", *from, *to))
+ }
+ if n := from.out[to]; n != nil {
+ n.weight += w
+ if n.residual && !residual {
+ n.residual = false
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ info := &edgeInfo{src: from, dest: to, weight: w, residual: residual}
+ from.out[to] = info
+[from] = info
+// Output formats.
+const (
+ Proto = iota
+ Dot
+ Tags
+ Tree
+ Text
+ Raw
+ Dis
+ List
+ WebList
+ Callgrind
+// Options are the formatting and filtering options used to generate a
+// profile.
+type Options struct {
+ OutputFormat int
+ CumSort bool
+ CallTree bool
+ PrintAddresses bool
+ DropNegative bool
+ Ratio float64
+ NodeCount int
+ NodeFraction float64
+ EdgeFraction float64
+ SampleType string
+ SampleUnit string // Unit for the sample data from the profile.
+ OutputUnit string // Units for data formatting in report.
+ Symbol *regexp.Regexp // Symbols to include on disassembly report.
+// newGraph summarizes performance data from a profile into a graph.
+func newGraph(rpt *Report) (g graph, err error) {
+ prof :=
+ o := rpt.options
+ // Generate a tree for graphical output if requested.
+ buildTree := o.CallTree && o.OutputFormat == Dot
+ locations := make(map[uint64][]nodeInfo)
+ for _, l := range prof.Location {
+ locations[l.ID] = newLocInfo(l)
+ }
+ nm := make(nodeMap)
+ for _, sample := range prof.Sample {
+ if sample.Location == nil {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Construct list of node names for sample.
+ var stack []nodeInfo
+ for _, loc := range sample.Location {
+ id := loc.ID
+ stack = append(stack, locations[id]...)
+ }
+ // Upfront pass to update the parent chains, to prevent the
+ // merging of nodes with different parents.
+ if buildTree {
+ var nn *node
+ for i := len(stack); i > 0; i-- {
+ n := &stack[i-1]
+ n.parent = nn
+ nn = nm.findOrInsertNode(*n)
+ }
+ }
+ leaf := nm.findOrInsertNode(stack[0])
+ weight := rpt.sampleValue(sample)
+ leaf.addTags(sample, weight)
+ // Aggregate counter data.
+ leaf.flat += weight
+ seen := make(map[*node]bool)
+ var nn *node
+ for _, s := range stack {
+ n := nm.findOrInsertNode(s)
+ if !seen[n] {
+ seen[n] = true
+ n.cum += weight
+ if nn != nil {
+ bumpWeight(n, nn, weight, false)
+ }
+ }
+ nn = n
+ }
+ }
+ // Collect new nodes into a report.
+ ns := make(nodes, 0, len(nm))
+ for _, n := range nm {
+ if rpt.options.DropNegative && n.flat < 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ ns = append(ns, n)
+ }
+ return graph{ns}, nil
+// Create a slice of formatted names for a location.
+func newLocInfo(l *profile.Location) []nodeInfo {
+ var objfile string
+ if m := l.Mapping; m != nil {
+ objfile = filepath.Base(m.File)
+ }
+ if len(l.Line) == 0 {
+ return []nodeInfo{
+ {
+ address: l.Address,
+ objfile: objfile,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ var info []nodeInfo
+ numInlineFrames := len(l.Line) - 1
+ for li, line := range l.Line {
+ ni := nodeInfo{
+ address: l.Address,
+ lineno: int(line.Line),
+ inline: li < numInlineFrames,
+ objfile: objfile,
+ }
+ if line.Function != nil {
+ = line.Function.Name
+ ni.origName = line.Function.SystemName
+ ni.file = line.Function.Filename
+ ni.startLine = int(line.Function.StartLine)
+ }
+ info = append(info, ni)
+ }
+ return info
+// nodeMap maps from a node info struct to a node. It is used to merge
+// report entries with the same info.
+type nodeMap map[nodeInfo]*node
+func (m nodeMap) findOrInsertNode(info nodeInfo) *node {
+ rr := m[info]
+ if rr == nil {
+ rr = &node{
+ info: info,
+ in: make(edgeMap),
+ out: make(edgeMap),
+ tags: make(map[string]*tag),
+ }
+ m[info] = rr
+ }
+ return rr
+// preprocess does any required filtering/sorting according to the
+// report options. Returns the mapping from each node to any nodes
+// removed by path compression and statistics on the nodes/edges removed.
+func (g *graph) preprocess(rpt *Report) (origCount, droppedNodes, droppedEdges int) {
+ o := rpt.options
+ // Compute total weight of current set of nodes.
+ // This is <= because of node filtering.
+ var totalValue int64
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ totalValue += n.flat
+ }
+ // Remove nodes with value <= total*nodeFraction
+ if nodeFraction := o.NodeFraction; nodeFraction > 0 {
+ var removed nodes
+ minValue := int64(float64(totalValue) * nodeFraction)
+ kept := make(nodes, 0, len(g.ns))
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ if n.cum < minValue {
+ removed = append(removed, n)
+ } else {
+ kept = append(kept, n)
+ tagsKept := make(map[string]*tag)
+ for s, t := range n.tags {
+ if t.weight >= minValue {
+ tagsKept[s] = t
+ }
+ }
+ n.tags = tagsKept
+ }
+ }
+ droppedNodes = len(removed)
+ removeNodes(removed, false, false)
+ g.ns = kept
+ }
+ // Remove edges below minimum frequency.
+ if edgeFraction := o.EdgeFraction; edgeFraction > 0 {
+ minEdge := int64(float64(totalValue) * edgeFraction)
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ for src, e := range {
+ if e.weight < minEdge {
+ delete(, src)
+ delete(src.out, n)
+ droppedEdges++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sortOrder := flatName
+ if o.CumSort {
+ // Force cum sorting for graph output, to preserve connectivity.
+ sortOrder = cumName
+ }
+ // Nodes that have flat==0 and a single in/out do not provide much
+ // information. Give them first chance to be removed. Do not consider edges
+ // from/to nodes that are expected to be removed.
+ maxNodes := o.NodeCount
+ if o.OutputFormat == Dot {
+ if maxNodes > 0 && maxNodes < len(g.ns) {
+ sortOrder = cumName
+ g.ns.sort(cumName)
+ cumCutoff := g.ns[maxNodes].cum
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ if n.flat == 0 {
+ if count := countEdges(n.out, cumCutoff); count > 1 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if count := countEdges(, cumCutoff); count != 1 {
+ continue
+ }
+ = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ g.ns.sort(sortOrder)
+ if maxNodes > 0 {
+ origCount = len(g.ns)
+ for index, nodes := 0, 0; index < len(g.ns); index++ {
+ nodes++
+ // For DOT output, count the tags as nodes since we will draw
+ // boxes for them.
+ if o.OutputFormat == Dot {
+ nodes += len(g.ns[index].tags)
+ }
+ if nodes > maxNodes {
+ // Trim to the top n nodes. Create dotted edges to bridge any
+ // broken connections.
+ removeNodes(g.ns[index:], true, true)
+ g.ns = g.ns[:index]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ removeRedundantEdges(g.ns)
+ // Select best unit for profile output.
+ // Find the appropriate units for the smallest non-zero sample
+ if o.OutputUnit == "minimum" && len(g.ns) > 0 {
+ var maxValue, minValue int64
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ if n.flat > 0 && (minValue == 0 || n.flat < minValue) {
+ minValue = n.flat
+ }
+ if n.cum > maxValue {
+ maxValue = n.cum
+ }
+ }
+ if r := o.Ratio; r > 0 && r != 1 {
+ minValue = int64(float64(minValue) * r)
+ maxValue = int64(float64(maxValue) * r)
+ }
+ _, minUnit := ScaleValue(minValue, o.SampleUnit, "minimum")
+ _, maxUnit := ScaleValue(maxValue, o.SampleUnit, "minimum")
+ unit := minUnit
+ if minUnit != maxUnit && minValue*100 < maxValue && o.OutputFormat != Callgrind {
+ // Minimum and maximum values have different units. Scale
+ // minimum by 100 to use larger units, allowing minimum value to
+ // be scaled down to 0.01, except for callgrind reports since
+ // they can only represent integer values.
+ _, unit = ScaleValue(100*minValue, o.SampleUnit, "minimum")
+ }
+ if unit != "" {
+ o.OutputUnit = unit
+ } else {
+ o.OutputUnit = o.SampleUnit
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// countEdges counts the number of edges below the specified cutoff.
+func countEdges(el edgeMap, cutoff int64) int {
+ count := 0
+ for _, e := range el {
+ if e.weight > cutoff {
+ count++
+ }
+ }
+ return count
+// removeNodes removes nodes from a report, optionally bridging
+// connections between in/out edges and spreading out their weights
+// proportionally. residual marks new bridge edges as residual
+// (dotted).
+func removeNodes(toRemove nodes, bridge, residual bool) {
+ for _, n := range toRemove {
+ for ei := range {
+ delete(ei.out, n)
+ }
+ if bridge {
+ for ei, wi := range {
+ for eo, wo := range n.out {
+ var weight int64
+ if n.cum != 0 {
+ weight = int64(float64(wo.weight) * (float64(wi.weight) / float64(n.cum)))
+ }
+ bumpWeight(ei, eo, weight, residual)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for eo := range n.out {
+ delete(, n)
+ }
+ }
+// removeRedundantEdges removes residual edges if the destination can
+// be reached through another path. This is done to simplify the graph
+// while preserving connectivity.
+func removeRedundantEdges(ns nodes) {
+ // Walk the nodes and outgoing edges in reverse order to prefer
+ // removing edges with the lowest weight.
+ for i := len(ns); i > 0; i-- {
+ n := ns[i-1]
+ in := sortedEdges(
+ for j := len(in); j > 0; j-- {
+ if e := in[j-1]; e.residual && isRedundant(e) {
+ delete(e.src.out, e.dest)
+ delete(, e.src)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// isRedundant determines if an edge can be removed without impacting
+// connectivity of the whole graph. This is implemented by checking if the
+// nodes have a common ancestor after removing the edge.
+func isRedundant(e *edgeInfo) bool {
+ destPred := predecessors(e, e.dest)
+ if len(destPred) == 1 {
+ return false
+ }
+ srcPred := predecessors(e, e.src)
+ for n := range srcPred {
+ if destPred[n] && n != e.dest {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+// predecessors collects all the predecessors to node n, excluding edge e.
+func predecessors(e *edgeInfo, n *node) map[*node]bool {
+ seen := map[*node]bool{n: true}
+ queue := []*node{n}
+ for len(queue) > 0 {
+ n := queue[0]
+ queue = queue[1:]
+ for _, ie := range {
+ if e == ie || seen[ie.src] {
+ continue
+ }
+ seen[ie.src] = true
+ queue = append(queue, ie.src)
+ }
+ }
+ return seen
+// nodeSorter is a mechanism used to allow a report to be sorted
+// in different ways.
+type nodeSorter struct {
+ rs nodes
+ less func(i, j int) bool
+func (s nodeSorter) Len() int { return len( }
+func (s nodeSorter) Swap(i, j int) {[i],[j] =[j],[i] }
+func (s nodeSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return s.less(i, j) }
+type nodeOrder int
+const (
+ flatName nodeOrder = iota
+ flatCumName
+ cumName
+ nameOrder
+ fileOrder
+ addressOrder
+// sort reoders the entries in a report based on the specified
+// ordering criteria. The result is sorted in decreasing order for
+// numeric quantities, alphabetically for text, and increasing for
+// addresses.
+func (ns nodes) sort(o nodeOrder) error {
+ var s nodeSorter
+ switch o {
+ case flatName:
+ s = nodeSorter{ns,
+ func(i, j int) bool {
+ if iv, jv := ns[i].flat, ns[j].flat; iv != jv {
+ return iv > jv
+ }
+ if ns[i].info.prettyName() != ns[j].info.prettyName() {
+ return ns[i].info.prettyName() < ns[j].info.prettyName()
+ }
+ iv, jv := ns[i].cum, ns[j].cum
+ return iv > jv
+ },
+ }
+ case flatCumName:
+ s = nodeSorter{ns,
+ func(i, j int) bool {
+ if iv, jv := ns[i].flat, ns[j].flat; iv != jv {
+ return iv > jv
+ }
+ if iv, jv := ns[i].cum, ns[j].cum; iv != jv {
+ return iv > jv
+ }
+ return ns[i].info.prettyName() < ns[j].info.prettyName()
+ },
+ }
+ case cumName:
+ s = nodeSorter{ns,
+ func(i, j int) bool {
+ if ns[i].info.lowPriority != ns[j].info.lowPriority {
+ return ns[j].info.lowPriority
+ }
+ if iv, jv := ns[i].cum, ns[j].cum; iv != jv {
+ return iv > jv
+ }
+ if ns[i].info.prettyName() != ns[j].info.prettyName() {
+ return ns[i].info.prettyName() < ns[j].info.prettyName()
+ }
+ iv, jv := ns[i].flat, ns[j].flat
+ return iv > jv
+ },
+ }
+ case nameOrder:
+ s = nodeSorter{ns,
+ func(i, j int) bool {
+ return ns[i] < ns[j]
+ },
+ }
+ case fileOrder:
+ s = nodeSorter{ns,
+ func(i, j int) bool {
+ return ns[i].info.file < ns[j].info.file
+ },
+ }
+ case addressOrder:
+ s = nodeSorter{ns,
+ func(i, j int) bool {
+ return ns[i].info.address < ns[j].info.address
+ },
+ }
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("report: unrecognized sort ordering: %d", o)
+ }
+ sort.Sort(s)
+ return nil
+type edgeList []*edgeInfo
+// sortedEdges return a slice of the edges in the map, sorted for
+// visualization. The sort order is first based on the edge weight
+// (higher-to-lower) and then by the node names to avoid flakiness.
+func sortedEdges(edges map[*node]*edgeInfo) edgeList {
+ el := make(edgeList, 0, len(edges))
+ for _, w := range edges {
+ el = append(el, w)
+ }
+ sort.Sort(el)
+ return el
+func (el edgeList) Len() int {
+ return len(el)
+func (el edgeList) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ if el[i].weight != el[j].weight {
+ return el[i].weight > el[j].weight
+ }
+ from1 := el[i]
+ from2 := el[j]
+ if from1 != from2 {
+ return from1 < from2
+ }
+ to1 := el[i]
+ to2 := el[j]
+ return to1 < to2
+func (el edgeList) Swap(i, j int) {
+ el[i], el[j] = el[j], el[i]
+func (el edgeList) sum() int64 {
+ var ret int64
+ for _, e := range el {
+ ret += e.weight
+ }
+ return ret
+// ScaleValue reformats a value from a unit to a different unit.
+func ScaleValue(value int64, fromUnit, toUnit string) (sv float64, su string) {
+ // Avoid infinite recursion on overflow.
+ if value < 0 && -value > 0 {
+ v, u := ScaleValue(-value, fromUnit, toUnit)
+ return -v, u
+ }
+ if m, u, ok := memoryLabel(value, fromUnit, toUnit); ok {
+ return m, u
+ }
+ if t, u, ok := timeLabel(value, fromUnit, toUnit); ok {
+ return t, u
+ }
+ // Skip non-interesting units.
+ switch toUnit {
+ case "count", "sample", "unit", "minimum":
+ return float64(value), ""
+ default:
+ return float64(value), toUnit
+ }
+func scaledValueLabel(value int64, fromUnit, toUnit string) string {
+ v, u := ScaleValue(value, fromUnit, toUnit)
+ sv := strings.TrimSuffix(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", v), ".00")
+ if sv == "0" || sv == "-0" {
+ return "0"
+ }
+ return sv + u
+func memoryLabel(value int64, fromUnit, toUnit string) (v float64, u string, ok bool) {
+ fromUnit = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.ToLower(fromUnit), "s")
+ toUnit = strings.TrimSuffix(strings.ToLower(toUnit), "s")
+ switch fromUnit {
+ case "byte", "b":
+ case "kilobyte", "kb":
+ value *= 1024
+ case "megabyte", "mb":
+ value *= 1024 * 1024
+ case "gigabyte", "gb":
+ value *= 1024 * 1024
+ default:
+ return 0, "", false
+ }
+ if toUnit == "minimum" || toUnit == "auto" {
+ switch {
+ case value < 1024:
+ toUnit = "b"
+ case value < 1024*1024:
+ toUnit = "kb"
+ case value < 1024*1024*1024:
+ toUnit = "mb"
+ default:
+ toUnit = "gb"
+ }
+ }
+ var output float64
+ switch toUnit {
+ default:
+ output, toUnit = float64(value), "B"
+ case "kb", "kbyte", "kilobyte":
+ output, toUnit = float64(value)/1024, "kB"
+ case "mb", "mbyte", "megabyte":
+ output, toUnit = float64(value)/(1024*1024), "MB"
+ case "gb", "gbyte", "giggabyte":
+ output, toUnit = float64(value)/(1024*1024*1024), "GB"
+ }
+ return output, toUnit, true
+func timeLabel(value int64, fromUnit, toUnit string) (v float64, u string, ok bool) {
+ fromUnit = strings.ToLower(fromUnit)
+ if len(fromUnit) > 2 {
+ fromUnit = strings.TrimSuffix(fromUnit, "s")
+ }
+ toUnit = strings.ToLower(toUnit)
+ if len(toUnit) > 2 {
+ toUnit = strings.TrimSuffix(toUnit, "s")
+ }
+ var d time.Duration
+ switch fromUnit {
+ case "nanosecond", "ns":
+ d = time.Duration(value) * time.Nanosecond
+ case "microsecond":
+ d = time.Duration(value) * time.Microsecond
+ case "millisecond", "ms":
+ d = time.Duration(value) * time.Millisecond
+ case "second", "sec":
+ d = time.Duration(value) * time.Second
+ case "cycle":
+ return float64(value), "", true
+ default:
+ return 0, "", false
+ }
+ if toUnit == "minimum" || toUnit == "auto" {
+ switch {
+ case d < 1*time.Microsecond:
+ toUnit = "ns"
+ case d < 1*time.Millisecond:
+ toUnit = "us"
+ case d < 1*time.Second:
+ toUnit = "ms"
+ case d < 1*time.Minute:
+ toUnit = "sec"
+ case d < 1*time.Hour:
+ toUnit = "min"
+ case d < 24*time.Hour:
+ toUnit = "hour"
+ case d < 15*24*time.Hour:
+ toUnit = "day"
+ case d < 120*24*time.Hour:
+ toUnit = "week"
+ default:
+ toUnit = "year"
+ }
+ }
+ var output float64
+ dd := float64(d)
+ switch toUnit {
+ case "ns", "nanosecond":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(time.Nanosecond), "ns"
+ case "us", "microsecond":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(time.Microsecond), "us"
+ case "ms", "millisecond":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(time.Millisecond), "ms"
+ case "min", "minute":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(time.Minute), "mins"
+ case "hour", "hr":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(time.Hour), "hrs"
+ case "day":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(24*time.Hour), "days"
+ case "week", "wk":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(7*24*time.Hour), "wks"
+ case "year", "yr":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(365*7*24*time.Hour), "yrs"
+ default:
+ fallthrough
+ case "sec", "second", "s":
+ output, toUnit = dd/float64(time.Second), "s"
+ }
+ return output, toUnit, true
+// prettyName determines the printable name to be used for a node.
+func (info *nodeInfo) prettyName() string {
+ var name string
+ if info.address != 0 {
+ name = fmt.Sprintf("%016x", info.address)
+ }
+ if != "" {
+ name = name + " " +
+ }
+ if info.file != "" {
+ name += " " + trimPath(info.file)
+ if info.lineno != 0 {
+ name += fmt.Sprintf(":%d", info.lineno)
+ }
+ }
+ if info.inline {
+ name = name + " (inline)"
+ }
+ if name = strings.TrimSpace(name); name == "" && info.objfile != "" {
+ name = "[" + info.objfile + "]"
+ }
+ return name
+// New builds a new report indexing the sample values interpreting the
+// samples with the provided function.
+func New(prof *profile.Profile, options Options, value func(s *profile.Sample) int64, unit string) *Report {
+ o := &options
+ if o.SampleUnit == "" {
+ o.SampleUnit = unit
+ }
+ format := func(v int64) string {
+ if r := o.Ratio; r > 0 && r != 1 {
+ fv := float64(v) * r
+ v = int64(fv)
+ }
+ return scaledValueLabel(v, o.SampleUnit, o.OutputUnit)
+ }
+ return &Report{prof, computeTotal(prof, value), o, value, format}
+// NewDefault builds a new report indexing the sample values with the
+// last value available.
+func NewDefault(prof *profile.Profile, options Options) *Report {
+ index := len(prof.SampleType) - 1
+ o := &options
+ if o.SampleUnit == "" {
+ o.SampleUnit = strings.ToLower(prof.SampleType[index].Unit)
+ }
+ value := func(s *profile.Sample) int64 {
+ return s.Value[index]
+ }
+ format := func(v int64) string {
+ if r := o.Ratio; r > 0 && r != 1 {
+ fv := float64(v) * r
+ v = int64(fv)
+ }
+ return scaledValueLabel(v, o.SampleUnit, o.OutputUnit)
+ }
+ return &Report{prof, computeTotal(prof, value), o, value, format}
+func computeTotal(prof *profile.Profile, value func(s *profile.Sample) int64) int64 {
+ var ret int64
+ for _, sample := range prof.Sample {
+ ret += value(sample)
+ }
+ return ret
+// Report contains the data and associated routines to extract a
+// report from a profile.
+type Report struct {
+ prof *profile.Profile
+ total int64
+ options *Options
+ sampleValue func(*profile.Sample) int64
+ formatValue func(int64) string
+func (rpt *Report) formatTags(s *profile.Sample) (string, bool) {
+ var labels []string
+ for key, vals := range s.Label {
+ for _, v := range vals {
+ labels = append(labels, key+":"+v)
+ }
+ }
+ for key, nvals := range s.NumLabel {
+ for _, v := range nvals {
+ labels = append(labels, scaledValueLabel(v, key, "auto"))
+ }
+ }
+ if len(labels) == 0 {
+ return "", false
+ }
+ sort.Strings(labels)
+ return strings.Join(labels, `\n`), true
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57300dd91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source.go
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package report
+// This file contains routines related to the generation of annotated
+// source listings.
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "fmt"
+ "html/template"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sort"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+// printSource prints an annotated source listing, include all
+// functions with samples that match the regexp rpt.options.symbol.
+// The sources are sorted by function name and then by filename to
+// eliminate potential nondeterminism.
+func printSource(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) error {
+ o := rpt.options
+ g, err := newGraph(rpt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Identify all the functions that match the regexp provided.
+ // Group nodes for each matching function.
+ var functions nodes
+ functionNodes := make(map[string]nodes)
+ for _, n := range g.ns {
+ if !o.Symbol.MatchString( {
+ continue
+ }
+ if functionNodes[] == nil {
+ functions = append(functions, n)
+ }
+ functionNodes[] = append(functionNodes[], n)
+ }
+ functions.sort(nameOrder)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "Total: %s\n", rpt.formatValue(
+ for _, fn := range functions {
+ name :=
+ // Identify all the source files associated to this function.
+ // Group nodes for each source file.
+ var sourceFiles nodes
+ fileNodes := make(map[string]nodes)
+ for _, n := range functionNodes[name] {
+ if == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if fileNodes[] == nil {
+ sourceFiles = append(sourceFiles, n)
+ }
+ fileNodes[] = append(fileNodes[], n)
+ }
+ if len(sourceFiles) == 0 {
+ fmt.Printf("No source information for %s\n", name)
+ continue
+ }
+ sourceFiles.sort(fileOrder)
+ // Print each file associated with this function.
+ for _, fl := range sourceFiles {
+ filename :=
+ fns := fileNodes[filename]
+ flatSum, cumSum := sumNodes(fns)
+ fnodes, path, err := getFunctionSource(name, filename, fns, 0, 0)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "ROUTINE ======================== %s in %s\n", name, path)
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %10s (flat, cum) %s of Total\n",
+ rpt.formatValue(flatSum), rpt.formatValue(cumSum),
+ percentage(cumSum,
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, " Error: %v\n", err)
+ continue
+ }
+ for _, fn := range fnodes {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, "%10s %10s %6d:%s\n", valueOrDot(fn.flat, rpt), valueOrDot(fn.cum, rpt),,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// printWebSource prints an annotated source listing, include all
+// functions with samples that match the regexp rpt.options.symbol.
+func printWebSource(w io.Writer, rpt *Report, obj plugin.ObjTool) error {
+ o := rpt.options
+ g, err := newGraph(rpt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // If the regexp source can be parsed as an address, also match
+ // functions that land on that address.
+ var address *uint64
+ if hex, err := strconv.ParseUint(o.Symbol.String(), 0, 64); err == nil {
+ address = &hex
+ }
+ // Extract interesting symbols from binary files in the profile and
+ // classify samples per symbol.
+ symbols := symbolsFromBinaries(, g, o.Symbol, address, obj)
+ symNodes := nodesPerSymbol(g.ns, symbols)
+ // Sort symbols for printing.
+ var syms objSymbols
+ for s := range symNodes {
+ syms = append(syms, s)
+ }
+ sort.Sort(syms)
+ if len(syms) == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("no samples found on routines matching: %s", o.Symbol.String())
+ }
+ printHeader(w, rpt)
+ for _, s := range syms {
+ name := s.sym.Name[0]
+ // Identify sources associated to a symbol by examining
+ // symbol samples. Classify samples per source file.
+ var sourceFiles nodes
+ fileNodes := make(map[string]nodes)
+ for _, n := range symNodes[s] {
+ if == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ if fileNodes[] == nil {
+ sourceFiles = append(sourceFiles, n)
+ }
+ fileNodes[] = append(fileNodes[], n)
+ }
+ if len(sourceFiles) == 0 {
+ fmt.Printf("No source information for %s\n", name)
+ continue
+ }
+ sourceFiles.sort(fileOrder)
+ // Print each file associated with this function.
+ for _, fl := range sourceFiles {
+ filename :=
+ fns := fileNodes[filename]
+ asm := assemblyPerSourceLine(symbols, fns, filename, obj)
+ start, end := sourceCoordinates(asm)
+ fnodes, path, err := getFunctionSource(name, filename, fns, start, end)
+ if err != nil {
+ fnodes, path = getMissingFunctionSource(filename, asm, start, end)
+ }
+ flatSum, cumSum := sumNodes(fnodes)
+ printFunctionHeader(w, name, path, flatSum, cumSum, rpt)
+ for _, fn := range fnodes {
+ printFunctionSourceLine(w, fn, asm[], rpt)
+ }
+ printFunctionClosing(w)
+ }
+ }
+ printPageClosing(w)
+ return nil
+// sourceCoordinates returns the lowest and highest line numbers from
+// a set of assembly statements.
+func sourceCoordinates(asm map[int]nodes) (start, end int) {
+ for l := range asm {
+ if start == 0 || l < start {
+ start = l
+ }
+ if end == 0 || l > end {
+ end = l
+ }
+ }
+ return start, end
+// assemblyPerSourceLine disassembles the binary containing a symbol
+// and classifies the assembly instructions according to its
+// corresponding source line, annotating them with a set of samples.
+func assemblyPerSourceLine(objSyms []*objSymbol, rs nodes, src string, obj plugin.ObjTool) map[int]nodes {
+ assembly := make(map[int]nodes)
+ // Identify symbol to use for this collection of samples.
+ o := findMatchingSymbol(objSyms, rs)
+ if o == nil {
+ return assembly
+ }
+ // Extract assembly for matched symbol
+ insns, err := obj.Disasm(o.sym.File, o.sym.Start, o.sym.End)
+ if err != nil {
+ return assembly
+ }
+ srcBase := filepath.Base(src)
+ anodes := annotateAssembly(insns, rs, o.base)
+ var lineno = 0
+ for _, an := range anodes {
+ if filepath.Base( == srcBase {
+ lineno =
+ }
+ if lineno != 0 {
+ assembly[lineno] = append(assembly[lineno], an)
+ }
+ }
+ return assembly
+// findMatchingSymbol looks for the symbol that corresponds to a set
+// of samples, by comparing their addresses.
+func findMatchingSymbol(objSyms []*objSymbol, ns nodes) *objSymbol {
+ for _, n := range ns {
+ for _, o := range objSyms {
+ if filepath.Base(o.sym.File) == &&
+ o.sym.Start <= &&
+ <= o.sym.End {
+ return o
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// printHeader prints the page header for a weblist report.
+func printHeader(w io.Writer, rpt *Report) {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, weblistPageHeader)
+ var labels []string
+ for _, l := range legendLabels(rpt) {
+ labels = append(labels, template.HTMLEscapeString(l))
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, `<div class="legend">%s<br>Total: %s</div>`,
+ strings.Join(labels, "<br>\n"),
+ rpt.formatValue(,
+ )
+// printFunctionHeader prints a function header for a weblist report.
+func printFunctionHeader(w io.Writer, name, path string, flatSum, cumSum int64, rpt *Report) {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, `<h1>%s</h1>%s
+<pre onClick="pprof_toggle_asm()">
+ Total: %10s %10s (flat, cum) %s
+ template.HTMLEscapeString(name), template.HTMLEscapeString(path),
+ rpt.formatValue(flatSum), rpt.formatValue(cumSum),
+ percentage(cumSum,
+// printFunctionSourceLine prints a source line and the corresponding assembly.
+func printFunctionSourceLine(w io.Writer, fn *node, assembly nodes, rpt *Report) {
+ if len(assembly) == 0 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(w,
+ "<span class=line> %6d</span> <span class=nop> %10s %10s %s </span>\n",
+ valueOrDot(fn.flat, rpt), valueOrDot(fn.cum, rpt),
+ template.HTMLEscapeString(
+ return
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w,
+ "<span class=line> %6d</span> <span class=deadsrc> %10s %10s %s </span>",
+ valueOrDot(fn.flat, rpt), valueOrDot(fn.cum, rpt),
+ template.HTMLEscapeString(
+ fmt.Fprint(w, "<span class=asm>")
+ for _, an := range assembly {
+ var fileline string
+ class := "disasmloc"
+ if != "" {
+ fileline = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", template.HTMLEscapeString(,
+ if != {
+ class = "unimportant"
+ }
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(w, " %8s %10s %10s %8x: %-48s <span class=%s>%s</span>\n", "",
+ valueOrDot(an.flat, rpt), valueOrDot(an.cum, rpt),
+ template.HTMLEscapeString(,
+ class,
+ template.HTMLEscapeString(fileline))
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "</span>")
+// printFunctionClosing prints the end of a function in a weblist report.
+func printFunctionClosing(w io.Writer) {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, "</pre>")
+// printPageClosing prints the end of the page in a weblist report.
+func printPageClosing(w io.Writer) {
+ fmt.Fprintln(w, weblistPageClosing)
+// getFunctionSource collects the sources of a function from a source
+// file and annotates it with the samples in fns. Returns the sources
+// as nodes, using the field to hold the source code.
+func getFunctionSource(fun, file string, fns nodes, start, end int) (nodes, string, error) {
+ f, file, err := adjustSourcePath(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, file, err
+ }
+ lineNodes := make(map[int]nodes)
+ // Collect source coordinates from profile.
+ const margin = 5 // Lines before first/after last sample.
+ if start == 0 {
+ if fns[0].info.startLine != 0 {
+ start = fns[0].info.startLine
+ } else {
+ start = fns[0].info.lineno - margin
+ }
+ } else {
+ start -= margin
+ }
+ if end == 0 {
+ end = fns[0].info.lineno
+ }
+ end += margin
+ for _, n := range fns {
+ lineno :=
+ nodeStart :=
+ if nodeStart == 0 {
+ nodeStart = lineno - margin
+ }
+ nodeEnd := lineno + margin
+ if nodeStart < start {
+ start = nodeStart
+ } else if nodeEnd > end {
+ end = nodeEnd
+ }
+ lineNodes[lineno] = append(lineNodes[lineno], n)
+ }
+ var src nodes
+ buf := bufio.NewReader(f)
+ lineno := 1
+ for {
+ line, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if line == "" || err != io.EOF {
+ return nil, file, err
+ }
+ }
+ if lineno >= start {
+ flat, cum := sumNodes(lineNodes[lineno])
+ src = append(src, &node{
+ info: nodeInfo{
+ name: strings.TrimRight(line, "\n"),
+ lineno: lineno,
+ },
+ flat: flat,
+ cum: cum,
+ })
+ }
+ lineno++
+ if lineno > end {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return src, file, nil
+// getMissingFunctionSource creates a dummy function body to point to
+// the source file and annotates it with the samples in asm.
+func getMissingFunctionSource(filename string, asm map[int]nodes, start, end int) (nodes, string) {
+ var fnodes nodes
+ for i := start; i <= end; i++ {
+ lrs := asm[i]
+ if len(lrs) == 0 {
+ continue
+ }
+ flat, cum := sumNodes(lrs)
+ fnodes = append(fnodes, &node{
+ info: nodeInfo{
+ name: "???",
+ lineno: i,
+ },
+ flat: flat,
+ cum: cum,
+ })
+ }
+ return fnodes, filename
+// adjustSourcePath adjusts the pathe for a source file by trimmming
+// known prefixes and searching for the file on all parents of the
+// current working dir.
+func adjustSourcePath(path string) (*os.File, string, error) {
+ path = trimPath(path)
+ f, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err == nil {
+ return f, path, nil
+ }
+ if dir, wderr := os.Getwd(); wderr == nil {
+ for {
+ parent := filepath.Dir(dir)
+ if parent == dir {
+ break
+ }
+ if f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(parent, path)); err == nil {
+ return f, filepath.Join(parent, path), nil
+ }
+ dir = parent
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, path, err
+// trimPath cleans up a path by removing prefixes that are commonly
+// found on profiles.
+func trimPath(path string) string {
+ basePaths := []string{
+ "/proc/self/cwd/./",
+ "/proc/self/cwd/",
+ }
+ sPath := filepath.ToSlash(path)
+ for _, base := range basePaths {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(sPath, base) {
+ return filepath.FromSlash(sPath[len(base):])
+ }
+ }
+ return path
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source_html.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source_html.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..267fabdc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/report/source_html.go
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package report
+const weblistPageHeader = `
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<title>Pprof listing</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+body {
+font-family: sans-serif;
+h1 {
+ font-size: 1.5em;
+ margin-bottom: 4px;
+.legend {
+ font-size: 1.25em;
+.line {
+color: #aaaaaa;
+.nop {
+color: #aaaaaa;
+.unimportant {
+color: #cccccc;
+.disasmloc {
+color: #000000;
+.deadsrc {
+cursor: pointer;
+.deadsrc:hover {
+background-color: #eeeeee;
+.livesrc {
+color: #0000ff;
+cursor: pointer;
+.livesrc:hover {
+background-color: #eeeeee;
+.asm {
+color: #008800;
+display: none;
+<script type="text/javascript">
+function pprof_toggle_asm(e) {
+ var target;
+ if (!e) e = window.event;
+ if ( target =;
+ else if (e.srcElement) target = e.srcElement;
+ if (target) {
+ var asm = target.nextSibling;
+ if (asm && asm.className == "asm") {
+ = ( == "block" ? "" : "block");
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+const weblistPageClosing = `
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/svg/svg.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/svg/svg.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa65a1a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/svg/svg.go
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package svg provides tools related to handling of SVG files
+package svg
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+var (
+ viewBox = regexp.MustCompile(`<svg\s*width="[^"]+"\s*height="[^"]+"\s*viewBox="[^"]+"`)
+ graphId = regexp.MustCompile(`<g id="graph\d"`)
+ svgClose = regexp.MustCompile(`</svg>`)
+// Massage enhances the SVG output from DOT to provide bettern
+// panning inside a web browser. It uses the SVGPan library, which is
+// accessed through the svgPan URL.
+func Massage(in bytes.Buffer, svgPan string) string {
+ svg := string(in.Bytes())
+ // Work around for dot bug which misses quoting some ampersands,
+ // resulting on unparsable SVG.
+ svg = strings.Replace(svg, "&;", "&amp;;", -1)
+ if svgPan == "" {
+ return svg
+ }
+ //Dot's SVG output is
+ //
+ // <svg width="___" height="___"
+ // viewBox="___" xmlns=...>
+ // <g id="graph0" transform="...">
+ // ...
+ // </g>
+ // </svg>
+ //
+ // Change it to
+ //
+ // <svg width="100%" height="100%"
+ // xmlns=...>
+ // <script xlink:href=" ...$svgpan.. "/>
+ // <g id="viewport" transform="translate(0,0)">
+ // <g id="graph0" transform="...">
+ // ...
+ // </g>
+ // </g>
+ // </svg>
+ if loc := viewBox.FindStringIndex(svg); loc != nil {
+ svg = svg[:loc[0]] +
+ `<svg width="100%" height="100%"` +
+ svg[loc[1]:]
+ }
+ if loc := graphId.FindStringIndex(svg); loc != nil {
+ svg = svg[:loc[0]] +
+ `<script xlink:href="` + svgPan + `"/>` +
+ `<g id="viewport" transform="scale(0.5,0.5) translate(0,0)">` +
+ svg[loc[0]:]
+ }
+ if loc := svgClose.FindStringIndex(svg); loc != nil {
+ svg = svg[:loc[0]] +
+ `</g>` +
+ svg[loc[0]:]
+ }
+ return svg
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer/symbolizer.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer/symbolizer.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86de5640d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer/symbolizer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package symbolizer provides a routine to populate a profile with
+// symbol, file and line number information. It relies on the
+// addr2liner and demangler packages to do the actual work.
+package symbolizer
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+// Symbolize adds symbol and line number information to all locations
+// in a profile. mode enables some options to control
+// symbolization. Currently only recognizes "force", which causes it
+// to overwrite any existing data.
+func Symbolize(mode string, prof *profile.Profile, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) error {
+ force := false
+ // Disable some mechanisms based on mode string.
+ for _, o := range strings.Split(strings.ToLower(mode), ":") {
+ switch o {
+ case "force":
+ force = true
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ if len(prof.Mapping) == 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("no known mappings")
+ }
+ mt, err := newMapping(prof, obj, ui, force)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer mt.close()
+ functions := make(map[profile.Function]*profile.Function)
+ for _, l := range {
+ m := l.Mapping
+ segment := mt.segments[m]
+ if segment == nil {
+ // Nothing to do
+ continue
+ }
+ stack, err := segment.SourceLine(l.Address)
+ if err != nil || len(stack) == 0 {
+ // No answers from addr2line
+ continue
+ }
+ l.Line = make([]profile.Line, len(stack))
+ for i, frame := range stack {
+ if frame.Func != "" {
+ m.HasFunctions = true
+ }
+ if frame.File != "" {
+ m.HasFilenames = true
+ }
+ if frame.Line != 0 {
+ m.HasLineNumbers = true
+ }
+ f := &profile.Function{
+ Name: frame.Func,
+ SystemName: frame.Func,
+ Filename: frame.File,
+ }
+ if fp := functions[*f]; fp != nil {
+ f = fp
+ } else {
+ functions[*f] = f
+ f.ID = uint64(len( + 1
+ = append(, f)
+ }
+ l.Line[i] = profile.Line{
+ Function: f,
+ Line: int64(frame.Line),
+ }
+ }
+ if len(stack) > 0 {
+ m.HasInlineFrames = true
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// newMapping creates a mappingTable for a profile.
+func newMapping(prof *profile.Profile, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI, force bool) (*mappingTable, error) {
+ mt := &mappingTable{
+ prof: prof,
+ segments: make(map[*profile.Mapping]plugin.ObjFile),
+ }
+ // Identify used mappings
+ mappings := make(map[*profile.Mapping]bool)
+ for _, l := range prof.Location {
+ mappings[l.Mapping] = true
+ }
+ for _, m := range prof.Mapping {
+ if !mappings[m] {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Do not attempt to re-symbolize a mapping that has already been symbolized.
+ if !force && (m.HasFunctions || m.HasFilenames || m.HasLineNumbers) {
+ continue
+ }
+ f, err := locateFile(obj, m.File, m.BuildID, m.Start)
+ if err != nil {
+ ui.PrintErr("Local symbolization failed for ", filepath.Base(m.File), ": ", err)
+ // Move on to other mappings
+ continue
+ }
+ if fid := f.BuildID(); m.BuildID != "" && fid != "" && fid != m.BuildID {
+ // Build ID mismatch - ignore.
+ f.Close()
+ continue
+ }
+ mt.segments[m] = f
+ }
+ return mt, nil
+// locateFile opens a local file for symbolization on the search path
+// at $PPROF_BINARY_PATH. Looks inside these directories for files
+// named $BUILDID/$BASENAME and $BASENAME (if build id is available).
+func locateFile(obj plugin.ObjTool, file, buildID string, start uint64) (plugin.ObjFile, error) {
+ // Construct search path to examine
+ searchPath := os.Getenv("PPROF_BINARY_PATH")
+ if searchPath == "" {
+ // Use $HOME/pprof/binaries as default directory for local symbolization binaries
+ searchPath = filepath.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "pprof", "binaries")
+ }
+ // Collect names to search: {buildid/basename, basename}
+ var fileNames []string
+ if baseName := filepath.Base(file); buildID != "" {
+ fileNames = []string{filepath.Join(buildID, baseName), baseName}
+ } else {
+ fileNames = []string{baseName}
+ }
+ for _, path := range filepath.SplitList(searchPath) {
+ for nameIndex, name := range fileNames {
+ file := filepath.Join(path, name)
+ if f, err := obj.Open(file, start); err == nil {
+ fileBuildID := f.BuildID()
+ if buildID == "" || buildID == fileBuildID {
+ return f, nil
+ }
+ f.Close()
+ if nameIndex == 0 {
+ // If this is the first name, the path includes the build id. Report inconsistency.
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("found file %s with inconsistent build id %s", file, fileBuildID)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Try original file name
+ f, err := obj.Open(file, start)
+ if err == nil && buildID != "" {
+ if fileBuildID := f.BuildID(); fileBuildID != "" && fileBuildID != buildID {
+ // Mismatched build IDs, ignore
+ f.Close()
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("mismatched build ids %s != %s", fileBuildID, buildID)
+ }
+ }
+ return f, err
+// mappingTable contains the mechanisms for symbolization of a
+// profile.
+type mappingTable struct {
+ prof *profile.Profile
+ segments map[*profile.Mapping]plugin.ObjFile
+// Close releases any external processes being used for the mapping.
+func (mt *mappingTable) close() {
+ for _, segment := range mt.segments {
+ segment.Close()
+ }
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz/symbolz.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz/symbolz.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c81e52220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz/symbolz.go
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package symbolz symbolizes a profile using the output from the symbolz
+// service.
+package symbolz
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/url"
+ "regexp"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+var (
+ symbolzRE = regexp.MustCompile(`(0x[[:xdigit:]]+)\s+(.*)`)
+// Symbolize symbolizes profile p by parsing data returned by a
+// symbolz handler. syms receives the symbolz query (hex addresses
+// separated by '+') and returns the symbolz output in a string. It
+// symbolizes all locations based on their addresses, regardless of
+// mapping.
+func Symbolize(source string, syms func(string, string) ([]byte, error), p *profile.Profile) error {
+ if source = symbolz(source, p); source == "" {
+ // If the source is not a recognizable URL, do nothing.
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Construct query of addresses to symbolize.
+ var a []string
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if l.Address != 0 && len(l.Line) == 0 {
+ a = append(a, fmt.Sprintf("%#x", l.Address))
+ }
+ }
+ if len(a) == 0 {
+ // No addresses to symbolize.
+ return nil
+ }
+ lines := make(map[uint64]profile.Line)
+ functions := make(map[string]*profile.Function)
+ if b, err := syms(source, strings.Join(a, "+")); err == nil {
+ buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b)
+ for {
+ l, err := buf.ReadString('\n')
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ break
+ }
+ return err
+ }
+ if symbol := symbolzRE.FindStringSubmatch(l); len(symbol) == 3 {
+ addr, err := strconv.ParseUint(symbol[1], 0, 64)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("unexpected parse failure %s: %v", symbol[1], err)
+ }
+ name := symbol[2]
+ fn := functions[name]
+ if fn == nil {
+ fn = &profile.Function{
+ ID: uint64(len(p.Function) + 1),
+ Name: name,
+ SystemName: name,
+ }
+ functions[name] = fn
+ p.Function = append(p.Function, fn)
+ }
+ lines[addr] = profile.Line{Function: fn}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, l := range p.Location {
+ if line, ok := lines[l.Address]; ok {
+ l.Line = []profile.Line{line}
+ if l.Mapping != nil {
+ l.Mapping.HasFunctions = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// symbolz returns the corresponding symbolz source for a profile URL.
+func symbolz(source string, p *profile.Profile) string {
+ if url, err := url.Parse(source); err == nil && url.Host != "" {
+ if last := strings.LastIndex(url.Path, "/"); last != -1 {
+ if strings.HasSuffix(url.Path[:last], "pprof") {
+ url.Path = url.Path[:last] + "/symbol"
+ } else {
+ url.Path = url.Path[:last] + "/symbolz"
+ }
+ return url.String()
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile/tempfile.go b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile/tempfile.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31c117690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/internal/tempfile/tempfile.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package tempfile provides tools to create and delete temporary files
+package tempfile
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "sync"
+// New returns an unused filename for output files.
+func New(dir, prefix, suffix string) (*os.File, error) {
+ for index := 1; index < 10000; index++ {
+ path := filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("%s%03d%s", prefix, index, suffix))
+ if _, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
+ return os.Create(path)
+ }
+ }
+ // Give up
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not create file of the form %s%03d%s", prefix, 1, suffix)
+var tempFiles []string
+var tempFilesMu = sync.Mutex{}
+// DeferDelete marks a file to be deleted by next call to Cleanup()
+func DeferDelete(path string) {
+ tempFilesMu.Lock()
+ tempFiles = append(tempFiles, path)
+ tempFilesMu.Unlock()
+// Cleanup removes any temporary files selected for deferred cleaning.
+func Cleanup() {
+ tempFilesMu.Lock()
+ for _, f := range tempFiles {
+ os.Remove(f)
+ }
+ tempFiles = nil
+ tempFilesMu.Unlock()
diff --git a/src/cmd/pprof/pprof.go b/src/cmd/pprof/pprof.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44f4f6cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cmd/pprof/pprof.go
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package main
+import (
+ "debug/gosym"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "sync"
+ "cmd/internal/objfile"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/commands"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/driver"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/fetch"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/plugin"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/profile"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/symbolizer"
+ "cmd/pprof/internal/symbolz"
+func main() {
+ var extraCommands map[string]*commands.Command // no added Go-specific commands
+ if err := driver.PProf(flags{}, fetch.Fetcher, symbolize, new(objTool), plugin.StandardUI(), extraCommands); err != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
+ }
+// symbolize attempts to symbolize profile p.
+// If the source is a local binary, it tries using symbolizer and obj.
+// If the source is a URL, it fetches symbol information using symbolz.
+func symbolize(mode, source string, p *profile.Profile, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) error {
+ remote, local := true, true
+ for _, o := range strings.Split(strings.ToLower(mode), ":") {
+ switch o {
+ case "none", "no":
+ return nil
+ case "local":
+ remote, local = false, true
+ case "remote":
+ remote, local = true, false
+ default:
+ ui.PrintErr("ignoring unrecognized symbolization option: " + mode)
+ ui.PrintErr("expecting -symbolize=[local|remote|none][:force]")
+ fallthrough
+ case "", "force":
+ // Ignore these options, -force is recognized by symbolizer.Symbolize
+ }
+ }
+ var err error
+ if local {
+ // Symbolize using binutils.
+ if err = symbolizer.Symbolize(mode, p, obj, ui); err == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ if remote {
+ err = symbolz.Symbolize(source, fetch.PostURL, p)
+ }
+ return err
+// flags implements the driver.FlagPackage interface using the builtin flag package.
+type flags struct {
+func (flags) Bool(o string, d bool, c string) *bool {
+ return flag.Bool(o, d, c)
+func (flags) Int(o string, d int, c string) *int {
+ return flag.Int(o, d, c)
+func (flags) Float64(o string, d float64, c string) *float64 {
+ return flag.Float64(o, d, c)
+func (flags) String(o, d, c string) *string {
+ return flag.String(o, d, c)
+func (flags) Parse(usage func()) []string {
+ flag.Usage = usage
+ flag.Parse()
+ args := flag.Args()
+ if len(args) == 0 {
+ usage()
+ }
+ return args
+func (flags) ExtraUsage() string {
+ return ""
+// objTool implements plugin.ObjTool using Go libraries
+// (instead of invoking GNU binutils).
+type objTool struct {
+ mu sync.Mutex
+ disasmCache map[string]*objfile.Disasm
+func (*objTool) Open(name string, start uint64) (plugin.ObjFile, error) {
+ of, err := objfile.Open(name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ f := &file{
+ name: name,
+ file: of,
+ }
+ return f, nil
+func (*objTool) Demangle(names []string) (map[string]string, error) {
+ // No C++, nothing to demangle.
+ return make(map[string]string), nil
+func (t *objTool) Disasm(file string, start, end uint64) ([]plugin.Inst, error) {
+ d, err := t.cachedDisasm(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var asm []plugin.Inst
+ d.Decode(start, end, func(pc, size uint64, file string, line int, text string) {
+ asm = append(asm, plugin.Inst{Addr: pc, File: file, Line: line, Text: text})
+ })
+ return asm, nil
+func (t *objTool) cachedDisasm(file string) (*objfile.Disasm, error) {
+ defer
+ if t.disasmCache == nil {
+ t.disasmCache = make(map[string]*objfile.Disasm)
+ }
+ d := t.disasmCache[file]
+ if d != nil {
+ return d, nil
+ }
+ f, err := objfile.Open(file)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ d, err = f.Disasm()
+ f.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ t.disasmCache[file] = d
+ return d, nil
+func (*objTool) SetConfig(config string) {
+ // config is usually used to say what binaries to invoke.
+ // Ignore entirely.
+// file implements plugin.ObjFile using Go libraries
+// (instead of invoking GNU binutils).
+// A file represents a single executable being analyzed.
+type file struct {
+ name string
+ sym []objfile.Sym
+ file *objfile.File
+ pcln *gosym.Table
+func (f *file) Name() string {
+ return
+func (f *file) Base() uint64 {
+ // No support for shared libraries.
+ return 0
+func (f *file) BuildID() string {
+ // No support for build ID.
+ return ""
+func (f *file) SourceLine(addr uint64) ([]plugin.Frame, error) {
+ if f.pcln == nil {
+ pcln, err := f.file.PCLineTable()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ f.pcln = pcln
+ }
+ file, line, fn := f.pcln.PCToLine(addr)
+ if fn == nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("no line information for PC=%#x", addr)
+ }
+ frame := []plugin.Frame{
+ {
+ Func: fn.Name,
+ File: file,
+ Line: line,
+ },
+ }
+ return frame, nil
+func (f *file) Symbols(r *regexp.Regexp, addr uint64) ([]*plugin.Sym, error) {
+ if f.sym == nil {
+ sym, err := f.file.Symbols()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ f.sym = sym
+ }
+ var out []*plugin.Sym
+ for _, s := range f.sym {
+ if (r == nil || r.MatchString(s.Name)) && (addr == 0 || s.Addr <= addr && addr < s.Addr+uint64(s.Size)) {
+ out = append(out, &plugin.Sym{
+ Name: []string{s.Name},
+ File:,
+ Start: s.Addr,
+ End: s.Addr + uint64(s.Size) - 1,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return out, nil
+func (f *file) Close() error {
+ f.file.Close()
+ return nil